Help me understand this area

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Help me understand this area Empty Help me understand this area

Post by Ark 16.12.15 9:29

I'll begin with a short personal introduction. I started off as a practitioner of eastern martial arts, learned of philosophy and the tradition behind. I found that this road was limited and picked up qi gong, now with 10+ years of practice behind me. I had previously no interest in what I considered "external" practices, but recently (or last few years really) I started seeing similarities, or maybe I found that the internal way ends up manifesting in the same field as the external practices.

I've been through the area labeled magic, looked into sigils and so on, after which I found most of it to be very basic, and that my previous practice had already given me skills beyond what is normally discussed in these areas. Some things of technical nature have however been useful to me, and experiences shared to me by people calling themselves wizards, have been very helpful.

After searching through these areas for a while, I've come across what I think is the topic of this forum. I hope I came to the right place, I don't want to offend anyone so I hope you can see that any such things are the results of my own ignorance or prejudice.

I've seen posting of files and scans of book refering to vampirism as a spiritual practice, and this is where I find it hard to "put this on the map." In my world of concept, a vampire is a physically immortal being, who reached this state through the practice of ancient magic, or the consumption of blood of such a being, containing the result of such magic.

I seem to have connected with such people recently, and they also have a spiritual tradition as well as a large library of magic works. So my main question is, do you in any way relate to them, or is this something entirely different? If that is the case, please help me "locate" or "map" this field of knowledge so that I can see how it relates to me and my own journey.

I see a lot of people coming here to post, only to be told to get lost, that they are in the wrong place and so on. If that is the case for me, please at least give me an explanation of what this place/area is about, so that I, as someone with no basic understanding, can know what I'm looking at.


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Help me understand this area Empty Re: Help me understand this area

Post by Gargoyle 16.12.15 9:51

Hello Ark and welcome. I'd like to clarify what a vampire is.
A vampire has an immortal soul but is incarnated into a physical body. There are even vampiric beings who are disembodied and dwell in the astral plane. So being a vampire is a condition of the soul, not of the body. A vampire may consume blood for its vital energy, but it is not a requirement and really depends on personal taste. Everything is energy so there are many sources to feed off (such as Nature and the Universe, other persons, ambient, sexual and residual energy). A vampire is a being who consumes energy, therefore being termed the phrase "predator"; but that does not necessarily mean without morals. Every vampire is different.

Many members of this forum are Asetianists, meaning they follow Asetianism, the teachings of the Aset Ka. The Aset Ka is a Kemetic Order, a "family" of immortal vampires called the Asetians. This can all be explained through their works such as the Asetian Bible and the Book of Orion, written by Luis Marques.

For more information here's the official Aset Ka site:

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Help me understand this area Empty Re: Help me understand this area

Post by Ark 16.12.15 10:19

Thank you. I see that there is more to this than I thought, but it also seems to somehow fit in with what I already know.

I need to ask something. What is your stance on the Maergzjiran Cabal? I apologize if this is somehow a sensitive question. I see similar energies but also differences.

As for me personally I'm familiar with the concept of humans having a non-human soul, it was brought up in my qi gong practice. I have an idea of what my soul is, and have seen myself this way in dreams. Other people have also seen this image in their dreams, as well as some things that I know orginate in what I did, I suppose "in the astral plane." It surprised me a bit to see a stranger retell online the exact things I had been doing, but it also confirmed that it may be larger and have a greater influence than I first thought. Usually it seems there is almost no visible effect. I know some refer to me as "the one with blue clothes" because I tend to appear that way to them.


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Help me understand this area Empty Re: Help me understand this area

Post by Gargoyle 16.12.15 12:30

The stance on the Cabal is detailed in the Book of Orion. I personally didn't fully get into the Kabbalah until I read the words of Luis Marques. There really are no limits to being an Asetianist so you can explore any path you want, while still being a follower of the Violet Path (Asetianism).

As for souls, everyone is different. There are other types of entities in this world besides vampires and humans. These are usually referred to as Otherkin. There are also gods who dwell in the Duat and other disembodied spirits who dwell in the astral or higher realms.

We all have a subtle body and can appear different in the astral realms than how are physical bodies are. Sort of like shapeshifting; for example a Lycanthrope being (who is incarnated) could be perceived as a wolf in the astral.

I really suggest considering to purchase the works by Luis Marques. His teachings really are aligned with Truth, Nature, and the Universe.

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Help me understand this area Empty Re: Help me understand this area

Post by Gargoyle 18.12.15 14:15

Ark, can you please define "Maergzjiran Cabal" for me?

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Help me understand this area Empty Re: Help me understand this area

Post by Ark 19.12.15 5:51

When asking on an anonymous message board if supposed vampires who were posting there, had any community or anything, I was given this word, maergzjirah.

I googled it and found this website, and this youtube video:

Someone on another forum said these people are "the darkest" of all and other things that didn't sound all that good. Someone suggested not trying to contact them throught the web because they would just take your money, instead you're supposed to contact them telepathically.

Now the thing is, I may already have done that even before reading this. It's just not so easy for me to know what the things "over there" corresponds to "over here."

I also became aware of what may be called a "community" but that does only exist in what is called "the astral plane." I'm not sure about this concept, so I'll just stick with it for lack of a better word. Clumping up all dimensions into one word is a bit silly in my opinion, but sure, if that's what people want to call it.

These people have organizations and they have protective barriers and other things, what I don't understand is how these things relate to the physical world. Telepathy may be exact in some aspects, not so in others. There's also a lot "you're supposed to know" attitude in these things. I know I have some talent in some of these areas, and that I was included for this reason. But as someone who's "supposed to know" I guess all I can do is try to find out. This forum felt enough away from the mainstream to actually possibly contain something real. That's why I registered here.

A side note on that youtube video; they are talking about communicating with spirits of dead people and calling it "necromancy." This confused me a bit, I've been doing that too, and I don't consider it a "dark art" in any way. I didn't even once think that word to have anything to do with that practice.


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Help me understand this area Empty Re: Help me understand this area

Post by Troublemaker 19.12.15 6:01

The only bit of advice I can give you is, learn how to use intuition to distinguish between the real and the fake, between what is worth of your time and what isn't. The occult world is dangerous to navigate and there are a lot of "crocodiles in the water"... in other words, charlatans and deluded people who will basically snap up your time and energy without you gaining anything in return. Now, before anyone gets upset, I'm not directly insulting any specific group... I'm just throwing that out there. Take a look at the Aset Ka's website, and that energy behind their words... this is the energy of something real, in my opinion. You should be able to sense honor and honesty in their words. Perhaps learn a bit from this example and keep your eyes open.

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Post by Troublemaker 19.12.15 6:02

*By the way, apologies for the grammatical errors. Lol.

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Help me understand this area Empty Re: Help me understand this area

Post by Gargoyle 19.12.15 8:13

I would agree with Rhea Kaye about the Aset Ka. You should really consider purchasing the works by Luis Marques. He does a very good job at describing and explaining the different realms that exist.

Also, I asked about "Maergzjiran Cabal" because I Googled it too and it brought me to the same website you were referring to, The Black Court. I never heard of them until this so I cannot draw any conclusions as of right now. Also, I will watch the video as soon as I can get the chance.

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Help me understand this area Empty Re: Help me understand this area

Post by Maxx 19.12.15 10:11

Great way to introduce the ads for this bunch...  I thought one of the faces looked familiar.  LOL.  Anyone that is connected with E A Koetting at this time is subject to debasement.  A shame.  There may be some validity to some aspects of their spiritual practice but by and large, the fact you would be treated in a manner such as the TOV or the COS as far as your credentials go, a laughing stock.
Their method describing contacting the dead is nothing but creating mystical attention for promotion.  If you are looking for that kind of action, just sit and relax and close your eyes and you can take your contact to any one of the past, present, or future you want.  

But if you desire a theatrical presentation with your occultism, this is a fine place to hang out at the black court or with Koetting and Timothy (wish he would consult with a spirit to help him with his makeup and nail polish)..... lol....

As for myself, I spent the last two nights visiting Gennifer Flowers of Clinton hall of fame.  I prefer practicing in my own

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Post by Maxx 19.12.15 10:13

and if one needs a chuckle, you can hit facebook up on the E A Koetting meme page....always good for a laugh.

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Help me understand this area Empty Re: Help me understand this area

Post by Ark 19.12.15 10:56

Maxx wrote:Great way to introduce the ads for this bunch...  I thought one of the faces looked familiar. [...]

I'm not sure I understand what you are talking about, I'm not a native english speaker so I may miss something, or you are referring to things I don't have any experiences of.

Do you know these people in the video? Are they posing as the leaders of this place? Some of the information on their website seems to correspond to, and describe correctly, some of the entities I have personally experienced. If you mean to say they are fools, is there a possibility there is someone else behind it, or do you know them as the founders of the cabal in question?

I'm sorry if I don't understand the basic concepts here, I'm really a newb as far as contacting other people about this topic goes. I'm not at all interested in being a member of anything, I'm just looking for information. Surely I could myself ask any non-physical I know and they could give me a lot of answers, but my problem is not that - I need to relate what I know to the physical world, take my knowledge back into the world. Make it real, so to speak.

Also, what does TOV and COS mean?

As for Luis Marques, I may look into the books suggested, after I see the general position and hear some other source's views on them. You have to understand that whereever I go people are trying to sell me things, and 95% of the time it ends up in the trash after I take a look at it. I've gotten quite hard-skinned when it comes to this.


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Post by Maxx 19.12.15 11:13

I agree with much of that.

This group is no different than the Temple of the Vampire and the Church of Satan in their structure as they will sell memberships and books and direct you towards their attempt to keep them foremost in the front of your mind.  As I mentioned, if they associate themselves in any way with Koetting and his makeup artist...LOL... you can instantly know they are after your money.  Granted, there may be some things that are meaningful in the operation, but by and large, money and power is all they are after.

Some of the things they teach, of course, are correct.  Other things are designed to make you a source of their income as well as power structure.  Take the Vatican, for example.  They do acknowledge higher magical abilities are real, while positioning their flock to be dependent on them to maintain their control features.  

As for you bringing knowledge from the higher dimensions into the lower to teach it,  how would you be able to do this if you are unable at this time to see what is a sham and what is real?  Just a question for you to ask yourself and not one to demean you.

I would suggest you continue to study and experiment with your own magical ability and what you will find in it and also that which you are given from the higher dimensions.  Just consider what ever you are being directed to and then experiment with it to see how much truth you find in it for yourself.  But I suggest you always keep a questioning attitude toward what others say is written in stone.  Especially things that lift that group up to make them special.  Let their suggestions be your alchemy workshop to either prove them true or false.

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Help me understand this area Empty Re: Help me understand this area

Post by Ark 19.12.15 11:45

Yes, this is pretty much how I think. Though I have to point out I didn't mean that I myself wanted to teach anything. By relating it to the physical, I mean being able to see how the "clockwork" behind the world really works.

Of course, here I was thinking about something that I didn't communicate; the theory that all things are ruled by the spiritual/occult and what we see and experience can all be explained and controlled from the other side. Similar to how you can reverse engineer a computer program, I want to do with the physical world.

Without pointing at any concrete example, (this would be useless as the statements would have no creditbility) I know that I've been able to influence some things, but the problem is the aim. I often locate correctly what kind of things I want to work with, but after the effect appears physically, it's a giant facepalm for me. Things are always misinterpreted in the most unexpected ways when looking from the other side of things. Sometimes this is intentional because certain entities/spirits have made business out of playing tricks and finding the loophole in what you wanted to do. I've been able to play this game with them pretty well and trick them back, but I still face huge problems with this "aim" as I prefer to call it. Even the double meanings of words can be used to divert the effect, and I'm sure they do it intentionally. Sometimes I feel like working with a programming language that will always choose the wrong interpretation as long as one such possibility exists.


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Help me understand this area Empty Re: Help me understand this area

Post by Maxx 19.12.15 11:54

practice with it will clarify many things. Please understand that the spirit realm from the other side has to change things using the frequency and vibration to enable you to understand them. Just as many find it hard to contact the other we have to learn to change our frequency and vibration for our connection to make a good one to that other side. All told, effort and practice is the answer. You need not pay someone to make the connection with you. Evil or Very Mad

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Help me understand this area Empty Re: Help me understand this area

Post by Maxx 19.12.15 11:58

But you can send me $400 and I will do a ritual in person in Detroit City with you and also print you up a membership card if that makes anyone feel more "occultic" But you have to only wear black clothes and cloak and hood.... otherwise you will be escorted out of the meeting by huge thugs that are meet and greeters. Ha.

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Help me understand this area Empty Re: Help me understand this area

Post by Ark 19.12.15 12:01

Maxx wrote: Please understand that the spirit realm from the other side has to change things using the frequency and vibration to enable you to understand them.  Just as many find it hard to contact the other we have to learn to change our frequency and vibration for our connection to make a good one to that other side.  

I guess this is a new perspective for me. I always kinda imagined it as the human mind and brain being completely open for them, as long as the person relaxes his mind.


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Help me understand this area Empty Re: Help me understand this area

Post by Maxx 19.12.15 12:07

some spirit beings are almost as new to their location as we are sometimes. There are other beings that have many eons to perfect their movement and operation in their surroundings. Some beings are not as adept as slowing down their vibrations and frequency so we are unable to make their contact and in that case you might find some other being of higher experience will take over and communicate....that is only if there is a need to be operation.... know that school never lets out, no matter what dimension you find yourself in.

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Help me understand this area Empty Re: Help me understand this area

Post by Troublemaker 19.12.15 13:41

You need not pay someone to make the connection with you.

I am not sure on the experiences of others but I do want to add that while it is impossible to pay a spirit or disembodied entity via human money, it is very possible the energy worker will end up paying a much greater and unseen price, depending upon their actions, inner self, and requests.

I think many people fail to realize this and end up tasting fire. Wink

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Help me understand this area Empty Re: Help me understand this area

Post by Maxx 19.12.15 14:38

I am sorry Rhea Kaye.  That was my fault completely typing that wrong.  I meant to show that you need not pay another human person to make contact for you.  On the site mentioned above they sell sessions for $150 dollars to contact a being and relay info to you.  The same technique as EA Koetting but I think he charges you $250 dollars.  Must be a better class of

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Help me understand this area Empty Re: Help me understand this area

Post by Troublemaker 19.12.15 14:47

No worries, Maxx, I understood what you were saying and I wholeheartedly agreed with it. That statement of mine was more just me wanting to mention the dangers of working with disembodied entities.

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Post by Maxx 19.12.15 14:48

What? !!!! Some of them are my best friends......ha.

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Post by Ark 10.12.17 9:22

Hi there!
It's been 2 years since I first came here and asked some questions. Since you were part of helping me in the right direction I thought I'd come back here and offer you something from what I've learned during this time.
I'm not going to write out some long windling text here, rather, if you're interested just reply that you are and I will transmit a telepathic message to you. It will contain a compressed information package which you will have to interpret yourself. If this is for you, you will be able to grasp the concept and make use of it. If not, it will just disappear. It may have a cleansing effect on your mind and body, some people felt ill after I sent it to them and complained about it even though this had been explained. I just want to make this clear so no one feels tricked into something.

I've researched what I found by contact with different entities and tried it out myself, leading to different conclusions relating to the topic of this community. It all comes from an ancient magic being shown to me, which I was able to adapt to a wider setting. There's no point in elaborating further as this is reliant on your own intuitive understanding of the matter. If you're not interested and think I'm just talking nonsense, so be it, I won't bother you anymore.


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Post by Ark 10.12.17 9:31

Oh and this may be off topic here, but if anyone is interested I've been posting in this forum:
It's inactive and few members but the intention was to keep it as a reference for frequent questions. I don't know how big the overlap is but I'm thinking this should be useful to some people in the occult area.


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Post by Maxx 10.12.17 11:08

I recently spent an hour and a hour in a question and answer session with Lucifer. question for you is why should anyone be contacting another physical being to get info regarding occult or metaphysical material when they can just go to the source to get it?  I learned more about Lucifer direct than any book or school session I have ever attended.

He had some answers to my questions about the 18th Egyptian Dynasty I found very educational.

I do not think an earthly organization can fulfill what is needed.  My advice is to go directly to the source if you really want to learn the info.

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