Third Eye Shen

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Third Eye Shen Empty Third Eye Shen

Post by Matttt 04.01.14 16:36

I've been working with awakening my third eye for a few days. After day two I began to have pretty severe head aches and this is day seven and I am having nose bleeds. Is this common or should I be worried?

Number of posts : 123
Age : 28
Location : United States
Registration date : 2013-12-31

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Third Eye Shen Empty Re: Third Eye Shen

Post by Divine 277 05.01.14 8:31

I would take it a bit easy .... is your forehead warmer then usual? ... if so, its over active and you should take a break ...... you can try to push the energy up and out true your crown ... ( easier to push up then down, at least for me )

If its forced open this can happen.. as you will drag energy in true the 3 eye and then again get it overstimulated ... leaves the energy stagnated in the 3 eye .. makes pain and head aches, so move the energy ....
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Third Eye Shen Empty Re: Third Eye Shen

Post by Matttt 05.01.14 14:39

It has been warmer and a lot of tension that I've never had, however on the other hand, I've had very vivid dreams the last two nights when I normally never have memorable dreams.

Number of posts : 123
Age : 28
Location : United States
Registration date : 2013-12-31

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Third Eye Shen Empty Re: Third Eye Shen

Post by Troublemaker 05.01.14 22:03

I've recently tried awakening my third eye and have been experiencing a cool, tingling sensation right between my eyebrows. I've also been getting headaches constantly, and it's almost like I can feel the energies of people around me. For example, being close to people in public puts me in a random, extremely irritable mood.
So I think I can understand what you are going through. Smile

Number of posts : 1629
Location : USA
Registration date : 2013-12-18

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Third Eye Shen Empty Re: Third Eye Shen

Post by Matttt 05.01.14 22:14

I have noticed that my mood has started reflecting the mood of others I am around when normally I haven't been affected by it.

Number of posts : 123
Age : 28
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Registration date : 2013-12-31

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Third Eye Shen Empty Re: Third Eye Shen

Post by Troublemaker 05.01.14 22:23

I don't think my mood reflects the mood of others... rather, when I'm in public and in a close proximity to people, I feel too much energy coming from them. I don't know what to make of the energy or how to ground myself, so it gets to be overwhelming. At least, this is my own experience with it.

Number of posts : 1629
Location : USA
Registration date : 2013-12-18

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Third Eye Shen Empty Re: Third Eye Shen

Post by Matttt 05.01.14 22:25

I've actually been that way my entire life. Huge crowds always made me feel dizzy and overwhelmed. Especially funerals and church services. So much energy in both events.

Number of posts : 123
Age : 28
Location : United States
Registration date : 2013-12-31

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