Predator and Prey

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Predator and Prey - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Maxx 01.01.19 14:41

then you are saying there are different kinds of intuition and one would have to clarify in the way one is using it for the listener to really understand it...??? Is that what you said?

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Predator and Prey - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Maxx 01.01.19 14:43


You better get back in here and post.....I have to


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Predator and Prey - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Troublemaker 01.01.19 14:50

This quote seems appropriate. "In modern times, vampirism and the ancient cvulture of vampires frequently became indistinguishable from fiction, being mistakenly connected with the literary works of imagination and the deluded reality of misguided individuals. Reaching mainstream culture through the classic work of fiction Dracula from Irish author Bram Stoker, the vampire has also increased in popularity due to the romanticized vampires from New Orleans found in the novels by Anne Rice.
Although classical literature on the theme of vampires is not without artistic value and cultural significance, modern fiction of questionable quality continues to flourish through the exploration of the archetype while defacing its origins and spiritual background in exchange for hysteria and superficiality.
It is a tasteless irony of contemporary history that vampirism is now found and trivialized around the world through pretentious communities built upon ignorance and strengthened by commerce that have taken the archetype of the vampire by storm and turned its roots into popular culture and a psychological gateway to channel egotistical desires for attention.
Springing from the realms of fiction and borrowing elements from traditions they do not understand, modern frauds seek the spotlight of exposure in a sad display of ego and vanity, unaware of how such expressions are diametrically opposite to the mind and culture of actual vampires."
-Luis Marques, Violet Throne, page 229-230.
(I hope it is not a problem for me to quote such a long piece.)

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Predator and Prey - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 01.01.19 15:00

Intuition is a profound subject. Through a well developed intuition you can be clairvoyant and know things consciously merely by tapping into a higher moral power within yourself. You do indeed need a high level of morality, or abidance by spiritual laws. That is my understanding. If your thoughts or intentions are impure or ill-intentioned you will not access this level of intuition. It is a safety measurement and because you cannot dwell in higher consciousness with an ill-intentioned or low-vibrational nature as we see in many who would seek to exploit such powers for personal, or egotistical, gain. Indeed they will see refractions of the clear light of intuition in the waves of their emotions, desires and expectations and not the clear light reflected in and of itself but so delude themselves... It is a subtle paradox and requires great self-discipline to uncover; both to restrain and tame themselves, as to spiritually develop with this capacity as corollary.

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Predator and Prey - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Maxx 01.01.19 16:06

I am sorry to disagree again so much. Mystic. That paragraph sounds like it comes from the highest of good vibrations, light, and love.

I will not list a reason why I disagree with that but only ask a question for meditation which I personally would like to know that would spotlight the answer.

It is a question for everyone here on the forum to give their opinion. The question is:

Do you think it possible, that even in the midst of such opposition toward each other as has been recorded between the Aset Ka and the Red Order of Set, that either now or in the distant past, have the two sectors ever cooperated together on a project here on this planet? Would you please tell why you feel the way you do about that.

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Predator and Prey - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Troublemaker 01.01.19 16:23

What I am getting is that morals are a subjective experience. What is moral to one person might be amoral to another.

Both the Aset Ka and Red Order of Set have committed what could be considered as heinous deeds in the past. Not a war of good versus bad but more complex than that. They carry both, a duality, within. Yet they hold those abilities of intuition, and keys to great power, despite sometimes putting it to what people may or may not consider "amoral" deeds. A rather simple example is the practice of draining others and preying on energies. Some people say that is highly amoral and even unwise. Yet despite such opinions, it remains their nature and way. Morals come down to each person and their own standards.
Concerning whether or not the Orders have ever cooperated together for something, I'm pondering currently. Maybe that would depend on the perspective. There will be permanent conflict between each side. Maybe to an outsider's perspective they will appear to be working together, such as in an instance of discretion and needing to preserve the privacy of some teaching or form of knowledge. Yet there will always be that war ongoing, that echoes on very deep levels. There is that conflict ever since Aset took Ra's power as Her own, but behind the veil of privacy these two Orders will always keep between themselves and the rest of humanity, the playing field is different. It probably looks different to them than it does to those on the outside where they appear to be working for common purposes yet are not, only desiring to keep some kinds of power out of the hands of humanity or those uninitiated. Just my own personal thoughts, not definitive though. It's an interesting question to think about.

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Predator and Prey - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 01.01.19 17:16

You might be right. I might have phrased myself wrongly. I think what I meant was a proper and responsible course of development for these abilities, because you cannot develop them if what you have in mind is to abuse them, or maybe you can but it will not be as purerly reflective of the pure light of intuition but maybe end up in psychical and consequentially psychological problems for you unless you adress those problems with back up plans of countermeasuring as magick is not a toy to be played with but a fire to be respected that will burn you if you do not. At least that is how I have come to understand it through trial and error of personal experience.

You need to calm the waves and still the thoughts as well as evolve your very Ka; to stir up within you a deep force of transformational change and magickally evolutionary force. This might not be a matter of morality, as you say. But if you are going to misuse abilities it will be a path of the razor's edge and you will lean upon your path towards imbalance and insanity, depending upon what you do, as you have set the spiritual laws against you, again depending upon what you do and the extent and severity of what you do together with many other variables. Some actions are in harmony and accordance with Ma'at. Others are not. This can range from harmful actions that are only for the sake of justice and justified vengeance, if there is such a thing, to harmful actions that are done outside of the laws of order, truth and justice which will inevitably fall back on you and probably cause detriment to yourself - but to discern whichever is not an easy task and oftentimes there are better approaches than to harm.

Now, vampiric feeding - depending upon intention, control or mastery, and action - does not have to be something that violates Ma'at at all. We should think in natural terms, according to natural order, and not according to the Christian morality and dogma that has coloured our civilization and modern culture for long when concerning the nature of divinity, law, nature and universal order. I recognize I did a mistake in how I phrased myself against the background of this understanding but hope I have corrected it now sufficiently. You have to bear with me. Things from the past still come up at certain questions.

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Predator and Prey - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Maxx 01.01.19 18:16

If you ever come to the US, you can get a job representing Superman with Truth, Justice, and the American Way.

But you just condemned me to imbalance and insanity. Looks like there is no hope for me. I will try to get a job with the Joker and Penguin if they have room for me.

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Predator and Prey - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Lynskha 02.01.19 3:31

Maybe we can form our own suicide squad Maxx hehehe

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Predator and Prey - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Maxx 02.01.19 8:07

you got it.  This area is the only dimension where death is considered real to any degree as it is in the name only recognition.  I suppose because so much emphasis is put on the material side.  But I think I just prefer to cause havoc til I choose to pass over to the other side.  I do have that planned at age 82 or 95 as I have been given my choice of exit time to just sit down in my lounge chair and move to a new area.  

You might care to check and see when your exit years are in your future.  That way you have a choice and can make better plans for the transition.  In ancient times there was more awareness of it.  lol.

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Predator and Prey - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Lynskha 02.01.19 8:25

Was the message above for me or another person? Lol

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Predator and Prey - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Maxx 02.01.19 8:59


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Predator and Prey - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by KeganRyan 02.01.19 9:00

Interesting, There are different kinds of predators, and different vampires too. Not all can be apex predators, so there is a spectrum here to think of as well. I think some may still be a predator just not an apex predator.

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Predator and Prey - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Maxx 02.01.19 9:03

you need to go to the other area and let people know who you are and where you are coming from. It appears you have not read anything about or of this forum before just coming in to post. This is not like cousin Willie's OVC posting board out in the ether.

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Predator and Prey - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 02.01.19 9:16

I do not think what KeganRyan said is off board. Maxx, you could do with a little bit more of gentle approach and not be reluctant to my advice. However, yes, the person in question should familiarize with the forum and post an introduction. Smile

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Predator and Prey - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Troublemaker 02.01.19 9:57

Do you ascribe to the Asetianist view that not all souls will survive physical death and that this depends on the genesis of the Ba? In this sense death does exist in higher realms but it is more permanent.
I understand this is a polemic subject however and a lot of diverse views.

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Predator and Prey - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Maxx 02.01.19 10:04

yes. Little Flower.  What she said is perfectly fine and she has the right to post anything she wants.  But posting without reading normal introduction material and giving an introduction shows that one has not read around the topics or what is expected when first coming into the forum.  If she would have read around and then posted the intro there would never have been anything said about it.   Sorry that I got your panties in a wedgie.

On the other topic, why should I take your advice at all when I hardly agree with anything you say.  Where is it written that I have to align with your thoughts to make you happy?  I do not ask you to agree with anything I post or say.  I will make you angry with my posting I know and I do it on purpose for you to attempt to get out of your constant white light crap and find the middle ground.  You actually will find balance in both your light and dark instead of the Mr Clean scenarios.  But there is no law against you patting yourself on the back if it makes you feel wonderful.  lol

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Predator and Prey - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Maxx 02.01.19 10:06

Little Flower is addressed to Mystic.
Rhea Kay....who are you addressing in your question?

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Predator and Prey - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Troublemaker 02.01.19 10:08

I am addressing you.

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Predator and Prey - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 02.01.19 10:19

I mean just to be resourceful with new members and not have the dog barking at every single damn person that comes into the room. LOL.

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Predator and Prey - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Maxx 02.01.19 10:38

ahhh good.  

You should understand that my own view comes from my own personal interactions with the other side.  I am not of the Aset Ka as it is stated here and also that probably no one here on this forum really is as well.  So I want to make it clear that my views are sounding different from what they are listing. So anyone with any sense at all knows I do not speak for them in any way.

I see that a worthless mental savage with no motivation that has not attempted improvement will move to the other side and when given several attempts at composing experiences to interact with making some kind of movement higher....they will be disseminated and blended with the whole if that would make sense in words.  It is similar to the animal kingdom and what is said about the cat or the monkey or the dog.....they blend into the entire spirit of all of the type spirit they have joined from the past.  These other attempts can mean incarnation into another universal system to have experiences to help them grow and everyone has a choice of not returning to this universal system of experiences like the duality of the earth if they want to go elsewhere.

Now to some that would seem like death.  But to myself, I do not see it that way.  It is like being blended into a particular planet where there is a definite spirit in a different dimension than what a physical being is familiar within his/her material sense.  Take the illustration of Gaia for instance.  Many see the earth as having a particular spirit realm. So in my view, I would see a change of form and style but actually, see it as no death.  Some would say it is, while others would just see a joining of other life and becoming part of that in a holistic sense. Like putting a strawberry into a blender with ice cream as a milkshake.  The end result really did not destroy the strawberry but it became a part of the whole.

Much of our problem on this planet is looking at and gauging everything by a physical viewpoint which is the last thing one should be doing.  But I certainly do not ask anyone to agree with me at all in my views and I will not be writing any books looking for any you know.  lol.

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Predator and Prey - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Maxx 02.01.19 10:42

look out, mystic...your light is getting so bright it is hurting my eyes while keeping me back in my darkroom here. Oh please, have mercy. Let up a little so I will not be destroyed by the light. lol.

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Predator and Prey - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 02.01.19 10:47

No I will schorch you into oblivion, you damned monster. Haha, just joking of course.

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Predator and Prey - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Maxx 02.01.19 10:55

who knows? Maybe evil will the pendulum swings back and forth.

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Predator and Prey - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Maxx 02.01.19 11:08

and I do not believe you. just have not learned how to do that yet....

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Predator and Prey - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

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