Member Intro (CREdarkness)

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Member Intro (CREdarkness) Empty Member Intro (CREdarkness)

Post by CREdarkness 22.09.18 16:38

Hello to this vampire community forum. My username is CREdarkness, but call me Adam if you want, or the username CREdarkness will work fine, any variation - I’m not concerned and I do not take offense easily . . .
I’m from the United States, I’m around 24 currently (I don’t want to give exact age on the internet) I’ve been a vampire my entire life. I don’t think I could be categorized accurately as a “sanguinarian”, and I don’t feel I’m an asset-ka vampire either . . . I can only describe my vampirism, if I were to give a simple and personal definition, as being a physical body which is not human but vampiric, and that on this level it is a scientific form more than anything else. . .

I’m in a relationship, and here only for research and community involvement/support. Ask me anything else you want to know about me. If I feel a question is too personal or if it is regarding information, which shared, might be dangerous, I’ll let you know. . . If not I’m sure I’ll get back to you within a week or so. I’ve been pretty tied up in the past four years with all that has happened in the past 24 years, I’m still present though, for now.

Number of posts : 92
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Registration date : 2018-09-22

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Member Intro (CREdarkness) Empty Re: Member Intro (CREdarkness)

Post by Troublemaker 22.09.18 20:02


Also, it is "Aset Ka"... Not "asset ka"....

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Member Intro (CREdarkness) Empty Re: Member Intro (CREdarkness)

Post by Jonathan 23.09.18 4:16

Rhea Kaye wrote:Welcome.

Also, it is "Aset Ka"... Not "asset ka"....

Yes, not that hard to spell.

Welcome to the vampire community.

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Member Intro (CREdarkness) Empty Re: Member Intro (CREdarkness)

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 23.09.18 9:53

Hello, welcome. How would you describe your vampirism as being physical but not human?

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Member Intro (CREdarkness) Empty Re: Member Intro (CREdarkness)

Post by CREdarkness 23.09.18 18:31

I animate this body, for the most part. I don’t think a normal human body could house, fully, something that I am, which is a real vampire. I can’t give a lot of detail. The question is not too personal, and the reason I choose to leave out detail has more to do with science and less to do with a desire to share information.

Sorry about the spelling error there, I did not aim to offend anyone, I originally typed “Aset-Ka” (auto-correct got it backwards). If there is an option to edit the post, I’m not finding it.

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Member Intro (CREdarkness) Empty Re: Member Intro (CREdarkness)

Post by A.Nightside 25.09.18 14:27

What is a vampire, to you?

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Member Intro (CREdarkness) Empty Re: Member Intro (CREdarkness)

Post by CREdarkness 25.09.18 19:03

A vampire is described in European folklore as a corpse which rises and drinks the blood of the living. In some of this recorded history, the people who became the corpses died either horrific deaths, or an account was strange in similar ways (severe outbreaks of sickness seems to be connected sometimes, and other times isolated cases of illness took place which were still individually severe, or even wierd). I take this entire phenomenon (sickness, horrific events, and passing into death, only to return to the same physical condition as a revenant or moroii) to be nothing more than a physical science we could not fully understand and now we understand more than before, but not everything. I think everything from spirits to thought to reanimated bodies is still only a science (and I’m not sure how physical or non-physical it is), and that to fully be turned into the folklore/mythological version of an immortal vampire without it being more trouble than it’s worth would take thousands of years, if not thousands of thousands of years,

I think I’ve heard this definition/post but my mind was shot with all the words trying to describe and so I’ve resorted to this one.

Other definitions of vampires can be anything from vampiric centers in a body, system, a blood, an entity or a daimon (I personally use the term “daimon” or daimone- if that’s accurate - instead of demon, because it gives you a sense of something which is complicated and not evil.)

I think there are many other vampiric existences. They are all very different and each interesting and exclusive to the others.
Recently I’ve found some new stuff and have been more aware of the vampires which are all around us also. Honestly I think I’ve listed 2-4 accounts, out of hundreds of thousands which would be obvious upon deeper research. I’m not always this active on forums and I likely will not be active again for weeks to months, shortly, but am at the end of final outlining for a film and so I’m around a bit more lately.

A nice question. Thanks.

Number of posts : 92
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Registration date : 2018-09-22

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Member Intro (CREdarkness) Empty Re: Member Intro (CREdarkness)

Post by A.Nightside 25.09.18 21:09

Let me rephrase, what is a "real vampire" to you?

Number of posts : 523
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Location : New Hampshire, US
Registration date : 2017-06-07

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Member Intro (CREdarkness) Empty Re: Member Intro (CREdarkness)

Post by CREdarkness 25.09.18 22:56

That is how I would explain real vampires.

Number of posts : 92
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Member Intro (CREdarkness) Empty Re: Member Intro (CREdarkness)

Post by CREdarkness 26.09.18 3:16

I’m sorry I just read that and realized how it might be confusing as it confused even me for a second. I’m saying, for me, this folklore, which, for some, may just seem to be myth, is more like the scientific boundaries I live within, only crossing through it to a certain extent (much like a moroii), because I live in a form which is attempting to correct and advance the physical standing of a still-living /still-intact vampire. Attempting to make sense of what has previously only been understood as rumors or unexplained occurrences/interferences which couldn’t be scientifically established/defined, is a part of my daily life and obligation to society as a vampire. *

It’s difficult on the internet sometimes to understand what people are getting at when they ask or answer questions and my schedule was a bit off today, so I didn’t have the clarity of mind to be able to answer your question without sounding elusive, I guess... which I just now noticed as I re-read the two previous answers I offered you, A. Nightside. I hope I’m beginning to make more sense at this point, forums can definitely be a complicated scene regarding the vampire community, with so much distance involved and the only communication being through computers and very little up-close and personal conversation involved, which may clear up most confusion in the real world.

To answer your question better about what a real vampire is and isn’t, from my perspective, regarding the detail I’m assuming you’re looking for, I will refer to BEK occurrence, especially since one popped up right after reading your question and my attempt to answer it. (Around 17:03, Tues. 25th of September, 2018)

BEK’s have been recorded/ encountered in recent years and are described as vampiric children of unknown origin and seemingly demonic. They have the tendency to cross through the boundaries and environment pretty quickly after invitation. They are described as having pale or olive - toned skin and oval shaped all-black eyes in most descriptions, and they arrive as children on the porch, near the window or somewhere outside of what is considered to be your personal space. They generally insist that you let them in and most people cannot fight the compulsion they immediately undergo upon encountering them. What takes place after this is always described as pretty horrific/monstrous (and I agree that is what takes place as I too have been the subject of such horror). Although they seemed, for a long time, to be their own individual manifestations of a vampire, I have experienced the development of something else during researching and encountering the BEK children for over three years. What I’ve found to be more accurate about them, is that somehow they got out of their existential boxes and became their own for a while rather than a spirit which must be conformed to a vampire. I perceive this is what they actually are, a part of a vampires existence, and not individual vampires themselves. In my opinion that is why the events surrounding their interference have been so horrific. I am stating, that from my observation, the science is all connective, and a BEK is just a part of the unturned vampire’s science, which is fixed/corrected during the turning process.

The modern community of real-life, (psi, sanguinarian, elemental ... etc.) vampires, in my opinion, is a case of unhealth in modern scientific developments within the natural evolution of vampire culture and basic science, being one which stems from the result of being the descendants of vampires you will find in the european folklore and other folklore similar to that. In some cases that same science I conduct on myself (however basic and terrible it is 😂) is something another vampire has been working on for over 70 years consciously on this planet and if purposeful offspring is created for knowledge, study and correction of the science, then such vampires might exist which are less of the original unhealth and more on the side of being creations which are purposefully made for reconstructing their science. A possible type of vampire might be one which does not have as much parasitic quality as others like myself, who are products of what has simply happened, not necessarily intended to happen. The intention of this type would be created with the intents of their creator being more on the side of correction and establishing better health (not, instead, strengthening parasitic qualities). I’m not trying to paint myself as a bastard, obviously, I’m just saying the comparison of an overall physically parasitic existence to one which is created, intentionally, to lower parasitic quality and raise the height of natural health is probably worth documentation. If not, it’s at least interesting. Blood drinking, I perceive, is a parasitic problem, and psi vampirism is like having holes in the psychic existence... However, science is interesting, because as lowered as the health can be, the overall health of the victim of such circumstances might also include a natural heightened health also, which is where the right kind of advancement of vampires exists. This is just my speculation, for the most part... yet, I feel, just as there is evidence that a coffee cup is sitting next to me, there is also evidence in my life that the two ways my existence goes (irreversibly vampiric, and unavoidably part human) has a contrast I can learn from, and that contrast might be indicative of something important in regards to advanced science.

I’ve learned much which can be applied to my vampiric existence, which, when applied, definitely makes sense of a lot of this same unexplained activity on a scientific level, and less as folklore.

I also would like to add I have no higher education in science so I’m left to my own devices. I used to have a huge vocabulary and this post would have been effortless but now, after a lot of awakening and new developments as the vampire I am I’m left with some broken structure which I’m still working on. It will take time. I hope this post is worth it for now though, and answers your question.

A. Nightside, regarding your soul as a vampire, is it as if you have no body and you are strictly a soul which is able to connect to the internet - or do you inhabit a body? Do you feel you are one of these souls which exists alongside a vampire, and will one day fit in a vampiric body? Or are you fully a soul, separate from the physical and in no way separate or in pieces? I ask because I’m familiar with such phenomena (souls free, non-physical, but able to connect to the system regardless) and am curious. I seem to be much different than others... I’m definitely not an Aset Ka vampire and my soul does not inhabit my body. I am a vampiric existence which inhabits a body. The soul, which I am, is probably the only part of me which is in no way vampiric, but seems it will be eternal. As far as I know, there is another soul involved, which is used to reverse certain things in my life and body to create a full vampire, which then houses and accompanies the non-vampiric soul. This is complicated though and I don’t really know enough about it to be sure.

Number of posts : 92
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Member Intro (CREdarkness) Empty Re: Member Intro (CREdarkness)

Post by Troublemaker 26.09.18 7:32

A complicated fairytale indeed!
Sorry bud, you sound quite delusional.
I've lost my patience with these types.

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Member Intro (CREdarkness) Empty Re: Member Intro (CREdarkness)

Post by Troublemaker 26.09.18 7:39

By the way, true vampires are not the broken beings you describe in your utterly useless rambling, and science is a serious thing that you should probably stop trying to pretend to understand when it is obvious by reading your posts that you are quite lost.
Everything I have seen from you so far is obnoxious,, useless drivel. You are not gifting the forum like you think you are with this crap and by now, after years, the constant influx of ignorants has gotten incredibly old . I think you are in the wrong forum because this place is meant to be more serious than what you are able to understand. Please take your delusional ideas of vampire science somewhere else to a community that will actually care to be "gifted" with it.

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Member Intro (CREdarkness) Empty Re: Member Intro (CREdarkness)

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 26.09.18 7:48

CREdarkness, I think you live in a land of delusions. You do not see it yourself.

There is a reason why this forum is often hesitant or suspicious of newer members; there will usually be a parading in by one or two who come in here with all kinds of delusions and think that somehow we would be on the same line. But as Rhea Kaye states, this forum is looking for far different material; higher quality and maturity, truth and not errors of delusion.

It is better to take some time to sit down, reflect... Maybe even speak to a psychologist which might suit your needs.

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Member Intro (CREdarkness) Empty Re: Member Intro (CREdarkness)

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 26.09.18 7:57

And this is not said to be needlessly rude but because this forum has suffered this malady for a long time. Also it might do you good to talk with someone about your issues. If I did not act this way, then we would be allowing and promoting all kinds of delusions, even appearing to foster them, and that would not be good in the long run, neither for us nor for anyone else who stumbles upon this forum. Frankly, delusions is not what this forum is meant nor intended for.

Number of posts : 1339
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Member Intro (CREdarkness) Empty Re: Member Intro (CREdarkness)

Post by CREdarkness 26.09.18 20:56

I think that you’re all delusional. Blowing things out of proportion, letting them get to you. However unexplored the phenomena is, it is at least well-documented and some of us live within it.

Number of posts : 92
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Member Intro (CREdarkness) Empty Re: Member Intro (CREdarkness)

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 27.09.18 7:59

Well-documented you say? Then why not show? Or is that what you intended to do with above posts...? Well, I just do not see how it applies. Have you read anything upon the forum so far? More extensively, that is...

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Member Intro (CREdarkness) Empty Re: Member Intro (CREdarkness)

Post by CREdarkness 27.09.18 13:29

So far these forums are jokes. Seeing as they’re not valuable and the entertainment is rather perverse in general, with no light-heartedness or leniency. I mentioned that I do not have a higher education. Regardless, real cases of vampirism which exist in the physical are commonly disregarded. It isn’t as if you can just go to college for vampirism, and the system, especially for vampires is not that simple. My introduction was nothing more than a simple introduction and as usual, if you’ve made something else of it then take it upon yourself to change your mind and let it go? It’s all pretty simple in the culture of real vampires if you understand it, and if you’re a vampire you naturally would, every person and case is different. I made it pretty clear, I’m using what information I have, and I am not claiming to be some kind of professor, or anything like that. Just a vampire, within their science, as every other thing that exists is.

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Member Intro (CREdarkness) Empty Re: Member Intro (CREdarkness)

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 27.09.18 13:50

I'd almost say I apologize since I did go off at you rather harshly but then I see you are insulting other people on the forum... However, as I said, my intention was not to be needlessly rude. What do you mean by science, anyhow? You speak of science in a mysterious way... what exactly is this science?

The reason, also, why I asked if you had read more upon the forum of what others have posted in here is because then you might have gotten a better understanding of it... and might have adapted your understanding to it... but instead you choose to entirerly dismiss it, even in a somewhat ridiculing manner. Does not make for a good introduction at all.

The only reason why we dismiss your claims is because they seem so far off, unrealistic, even for vampirism... almost mirroring fictional lore, instead of actual real life.

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Member Intro (CREdarkness) Empty Re: Member Intro (CREdarkness)

Post by CREdarkness 27.09.18 14:05

There is only one thing I would like to say which is that things are not what they seem.

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Member Intro (CREdarkness) Empty Re: Member Intro (CREdarkness)

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 27.09.18 14:07

Do not take it personal but only that we are skeptical of such claims. If you read the forums here you will probably figure out that the things talked about do not relate to fiction and there are provided reasons for such natures. Therefore, I would ask you to back up your claims with some substantial amount of verification too, at least rationally implying its natural possibilities per logic if not empirically providing of direct evidence... Our claims, for instance, cannot necessarily be physically confirmed, perhaps... but it speaks of more metaphysical matters and is not in the domain of modern science but occult, even if they can possibly overlap and eventually will maybe even meet and merge...

Number of posts : 1339
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Member Intro (CREdarkness) Empty Re: Member Intro (CREdarkness)

Post by Troublemaker 27.09.18 14:57

Reminds me of a quote from Luis Marques. Here we go:
"Arguing with a fool is useless. Allow them to speak and their words become a banner of their incomplete self."
This new member is a perfect example. He calls others delusional while he spouts off nothing but nonsense, showing instability and a complete lack of knowledge and maturity. He still hasn't gotten the message that no one really cares about his dogmatic, misguided garbage and would rather keep repeating how much of a real vampire he is, as if people are supposed to care. This might seem harsh but sometimes, in my own view, harshness is necessary and these types of people are not entitled to my respectful words.
Because of stupidity like this, some very interesting personalities no longer post or alternatively only post on rarer occasions. To see this level of idiocy they could just visit a select few locations instead wherel delusions abound unchallenged.

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Member Intro (CREdarkness) Empty Re: Member Intro (CREdarkness)

Post by CREdarkness 28.09.18 3:39

Well, I feel as if you simply are not accepting the truth. And as far as my dogmatic views go, if that’s even the accurate way to describe them... although I wouldn’t describe it that way personally... I started noticing things I didn’t like which I saw in the world (not that it’s for me to decide but I feel, in order to be a projective influence on this planet which is both able to stand and make changes which are helpful, a person would have to use judgement which was always blessing someone, or addressing something as good, not the other way around... so I started living by scripture because if you apply scripture, it doesn’t seem to fail). I’m not perfect, and sometimes I would resort to reflecting back certain behavior if I felt it was necessary... or any number of things.

If you apply scripture and consider, before taking action, every choice, is either sinful or not sinful you are less likely to call someone a fool, or call them stupid. And most of the time I wouldn’t even bring it up if I stuck to scripture.

As far as some kind of source information you’re looking for, I don’t have any and I don’t feel safe or comfortable sharing too many details...

I guess I can refer to something funny my girlfriend started erratically screaming at me one time when we were drunk, because I was freaking out too ... trying to explain in a very dark moment, what it is... and she


Really though...
idk what else to say.
I guess I’d say I still think it’s very much a condition which crosses into the physical, no matter what it is... Sources though, my sources on books are the same as everyone else’s. Whatever historical records you can find which have anything described as vampire activity.

Here is an article about some folklore; plagues, sightings, preventitive measures during burial... Hmm, one thing I was getting at about folklore is that although the books and historical records we might not be able to be completely sure of, there’s just so many things which I feel I can relate to. The crosses being possibly effective in some ways (I don’t want to describe) and in this article it talks about a bag of blood/bones ... I am just familiar with this world of sightings and strange vampiric phenomenon it’s not like I’m just going to get out alive or something, if you know what I’m saying... I will likely never escape this reality... but really I can’t say a whole lot more.

The site will not allow me to share the link but if you google:
thoughtcatalog+James+Barnes+vampire+article It should show up.

Number of posts : 92
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Member Intro (CREdarkness) Empty Re: Member Intro (CREdarkness)

Post by A.Nightside 29.09.18 16:14

Sorry, I'm mobile and walls of text are difficult. Can you brief me? It sounds like you're calling yourself a legitimate, in-the-flesh vampure, but like such a vampire to that best known in myth and entertainment media??

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Member Intro (CREdarkness) Empty Re: Member Intro (CREdarkness)

Post by CREdarkness 30.09.18 3:41

It’s fine I have some technical difficulties myself. And please excuse errors they’ve been showing up on most of my accounts these days I don’t even know how they’re happening. Well, I hope there’s not too many mistakes.
I don’t want to sound wierd but if I’m answering your questions in a straightforward manner, I am in the flesh, and I have a real case of vampirism. It’s not so much a mystery, though... my particular type does have a lot to do with god’s creation, and some to do with other things.

I’ve also met a lot of vampires who do age, and are in the flesh, but have some physical level of vampirism... from my observation it’s not rare. Some have a severe case, with some it’s hardly there, yet it’s present in their physical existence.

To answer your question about how this works: Eternal life is of god, corruption of life is the will of evil and only takes place because of rebellion towards god. That’s my full understanding of a natural form of longevity.

Persecution is what leeches. Blood of saints being drank by all who participate in Satanic Rebellion, and the foundation of the world. . . That is responsible for the unhealth and the aging process of anyone who, by the will of god, would not.

For me, being what I am, my life expectancy is 600 to 800 years before, either, transformation, rest, or something new such as a new development in my existence ... Possibilities are really endless. In scripture you will find reference to Abraham, Moses, and much about the tribe of Jared is interesting. In other words death is possible after all of that but only as possible as it is in the first place, and of course, anything is possible. It’s hard to explain. It’s between me and god what my final existence will become. Your questions have been fine so far, I’m not offended or annoyed, ask whatever you want. If I can answer I will. I personally would suggest the reading of scripture from start to finish because that gives the fullest understanding of the journey with god.

These are the honest answers to your questions. The reality of the folklore is somewhere on the scale of being completely reverent towards god, completely unaware of how it works, or being rebellious, in some cases there are strange impossibilities which can usually be explained away or fixed and not a lot has been published about it...
Demonic vampires who participate in vampirism and are aware that in their case they are supposed to avoid this, are more on the demonic side... but simple strange occurrences can be anything from accidental conditions to forced conditions of vampirism, and in my opinion offspring of any sort has taken place. That, I beleive may be the source of much folklore.

I’m not sure how long you want this topic to go for (@ administration of this site) but messaging is fine if it goes dead and someone still has questions.

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Member Intro (CREdarkness) Empty Re: Member Intro (CREdarkness)

Post by CREdarkness 30.09.18 3:44

* I have been experiencing some technical difficulties myself lately. ...

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