Questions about curses

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Questions about curses Empty Questions about curses

Post by Troublemaker 15.06.14 22:48

We all know about the ancient Egyptian curses placed on the pharaoh's tombs, that had ill effects on the explorers breaking into the space.
There are quite a few here on this forum well-versed in the left-hand path. My question is, when is it okay to use a curse on someone? Also, what are good sources that would inform someone of good ways to practice curses?
I already know my own viewpoint on the matter... I'd say you have to possess the ability to remove yourself from the situation and maturely assess everything before acting (and refrain from acting out of pettiness or ignorance). I'm just curious about what everyone else thinks. The whole topic seems taboo... and many sources I've visited say that it isn't even okay in the most extreme circumstances. There's also the possibility of the curse "not sticking" and rebounding back to the caster. What are ways to avoid the curse rebounding? I'm not looking to actually curse anyone but the topic has always fascinated me. Any feedback would be appreciated.

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Questions about curses Empty Re: Questions about curses

Post by Dai_Moon 16.06.14 6:35

The term 'okay' should maybe be replaced with 'allowed'. From my own opinion, its allowed after you've tried different options. I've had to only do it twice in my life.
As for sources, I can't help you there. Just all intuition on my behalf.
And to avoid the rebound effect, you have to know all possible effects (not consequences), paths and keep an open mind, and of course, have just cause.


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Questions about curses Empty Re: Questions about curses

Post by Maxx 16.06.14 7:24

Baloney.  People use and create thought forms all the time that are not even involved with formal magic.  So how do you approach this kind?  What does just cause mean?   Interaction between how one feels is going to make a difference?  One needs to get beyond this elementary sword play to really find the issue in all this. Continue to find out the principle of real magic and how to successfully use it and then this is not even a logical question one is involved with.  Curses fall by the wayside that are focused on you without even your having to acknowledge them.

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Questions about curses Empty Re: Questions about curses

Post by Dai_Moon 16.06.14 7:39

I should have mentioned at the end of my post, that these are my own personal truths and they may resonate with you, or they may not.


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Questions about curses Empty Re: Questions about curses

Post by Maxx 16.06.14 7:52

anything I post, everyone knows what my view is.  What difference would it make?

I like the end of your bottom line except I would add a few......

In either choice of Light or Dark, Good or Evil, you're still faced with Opposition..  So I would add to this....Why not Learn to operate in both and use them at will?

By the way, I am the jackass that escaped from the corral and is on the loose without supervision.  I will ask questions that could possibly make you think.

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Questions about curses Empty Re: Questions about curses

Post by Victor 16.06.14 8:21

There are many forms of curses. Some can be potentially devastating and for the most part they are intended to act slowly. A direct spell constructed by energy will often act faster but be less potent, unlike a curse raised from ancient magick that may act slower but wield a greater potential for havoc. This is only a general guideline and not always the case. Magick is too complex to be catalogued into drawers.

As for the question that started the thread I would answer that if you have to ask if it's ok to use a certain curse in a certain situation, then you shouldn't. Forbidden curses should only be executed when there is absolute certainty of its use. They don't work with doubt, so it's unlikely they would even propagate when executed with such mindset.

Let me also add that most advanced curses, particularly those of Ancient Egyptian origin as you mentioned, are well kept secrets not known by the common practitioner of magick. For a good reason.

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Questions about curses Empty Re: Questions about curses

Post by Stapleraindrop 16.06.14 11:03

mad eye Moody: "you could all probably point your wands at me and shout Avada Kedavara, but at the worst I'd probably just get a nosebleed" -Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire

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Questions about curses Empty Re: Questions about curses

Post by Dai_Moon 16.06.14 19:18

@Maxx I could add that, but the quote wasn't mine. Its how it came out through Spirit and its what I was feeling at the time. I prefer not to think of myself as either Light or Dark. I'm just Me. Smile

And I escaped from the circus, so I getcha.


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Questions about curses Empty Re: Questions about curses

Post by Troublemaker 16.06.14 21:34

Thank you all for the interesting responses.
The Harry Potter quote made me smile. I am a huge HP nerd. Actually, I read somewhere that it's possible J.K Rowling's work was influenced heavily by the Aset Ka. I thought this was pretty cool, although I'm not sure it's true.

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Questions about curses Empty Re: Questions about curses

Post by Stapleraindrop 17.06.14 7:55

She's European, talks about a tattoo called a dark mark, talks about wands having spirits and minds, and she talks about the number 7 and its coorelation to the soul. Coincidence is a funny thing.

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Questions about curses Empty Re: Questions about curses

Post by Jonathan 17.06.14 8:57

It's far more than just a coincidence. That's a well known thing. She even lived in Portugal when younger. It's obvious where she got her inspiration.

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Questions about curses Empty Re: Questions about curses

Post by Stapleraindrop 17.06.14 9:49

I forgot to put the ... indicating a hanging sentence lol but yeah Jonathon summed that up nicely haha

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Questions about curses Empty Re: Questions about curses

Post by Troublemaker 17.06.14 21:51

Maxx is the self-proclaimed village idiot and I guess I'm Captain Obvious. lol

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Questions about curses Empty Re: Questions about curses

Post by Ashling 18.06.14 0:42

What about breaking curses?

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Questions about curses Empty Re: Questions about curses

Post by Maxx 18.06.14 7:07

Well, if you realize the real issue here is how much experience have you had with creating them.  Meaning how much experience do you have with knowledge of Magic.  By that I mean actual practice and not just reading about it.  There comes a point where you cannot learn anything unless you roll your sleeves up and get into the actual practice of it.  Then you would not even have to write about this and ask questions.

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Questions about curses Empty Re: Questions about curses

Post by Kalb 18.06.14 7:09

Maxx: Clap 

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Questions about curses Empty Re: Questions about curses

Post by Troublemaker 19.06.14 9:04

Maxx, you are very right.
But some of us (cough cough me) are a bit lost spiritually. There is a lot of fear for me, in getting involved with this sort of thing, that I'm trying to sort out before I feel like I have any clue what I'm doing in getting started.
(And by "this sort of thing" I don't mean curses... but basic magical workings in general). I'm also still looking for good sources that really resonate with me. I found what looks like an excellent way to get started, a website at But I'm still trying to make sense of it all and get my bravery up. Living in the bible belt can be challenging... living with someone who thinks the AB looks cultish is challenging... But I feel that I'm getting a bit better. I'm taking baby steps.

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Questions about curses Empty Re: Questions about curses

Post by Maxx 19.06.14 19:20

and how does one overcome being spiritually rolling up the sleeves and going to work on the actual involvement.  This is also how to eliminate fear.  Get involved in a real and concerted manner.  You will marvel at how fast that fear will disappear as you look back and find...what was I thinking? 

I will tell you I speak from experience about this as I was fearful of various things in the past.  when I began working on it, my knowledge became real.  I did not even have to ask anyone as I found the answers myself either from this physical world or in the other worlds....and if your mate is holding you back, time to get another mate that you can even work together with.  Do look for all the reasons not to do this and then find the way to eliminate those problems.  Kick them out....and then you can get to work.  The meaning and quality of your life depends on how you treat it.

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Questions about curses Empty Re: Questions about curses

Post by Troublemaker 19.06.14 22:14

And once again, your advice is helpful. Thank you.

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Questions about curses Empty Re: Questions about curses

Post by Maxx 20.06.14 10:48

Be thankful for all the difficult people in your life, and learn from them.  They have shown you exactly who you do not want to be.

I have found my purpose in life. I am the antithesis.

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Questions about curses Empty Re: Questions about curses

Post by Raven Kyles 12.08.15 19:09

I have an interesting question, though I am not sure if I am allowed to ask one such as this.. from what I've read, I am beginning to understand some things, but what I want to ask is, has anyone ever heard of a curse to hide someone's identity?

What I mean is, in example someone who has a curse from birth to hide who they really are, there is always an instigator nearby whom they can't see. if this really was the case from what someone told me, how would you be able to break a curse such as this one? I'm just curious as to what a solution would be from a curse like this and I hope that I am not annoying anyone. I just want to know what you guys think.. from other sources I was told that this one person has a six point sealed curse, invisible to the eye. Then again a lot of this could be false information.
Raven Kyles
Raven Kyles

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Questions about curses Empty Re: Questions about curses

Post by Troublemaker 14.08.15 1:08

In my opinion, more information is needed to fully answer your question, Raven. What is making you believe it is a curse? Is it a mixture of their behavior or something an energy worker told you, or both?

How is the curse hiding who they are? Is it thwarting their attempts at awakening?

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