Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card)

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Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card) - Page 3 Empty Re: Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card)

Post by Kalb 12.02.14 13:14

Em Hotep,

Last days I saw a documentary (The Eye of Horus), very interesting about the cosmic cycle and the functioning of the 12 zodiacal eras shared by the egyptologist R. A. Schwaller. According to him, the person to have a complete cycle life will have to reincarnate in each sign, ie, have to live at least 12 times to complete its first cycle of evolution. Through this thought came to me an interesting question to exposing it here. The circle of the zodiac is divided into 12 houses, each with their signs, represented as constellations of stars, and their respective planets to which they belong. Each group of three signs corresponds to an element, so the element Earth belong Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, the element Fire Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, the Air element is owned by Gemini, Libra and Aquarius and belong to the Water element Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Thus we have the following information:

Element: Water
Keywords: Emotion, empathy, sensitivity
Signs:Cancer; Scorpio; Pisces

Do you think that the Lineage of Guardians only born in those months where these three signs influenced by the Zodiac? Or do you think this has nothing to do? Do you think that every child born of a randomly in each sign? Or every birth has its function in the zodiac?

Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card) - Page 3 TExt

In Asetianism, the Zodiac is represented by the Goddess Maat. and out of curiosity I decided to see how it would be in a Kabbalistic point of view. As we know, the Left Path of the Tree is represented by the Guardians, the Middle by Serpents and Scarabs by Right Path, when I use the Tarot to find the card that are connected to each sign I see that each one represents a different Pillar, the element Water is present in all three pillars. Fixing the sign Cancer, which is represented by the car, where the number is 7. Another detail I noticed is that there is no path that connect Tipareth to Geburath, so out of curiosity, I decided to add up all the numbers found in the study, the number of each letter, plus the number of each Sephiroth:

Binah = 3 ; Geburath = 5 : The Chariot = 7 = 6
Tiphareth = 6 ; Netzach = 7 ; The Death = 13 = 8
Netzach = 7 ; Malkuth = 10 ; The Moon = 18 = 8

8+8+6= 22. Interesting to me, bacause in Sefer Yetzirah, is written: "The 22º path is called Faithful Consciousness", and this path is represented by the card 8 ... The Adjustment. The card(path) that connect Tiphareth to Geburah.

What do you think of this? (Same to others Lineages).

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Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card) - Page 3 Empty Re: Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card)

Post by Maxx 12.02.14 15:54

I just wanted to comment and say I know nothing about the charting of such details so I have just begun looking at all this.....it could be a study for an entire life....but the first thing I saw was that one needs to develop a connection into the spirit world to acquire intuition and a metaphysical ability to understand in full what is actually taking place.  The two coupled together, drawing and charting to understand things, as well as a way to understand the spirit world contacts and understand their metaphysical communication with this, would certainly be a requirement for success with these matters.  This would certainly take more than just mental knowledge learned in classroom setting.

I know you have enough focus and a questioning mental state to be a success with this, kalb.  I look forward to your answers you arrive at.

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Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card) - Page 3 Empty Re: Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card)

Post by Kalb 13.02.14 1:30

Good observation, Maxx.  Smile 

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Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card) - Page 3 Empty Re: Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card)

Post by Kalb 14.02.14 4:40

Dion Fortune - Applied Magick wrote:Sundry Notes on Astrology
1. The Zodiac comes under the influence of the (12) Cosmic Rays, and the true Zodiacal influence upon the human being dates not from that operating at the moment of the birth-date of his present incarnation but from the Cosmic 'groupings' in action at the time when the Divine Spark coming down the planes (see 'Cosmic Doctrine') was impressed with some special Zodiacal force This force, if truly discerned, would be apparent in the astrological positions of each incarnation—also it would be possible to make of the individual influences at work on the Spirit a calculation somewhat analogous to that of the Precession of the Equinoxes at work on the Sun; the subject is difficult and calls for expert and specialized knowledge Each Divine Spark is respectively influenced by one of the twelve great Concepts of Truth' which are behind the twelve Great Rays. This is the real fundamental astrology which covers an evolution. The working of the Lesser Zodiac during one incarnation is trivial by comparison, though its understanding can be very helpful. 2. The Zodiac is not so much an imaginary belt as 'zones' or 'rays' of influence touching the Earth at certain seasons. It is best considered in sets of four constellations. The three modes of force—Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable—refer to the three Rays of Life; there are three sets of these balanced with the Three Rays of Destruction. Each Zodiacal mode is aligned with one of these Rays of Life The Rays of Life and the Zodicacal Signs equated with them vary with each evolution: the Four Holy Creatures of the present evolution did not rank as such before this evolution—despite the influences they shed. In the next evolution the four 'Mutable' Signs will be 'holy! The Signs of the Zodiac are the mystical basis of the Cosmos.
3. The sun's passage through the Zodiac resembles the 'gathering of the limbs of Osiris', that is to say the building into the Individuality of the experiences gained fro  the various incarnations. These may be considered in one way as 'types of evolution' on the Path. Arthur's knights, the Twelve Apostles, and similar groupings may be thought of as allegorical figures in this way as well as historical facts in some instances. If we regard the Sun-power in the horoscope as having the four aspect of horizon, zenith, sunset, and nadir, and as acting through not only the solar Sign itself and that on the ascendant but also through whatever Sign or Planet is on the cusp of the 10th, 7th, and 4th Houses respectively, we find that this is reflected in the initiate's horoscope by the four great Egyptian aspects—Ra, Osiris, Turn, Khepra. The Sun itself is a reflection  of Sirius; Venus eventually is transcended in Sothis (Sirius) the home of Isis.
4. Evolutionary changes are already beginning in the Cosmic spheres. Towards the end of an Evolution (covering a vast expanse of time) form  itself begins to alter—as happened at the end of the Atlantean Age At such a time great Cosmic Beings take over from those previously in charge and the 'outer' conditions of earth and man begin to change, largely because of 'rays' or 'influences' from distant stellar forces coming into

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Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card) - Page 3 Empty Re: Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card)

Post by Kalb 18.06.14 8:49

Kalb wrote:
Sunday =  Ka ~  (Tarot Card:The Sun)
Monday =  Ib ~ (Tarot Card: High Priestess)
Tuesday =  Khepri ~ (Tarot Card: Tower)
Wednesday =  Ankh ~ (Tarot Card: Ankh)
Thursday =  Was ~ (Tarot Card: Fortune)
Friday  =  Tiet ~ (Tarot Card: Empress)
Saturday =  Ba ~ (Tarot Card: Universe)

Rose Cross Back

Tower = Khepri
Sun = Ka
Magus = Ankh
Empress = Tiet
High Priestess = Ib
Universe = Ba
Fortune = Was

I found one detail that I find very interesting. As we know the 7 Asetians Pillars are deep and complex in their understanding due to its complexity. A few days ago I researched about the 72 names of God/72 powers of God and this led me to the Asetian Pillars. If you followed this thread from the beginning you will notice in my connection to the rose cross, where I connected the 7 Asetians Pillars with the 7 planets + 7 days of the week. We know that beneath the abyss there are 7 Sephiroth, and they are connected with the pillars, but the point that called me more was the connection with the Tarot.

Tower = XVI
Sun = XIX
Magus = I
Empress = III
High Priestess = II
Universe = XXI
Fortune = X

16 + 19 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 21 + 10 = 72. Do you think that the 7 Pillars are connected with the 72 names of God? Don't forget that according to legend Aset is the goddess of 1001 names.

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Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card) - Page 3 Empty Re: Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card)

Post by Kalb 11.11.14 4:52

As we know and said before here Horus is represented by the Shen hieroglyph above his Crown, representing his spiritual enlightenment and his inborn divine connection. On the left side of the tree, we have Beth that unites the Sephiroth Kether & Binah. The meaning of Beth is House: The House of Horus as said before too. Now.. In the right side of the tree we have Aleph that unites Kether & Chokmah. Represented by the letter The Fool and mathematically is the number zero.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/0_(number) wrote:Ancient Egyptian numerals were base 10. They used hieroglyphs for the digits and were not positional. By 1740 BCE, the Egyptians had a symbol for zero in accounting texts. The symbol nfr, meaning beautiful, was also used to indicate the base level in drawings of tombs and pyramids and distances were measured relative to the base line as being above or below this line

It's an interesting detail that on the left side of the tree we have the House of Horus and on the other side we have the actual name of the House: Nefer. Both connected with Kether, the First Asetian. Faraoh

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Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card) - Page 3 Empty Re: Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card)

Post by Victor 11.11.14 12:17

Kalb wrote:As we know and said before here Horus is represented by the Shen hieroglyph above his Crown, representing his spiritual enlightenment and his inborn divine connection. On the left side of the tree, we have Beth that unites the Sephiroth Kether & Binah. The meaning of Beth is House: The House of Horus as said before too. Now.. In the right side of the tree we have Aleph that unites Kether & Chokmah. Represented by the letter The Fool and mathematically is the number zero.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/0_(number) wrote:Ancient Egyptian numerals were base 10. They used hieroglyphs for the digits and were not positional. By 1740 BCE, the Egyptians had a symbol for zero in accounting texts. The symbol nfr, meaning beautiful, was also used to indicate the base level in drawings of tombs and pyramids and distances were measured relative to the base line as being above or below this line

It's an interesting detail that on the left side of the tree we have the House of Horus and on the other side we have the actual name of the House: Nefer. Both connected with Kether, the First Asetian. Faraoh

I would say you're getting pretty close, Kalb. Kether is the embodiment of the Primordial Asetians, beneath the mantle of the illusive Ain Soph: Aset. Together they form the divine House of Nefer, better known as Aset Ka.

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Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card) - Page 3 Empty Re: Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card)

Post by Stapleraindrop 11.11.14 16:05

Also, I found for looking into the astrology for this kind of thing; Hebrew gematria is extremely useful. In my case, I was born on 06.02, 6 and 2 connect with the Heirophant and Magus according to gematria. I find that both of those cards show themselves quite often in readings, and have taught me a lot about the Kabbalah.

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Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card) - Page 3 Empty Re: Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card)

Post by Kalb 17.11.14 4:53

Nice tip, Victor. Very Happy Thank you.

I think with this detail, there is no doubt that Kabbalah really came out of ancient Egypt, and not something that was created by the Hebrews. Seems clear to me that the origins belong to the Asetian culture.

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Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card) - Page 3 Empty Re: Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card)

Post by Stapleraindrop 17.11.14 11:48

I thought that much was obvious. It doesn't mean that particular system is worthless.

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Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card) - Page 3 Empty Re: Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card)

Post by Kalb 17.11.14 14:11

I agree, but we need explore to understand. It's easy tell someone that Kabbalah comes from Ancient Egypt.. But.. Give me examples of prove that confirm the theory. This is my point. We need explore and understand things. Not only read.

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Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card) - Page 3 Empty Re: Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card)

Post by Pyrene 17.11.14 18:33

Hello Kalb,

I love your discoveries. I think you're about to find something great.
However, there is a clue in the books that may be of some help.

Notice that in Luis Marques' books there seems to be a specific order of the Asetian Pillars, which is:

Ankh – Khepri – Ka – Tiet – Was – Ba – Ib
(Asetian Bible pp. 29-35; Book of Orion pg. 41)

Have you thought about this? I still wasn't able to crack this riddle, but maybe it could help you. Page 91 in the Book of Orion may also be useful (?). Please share any insight you have! Wink

Warm regards,


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Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card) - Page 3 Empty Re: Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card)

Post by Stapleraindrop 17.11.14 23:36

Beth, Gimel, Daleth, Koph, Pe, Resh, Tav but I may be wrong as hell.

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Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card) - Page 3 Empty Re: Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card)

Post by Kalb 18.11.14 6:10

I believe that this detail is explained in the Book of Giza, where the mental and spiritual organization of Asetianism is transmitted by Death, Life and Rebirth. Because the meaning of immortality is in the Duat, "The awakening to immortality". Human life itself is don't has a great significance to the Asetians, the whole essence is in the world of the dead. Hence the first representation, the symbol of their existence.

With this detail, I was able to understand with greater understanding the myth of Orpheus and the initiation of immortality. The Orpheus thought that death was more attractive than life, but it was forbidden in their culture to Suicide. The main attractions of them was always join the world of dead and live in it.

According to them, "all God must die and be reborn, descend into hell to become divine". Which automatically takes me to the Asetian Manifesto.

To become an Asetian is to die and be reborn.

The descend into hell, is the awakening to immortality. A similarity extremely closely linked to Asetianism. Especially, when the biggest success of Orpheus was the myth of the descent into hell. I can't tell exactly the correct order of the 7 Pillars, but surely, throughout history we find myths that suit our needs for interpretation.

What do you think?

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Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card) - Page 3 Empty Re: Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card)

Post by Maxx 18.11.14 19:57

This has a large bit of info declaring that much of what the Hebrews developed came from the Egyptians.


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Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card) - Page 3 Empty Re: Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card)

Post by Kalb 19.11.14 12:31

OK, I will see the video. There are facts that Kabbalah cames from Egypt. The point that I focus on what we know is that the Ancient Egyptians were divided into some Families. What I said above is that it seems to me that the genuine Kabbalah was developed by Asetian Elders. At least, its origin.

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Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card) - Page 3 Empty Re: Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card)

Post by Maxx 19.11.14 13:05

My thinking is this:  the most important part of all this is how you view it at the time you use it and the importance you attach to the process.  Your degree of belief is the main thing.  Whether how the kabbalah was constructed or where it came from is only a minor conversation piece when one gets desired results when it is used.

For instance, a gun manufacturer assembles a shotgun.  He uses it during the hunting season and bags a few birds.  Later he sells it to a friend and that friend uses it in the next hunting season and bags his limit of game.  Both obtained the results they sought with the weapon.  Same illustration to make it easy.

I have always said a telephone book can be used as a grimoire if one knows how to use it for that purpose.

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Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card) - Page 3 Empty Re: Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card)

Post by Soop 15.08.16 10:44

Em hotep

I would like to present my thoughts about the correspondencies of the sacred pillars and a few observations i made, i would appreciate your participation and guidance to know if there is some truth in what i am about to show or if i am completely wrong. Smile

First of all, im going to start sharing my interpretation of the sentence:

"May the Serpent kiss the infinite of Her cold beauty"

It is known by many that one of the reasons of the releasing of the AB was to find lost and scattered asetians, and my own interpretation of this sentence is that it is a call for the Serpent to awake.
If we analyze it we find the word beauty, which is associated with the sephirah of Tiphareth, a conection with the higher self. We also find the word infinite (as well as eternity and everlastingness), which could be linked with the concept of immortality. Thus would it be possible to understand it as a subtle call to touch the fabric of the Serpent's soul, to connect with the higher self, that would result in an awakening to self conciousness, an awakening to immortality may be? There is even another detail that i consider interesting to mention, and it is that this sentence is found the first one in the Sebayt of Khufu, the awakening to immortality, would it be just coincidence?
For all those reasons i consider Tiphareth to be equivalent to the Ankh pillar, although i may be wrong.
The rest of the sephiroth and its correspondencies are mostly based on my intuition and i am currently studying to get more insight of them.

Tiphareth: Ankh
Geburah: Khepri
Chesed: Ib
Yesod: Tiet
Hod: Ba
Netzach: Ka
Malkuth: Was

I look forward to your responses Smile

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Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card) - Page 3 Empty Re: Different perspective of Rose Cross. (Back of Each card)

Post by Heruset 16.08.16 20:50

Soop, I like your correspondences. I have yet to figure out which sephiroth are controlled by which keys, but looking at yours, they seem reasonable.

Tiphareth is the reflection of Kether via Daath, so the Ankh as the key here is seemingly fitting when you look at Keter as the Crown Shen and notice that Marques associates the Crown with the Ankh in the AB. Geburah is destructive, but in a creative way, transformational, like Khepri. The Blood of Aset can certainly be related to Sexual energy and the Sacral shen...

Some of these are loose associations, some can be more clearly associated. I'd like to hear other opinions as this thread is old and you are one of the most recent commenters... Smile

When I get to this myself I will gladly share my findings!


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