Apology to the community

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Apology to the community Empty Apology to the community

Post by squidofsymphony 17.05.13 19:26

Em hotep.

I'd like to apologize for my ignorance and arrogance posted earlier on these forums soon after I registered. I can't remember exactly what I posted or where I posted it but I get the feeling it's something I should be embarrassed about and hope that either no-one remembers it or it's been lost somehow. I think it was sometime around sonofisis's little outburst and I sincerely apologize for adding fuel to the flame.

Thank you.

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Registration date : 2012-07-11

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Apology to the community Empty Re: Apology to the community

Post by GrandOrder 17.05.13 19:33

Hello Mate dont worry about it things happen best to just move forward

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Apology to the community Empty Re: Apology to the community

Post by Jonathan 18.05.13 2:35

Don't worry about it we all do mistakes and the fact that you're out there recognizing them and apologizing says a lot on growth. That's what evolution is all about. Hope to see you more around the threads and sharing your opinion. Peace to you.

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Apology to the community Empty Re: Apology to the community

Post by Syrianeh 31.05.13 3:14

Hello, Squid. I don't think you needed to apologise, but it's a nice gesture all the same.

I'm glad to see you back here again. I sense an intense, open and intelligent disposition in you, and that is a ripe ground for growth and evolution, as Jonathan already mentioned.

I wish you the best in your journey.

Number of posts : 708
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Registration date : 2008-09-16

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