What are your thoughts on "The Vampire Society"?

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What are your thoughts on "The Vampire Society"? Empty What are your thoughts on "The Vampire Society"?

Post by Stellana 24.01.16 21:19

Recently in my research I came across a website. On this website I found some information I found rather bizarre. I will post some of the basic information found on the homepage and also leave a link to the website itself.
( Since I have not been a member for seven days I am not aloud to insert a link. Simply go to google and type in "The Vampire Society".

Who We Are
True Vampires are those who are possessed of full Vampire Blood.  They are the Vampire of lore and legend, although the subject of much misunderstanding.
Vampires can only be made of those with whom this Blood is shared.  The sharing of Vampire Blood and the making of a Vampire (the original blood brotherhood and sisterhood) is accomplished through a secret and occult process known only to those who have become Master Vampires.
Becoming a Vampire is most easily accomplished with those who already possess partial Vampire Blood, regardless of how little.
Some say that Vampirism originated in the mating of angels with mortal women, spoken of in the Bible, in the book of Genesis.  Vampires are their spiritual and physical descendants.  The angelic bloodline became diluted with time and many today possess Vampire Blood without knowing it, although they know they are different.
"These shades are said to gain access to the world of men by reincarnating in human shape, and are referred to as intruders, ancient alien souls transmigrating from the past" — Paul Huson, Mastering Witchcraft
This Vampire Blood is passed on genetically.  Those through whose veins it courses often display characteristics of personality similar to Vampirism.  This is most widely expressed as gifts of psychic ability or paranormal powers, 'second sight' and telepathy, a hypnotic influence over others, clairvoyance, the ability to see spirits, a natural aversion to sunlight, an inborn ability to understand obscure occult subjects, an attraction to cemeteries, a desire to live in the past, and a feeling of being different and apart from others.
"Blood was its Avatar and its seal" — Edgar Allan Poe
What We Are
Vampires are men and women of great charm and beauty.  Gifted with uncanny occult powers, they emanate a beguiling, unearthly charisma or "presence."  They exert a powerful sexual attraction over others and their admirers frequently shower them with gifts and favors, enabling them to gather great wealth and riches.  Yet, the passage of time and the gathering of wisdom has taught them to value only life, and love.  
Vampires are masters of the occult and frequently move in occult circles.  Because of their ability to communicate with the dead, they take a keen interest in spiritualism and are many times regarded as exceptionally gifted psychic mediums and readers.  They are experts on the paranormal, and adepts of ritual magic, alchemy, witchcraft, sorcery and voodoo.
Not all those who call themselves "real vampires" are the same, however.  We are not psychic vampires, sanguinary vampires (blood-drinkers), "lifestyle vampires," or those who use the persona of the vampire as a spiritual tradition, or as a mask or path to personal power.  We are Vampires.
We are of the ancient Blood, and our interest is in making contact with others like ourselves, as well as those who are possessed of partial Vampire Blood or who have a strong desire to become a Vampire themselves through a dedicated path to discipleship.
"The Old Ones were, the Old Ones are, and the Old Ones shall be. Not in the spaces we know, but between them. They walk serene and primal, undimensioned and to us unseen" — H.P. Lovecraft
What We Do
Vampires are most often found to be living a solitary existence, sometimes with one or two disciples to aid them as links to the outside world.  Occasionally, they live in small families and it is not uncommon for a Vampire to have a mate.  Vampires shun the world at large and especially all things modern, although many make use of modern transportation and some even use the internet to communicate with one another.
Rarely do Vampires make other Vampires.  Vampirism is not a contagion or a disease.  We have no wish to people the world with Vampires and purposefully keep our numbers few.
It is a lovely thing to die not unto eternity but to awaken to immortal life, and many desire it.  The Gift, however, is not given without a price.  Only those who prove themselves by their devotion and service to The Vampire Society and who rightfully earn the title of Disciple will be given this consideration and initiated into the company of immortals.
Contrary to ideas propagated by popular books and movies, Vampires have no need to drink blood or suck the life completely from their so-called 'victims.'  Blood and the color red is a metaphor and symbol of the life-force.  Vampires need take only enough energy to maintain their own existence before draining another to the point of sickness or death.
Although immortal, Vampires are still human and have a respect for life.  They are not murderers or the criminally insane who prey upon the living.  No one loves life and shuns death more than Vampires.

Vampirism can sometimes become a two-way street or exchange of energies when the Vampire becomes affectionate or attracted towards the non-vampire.  While contact with a genuine Vampire is usually regarded as physically draining and leading to nervous exhaustion, it can also be exhilarating, reviving the vital forces, when the Vampire chooses to share his or her energy.
Considering the intimate and often sexual relationship that may develop between the Vampire and the mortal, the nocturnal visitations of a Vampire may produce sexual fulfillment and ecstasy far greater and more satisfying than that experienced through normal human relationships.
"We loved with a love that was more than love" — Edgar Allan Poe
Inquiries Invited
If what we say speaks to you, and you will know, then we invite your further inquiry.  The Vampire Society web site was created not merely to solicit memberships but to reach other real Vampires and bring them into fellowship with their own kind.  In the past, we could reach only a very few.  With the establishment of the internet, we can now reach more, although our numbers must always remain small.
Our teachings and activities must necessarily, of course, remain offline.  Authentic Vampirism is not meant to be shared with the masses and many of our people will no doubt express the opinion that we have said too much already.
Becoming a Member of The Vampire Society is not as simple as just filling out an application and joining.  Membership is reserved solely for those of full and partial Vampire Blood, and those few whom we accept as Disciples.  All applicants must be screened.  Money will not buy your way in.
Only those who are real Vampires, or who possess some measure of Vampire Blood and wish to develop more fully, or the rare individual who sincerely desires to walk the Dark Path and is willing to devote his or her life to Vampire Discipleship, need pursue the path of seeking Membership in this illustrious, elegant and ancient Society.
To such as these, we invite you to inquire further.

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Registration date : 2016-01-24

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What are your thoughts on "The Vampire Society"? Empty Re: What are your thoughts on "The Vampire Society"?

Post by Tehom 27.01.16 17:16

Sometime back in.. 2013, I believe, I poked at them out of curioisity. Never received a response.

I stumbled upon them once more in late 2015 and decided to give them another few minutes of my time. Yet still, silence.

Suppose I wasn't deemed "worthy" enough. Wink

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What are your thoughts on "The Vampire Society"? Empty Re: What are your thoughts on "The Vampire Society"?

Post by Troublemaker 27.01.16 17:39

Membership is reserved solely for those of full and partial Vampire Blood, and those few whom we accept as Disciples.

This is one of the sentences that stood out to me. From everything I've learned so far, it isn't about having "vampire blood"..... and you cannot be "partially a vampire". (Not as far as spirituality goes, anyway.)

I'm not going to outright dismiss them because I haven't ever investigated this particular group, but something seems a bit off, just from my initial impression.


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What are your thoughts on "The Vampire Society"? Empty Re: What are your thoughts on "The Vampire Society"?

Post by Tehom 27.01.16 17:51

I encourage giving them some chance, they do seem quite unusual. I had, in fact, originally mistaken them for another organisation I had been searching for (and still am). That alone gives me a sense that there could be 'some' truth underneath whatever strange display they're putting forth.

Still though, they're quite questionable to say the least. In truth, there's little I can judge other than what anyone else has seen from their site.

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What are your thoughts on "The Vampire Society"? Empty Re: What are your thoughts on "The Vampire Society"?

Post by Troublemaker 27.01.16 18:44

That is interesting, Tehom. I might investigate them further, then. Smile

Number of posts : 1625
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What are your thoughts on "The Vampire Society"? Empty Re: What are your thoughts on "The Vampire Society"?

Post by Maxx 27.01.16 18:53

Ahhh. Tehom. I felt your presence yesterday in lieu of your arrival. Welcome back. Hope your days are Grand...and Nights eventful.

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What are your thoughts on "The Vampire Society"? Empty Re: What are your thoughts on "The Vampire Society"?

Post by Tehom 31.01.16 20:17

Kept you waiting, I suppose?

They vary, but they're never without something of interest going on, major or minor. Very Happy

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What are your thoughts on "The Vampire Society"? Empty Re: What are your thoughts on "The Vampire Society"?

Post by Maxx 31.01.16 20:47

hehe...you would have a hard time traveling incognito.

Good to hear you are never bored...

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What are your thoughts on "The Vampire Society"? Empty Re: What are your thoughts on "The Vampire Society"?

Post by Little Dolt 08.02.16 14:03

Wow,such amazing powerful words and thoughts! This really is a site of its word ;-;

Little Dolt

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What are your thoughts on "The Vampire Society"? Empty Re: What are your thoughts on "The Vampire Society"?

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