Thoughts on The Vampire Jack Townson?

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Thoughts on The Vampire Jack Townson? Empty Thoughts on The Vampire Jack Townson?

Post by Matilda 19.08.23 18:23

Jack Townson is this guy on Instagram and Tiktok claiming to be a vampire (spelling it Vampyre) but even though he seems to have a lot of supporters, something feels really off about him and I am not sure I should look to his content for knowledge. I also saw him mention that he thinks he’s Aset Ka. I don’t know….I need a second opinion.


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Thoughts on The Vampire Jack Townson? Empty Re: Thoughts on The Vampire Jack Townson?

Post by Jonathan 19.08.23 18:28

Be wary that such guy is a fraud, not a real vampire by any stretch of imagination. He is a role-player, someone that dresses up like vampires from fiction and uses fake fangs for promotion. That is a pretender, not a real living vampire. Not to mention that he is heavily involved with House Kheperu which is a fraudulent organization led by Michelle Belanger, who is known for ripping off from other occult authors for decades.

Please look out for genuine sources of knowledge and gnosis not the fakes of social media and tv shows.

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Thoughts on The Vampire Jack Townson? Empty Re: Thoughts on The Vampire Jack Townson?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 20.08.23 1:02

And really, claiming to be part of the Aset Ka or just an Asetian, when he's not even likely accepted by the current... Really disrespectful behavior when being all about dressing up and make pretend. He's in for a reality check once that costume falls off, unless he's glued it to his face.

Nothing more disgusting than people claiming Asetianism but in fact doing everything opposite to it in utter dishonesty for their own "benefit" of fame. Not only gives a flawed understanding of the tradition, misguided, by those who follow them but also reflects on the stains of their character. Totally unvampiric by all measures of the word.

Good your sense is right. It certainly is.

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Thoughts on The Vampire Jack Townson? Empty Re: Thoughts on The Vampire Jack Townson?

Post by Nightshade 20.08.23 8:06

So many people attempt to use the Aset Ka and Asetianism as a means of promotion and seeking fame. I agree with you, it is disgusting. He is deceiving all those many fans about what being a vampire truly means as well as the deep spirituality and magick associated with it.

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Thoughts on The Vampire Jack Townson? Empty Re: Thoughts on The Vampire Jack Townson?

Post by Troublemaker 21.08.23 8:15

Echoing the words of the others. This is like Don Henrie all over again. Lol. Next stop is a 15 minute segment Oprah. 🥴

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Thoughts on The Vampire Jack Townson? Empty Re: Thoughts on The Vampire Jack Townson?

Post by SoulTower0 22.08.23 13:36

Matilda wrote:I also saw him mention that he thinks he’s Aset Ka. I don’t know….I need a second opinion.

I can't speak for the Order on your first sentence. But for the second one I can tell you this.

At the head of forums' homepage it writes:

"We are an open-minded community, formed by honest, serious and mature people that are seeking for a high standard on the research, study, discussion and support of Vampirism as a spiritual tradition, occult culture and metaphysical practice."

Since we have many exempliary Asetianists here, I would like to think Asetians would be no less in qualities and character. I will let you think what that means and how it compares to any persona claiming to be special on a digital identity, and what type of relation could that have with silence, reverence and humility. Which are generally considered hallmarks of adepts throughout all cultures in history. Enemies or not.

Because true names, true fames, and even true shames come in private ways. Not publicly. Even in practice this is true where one may continuously erase themselves of their own fallacies, to be a better fit to the traditions they claim to be worthy of following. Because the result of that, when properly done, by the grace of Elders and those in the unseens, may grant one real strength a portion as a test. And this often determines what they're really made of, how much they're being tempted by their own potentials, ruled over by their own dreams and desires and not, and how much they can master themselves and let themselves be mastered by their paths, both in good ways and not. And so on.

Such integral ways can further be communicated, but for the one who has a sincere will to grow and evolve, these come naturally from a deep, unshaken point in essence of their character. And should be left open for those earnest to take themselves further and discover deeper, because only the genuinely passionate will keep themselves going in their true and clear faith and practice even if they get no results, no rewards, or no points to continue their path.

That kind of knowing coming from a very different place and can be a great teacher.

One that's galaxies apart coming from the lessons of putting yourself out there,
coming from a new, hopeful seeker. Who is only willing to take.

Because the unreasonable attitude to continue the uninitiated sees in it, for the one with resolve, they're too busy accomplishing it.

And they do not stop. Until those selfish eyes, hands and heart truly, fully, completely fall off to be taken again in a new way. That abondoning, that distancing, to make real progress on the path is paramount.

There is a very deep relation, as to why great and lesser mysteries are always veiled, are always a part of any authentic spiritual path, and are always introduced in the later stages of the path,

and never even mentioned in the presence of two disciples, let alone a beginner's. That is a good beginning point to understand, and go the opposite way down to their roots without exceptions.

Please anyone seriously willing to understand,
take a moment to think about that.

Why would you let something so important to you, to let known by someone who obviously has a big mouth, and cannot keep their spirits, thoughts, emotions and actions in check?

Especially if you're not only responsible for you, but those who share the same too?

There is a deep amount of respect that goes underneath that keeping that which is shared and felt in unspoken comunnicating. And those communicate soul to soul only.

You would obviously do it for someone who prove themselves to you without even asking, because that one comes from a mature point of self-knowing, never misusing what's important to you for themselves, since their giving or taking is for you alone or in service to something greater than themselves. And the ability to offer themselves up selflessly without regret. That is rarest among all.

Because they're not looking for a trade, or a secret to feel better over others, or feel some worth because they feel they belong to x or y so they can feel better about themselves.

Mistreatment, disrespect does not and cannot change them.

Their reactions are a testimony to their own traning.

They do not sell themselves or their values in trade to anything else.

They know every step they take and do not take in their ritual dance of life sets a precedent for their pace; it determines in whys, whens, wheres, hows in every moment of their progress, yet do so without ways worrisome. They do not leave the original point, so it does not leave them either.

It would be far better for them to live alone in deep solitude but at least with some self-respect as a z and a regular unawakened person, at least without shaming themselves, poisoning the field for everyone further, with their mistakes and unconscious self-ignorance and arrogance, diluting only their own names and ways. Nothing else.

If you can see perhaps some of above in the ways they self-express, then it can be a good start.

Because usually one who has some of those usually has it all. They're connected.

If not, I'd stay very away from people I cannot in some way genuinely praise. Because self-corrections make the crux any path, not just the spiritual one. They make up the bridges we know we must walk ourselves. And for someone who does it daily, not when they feel like it, or only motivated up to it, at a weekend retreat, once a month or a week - the difference is going to speak itself in the arena, very clearly, for all to see.

Imagine a kensho, a kenshi or a sportsperson failing terribly during an exhibition. That is not a pretty sight for anyone. And compare it to the one who is silently and masterfully practicing in their own hut in simplicity, seeking no attention from anybody, not even of themselves.

Before this turns into a small booklet, I think you get the idea already by now clearly.


And it has been stated clearly at the Aset Ka's website publicly and many times here in forums I believe that no outside persona or organization has any association with the Order. And only those that do, may come again from the public website itself too.

There might be differing reasons as to why this is so, realized at different degrees and stages so.

However I do not mean this extra point to overkill - but for any newcomers that might come across these who are interested in pursuing it in other claim-atory places. Because I do understand the necessity of a community first hand, and learning together among aspiring Asetianists is a beautiful, genuine bet. So this is also for them, I hope you can show understanding for this extra allowance in my reply for the sake of others, and alike such genuine seekers.

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