Spiritual or Physical bloodline

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Spiritual or Physical bloodline Empty Spiritual or Physical bloodline

Post by Widdershins 23.02.15 22:38

Do all Asetians have some physical bloodline or ancestors that go back to ancient Egypt?

Or is it possible to be an Asetian with only a spiritual link to Aset?

I know the ATRs place a lot of weight on the spirit that "has your head" or the spirit that you were born with that is passed on from the physical bloodline of your parents or from a past incarnation. Most people who were originally from Europe or the Near East lack spiritual paths that place an emphasis on knowing the spirit who "rules your head".  Even though I know with the Asetians it isn't that simple. Still, I'm happy to know that Asetians do care about past incarnations and the spirit links that were formed before birth.

From what I've heard, the British Royal Family can trace their roots back to Odin....

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Location : Great Lakes
Registration date : 2015-02-22

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Spiritual or Physical bloodline Empty Re: Spiritual or Physical bloodline

Post by Troublemaker 24.02.15 7:48

The Aset Ka are a metaphysical family. Their union doesn't lie in physical ties. From what I understand, they could have been physically related a long time ago in ancient Egypt, but after so many reincarnations I doubt this is still the case. There is some speculation that those in the family who are higher up on the "pyramid" such as the Primordials would purposefully reincarnate close to the Order, so this could result in some sort of physical, biological relations. But like I said, this is only speculation.

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Spiritual or Physical bloodline Empty Re: Spiritual or Physical bloodline

Post by Troublemaker 24.02.15 7:58

I should add that this is explained pretty well in the Asetian Bible. It explains that Asetians can become detached from their biological families. How can a regular parent compete with bonds that were forged thousands of years ago? If one accepts reincarnation, they should also accept that they've probably had multiple parents.

Physical ties are so powerful because people allow their biological cues to rule them. For example, the mother/child bond. The vast majority of the time, it seems the child grows up thinking they "love" their mother, when in reality that emotion was forged entirely on weaker things such as necessity and social conditioning.

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Spiritual or Physical bloodline Empty Re: Spiritual or Physical bloodline

Post by Jonathan 24.02.15 11:52

I was writing a reply but Rhea pretty much summed it up. I subscribe to her views.

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Spiritual or Physical bloodline Empty Re: Spiritual or Physical bloodline

Post by Widdershins 25.02.15 20:56

Thank you!

Love this forum. Helpful members and everyone is interested in the same topics that interest me.

Number of posts : 44
Location : Great Lakes
Registration date : 2015-02-22

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