Awakening and Insomnia

Veiled One
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Awakening and Insomnia  Empty Awakening and Insomnia

Post by Veiled One 20.07.18 14:52

I've been dealing with insomnia for years, since the beginning of my awakening. It often takes me hours to fall asleep and I usually can't sleep before sunrise. I've tried all sorts of things at this point: I've seen several doctors to try to rule out any mundane cause, tried different varieties of sleeping pills, using white noise, changing my sleeping patterns, exercise, acupuncture, several alternative healing modalities, practicing different kinds of energetic work, meditating before going to sleep, and none of this has significantly helped.

I often feel a kind of energy or fire within me that doesn't want to become dormant, hence keeping me awake. But even when I actively work with this energy during the day, it doesn't make much difference.

Do any of you have similar experiences or suggestions?
Veiled One
Veiled One

Number of posts : 40
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Registration date : 2017-12-15

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Awakening and Insomnia  Empty Re: Awakening and Insomnia

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 20.07.18 16:06

I wouldn't know too well. I usually tend to turn around my sleeping schedule towards being awake during nighttime all the way up into the early morning and sleep the day thereafter but I have not had any insomnia. I am not too sure if this is a correct question in this regard but have you tried to deepen your awareness of this energy or fire, so as to more thoroughly comprehend all its effects on you as well as what it is? If so, maybe it could help you to understand how to manage it.

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Awakening and Insomnia  Empty Re: Awakening and Insomnia

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 20.07.18 16:22

...I mean, manage it better.* I understand you already know how to manage it somewhat as in working with it, but the key to your answer might lie in deepening your awareness and understadning of it even more.

Number of posts : 1344
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Registration date : 2014-02-02

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Awakening and Insomnia  Empty Re: Awakening and Insomnia

Post by Ramla-Meryt 22.07.18 3:44

While I cannot make any suggestions that tie into the medical/clinical side of things, I am not personally inflicted by insomnia. While given the chance, I will auto-regulate my sleep patterns to partially nocturnal naturally (midnight - 6am awake; 6am - noon asleep; noon - 6pm awake; 6pm - midnight sleep), I can regulate it back to diurnal or nocturnal if the need arises.

I wish you the best of luck in furthering investigation into managing it.

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Awakening and Insomnia  Empty Re: Awakening and Insomnia

Post by A.Nightside 28.07.18 5:58

I struggle with chronic fatigue.
I find myself tired constantly, but when I go to bed it can take anywhere between 15 minutes and an hour. Though I'm constantly tired I find that my peak during the day and if I can't sleep at all at night, is around dawn and dusk.

If allowed the time to naturally regulate I sleep 10-12 hours on average.

I can't recall if this was different before or after the realization of my nature.

I know at night the sort of white noise and static I pick up on (empathetically) is quieter so it's easier to function or do things at night. I will sometimes feel more energized at night only because of this, and it's sort of unburdening, but it depends on how my day has gone and how my body cooperates with me.


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Awakening and Insomnia  Empty Re: Awakening and Insomnia

Post by Veiled One 29.07.18 20:19

Thank you all for your responses. It's interesting to see how the nocturnal habit is more than just a myth about us; and it makes sense, at an energetic level. I wonder if Asetians need more sleep than average, or if this is just a skewed sample...
Veiled One
Veiled One

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Awakening and Insomnia  Empty Re: Awakening and Insomnia

Post by A.Nightside 31.07.18 8:23

I never claimed to be Asetian, and I doubt many of us are.
Asetianists perhaps.

Number of posts : 523
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Location : New Hampshire, US
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Awakening and Insomnia  Empty Re: Awakening and Insomnia

Post by Zabet Aranyalma 31.07.18 23:38

I did... Until I had children! Now I can easily lose consciousness as soon as my head hits the pillow.
Zabet Aranyalma
Zabet Aranyalma

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Awakening and Insomnia  Empty Re: Awakening and Insomnia

Post by Jessamine 07.08.18 15:46

Veiled One wrote:I've been dealing with insomnia for years, since the beginning of my awakening. It often takes me hours to fall asleep and I usually can't sleep before sunrise. I've tried all sorts of things at this point: I've seen several doctors to try to rule out any mundane cause, tried different varieties of sleeping pills, using white noise, changing my sleeping patterns, exercise, acupuncture, several alternative healing modalities, practicing different kinds of energetic work, meditating before going to sleep, and none of this has significantly helped.

I often feel a kind of energy or fire within me that doesn't want to become dormant, hence keeping me awake. But even when I actively work with this energy during the day, it doesn't make much difference.

Do any of you have similar experiences or suggestions?

Whats keeping you awake at night is your belief system of you being a vampire.
That is why nothing significantly helped, you also didn’t mention getting help from a psyhiatrist or psychologist.
Vampire or not, still incarnated in a human body with a need for sleep, circadian rythm and hormones. If you want to go sleep at “normal” hours you would have to tell yourself even if you are vampire you are still human and you can sleep whenever you like. We are nothing more than a biological system(first and foremost in this life), for example if a part of your brain is missing you are not even the same person.

My suggestion is: reprogramming your mind, realising you’re a human just like any other first and foremost.

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