What is your preferred way of Feeding?

Zabet Aranyalma
Primus Erebus Magnus
Sinata Anika Asti
Divine 277
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What is your preferred way of Feeding?

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Total Votes : 124

What is your preferred way of Feeding? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your preferred way of Feeding?

Post by Hellen 25.09.08 4:58

Thank you Aghrab,

this is very good to know !



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What is your preferred way of Feeding? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your preferred way of Feeding?

Post by Victor 29.09.08 5:53

Vampires do feed from Vampires. It is a common practice since the old days. However that does not apply to all cases nor to all vampires. But keep the example of the Asetian Family in mind, there are several individuals, especially among the Elders, that only feed from the Family, meaning other vampires. I believe that is far more notorious in those of the Guardian lineage, the "Elite" of the AK in what comes to purity and loyalty.

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What is your preferred way of Feeding? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your preferred way of Feeding?

Post by Syrianeh 02.10.08 17:13

I have always fed indirectly and from touch, as far as I remember. I just didn't know it. I remember being a little kid and wanting to touch people all the time to "breathe them in" and "get a taste" as I would put it to myself. But I always thought of it as a personal trick. Now that I have begun to control it the feeling is much more intense.

I must say I have often thought about blood feeding. I always used the opportunity to taste my own blood whenever I hurt myself (never on purpose, luckily for me Smile ) and I can recall two other times when I tasted someone else's, again not in a violent or self-inflicted situation but accidentally.

I never thought it was strange. But I knew better than to speak it out.

Well, I must say on October 10th (a week from now) I will blood feed for the first time, that is, "formally", from a donor.

I look forwards to sharing my feelings with you.

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What is your preferred way of Feeding? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your preferred way of Feeding?

Post by Maktub 03.10.08 11:37

Syrianeh wrote:Well, I must say on October 10th (a week from now) I will blood feed for the first time, that is, "formally", from a donor.

I look forwards to sharing my feelings with you.
Thank you for being open enough to share with us such an intimate situation. To get this less confusing, if you are willing to do so, open a new thread to share with us your experience and feelings once you complete your first blood feed from a donor.


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What is your preferred way of Feeding? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your preferred way of Feeding?

Post by Syrianeh 03.10.08 12:06

Maktub, you can't begin to imagine (well, maybe you can Rolling Eyes
) how important this will be to me. I find it very helpful to share.
Sure, I will do that and try to be as descriptive as possible, mainly
about my feelings.

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What is your preferred way of Feeding? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your preferred way of Feeding?

Post by Victor 03.10.08 12:07

Great idea, I am looking forward to that Syrianeh.

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What is your preferred way of Feeding? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your preferred way of Feeding?

Post by ladymoontear 16.03.10 9:25

I choose ambient and indirect feeding mostly do to my line of work and for my activities outside of work as well. The sexual for at home do to spouce related for all of us whom I am sure are married. But when the energy is so freely given, how can one refuse? I find as pointed out to me as not realizing it before, I have done this for quite along time and there are consequenses no matter what you think. It has made the children I work with closer to me. I found that out the hard way. I was recently assigned to a different group of children, which the previous ones I had had for over four years, and when I left it felt like to all of us we were being torn apart from the inside out. It still feels like that when we see each other. They still come to me and beg me to come back to them. The children that have left in the previous years still find me and wish to still be near me. I'm not really sure I know what all of that truly is, but I know how much it hurts all of us.

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What is your preferred way of Feeding? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your preferred way of Feeding?

Post by kameetrei 29.03.10 17:06

I prefer to partake of the energy around all of us, which in my mind is my preferred method of feeding... but I do admit a love and desire for tantric feeding, and I do have a partner or two in which I participate in this act with. Usually mixes with sexual desire of some sort.

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What is your preferred way of Feeding? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your preferred way of Feeding?

Post by Divine 277 21.07.10 3:43

what kind of energy do you feed???
Divine 277
Divine 277

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What is your preferred way of Feeding? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your preferred way of Feeding?

Post by Divine 277 21.07.10 4:07

Divine 277 wrote:what kind of energy do you feed???

well, prefer ... will be the most accurate word for it.

I drain in every way and I also can drain one energy an replace it whit another.

My preferred "feeding" is the sexual tantic/ taoistic way , it gives me the greatest satisfaction when my partner willingly gives me his sexual energy, and I can fill him whit mine.

One more thing, I never "feed " life energy.....
But I can from time to time give it, in exchange for some other kind of energy.

But then again I'm not a vamp so.....

I would like to read about why you prefer a kind of feeding , what is the base of your choice?
Divine 277
Divine 277

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What is your preferred way of Feeding? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your preferred way of Feeding?

Post by Jonathan 21.07.10 8:30

Actually, sexual energy is life energy. A very intense, divine and unique form of life energy...

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What is your preferred way of Feeding? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your preferred way of Feeding?

Post by Divine 277 21.07.10 9:55

I'm talking about the energy that inspire you to not take your own life ... the energy that makes you want to stay alive , or the energy that burns as its own signature in each individual creature . or there own light if you will Wink

BUT Yes,sexual energy is creation energy, but it is made and chaired, not only taken.

I'm sorry, if I wrote in a way that was difficult to understand.

I can explain further if you want??

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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What is your preferred way of Feeding? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your preferred way of Feeding?

Post by Jonathan 21.07.10 10:25

I understand what you meant, I just wanted to make it clear so it would not confuse someone new.

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What is your preferred way of Feeding? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your preferred way of Feeding?

Post by Divine 277 21.07.10 12:10

That's fair enough Smile
I can
sometimes take it for granted that people do under stand what I am talking about, I guess that's something I got to work with Wink

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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What is your preferred way of Feeding? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your preferred way of Feeding?

Post by GodmanOmar777 20.10.10 14:21

I just wanted to say, that my favorite way to feed is astral sexual feeding.
I don't know how I came up with that name but that's the way I sum it up.
I go in a trance and I pick my victim through my memory and I project my plasma to my
Victim and I feel and see myself seduceing and haveing sexual contact with my prey and my energy starts to feel like that of a blackhole and drain the light out of my victim,at the same time it feels really good, I mean the vibrations you get feel wonderful and filling.

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What is your preferred way of Feeding? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your preferred way of Feeding?

Post by Divine 277 21.10.10 4:17

GodmanOmar777 wrote:I just wanted to say, that my favorite way to feed is astral sexual feeding.
I don't know how I came up with that name but that's the way I sum it up.
I go in a trance and I pick my victim through my memory and I project my plasma to my
Victim and I feel and see myself seduceing and haveing sexual contact with my prey and my energy starts to feel like that of a blackhole and drain the light out of my victim,at the same time it feels really good, I mean the vibrations you get feel wonderful and filling.

So you can find other peoples signature then ?

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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What is your preferred way of Feeding? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your preferred way of Feeding?

Post by GodmanOmar777 21.10.10 15:24

You can say that, or look at it that way.
Because that is how it is done!
Feeling a certain energy of someone that might of entised you
Or somehow call out to you, yearning for you to feed from them
And yes they do have there own special signatures.

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What is your preferred way of Feeding? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your preferred way of Feeding?

Post by Divine 277 21.10.10 15:47

I believe you have many to choose from then Wink

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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What is your preferred way of Feeding? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your preferred way of Feeding?

Post by GodmanOmar777 22.10.10 14:11

A lot to choice from is correct, but one should be careful on who they feed from
So I have the ones that I keep, and the ones that are not worthy I forget. You
know I don't want too cloag my atmosphere and my mind with nasty blood.
So I feed on only the best.

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What is your preferred way of Feeding? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your preferred way of Feeding?

Post by Divine 277 22.10.10 15:20

what do you prefer?
Divine 277
Divine 277

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What is your preferred way of Feeding? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your preferred way of Feeding?

Post by GodmanOmar777 22.10.10 20:27

I normally prefer the energy or blood that calls out for me.Nine times out of ten when it's felt this way the blood or the energy always feels worthy for me to feed from.You can call
me picky when it comes to feeding. It's just like that with me, and Yes I will admit it I'm picky. Every predator and every prey Have a destiny to cross paths at a certain moment.
And to add I don't force feed

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What is your preferred way of Feeding? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your preferred way of Feeding?

Post by Divine 277 23.10.10 2:05

so your "victims " are fully aware of the feeding process?

How many regulars do you have?

Force feed, why did you bring this up ?

Have you ever tried astral tantra force feeding ?

Sincerely Divine 277

Divine 277
Divine 277

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What is your preferred way of Feeding? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your preferred way of Feeding?

Post by GodmanOmar777 23.10.10 15:41

Yes the ones that call out to me I think are aware of what's going on because
There energy comes to me so freely, and it feels so good and sensational.

I have different regulars for different places that I go,so you can say I got a few.
But the funny thing is I can feed from across the world astrally.but certain places I go I usually feed from the locals in that proximity, and of course I have my favorite signatures there,I guess you would call me a nonchalant savant I notice and pick up on the energy signatures of store employees, bus drivers.police. faculty teachers, you name it, I remember the signatures of the ones that call for me. And the others I try to forget.

And the reason I brought up force feeding, most people can sense once you catch there signature, and most humans can reject your projection,but you can still forcibly take the energy or blood by astral means ,which will boost your energy to its peek but can ultimately harm the donor.

And that should answer your other question as well.

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What is your preferred way of Feeding? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your preferred way of Feeding?

Post by Divine 277 23.10.10 18:11

I see... so you are telling me, that you travel a lot ?

and I guess you haven't found the right signature that keeps you satisfied yet, since you have so many that you feed from ?

which kind of energy do you feed from them ?

and do you only feed from humans ?

Sincerely Divine 277

Divine 277
Divine 277

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What is your preferred way of Feeding? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your preferred way of Feeding?

Post by GodmanOmar777 23.10.10 20:25

I travel yes.

And one day I might find that special donor instead of having so many victims
Preferably a countess.

When I use Indirect feeding the energy I feed on is mostly vital energy and sexual Energy, depending. On if they are female, and if I can feel a sexual vibration in tiet, the sexual energy lust
Other than that the energy is mostly vital.

And yes I would prefer to feed from another vampire ,cause I would assume having
another one feed from you as you feed from them have to be the best feeling ever!

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