Powerful Questions for All

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Powerful Questions for All Empty Powerful Questions for All

Post by Maxx 01.04.14 19:14

Here are some questions that many young people of today would do well to look at as they connect to everyone's life.  They come from a book titled in the first line.  If you are interested you can find the book on your own.  I just looked at them and those questions will effect every one at some point.   Enjoy.....and prepare as the middle class will disappear completely.

THE LIGHTS IN THE TUNNEL takes an in depth look at current trends in information technology and globalization and examines what the likely economic impact will be in the coming years and decades.
Here are just a few of the questions explored in the book:

How will job automation impact the economy in the future?

How will the offshore outsourcing trend evolve in the coming years?

What impact will technologies such as robotics and artificial intelligence have on the job market?

Did technology play a significant role in the 2007 subprime meltdown and the subsequent global financial crisis and recession?

Globalization. Collaboration. Telecommuting. Are these the forces that will shape the workplaces of the future? Or is there something bigger lurking?

How fast can we expect technological change to occur in the coming years and decades?

Which jobs and industries are likely to be most vulnerable to automation and outsourcing?

Machine and computer automation will primarily impact low skilled and low paid workers. True or false?

Will advancing technology always make society as a whole more wealthy? Or could it someday cause a severe economic depression?

What are the implications of advancing automation technology for developing nations such as China and India?

Will a college education continue to be a good bet in the future?

Recent economic data suggests that, in United States, we are seeing increasing income inequality and a dwindling middle class. How will this trend play out in the future?

What will be the economic impact of truly advanced future technologies, such as nanotechnology?

Retail positions at Wal-Mart and other chain stores have become the jobs of last resort for many workers. Will robots and other forms of machine automation someday threaten these jobs? If so, what alternatives will the economy create for these workers?

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Powerful Questions for All Empty Re: Powerful Questions for All

Post by Divine 277 01.04.14 23:48

you know Max … all of these questions, depends on who rules the marked and how hungry for luxury and money they are ….

lets just face it … money and greed rules that, if one wants change, one need to make it Smile
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Powerful Questions for All Empty Re: Powerful Questions for All

Post by Maxx 02.04.14 8:21

you speak above only of the material world, which the book reflects.  But there are very few that seek the spiritual world.  The book is written for the masses that live and breath the material.  The spiritual side is controlled with misinformation and misdirection as you can readily see.

Actually, I posted this because those that rule the world are finding these issues of concern to them in their attempt to enslave.  They are changing some of their tactics to refine these issues.  You will find their effort to double down will become more apparent in the future.

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Powerful Questions for All Empty Re: Powerful Questions for All

Post by Divine 277 02.04.14 9:09

well.. the thing is that most that seek spiritual evolution, don't see the point in ruling … kinda ting :/
Witch is in self is a tragedy … since how will the world evolve if they can't be able to see the big picture and have time to reflect ? or if they do .. they usually just complain and do nothing more about it …

What do you mean double down ?

You know, I don't appreciate how this material world has become, and me for one, would like to see a drastic change ….

(That will come, ether the "powers " in control , like it or not , maybe not the way they expected, but will still happen ) .

But as most know, the change has to come from the inside first …
So I guess what Im saying, is that people have to take back their own time … and value.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Powerful Questions for All Empty Re: Powerful Questions for All

Post by Demonia 03.04.14 21:41

im reading double down as in double their efforts in controlling and enslaving the masses.. new tactics that may even try to reach our spiritual world in waves of misdirection and more of the destructive wifi and microwave/telephone tower emissions, fluoride in the water etc.... everything suppressing our pineal gland. all the hush-hush government bills and things that pass when people worry about social issues that are often placed there on purpose (propaganda news etc)-- the cycle goes on and on in discussion of the multiple ways those higher up are trying to enslave us as their workhorses.

but anyways, yes, i do not like the world we've awakened to in this life. i feel a reform is needed too, but see it as too far of a goal to reach any time soon despite how many people are awakening to their spiritual capabilities. there is a global consciousness awakening by more and more per day of how much wrongdoing happens in our world b the second, but how many are actively willing to stand up, or succeed for the matter... its beyond me :/ theres a huge hole that would take everyone to mend...

i much rather would find a way to escape it entirely. i want to elevate to higher dimensions and perhaps never come back or just find a new place of residence. this of course, i don't even know if i can achieve with all the material necessities in the way. those necessities that involve how i pay for living comfortably and the very ability to access the internet and type on this forum here...

but yes, if you do not wish to be a slave, find an exit while you can. or begin an army.. who knows if we will come back able to free our minds in the distant futures ahead. well there must always be a way.. tere must be balance. but i just don't want to think of the future. id much rather be in nature than in technology.

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Powerful Questions for All Empty Re: Powerful Questions for All

Post by Demonia 03.04.14 21:57

I really see the ways of the material world collapsing in an ugly way. movies like District 9 and Elysium aren't too far off from the future i feel. Their interpretations of the near future aren't impossible. the extremely wealthy afloat on a giant satellite while all the rest are stuck on earth- a toxic wasteland- to do the dirty work and die and be born again in an ugly cycle.

the earth is smart though... she knows whats going on.. shes just a bystander of her children doing destructive things... waiting until they grow up and make the right decisions...
i experienced an earthquake last week but its as if when it happened i felt feelings at the same time like the land was in pain, like the earthquake wasn't supposed to happen but did due to all the crap happening around the land.

not sure if anyone has ever felt that way about similar happenings, but yeah. also if a rebellion and reform did happen... there will always be a leader... and then these things come into play- power hunger, corruption, greed... it would take someone genuinely kindhearted and with a very strong will and a lot of similar people backing him or her to be a leader with everyone and everything in mind.

this material world sucks though. i always envisioned humans as healers responsible for the other animals and plants and beings on the planet, to protect them. yet the opposite happened somewhere down the line.
k i'll stop rambling now Razz !!!!


Number of posts : 178
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Powerful Questions for All Empty Re: Powerful Questions for All

Post by Maxx 03.04.14 22:18

They seek at this point to combine the physical with the computer.  We see some of this already operating in some secret military ventures.  Even the elite are using connections with the computer connecting the mind and enhancing it to a greater ability.  Even to access into different dimensions.  This is why many plagues and chem trails and food additive poisons as well as pharmaceutical over kill to the elderly and even the young now, will eliminate many numbers of people on the planet to be replaced by these semi human robot computers.  I suspect only the earth frequency changes that will produce earthquakes and tsunamis and floods will be the only effective things to rid the earth of the problems and then be able to begin again.....we will see.

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Powerful Questions for All Empty Re: Powerful Questions for All

Post by Demonia 03.04.14 23:22

yeah... forgot about that development. technology-wise there's alot that's hidden from us. something new always released in pieces when the government/whoever highest in rank is done with the new technology and has watered it down for the public. also the fusing wit the computer- there was a discussion at my college last year about that. That one day (perhaps now already) that much like a new computer gets a new hard drive and graphics card, that people will receive upgrades as well. enabling readily assessable knowledge of all languages, fighting moves, dance moves, cooking recipes, knowledge of the locations on earth, knowledge of where each satellite is.. knowledge of you name it. and superhuman physical capabilities. like an android could have which is basically what people would be....

I did see a youtube video of this scientist using telekinesis to move objects on a table with the aid of this machine. the machine hurt him though the longer he would use it for and the greater force he used to move the objects on the table. without the machine he couldn't move a thing. but its still showing that, with the aid of technology to work on the spiritual side of things, it still isn't natural; still isnt supposed to be, and will backfire.

i often wonder what those elitists do. do they eat organic foods. are they hiding the goods..? do they even astral travel or lucid dream? do they even feel love? toomany questions.

it just is funny though, that all of the material-advancements are attainable spiritually, too... cellphone communication- talking to someone when they aren't anywhere near you... can be attainable with your mind as well... there's just such a disconnect from the universe... people are operating on their man-made servers... when all along we could be tuning in to the worlds server... the universe's server... with our soul and mind...
and with all the road blocks in the way, it's getting harder to tune into the earth's frequency with all of the cancerous things floating about.
but yes, we'll see until then...

Number of posts : 178
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Powerful Questions for All Empty Re: Powerful Questions for All

Post by Matttt 04.04.14 18:54

For a tree to grow to the highest of heights, it must have strong, thick roots that run deep into the ground. I feel that it is the same for us as we grow spiritually. We must be able to connect with and grasp on to the physical plane.
We has humans in society have made this harder to do by limiting our selves to material things in the physical world. We lose our connections with our higher selves because we have to focus on so many other things in our lives. Technology only seems to increase the way we rely on material objects and not the Earth herself. I do agree that as the Earth's frequency begins to change, we will see almost apocalyptic eras, because the masses are weak.
One day, maybe in a different future than what's expected, we will be able to fully live the way we are meant to.

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Powerful Questions for All Empty Re: Powerful Questions for All

Post by Maxx 04.04.14 19:59

I agree with you.  I believe at some point in those videos mentioned above, or it may have been a statement made by Victor, one or the other, it is said that in the early, ancient civilization of Egypt and before, mankind was given fantastic education and it can be seen in the objects designed and built... but at that point everything began to decline.  It seems mankind cannot evolve except in a downward spiral.

It is like groundhog day. We have to keep doing it over and over again.

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Powerful Questions for All Empty Re: Powerful Questions for All

Post by Kalb 05.04.14 15:39

Maxx wrote:you speak above only of the material world, which the book reflects.  But there are very few that seek the spiritual world.  The book is written for the masses that live and breath the material.  The spiritual side is controlled with misinformation and misdirection as you can readily see.

Actually, I posted this because those that rule the world are finding these issues of concern to them in their attempt to enslave.  They are changing some of their tactics to refine these issues.  You will find their effort to double down will become more apparent in the future.

I agree with you.

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Powerful Questions for All Empty Re: Powerful Questions for All

Post by Demonia 08.04.14 13:01


unsure on how legit this is, but i don't doubt it. its probably already happening in other ways.

unnecessary things like the flu shot, i imagine, is where this would be used in the future. no need for any flu shot.... that's what an immune system is for.

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