Strange encounter

Divine 277
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Strange encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: Strange encounter

Post by Divine 277 21.02.14 12:56

Maxx wrote:.

Also, there is much ancient history even prior to Atlantis as this was just a continuation of the ruling Gods helping human kind advance through our element.  Really kinds of lines up with the info in the Asetian Bible of the creation story but is so much more involved than what is revealed there.
 agree …
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Strange encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: Strange encounter

Post by Maxx 23.02.14 20:21

Here I have encountered a really strange occurrence. I have been thinking on this since a couple of nights ago when it happened.  If you read about me writing above that a part of my life ended in 2002 and went into another phase.  

The next night after posting that I walked into a dream.   After thinking about it, it turned lucid.  Background is that in my present life I had been set in this life to marry a particular female. I went a different path and did not do that. I have been aware of this for a while through the years and always thought this seemed kind of strange. I have always been impressed with this fact.  But the last time we saw each other was at the age of 12.  After that I did not return to that area again and my grandparents died. I never talked with her again and never saw her again.  This girl I just found out died in feb. 2002.  

So in this dream I walked up to her and her sister. She did not really know who I was but I seemed familiar to her. I was aware I was on the other side of the veil.  After greeting her and some small talk I asked  her if she wanted to know of her previous life.  She asked what? How can you do that?  I am aware that when one passes over and has not worked to advance that they can be stuck in a monotonous time and become bored at doing the same type of life until at some point an awakening occurs. I know this is fact because I have viewed some family members after death and I see this all the time.  Those beings do not even remember their life here and what they did.  

( She was at an early age and had not lived what I am about to list as the rest of her life yet.  I also am aware that when we pass to the other side we take an appearance of what we really think our body should look like.  On average in early 20's).  I also was not aware of how her life actually turned out here until after I searched it AFTER this dream. " How can you do that, she asked?"  I told her she is to be married in her future to a guy and I called his last name.  She would go to high school with him.  I told her she will have 2 sons.  She really looked strange when I mentioned their names.  I told her that she would also join the marine corps and serve and would live in certain locations in the US with military bases. ( I found it odd that when I checked on this info I found that she and I had lived in almost the same cities in the US as we both moved around).  I told her that she would die in the year 2002 and would be living in Florida at the time and be buried in the town of D_____, Florida.  She got kind of upset at that point so her younger sister asked me what I saw about her.  I told her that she would marry a man 10 years older than she was and they would be living in a retirement community in North Carolina when he passes on.  It also turned out that is what took place.

I was aware that I had perfect thought process as I could mentally know all these things that I was going to say in advance.  Normally in a regular dream my thought process is not this advanced and works more at a short time frame and I just observe more.

There were other things that took place I will not go into but I list the above because this was one strange happening...I have never seen this happen with me before.  I am not sure of what time frame I could say I was in or if this took place in an alternate universe and was also in a dream as it happened. Some parts of this I am still working on. It turned out to be an eventful evening, for sure.

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Strange encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: Strange encounter

Post by Matttt 24.02.14 9:17

You speak of Cayce a lot Max. Today during my class, my psychology professor discussed Cayce and some of his background.
I believe my grandma also suggested I read his books. With all these signs, I'll believe I'll look into his work.

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Strange encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: Strange encounter

Post by Maxx 24.02.14 10:29

Only accept an overview of the situation and be aware his writings are from the Christian look.  I find that strange as it is coming from the spirit realm but there may be an element of our own spirit that influences much of this stuff.  But do take a couple of other sources that operate from the spirit source and compare all of them  together.......and then try to contact your spirit source to get that viewpoint on what you have just found.  That is an interesting way of taking what you find and then holding it up to see what happens and also keep your own record of what you are interested in to see what takes place or does not happen.

Also, be aware that future happenings can be influenced and changed by a large group of beings that focus upon change toward that particular instance.

I will just throw out there a question about free will and what happen in future events.  If a person is viewing you from 400 to 500 years from the past and they predict what you will do today, what does that say about our free will? If our actions are seen in that light, I do not think free will had that much to do with our actions. Maybe destiny plays a part in all of us in a certain way? I have not come to a conclusion on these matters yet.  There are many ways to view this question from my mind.

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Strange encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: Strange encounter

Post by Maxx 27.02.14 14:01

Here is some great info about 10 different sites over the world with some commentary about them.. I found it very interesting.  He leans toward belief in Atlantis in the far reaches of times past.  It shows the oldest site about 12000 years ago that was inhabited.  Not saying this site was Atlantis at all but just spotlighting older locations over the world.

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Strange encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: Strange encounter

Post by Matttt 27.02.14 17:58

Maxx, have you read any of Dolores cannon's books? She speaks a lot of Atlantis and of other planes and what not,

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Strange encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: Strange encounter

Post by Maxx 27.02.14 18:26

I certainly have. I have gone through the same process she speaks of with her clients.

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Strange encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: Strange encounter

Post by Divine 277 28.02.14 3:39

Maxx wrote:

Here is some great info about 10 different sites over the world with some commentary about them.. I found it very interesting.  He leans toward belief in Atlantis in the far reaches of times past.  It shows the oldest site about 12000 years ago that was inhabited.  Not saying this site was Atlantis at all but just spotlighting older locations over the world.

I have the first book there The Science of the Dogon, its pretty good Smile
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Strange encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: Strange encounter

Post by Maxx 08.03.14 13:35

seekerofba wrote:You speak of Cayce a lot Max. Today during my class, my psychology professor discussed Cayce and some of his background.
I believe my grandma also suggested I read his books. With all these signs, I'll believe I'll look into his work.

Has your class mentioned John Hogue and his predictions for the future?  He uses the planets to predict a method similar to what Nostradamus used except without the mirror.   He correctly foretold every presidential election for the last 12 periods.  He has spoken of what the future holds for the middle east in 2014 and years beyond.  Seems rather accurate at times.

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Strange encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: Strange encounter

Post by Maxx 08.03.14 14:53

Another is the Bavarian of the 1770's named Matthias Stormberger. A real interesting prophet.

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Strange encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: Strange encounter

Post by Matttt 08.03.14 17:47

He has not, but I'll look in to it myself.

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Strange encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: Strange encounter

Post by Maxx 09.03.14 17:16

I have found a very interesting connection with many of the prophets and seers from many different eras and times.  If I take the most accurate in their predictions and look at them all together I find a strange overview.  You can tell the sections of truth they profess, but they all have a section that presents their own viewpoint as far as presenting their own underlying belief.  The Christian, the Moslem, the Jew, the non believer, the new ager, the dark magician, all have their reason for life behind their ability to pass this info on to others.  When I have spoken to some spirits about various things, I have gotten their reply as they have taken on appearances to relate to the person in the manner that that brain expects to see them.  The same spirit being will take on the appearance of an angel to one but appear to another as a demon.  Then it may appear to another to line up with their religious belief and strengthen that persons foundation for the group connected with the seer or prophet.

This explains to me the reason behind all those dying and going to heaven, or dying and meeting 72 virgins, or dying and meeting the demon Gods in charge of chaos. Some meet angels with wings while others meet angels that have no religion and dress in the same way the person does that has just died.

Shows me how all those new books or tales of Christians dying and going to hell and seeing things in chaos and being sent back to tell others to walk the line and strengthen their connection with the church. There are many different stories of these angels or demons telling the person to change. The person has always been opposite in living their life in a way that seems to give them a guilty uneasiness from what they are told to change into.   These angels and demons are playing the part that the mind expects to see and deal with.  This is a real floor show.   Tickets to the theatre can be purchased monthly for a different production..........until one does the work to find out what is happening before you make a final trip to the other side.

Do I have any that disagree?

The question I am look at is how is one drawn to a particular section of thought in life?  What causes a person to have a sum total of thought throughout life to believe any certain thing while another will believe entirely the opposite?  Every person on the planet has unique experiences and thoughts that sum up everything for them in total for their life.....while the next door neighbor sees everything exactly opposite.  What is good for one is bad for the other.  Meaning there is no good or is there for the experience.  Why is one a drunk and the other prefers pot while another does not find any of that stimulating.  Ahhhh.  Choices, Choices.  How do the spirit beings direct one into a thought process?  Convince one that God is sending them directions?  Why is confusion sent among everyone to dangle in front of us daily if not by the hour?  What is your reason for being here?  Do you think you are doing a good job?  Do many even wonder what the hours hold around us and what the outcome will bring?  What fancy results do you hold for your life. And----why do you believe what you do?

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Strange encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: Strange encounter

Post by Syrianeh 09.03.14 17:42

I think part of the answer to your question (and I say part because I certainly don't know the answer) is that many people are born into a stuffy, oppressive and fundamentalist society, closely knit and supported by strict religious, cultural or ideological ideas. Most people in such societies never get out of it, because man is basically a social animal and society (as did tribes in prehistoric times) gives you meaning and safety, security. And sadly, around the world there are many more of these "prison" societies than there are free-thinking ones. And one of the reasons for that is extreme poverty. If you belong to a closed society or ethnic group, and you are poor, a yearning to define your path in life is probably the least of your problems.

So it would take a very willful mind - one that perhaps has already been trained to seek the truth in previous lives - to step out of the trap.


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Strange encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: Strange encounter

Post by Maxx 09.03.14 17:53

In your opinion, at what point do the spirit beings step into the picture and to offer guidance or help of sorts to enable one to advance?  Direction seems to be of necessity at a particular point to push or be pulled in a certain direction.  A little help from your friends does not happen unless one is ready for that.

I agree that if raised in somewhat of a closed life, one that was born with a certain talent for such had to bring it in from a previous life experience of one or more.

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Strange encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: Strange encounter

Post by Maxx 09.03.14 19:21

Ahhhh.  More often than not, my questions seem to come together very soon after I ask with an answer to satisfy me.  I am studying an old manuscript and there I find the starting point to lead me to conclusion of that which I seek.

Nothing is destroyed and nothing is created.  Everything is transformed and time and space are the masters of matter.  Time and space are both states of our human consciousness and do not have any independent material reality (which Jonathan has stated in a past post).  Social evolution would be impossible here in our world without having recourse to these two references.  

It says we can evaluate the unknown only on the basis of what we know. (meaning each individual).  As to the infinite, we do not know it.  Consequently, we cannot have a precise understanding of the infinite, and must make do with a definition based on what sages of the past have taught us. (Even if some parts of it are flawed in order to fit our limited understanding.....this is my addition and explains to me how different beings appear differently to various individuals).

It goes on to ask what is the infinite from the mystical viewpoint?  An answer to this seems to be that the infinite is the condition opposite to finitude, a term meaning that which is finite.  Since that which is finite is necessarily of a material nature, the infinite must correspond to a reality that is nonmaterial or, more precisely,  of a spiritual dimension.  This implies that infinity cannot be perceived by our objective faculties, but only by the faculties of the soul. And it shows I need much work to relate to all of it.

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Strange encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: Strange encounter

Post by Matttt 09.03.14 20:52

This is an extremely deep subject which I think about often. I was raised in a Christian town, but never accepted it as faith, ever. Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing, if everything I'm putting into this life is actually anything at all. The more I learn, there's less I know.
I do agree though that people view things in the spirit world in ways that are comfortable and easy for them to accept. We see what we want to see.

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Strange encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: Strange encounter

Post by Maxx 09.03.14 21:28

It states that concerning our objective consciousness, each of us interprets differently those vibrations reaching us continuously from our material environment.  (everything is vibrating with a slight variation from something else in this material world).  This is the result of our physical senses being fooled by many sensory illusions, along with our culture, education, intelligence, and evolution playing a crucial part in affecting our interpretation of what we observe. This is how each individual perceives and comprehends the material world. (This is almost the same way that Syrianeh explained it).  This is why the spirit beings have to deal a little differently with every one of us and thus may appear in some different manner to each one.  And our individual interpretation of all of this may explain why we develop the way we think in regard to an issue or a subject.  But there also exists the collective interpretation that will vary with each historical period and change in unison.  This is all very marvelous how it all interacts together....   and yet we all are so different.

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Strange encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: Strange encounter

Post by Syrianeh 10.03.14 5:15

Maxx wrote:In your opinion, at what point do the spirit beings step into the picture and to offer guidance or help of sorts to enable one to advance?  Direction seems to be of necessity at a particular point to push or be pulled in a certain direction.  A little help from your friends does not happen unless one is ready for that.

I agree that if raised in somewhat of a closed life, one that was born with a certain talent for such had to bring it in from a previous life experience of one or more.

The old proverbial sentence would apply here, methinks:

"When the student is ready, the teacher will come".

You cannot begin to learn nor be initiated into any gnosis until you are ready, and that can come early in life, or late, or at the moment of passing, or never at all. But I do agree with you that we all possess the access to collective knowledge and wisdom, and it is all there for us to reach if we only make the effort.

In my experience, this knowledge is not as complicated as one would imagine, but surprisingly uncomplicated. You have a moment of clarity that opens up like clouds parting to let in the sun's light after constant rain. And it is all so true and at the same time so simple that you realize you knew it all along.

I believe we had a conversation about self-perception and self-universes recently, Maxx. One perceives what one sees, and one is as one thinks. But it is all mostly fog, as is each personal universe. Nothing but fog of different shapes, densities and textures that won't let you see the beautiful Truth.


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Strange encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: Strange encounter

Post by Maxx 10.03.14 22:00

seekerofba wrote:Today during meditation, I came in contact with a spirit who claimed to be an Atlantean. He spoke to me about the Asetians and had said "The Asetians are not the only one's who are gaining power."

Has anyone had a similar experience?

Today in the study of the life of Solon 640 -558 BCE, a Greek philosopher, I found that at the end of his life he had started writing a poem devoted to what he had learned in Egypt on the subject of Atlantis.  So during his studies there he had discovered something about Atlantis that he wanted to pass down to others.  I find that of an interesting nature.

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Strange encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: Strange encounter

Post by Maxx 11.03.14 20:16

I suspect there are many here that are sick of my stories but I just have to add this one.  It is from the above section posted that gave an account of what a spirit had said in a dream to me.....

"The Being told me that in my life 1978 to 2002 was like a quintessence highway.  I had heard the word but had to look it up to see it's meaning....

quintessence (kwɪnˈtɛsəns)
1. the most typical representation of a quality, state, etc

2.  (Chemistry) an extract of a substance containing its principle in its most concentrated form

3.  (Philosophy) (in ancient and medieval philosophy) ether, the fifth and highest essence or element after earth, water, air, and fire, which was thought to be the constituent matter of the heavenly bodies and latent in all things.

I found this rather interesting applied to my life looking back.  

that Being also explained some things that happened that I had never been able to understand before."

Continuing today.....

Then today I entered into a physical initiation with another group I work with and I had not seen or heard what was said before time.....  and as I was to repeat wording that said something about an intangible 5th essence which used the description "Quintessence" which will be connected to the number 5.   If I had had false teeth I would have lost them at this point....I was completely shocked by the use of this word again connected in my life all in just a few days.  Another confirmation for me as I know this word cannot be happen chance in these ways I have been confronted with here.  I do pay attention to what that spirit will say in the future very closely.   Smile

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Strange encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: Strange encounter

Post by Syrianeh 12.03.14 4:31

Very interesting, Maxx. And look, here is the definition of "quintessence" from the viewpoint of physics:

In physics, quintessence is a hypothetical form of dark energy postulated as an explanation of observations of an accelerating universe. It has been proposed by some physicists to be a fifth fundamental force.


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Strange encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: Strange encounter

Post by Maxx 12.03.14 8:53

Thank you, Syrianeh for that.  I am not smart enough to know anything about physics but I am glad to hear the possibility that I may be surrounded by dark matter as I know it feels very comfortable for me.

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Strange encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: Strange encounter

Post by Maxx 16.03.14 22:35

seekerofba wrote:You speak of Cayce a lot Max. Today during my class, my psychology professor discussed Cayce and some of his background.
I believe my grandma also suggested I read his books. With all these signs, I'll believe I'll look into his work.

Here is another individual I found fascinating. She lived under the curtain of communism. Her name was Baba Vanga. A blind lady that was found to be correct 80 percent of the time. She said she saw a persons life unfold as they stood in front of her and particular spirits told her about them from beginning to end. She had some high government officials coming to her for info. She said upon her death that her gift would be transferred to a blind 10 year old girl in France.

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Strange encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: Strange encounter

Post by Matttt 16.03.14 23:05

Speaking of Prophets and such, have you looked into the prophecies of St. Malachi, Maxx?
I saw on a documentary something like "Prophets of the apocalypse" that he predicted 112 popes before the end of the world as we know it.
and at the time of the documentary Pope Benedict was 111 and the new Pope Francis is 112.

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Strange encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: Strange encounter

Post by Matttt 16.03.14 23:12

I believe he also had close to 80 percent accuracy at predicting all the popes that followed him.
He referred to the 112th pope as Peter the Roman.

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