Dark Robed Man With Serpent Cane/Staff In My Area

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Dark Robed Man With Serpent Cane/Staff In My Area Empty Dark Robed Man With Serpent Cane/Staff In My Area

Post by Natan EL Night Malachite 19.01.15 22:51

Dark Robed Man With Serpent Cane/Staff In My Area

Basically i have been seeing this old man for at least 2-3 years he has always popped up here and there in my area of london , i was never sure who he was at first , at first i thought he was a complete weirdo wearing a dark robe , serpent staff , satanic pentagram necklace and upside down cross something you would see off the luciferian apothteca website, as i delved more into occultism and discovered the truth about satanism etc and became interested in vampires i sort of understand he may be into that but i have never seen someone dressed like that in public maybe only in a ritual etc which is behind closed doors , but just yesterday i was walking down my high street and i saw the robed man talking to someone , since now i had not seen him for a year at least but i remembered who he was so he was talking to this random dude , they stopped talking then they both walked off in opposite directions to each other i ran and caufht up with the other guy and asked him ''who is he, the man in the dark robe and pentagram necklace?''
he replied ''his name is wolf , he is a bit eccentric , he is into all this weird stuff'' i said ''what?'' he said ''the guy is into vampires init''

so i was wondering maybe the next time i see that old man , just to be not fearful like i was a year ago , but maybe instead try talking to him

what are your thoughts and opinions?

Natan EL Night Malachite

Number of posts : 5
Location : Toppa The Mountain Of Gold ****
Registration date : 2014-12-30

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Dark Robed Man With Serpent Cane/Staff In My Area Empty Re: Dark Robed Man With Serpent Cane/Staff In My Area

Post by Troublemaker 19.01.15 23:18

I think he could have been anyone--vampire, human, or otherkin. I've heard there are a lot of underground occult organizations in Europe, but I don't know all the names of said groups.

Out of curiosity, what would you say to him if you were to run into the man again?

Regardless of what you do, though... that sounds like a cool experience. I don't see anyone like that in America. lol

Number of posts : 1623
Location : USA
Registration date : 2013-12-18

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