Deep, spiritual music for focus/meditation (incantations, chants, ambience, nature.. etc. No links, unfortunately.)

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Deep, spiritual music for focus/meditation (incantations, chants, ambience, nature.. etc. No links, unfortunately.) Empty Deep, spiritual music for focus/meditation (incantations, chants, ambience, nature.. etc. No links, unfortunately.)

Post by Tehom 15.07.14 4:18

Fantastic music for the peak of sunrise.. meditating upon a hill, or simply basking in the night's embrace. Perhaps as a grey storm rolls in from the distance.. or as the sun is shrouded by darkening clouds. Ambient, atmospheric, tense, dark, emotional. Whatever takes your fancy.. this will do you well.

I had links for each.. however, due to the fact I am a new member, I cannot post links for a week. My apologies.. but, these shall be worth looking up.

TEHOM - Perilous Depth ( I, despite my name here, bare no relation to these music producers)

Arktau Eos - Ioh-Maera

The Starwheel - Kammarheit

Sephiroth - The Call Of The Serpent (This one is more.. upbeat, hunt-like, may break ambience.)

Desiderii Marginis - The Sweet Hereafter

Arbre Noir - Timeless

Ishq - Rainmaking

And a little surprise.. not exactly spiritual, but a very unique (and brilliant) song nonetheless.

Massive Attack - Paradise Circus.  Laughing 


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