Online Asetian Culture.

White Raven
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Online Asetian Culture. - Page 2 Empty Re: Online Asetian Culture.

Post by Kalb 16.02.15 6:47


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Online Asetian Culture. - Page 2 Empty Re: Online Asetian Culture.

Post by White Raven 16.02.15 18:41

Hi Jonathan.
Thank you for giving me a chance, i have an apology to make, to all of you, i have not been honest to you, about my name, because i write under a synonym, to protect my self, in the vampire community. But my real last name, is an old Portuguese name.

yours sincerely

White Raven
White Raven
White Raven

Number of posts : 41
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Location : In the shadows of cold and grey, Scandinavia.
Registration date : 2015-02-12

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Online Asetian Culture. - Page 2 Empty Re: Online Asetian Culture.

Post by White Raven 18.02.15 14:09

Hi Administrator, Moderator.
You have not served, your purpose, an must be banned on, but it not up to me, to to decide. Lets ask, Luis Marques, from Aset Ka, in Portugal. This is the last word, you will hear from me,

yours sincerely

White Raven

PS. This is a re-edit, because of your decision, that we shall write in, wet concrete..!!!
White Raven
White Raven

Number of posts : 41
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Online Asetian Culture. - Page 2 Empty Re: Online Asetian Culture.

Post by Troublemaker 18.02.15 14:37

I do despise feeding into drama, but I have to wonder at your level of mental health.

I am also not sure what you are talking about being banned. The use of "your" makes me question whether you are non-specifically addressing another member here, or raising some sort of pity party for yourself.

Lastly, I obviously do not speak for the Aset Ka but seriously... it is laughably embarrassing that you would even consider contacting Master Luis Marques with this... drama? Or whatever it is...?

This site is not affiliated with the Aset Ka. For someone who supposedly has been browsing around since 2008, your attitude leaves a lot to be desired.

I apologize to the community for feeding into this BS but I could not stay silent.

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Online Asetian Culture. - Page 2 Empty Re: Online Asetian Culture.

Post by Maxx 18.02.15 15:10 seem to be picking up on this goofy stuff quicker now Rhea. Good for you.

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Online Asetian Culture. - Page 2 Empty Re: Online Asetian Culture.

Post by White Raven 18.02.15 17:11

Hey Rhea Kaye
Yes, i`m locket up, in mental hospital, Called "Risskov Psykiatrisk Hospital", In Aarhus, because i think, i have Royal Blood from Portugal and i´m under a severe psychosis.

yours sincerely

White Raven
White Raven
White Raven

Number of posts : 41
Age : 56
Location : In the shadows of cold and grey, Scandinavia.
Registration date : 2015-02-12

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Online Asetian Culture. - Page 2 Empty Re: Online Asetian Culture.

Post by Maxx 18.02.15 17:16

Well, enjoy your stay....when they let you out.....then feel free to contact us. til then, see if they show that movie...One flew over the cuckoo's nest for popcorn movie night. It is a good one.

Number of posts : 4334
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Online Asetian Culture. - Page 2 Empty Re: Online Asetian Culture.

Post by White Raven 18.02.15 19:28

Hi all of you.
Our brand new motto, in Sang Royal is: Isis, our Indigo flower, from old Egypt.

White Raven
White Raven

Number of posts : 41
Age : 56
Location : In the shadows of cold and grey, Scandinavia.
Registration date : 2015-02-12

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Online Asetian Culture. - Page 2 Empty Re: Online Asetian Culture.

Post by Maxx 18.02.15 20:37

Yes. I was aware you were very fond of me on your entrance.... I completely understand. My sweet nature is very contagious.

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Online Asetian Culture. - Page 2 Empty Re: Online Asetian Culture.

Post by White Raven 18.02.15 21:03

Hi Max
I also find you very sympathetic, but you crossed the line earlier in this thread and i have nothing against you Max. Now ,the is a misconception, in the vampire community, that if you are a Vampire, then you automatic is dark and evil. Vampires can be highly evolved spiritual beings, with strong ethics and morals depending, on what tradition they come from, i my selves comes from, a new psychic tradition and had no mentor to teach me and i´m still a new-bee, in the vampire community and bows deep, for you all.
Yours sincerely

White Raven

White Raven
White Raven

Number of posts : 41
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Registration date : 2015-02-12

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Online Asetian Culture. - Page 2 Empty Re: Online Asetian Culture.

Post by White Raven 18.02.15 21:03

Hi Max
I also find you very sympathetic, but you crossed the line earlier in this thread and i have nothing against you Max. Now ,the is a misconception, in the vampire community, that if you are a Vampire, then you automatic is dark and evil. Vampires can be highly evolved spiritual beings, with strong ethics and morals depending, on what tradition they come from, i my selves comes from, a new psychic tradition and had no mentor to teach me and i´m still a new-bee, in the vampire community and bows deep, for you all.

Yours sincerely

White Raven
White Raven
White Raven

Number of posts : 41
Age : 56
Location : In the shadows of cold and grey, Scandinavia.
Registration date : 2015-02-12

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Online Asetian Culture. - Page 2 Empty Re: Online Asetian Culture.

Post by White Raven 18.02.15 23:02

Hi all of you
you know write under a synonym and my real last name is still an old Portuguese, but i has no connection to Portugal or the Aset Ka. Perto, is a family name, for a small group of family members, in Denmark, you can Google it. This is not a test or a trick to test you.

Yours sincerely

White Raven
White Raven
White Raven

Number of posts : 41
Age : 56
Location : In the shadows of cold and grey, Scandinavia.
Registration date : 2015-02-12

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Online Asetian Culture. - Page 2 Empty Re: Online Asetian Culture.

Post by White Raven 19.02.15 2:22

Hi all of you
I have not been talking about, metaphysics.
I will not discuss Egyptian God´s or Goddess, in this forum, to you, because it will stir up, a lot of water. But i will make one exception, Hathor was the first female goddess, not Isis. I know, that you do not agree, so the humblest apologize from me.

Yours sincerely

White Raven
White Raven
White Raven

Number of posts : 41
Age : 56
Location : In the shadows of cold and grey, Scandinavia.
Registration date : 2015-02-12

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Online Asetian Culture. - Page 2 Empty Re: Online Asetian Culture.

Post by Jonathan 19.02.15 3:19

Now you're just saying nonsense. I will not even bother to explain why what you just said is ignorant from an historical perspective. You should go read some more and learn or at least stay a little more quiet since I don't think you will survive for long around here acting like that.

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Online Asetian Culture. - Page 2 Empty Re: Online Asetian Culture.

Post by White Raven 19.02.15 3:34

Hi Jonathan
Yes, i am talking nonsense, i am sorry Embarassed So now i will go in to my living room and burn all the books on Egyptian Mythology that i have.

Yours sincerely

White Raven
White Raven
White Raven

Number of posts : 41
Age : 56
Location : In the shadows of cold and grey, Scandinavia.
Registration date : 2015-02-12

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Online Asetian Culture. - Page 2 Empty Re: Online Asetian Culture.

Post by White Raven 19.02.15 5:43

Hi Jonathan
I´m not an expert on Egyptian Mythology, but i now a little simple story, about the first Egyptian, Vampire Goddess, Ra send to earth to punish humanity, she go by the name Hathor-Sekhmet.

Yours sincerely

White Raven
White Raven
White Raven

Number of posts : 41
Age : 56
Location : In the shadows of cold and grey, Scandinavia.
Registration date : 2015-02-12

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Online Asetian Culture. - Page 2 Empty Re: Online Asetian Culture.

Post by White Raven 19.02.15 6:37

Hi Jonathan
Just a quick note, Hathor was the first original vampire, and the decedents, from her blood line, are the real original vampires.

Yours sincerely

White Raven

White Raven
White Raven

Number of posts : 41
Age : 56
Location : In the shadows of cold and grey, Scandinavia.
Registration date : 2015-02-12

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Online Asetian Culture. - Page 2 Empty Re: Online Asetian Culture.

Post by Maxx 19.02.15 6:39

I see you are purposely trying to get kicked out of here by acting insane. Good luck with your kiddie show.


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Online Asetian Culture. - Page 2 Empty Re: Online Asetian Culture.

Post by Nightshade 19.02.15 7:42


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Online Asetian Culture. - Page 2 Empty Re: Online Asetian Culture.

Post by White Raven 19.02.15 9:10

Hi Max, Nightshade
Hathor as the first Vampire Goddess, Hathor-Sekhmet. is a real Goddess and comes from an old Egyptian Mythology tale. I knew that i would stir, the waters a lot in here, and i am sorry, that i offended all of you, i will not discuss Egyptian Mythology again.

Yours sincerely

White Raven
White Raven
White Raven

Number of posts : 41
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Location : In the shadows of cold and grey, Scandinavia.
Registration date : 2015-02-12

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Online Asetian Culture. - Page 2 Empty Re: Online Asetian Culture.

Post by Maxx 19.02.15 9:24

I suggest we just stop feeding this turkey. It appears more and more that it is becoming a status symbol out there to be kicked out of this particular forum and it appears that is what is taking place here.

Number of posts : 4334
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Online Asetian Culture. - Page 2 Empty Re: Online Asetian Culture.

Post by White Raven 19.02.15 9:54

Hi Max
I am sorry that a offended you, i told you earlier, it this thread, that i find you to be, a sympathetic human been. I know that we do not share, the same world view. So why are you so hostel towards me.

Yours sincerely

White Raven

White Raven
White Raven

Number of posts : 41
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Registration date : 2015-02-12

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Online Asetian Culture. - Page 2 Empty Re: Online Asetian Culture.

Post by White Raven 19.02.15 10:22

Hi Max
This Forum, is one of the best things, i know and is close to my Indigo Heart, so i would be very sad, if i was kicked out.

Yours sincerely

White Raven
White Raven
White Raven

Number of posts : 41
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Registration date : 2015-02-12

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Online Asetian Culture. - Page 2 Empty Re: Online Asetian Culture.

Post by Sybil Mason 19.02.15 11:00

I locked this thread and deleted the new one you just opened about unfounded Hathor speculations. This is a serious community and such conduct will be enforced.

Consider this your only warning.

Sybil             سيبيل ماسَن
Vampirism Forum Administrator
Sybil Mason
Sybil Mason

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