Are all newbies told they are fake?

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Are all newbies told they are fake?  - Page 2 Empty Re: Are all newbies told they are fake?

Post by Heruset 11.07.17 1:29

You have to be elitist if you want to avoid people like you, Raven.

What do you know about vampires? Have you read any books? Besides Dracula, Twilight etc.


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Are all newbies told they are fake?  - Page 2 Empty Re: Are all newbies told they are fake?

Post by Heruset 11.07.17 1:33

Besides, I was "new" once, as all the members here were. People here don't necessarily like me. Who cares? If you want to spiritually evolve, you should probably stop getting caught up on strangers opinions on the web and focus on actual research.

You need to realize you aren't that special and we don't care about your personal journey. You should only care about it.


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Are all newbies told they are fake?  - Page 2 Empty Re: Are all newbies told they are fake?

Post by Sinata 11.07.17 2:35

Ah, this again...and...again... I end up getting quite a great neck workout each visit to the forum the very least i'm reminded my head is attached...

@LadyCrimsonRaven this forum is for people whom are sincere, and either already possess or wish to gain knowledge... Many people start making claims of being "XYZ" and have not spent any time studying history, metaphysics, occult sciences, energy manipulation, etc... and the list goes on... Coming to a forum stating that you are "XYZ" while posting things that sound as if they were literally taken from a game or fantasy novel says quite a bit about the "New" poster... Those of "Us" who are mature members have enough respect to bring the truth out into the forefront... There are a lot of predators lurking online... I find it rather disturbing that you don't see the problem in fueling one's delusions... You stated, "And if it is not harming anyone else, why not support them?" What you are or what you are not is no longer relevant... What is relevant is that you are not displaying any signs of an evolved being, human or otherwise... You came to this site, and insulted an entire community of people vs. naming whoever you specifically found to be "Elitist Assholes"... Becoming a higher being involves the burning away of falsehoods... It would be very wrong to toy with people, and not set them on the proper path to self-discovery... The majority of these "XYZ" people refuse to read through all of the articles posted here, and study on their own time... This results in them learning nothing, and wasting the time of others on this forum who wish to communicate regularly so that they can advance or assist others... The truth hurts, but it is what will truly set one free... Enjoying a rare steak because it is bloody, and having sharp teeth does not make one a vampire, nor predatory "other-kin"... If you were a surgeon, i'm fairly certain you would find it a bit annoying if a random person that played the board game called Operation, insisted that they were a surgeon as well because they played the game, and proceeded to give you operating advice in the middle of an emergency surgery you were performing... You have people from all walks of life here, many of them have spent years upon years studying and practicing...

RESPECT is earned, not given...
I'll end it with this quote from Luis Marques, "We are the adversaries of mediocrity, tamers of ego and initiators of truth. Our call is liberation and our enemy the chains of ignorance."

Number of posts : 50
Location : The Path Between Fire and Ice
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Are all newbies told they are fake?  - Page 2 Empty Re: Are all newbies told they are fake?

Post by Jessamine 11.07.17 3:31

Hello Raven, let me level with you. This is something you should be able to understand.

You seem like a social justice warrior. Go back to the campus and rally about the 60 genders and transgender toilets. We are not some brainwashed students. And your post was such a fun thing to read, so thank you for the amusement. Thats all that a person like you can accomplish here, momenteraly (I hope for your own good, one day you will evolve)

Did you really think that your criticism will change anything here?

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Are all newbies told they are fake?  - Page 2 Empty Re: Are all newbies told they are fake?

Post by Jonathan 11.07.17 4:16

Sinata wrote:RESPECT is earned, not given...
I'll end it with this quote from Luis Marques, "We are the adversaries of mediocrity, tamers of ego and initiators of truth. Our call is liberation and our enemy the chains of ignorance."


Awesome quote.

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Are all newbies told they are fake?  - Page 2 Empty Re: Are all newbies told they are fake?

Post by Maxx 11.07.17 9:32

Yep. Next thing you know, she will be trying to eat at Village with a gift card...

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Are all newbies told they are fake?  - Page 2 Empty Re: Are all newbies told they are fake?

Post by A.Nightside 11.07.17 10:43

Holy, carp.

Crimson, try to breath, calm down and clear your head.

How many introductions have you actually read, just the one?
Not everyone is "attacked". It seems pretty common around here, and even in many Vampire Community groups, for people to be pretty blunt about things. It's not to be cruel or mean, it's to get the point across as clearly as possible. This is often misunderstood as aggressive, but it's not. You have to learn to keep an open mind about things, and ask about intentions or intended meanings before assuming that everyone intends to harm or something. Those who enter groups like this, need to have a bit of a thick skin, or at least develop one quickly. Not because it's harsh, but because one needs to be confident and comfortable within themselves. If you're unsure of yourself, your identity, yet you come into a place like this flaunting and flailing your beliefs, identity or claims, you will be met with not only differing views, but likely someone more than happy to knock you into your place (so to speak) as holding yourself so high, with little to no basis to hold you up there is likely to lead you falling on your face (not you specifically but you being general individuals). If you're unsure, be honest about it, be clear, don't put on a facade and assume everyone will be ok with it, that everyone will coddle your ideas without encouraging you (in some polite and not so polite ways) to think critically about yourself, and truly learn about the subjects you think you know, and the claims you are making.

Information is available, and if you pay attention, just because one does not agree on what a vampire is, or who is one for that matter, doesn't mean anyone who disagrees is outright rejected.

Case and point, myself. My definition roots from the Vampire Community's definition (you will see the VC often being put down or put out as a distasteful group, while I find this disrespectful, I can't exactly fight it now can I?) as well as a bit of reforming via my own personal introspections and experiences. I, by some's standards in here, probably am not a vampire, or even Otherkin for that matter, though I make the claim and state that I identify as such. Still, regardless of what other people think of me, I think I"m pretty well accepted here, if not at least tolerated. I try not to be emotional, judgmental or rude. I am open to ideas, and speak my views as views, perspective rather than unsubstantiated facts. I get on here pretty well, If I may say so myself.

It's not intended to be hurtful, nor personal. It's standard with any Vampire, Otherkin and Therian forum, questions and opinions, setting records straight and pushing newbies to be sure of themselves is what happens. Things have become rather lax and soft in the years that Facebook has ruled, but this standard has been such probably since the beginning these subcultures and identity groups formed, at the very least, it's been standard practice for the 14 years (give or take) that I've been familiar with the subject, and communities.

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Are all newbies told they are fake?  - Page 2 Empty Re: Are all newbies told they are fake?

Post by A.Nightside 11.07.17 10:50

*for the record, in case that's what you think, I'm not defending nor supporting blatant bullying, harassment, and intentional meanness. I agree, that some statements are harsh, and possibly unnecessary, but you have to also understand, at least in this thread, you come into someone else's home throwing a tantrum about how things are run, and insulting every the family and guests of this house, rather than asking questions, trying to understand and politely making alternative suggestions. Do you really think you'd be met with politeness? People have a right to defend themselves and hostility only breeds more hostility.

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Are all newbies told they are fake?  - Page 2 Empty Re: Are all newbies told they are fake?

Post by Sinata 12.07.17 0:40

@Jonathan Thank you. I Agree

@Maxx lol!

Number of posts : 50
Location : The Path Between Fire and Ice
Registration date : 2015-10-24

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Are all newbies told they are fake?  - Page 2 Empty Re: Are all newbies told they are fake?

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