Energy Storage Ring

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Energy Storage Ring Empty Energy Storage Ring

Post by Paradox 13.07.16 15:41

I'm looking to create a ring wherein I can store enough pranic energy for at least a single feeding. I have a good idea regarding the energetic manufacture, I'm not sure about the physical materials, however..
What would you make it out of?

Number of posts : 6
Location : Southern Europe
Registration date : 2016-07-11

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Energy Storage Ring Empty Re: Energy Storage Ring

Post by Jonathan 14.07.16 0:34

Mineral is your best bet to maintain an energetic reserve however it will not work very well and it will be highly inefficient. Vital energy used in feeding dissipates really fast and in order to maintain it at the same vibrational level inside a container you would have to spend even more energy in the magickal process to accomplish it so in terms of vampirism it doesn't make much sense.

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Energy Storage Ring Empty Re: Energy Storage Ring

Post by Paradox 14.07.16 3:24

You bring up a good point. I'm very good at directing and programming energy, though, so I doubt the process itself would be a problem if I had access to a stable energy source (which I do.)

Not to mention I'm not going to use vital energy for the creation, nor my personal energy except for a little detail in the process.

The problem is something you mentioned: the vibrational level. How is that preserved?

Number of posts : 6
Location : Southern Europe
Registration date : 2016-07-11

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Energy Storage Ring Empty Re: Energy Storage Ring

Post by Nightshade 14.07.16 5:08

This is your only post in this forum and you haven’t even presented yourself to the community or provide some of your knowledge and background. Here you’re asking about energy storage but aren’t disclosing your intended approach or technique. Metaphysics is a very detailed process and not something built on assumptions.

So what makes you think that people here should teach you when we know nothing about you?

Number of posts : 438
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Energy Storage Ring Empty Re: Energy Storage Ring

Post by Maxx 14.07.16 6:46

bravo, bravo. Agreed.

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Energy Storage Ring Empty Re: Energy Storage Ring

Post by Paradox 16.07.16 6:28

You will barely ever know anything about me from a simple forum, just like I will barely ever know anything about you from a simple forum. If you don't want to offer me any advice on that basis, that's your choice and I respect it. If on the other hand there is something specific you need to know regarding my method in order to answer my questions, I'm willing to provide some information.

Number of posts : 6
Location : Southern Europe
Registration date : 2016-07-11

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Energy Storage Ring Empty Re: Energy Storage Ring

Post by Maxx 16.07.16 6:39

This is not a "welcome to the family" like the church down the street. You either have a desire to interact or you do not. We could care less. We are not here to baby you and pretty please come and join in. You can be as standoffish as you desire and you will receive the same. We are not paid by clicks here. If you have no desire to offer anything here or to join a type of education, you might be in the wrong place.

Number of posts : 4334
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Energy Storage Ring Empty Re: Energy Storage Ring

Post by Paradox 16.07.16 14:45

Never asked for any of that. A question is a wonderful beginning for an educational journey. Would you like to contribute anything of value to the discussion I created or would you prefer to continue derailing my thread?

Number of posts : 6
Location : Southern Europe
Registration date : 2016-07-11

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Energy Storage Ring Empty Re: Energy Storage Ring

Post by Maxx 16.07.16 16:42

What do you think?

Number of posts : 4334
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Energy Storage Ring Empty Re: Energy Storage Ring

Post by Maxx 16.07.16 16:44

There is a question for you...

Number of posts : 4334
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Energy Storage Ring Empty Re: Energy Storage Ring

Post by Paradox 17.07.16 18:23

I like to have hope in people and I expect that someone seemingly as experienced as you appear would enjoy logical, levelheaded discussion, so I'll go with the former. You can prove me wrong if you'd like.

Number of posts : 6
Location : Southern Europe
Registration date : 2016-07-11

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Energy Storage Ring Empty Re: Energy Storage Ring

Post by Troublemaker 17.07.16 19:42

I agree with what Jonathan pointed out to you. In terms of vampirism it does not make very much sense at all. Not only that, but if you are so very good at energy manipulation then why are you here asking a group of strangers for advice on this? Being "very good" at programming energy and directing it as you desire implies a certain knowledge of vibration and metaphysical behavior of physical materials. Now, if you are interested in this community you are by all means encouraged to post an introduction.

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Energy Storage Ring Empty Re: Energy Storage Ring

Post by Paradox 18.07.16 13:00

I'm here because I'm looking for a second opinion in a forum that seems to include people who could offer me valuable insight. I believe that no matter how experienced, or good you are at something, you should always ask questions, always consider yourself to be in the learning process. If I hadn't asked, I wouldn't have thought of what Jonathan pointed out to me, for example. Being very good at something doesn't negate the fact that someone else can be better, or offer useful advice. When you reach a level of proficiency at a certain skill, do you close off to all external perspectives? I hope not. That's very stupid.

While I do have a decent amount of knowledge regarding the correlations of material and immaterial reality, as well as how one affects the other and the consequential properties of such, there could always be more to know, there could always be something that has escaped my own perception. Although I'm familiar with energetic vibration, I don't know how to preserve it aside from perhaps programming the ring to perform that function, which doesn't seem like a very stable method. I like to be open to all viewpoints, there's always something to learn, either from the experience itself or the actual insight offered to me.

Number of posts : 6
Location : Southern Europe
Registration date : 2016-07-11

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Energy Storage Ring Empty Re: Energy Storage Ring

Post by Maxx 18.07.16 18:41

That is all well and good.... It is very obvious that you evaded the issue again. If you would like to enter discussions and be treated as someone with no issues here at all with anyone, then you really do know what to do. If you intend to continue to play games, I am the biggest jackass here and I will get down and dirty. Up to you.

Number of posts : 4334
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Energy Storage Ring Empty Re: Energy Storage Ring

Post by thenerdiestwitch 24.07.16 16:12

Paradox, if I understand your question correctly, I believe the best answer I can give is: make a simple copper ring. It might be different for you, but for me, copper has always been conductive and adequate at storing energy until I need it. You might wish to explore other metals, and see which of their vibrations are best for you. Certain rings made out of certain gemstones can be bought in shops as well. A basic quartz is all I can recommend, as I don't know the specific details of your need for it, other than energy storage and accessibility.

I have much of a same set-up with an antique necklace I wear at all times, so I thought I would help as much as I could.

As for the rest of this discussion, I'm staying out of it. Though I will say that an introduction thread or more specifics about your knowledge and abilities, or a direct plan of what you intended to do, would have indeed been helpful when seeking advice.

Number of posts : 17
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Registration date : 2016-06-16

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Energy Storage Ring Empty Re: Energy Storage Ring

Post by Maxx 25.07.16 16:19

Well, I have been given a different assignment. lol. Someone else will have to take over the flake filter here. I will really have to go to work now. No more coasting. Happy trails to all of you. So that means she can come on in and get with the program.


Number of posts : 4334
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Energy Storage Ring Empty Re: Energy Storage Ring

Post by Leelahel 26.07.16 17:23

Hi Paradox,

You came in strong, but please understand there are rules to participate here. When you come in, it is polite to introduce yourself, share how you got here and also to share some of your basis of beliefs for us to better get to know you.

Asetianists and other allies are very protective of their valuable information. To be able to mix with the forum to find answers to your questions, you do need to follow the steps. It isn't just plug in and play here.

Please reconsider and give it a try, it seems you have an interesting hypothesis and would benefit from the advice you find here.

Jonathan provided you with good advice. It does not sound practical if you use up more energy you need. Sometimes the answer is found in simplicity.

Be well, and please come introduce yourself so that we can get to know you better.

Number of posts : 90
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Registration date : 2015-10-23

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Energy Storage Ring Empty Re: Energy Storage Ring

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