Anti-socialism and the Awakening

Elle Sium
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Anti-socialism and the Awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-socialism and the Awakening

Post by Jonathan 19.05.09 17:15

I agree with you, ToBeSilent... I think the Asetians are naturally very inspiring and moving creatures, and that they could contribute to some forms of spiritual awakening and enlightening in people that they closely interact with at some extent, not just an aid to other Asetians' awakening.

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Anti-socialism and the Awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-socialism and the Awakening

Post by Syrianeh 20.05.09 10:41

Thank you for answering my question. And sorry for the late response. I understand what you are trying to express, as I relate quite well to this - and I am sure so do others. I think ToBeSilent has a very good insight into this when she says that what we all search for is some sort of awakening. Whether or not this is aided or inborn, or "deserved", or Asetian-induced, or otherwise, it will always be US working out OUR destiny. I think we are all here lucky enough to have found a path to walk on towards a much different place than the average person.

I don't think there's anything bad or wrong about talking about yourself from intimate or personal experience. I realize how hard that is sometimes and how it certainly takes some guts to do it. In fact, I wish more members would share their personal details, as it is very helpful to compare one's experience againts everyone else's. But as it is I am just glad some of us do, to whatever extent we consider possible.

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Anti-socialism and the Awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-socialism and the Awakening

Post by ToBeSilent 20.05.09 12:57

I agree with you there Syrianeh. In no way is sharing personal experiences bad. If anything it can encourage others, such as myself, who are more shy and/or hesitant to bring forward experiences. Always learning from what is spoken about or experienced is a huge aspect of growth. The biggest tool we have at our fingertips so to speak.

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Anti-socialism and the Awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-socialism and the Awakening

Post by verboten 19.06.10 4:35

I can relate to that (anti-socialism). I was never very social but lately I am slowly drifting even further away from society. The activities, discussions, problems, etc. of people my age and all ages bore and sometimes disgust me. I value my time spent with me and that got me some problems with friends/family. I experience an emotional hardship because of that, especially as I see my mother kinda suffering. Still I can't get myself involved with things...Even when I go out with people I tend to lose myself in my own reflections and ignore them. I would like to have someone like me ...but... well it seems I am asking for too much right now... The problem is that I have different values and ways of thinking and seeing things from those around me.

Also Daniel I enjoy your posts very much..I don't see a problem in you posting your feelings, in fact more people should do that since I believe we could all relate, learn from them and be relieved that we are not the only ones.


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Anti-socialism and the Awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-socialism and the Awakening

Post by Daniel09 19.06.10 19:00

Thank you, verboten, but also remember that everything is chaos. What I felt then has transformed and evolved by today, for there is no life without chaos.

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Anti-socialism and the Awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-socialism and the Awakening

Post by godofbattle 21.06.10 5:29

I believe that some asetians awaken on thier own while others do not. I think it is more common amongst non elder asetians to need assistance more so than elders. Not to say it doesn't happen for elders that they need assistance. I just think that elders are more likely to have more connetion to their past selves being that they are a bit more extreme when it comes to their beliefs and how they display who they are.

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Anti-socialism and the Awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-socialism and the Awakening

Post by Vertigo 03.07.10 23:41

Well, use my solution, create other personalities to mask yourself with.
People call me social but...thats just because I constantly undertake different personalities to work with others.

But the deal is, everything have to be logical for, I need a reason to be with someone somewhere.

Most people I have been with have been unable to both teach and be teached, they rarely know anything of use for me and really show no ability to learn from me. life is neither hard or easy for me, its more like something I choose to do to maintain a mask.

The conclusion: From my point of view, the reason why Asetians start to reject the "human" society may have many reasons.

It can be anything from instability caused by conflicts between the human shell personality and the Asetian core personality to the Asetians "megalomania", the feel of being superior.

Remember that this logic is built on my theories on my soul, my soul may or may not be Asetian, but my tendencies are similar and thats why I choose to throw some posts here and there on this forum.

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Anti-socialism and the Awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-socialism and the Awakening

Post by BreezyDeathcard 04.08.10 19:06

well I imagine it would be rough on someone, I can't really say much cause i'm anti-social myself and I beleive i'm perfectly fine. I guess it depends on your personality, some people would break down from non socialization and others i guess would thrive on it. I went an entire school year not talking to a soul but my one friend but yet I became popular O.o not quite sure how that happened. but anyways socialization is a normal need for humans but i guess some people just can go without it.

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Anti-socialism and the Awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-socialism and the Awakening

Post by DCxMagus 27.03.12 12:24

I know it's a necro thread but I was thinking about this a lot the past couple of days and low and behold found the thread.

Up until the age of 20 I practically knew everyone around me, and they knew and loved me. I literally couldn't go somewhere without running into a "friend" and knew all the cool hip places to be, I was literally a party animal. That all changed rather quickly around 21, It wasn't over night but it was very quick. I could literally give a rat's ass about how people saw, perceived, or what they though of me. I was no longer interested in being popular, in fact the idea of spending time with people like that sickened me. It was like I was blinded and now I could see, I could see all the horrible fake and utter bullshit people are and produce in order to fit in. So I began to withdraw and focus on myself, but the problem was that I had nothing to go on, I had been a part of that "scene" for so long I didn't know how to be anything else. It was hard, very hard, depression and other such things did set in and hit hard. I wasn't aware of it at the time but all this was because of the sudden loss of the abundant energy source being in the spotlight gave me.

Being vampiric complicates this because of the need for outside energy. Outside energy that you got unconsciously from being so social and the center of attention. Even when I would go to large parties with friends I wouldn't care to socialize of anyone, it was a complete waste of my time with these people, people who just a year before I was "best of friends" with. It's quite a shock to the social structure of things, a shock that has major repercussions in today's college "popular crowd". I lost a lot of "friends" because of my new attitude, not that I cared. But I did learn who my true friends are. It was only until recently within the last year I truly began to balance myself from the change and can say I am happy with where I am.

Luckily for me in my time I had gainned extensive social skills to fall back on. That coupled with a few years of acting I did while in high school, my fascination with studying social behavior of people in general and the fact that I was a restaurant server at the time of this happening, I was able to fake it quite well. But I'll be honest I was very depressed for a number of years after this change, I felt I was lost from my true family and I needed to find them. But through personal searching and studying the occult you begin to evolve past that into your true, higher self whatever that may be. You begin to realize and accept the balance of needing to connect with society but not get lost in it.

Discovering my vampiric nature, or rather the need to draw in outside energy did help with the discovery of this happiness. But the types of people the more popular sites bring in quickly reminded me too much of what I was trying to get away from in the first place. So I took what good information I could find from them and had to discovery things for my own. I found lots of differences from what I was finding to be true and what was described by people on those sites so I dismissed them and went on my own.

I said it in my introduction the only reason I actually joined this site was an urge to do so. Normally I would have just passed over the site assuming it was just like the others, I still don't know why or how I found and actually stayed at this site. I am very glad I did, I have learn a lot from the site and the discovery and reading of the Asetian bible. It has refueled my search for my higher self and that's what ultimately will pull you through the rapid change an awakening causes you.


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Anti-socialism and the Awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-socialism and the Awakening

Post by Jonathan 27.03.12 16:14

I can very much relate with DCxMagus post, as I have experienced similar situations in my life although several years ago. Nothing that still bothers me today but those have certainly been times that led to my current balance in life which is something I greatly value.
I really understand what you mean about being tired of many people and how most care for popularity, being empty on the inside. I really can't stand that kind of people and although we all have to deal with the herd in our lives due to professional responsibilities and other social requirements of modern life I very much despise people of those sorts that live based on the opinion of others and define life based on popularity. Some eventually grow out of that high-school mentality, but others can never break free and that is a sad thing.
I understand that by reaching another level of maturity and enlightenment we stop condemning shallow people and simply start pitying them for the lack of a real meaningful life, and I can see myself heading in that direction but I'm afraid I still have a long way to go and grow before I can pity the herd as much as an enlightened being would. Anyways, nice post, I bet many here can relate with your words.

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Anti-socialism and the Awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-socialism and the Awakening

Post by Maxx 27.03.12 18:32

May I input something for consideration here....? and only for consideration.

We all are born into this framework with an end result to accomplish. Each of us
has one central spirit assigned to help us and influence us and direct us on that path. (I have been aware of my main one from an early age and could not understand what it was and what was going on). Some have additional spirits that come in to help from time to time. Their subtle influence directs us to our spiritual path.......but whether we agree to grow and accomplish those tasks (because of free will) that our schoolwork necessitates by learning to move and understand the astral and mental realm, means this will have a lot to do with how things confront us. Even our attitude....and this is what everyone is talking about here.....Their change of attitude in life and leaving childish ways will certainly then reflect spiritual growth.

Unless one becomes familiar with operating in the astral in this life, and when confronted with the other side and seeing what is there upon physical death, there will be no knowledge or understanding on what to do to develop further.
I recently was shown this as I found my grandmother and her second husband on the other side. They are now together but they are living in the astral in much the same way they lived while here in the physical world. They are having to become familiar with that world little by little and then go for some education (this I assume), and then will have to either come again into this lower vibrational world for another life, or find a means of other education to advance spiritually.

I submit that each of you in your description of your changing of life surroundings with others, has been the best thing that ever happened to your spiritual advancement. And it is a standard operating proceedure as you grow and travel further in this wonderful school of learning.

Keep growing...........cause........if you stop growing, you are dying.


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Anti-socialism and the Awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-socialism and the Awakening

Post by DCxMagus 02.04.12 10:45

Maxx wrote:
Keep growing...........cause........if you stop growing, you are dying.

This is very true, I had a situation today that revealed a very large truth that only recently exist in this day and age. See in the time when most of the metaphysical books we read either were written or allude to there was always the option of (or something akin to it) abandoning "normal" life in search of the spiritual. You could literally just leave, and go join a temple and be with people like minded with yourself. Doing this would limit time spent and dealing with people who had not awoken or chose not to and you would generally be able to still life a good life. Sadly that is not the case today. Unfortunately I can't just up and walk out of my job to go join a temple and know I'll be okay.

The path of enlightenment has evolved to include new steps of discovery and self change in our day and age. It seems like many people were social and then withdrew from society because of awakening, which is the natural progression. But I submit to you that we can't stop there, we must learn to re integrate with society and "play their games" but in a way that compliments our new found knowledge and skills. Awakening isn't the end of the road to dealing with the mundane, but a new beginning. A beginning where you must (sadly to say) beat them at their own game, that game in manipulation.

It's called the dark path for a reason, and the warning at the beginning of the Asetian Bible holds a much more profound and intense meaning to me now after today. Personally I withdrew to learn more about myself and later about the occult, but you are only able to withdraw for so long before you risk becoming lost in that as well.

Withdraw to learn about your self and your path, but remember it is only a hiatus from life, you can't slam the door shut anymore. Continue to grow and return to the life you lived, only this time as much more evolved being.


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Anti-socialism and the Awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-socialism and the Awakening

Post by Maxx 02.04.12 15:29

You sound as if you are learning to apply balance to your life.....and that is a very good thing. Excellent.


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Anti-socialism and the Awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-socialism and the Awakening

Post by Jonathan 02.04.12 17:52

I agree, you seem to be on the right track DCxMagus. Nice post.

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Anti-socialism and the Awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-socialism and the Awakening

Post by Lynskha 05.09.17 2:25

Amazing posts. As I was reflecting about this just today.

Awakening can take a long time. And you can go through different phases. My experience started a long time ago and it has been intense since it is full of chances in points of view, social interaction and the way everything is felt or understood.

I was talking to a friend and said that it is a Hard work to adapt, and she said we should not adapt, we should acknowledge and embrace our True Self, internally evoluting to crente a resistance. In order to not be influenced.

And I agree with what you said about social interaction but the necessity of having the balance to deal with coming to the world and having our winter times.

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Anti-socialism and the Awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-socialism and the Awakening

Post by Tehom 24.04.22 4:16

I Value your Words, DCxMagus. And the rest here that contribute their experiences.

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Anti-socialism and the Awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-socialism and the Awakening

Post by Ramla-Meryt 24.04.22 23:46

This is something that I have personally observed regarding myself before thanks to the pandemic, and post-pandemic, if you go by the guidance of the government to use a point of external reference.

Before the pandemic, I was very much oscillating between 'appears to be an extrovert' and 'introvert'. Part due to my jobs, part due to trying to fit in. Patterns found and patterns settled into but with occasional distinct jarring requiring periods to recharge what I have likened to be my 'people battery'.

The pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns has, while there is still intensive work to be done, allowed me to root down and explore myself without the external influences that socialising and trying to fit in exposed me to.

The gradual lifting of things - and seeing those I know begin to re-engage with the wider world - has made me realise just how much more Myself lockdown allowed me to be. As DCxMagus stated, it isn't realistic in this day and age for most of us to completely dis-engage but I have at least found it possible to begin to re-integrate on terms closer to my own, secure in a still developing foundation.

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Anti-socialism and the Awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-socialism and the Awakening

Post by Elle Sium 18.05.22 10:34

Anti-socialism can simply be a way for a person to introspect on their life without judgement from others. It can be a safe haven or a way to stay out of trouble or mind their own business. When there is no outside guidance available we can look into our own inner guidance or higher power for help and assistance.This may requires anti-social behavior when it seems necessary to remove oneself from society. Society is not a teacher it is a monkey. So, removing that horrendous monkey from your back requires anti-social behavior.

Elle Sium

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Anti-socialism and the Awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-socialism and the Awakening

Post by Anto 18.01.23 6:43

I may embrace darkness anti-social skizofrenic and sometimes full of anger...but since I began to read posts on VF AND ORDER AB I did not make any crises and the doctor may say to me that if this year will make crises will declare me Healthy!!! It's amazing Prince Luis Marques for sure is incarnated HORUS!!!! yeah never believe I will be healthy and my family suffers a lot because I was lost. I have 2 years and I am not even at half of the  Evil or Very Mad AB
And borrow too many to read it...oh, I wish, Nah I will do it don't wish...humans ask for wishes from Gods, ****** study and learn...Congrats to Elendor and Sybil for making it possible to evolve and understand my mark!!belive me it's not easy to be cobai and to be hanging by the bed and can't move and beats you the nurses...because you have from
Their opinion mental problem...humans will not understand the ****** perception

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Anti-socialism and the Awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-socialism and the Awakening

Post by Jonathan 18.01.23 18:40

Anto wrote:I may embrace darkness anti-social skizofrenic and sometimes full of anger...but since I began to read posts on VF AND ORDER AB I did not make any crises and the doctor may say to me that if this year will make crises will declare me Healthy!!! It's amazing Prince Luis Marques for sure is incarnated HORUS!!!! yeah never believe I will be healthy and my family suffers a lot because I was lost. I have 2 years and I am not even at half of the  Evil or Very Mad AB
And borrow too many to read it...oh, I wish, Nah I will do it don't wish...humans ask for wishes from Gods, ****** study and learn...Congrats to Elendor and Sybil for making it possible to evolve and understand my mark!!belive me it's not easy to be cobai and to be hanging by the bed and can't move and beats you the nurses...because you have from
Their opinion mental problem...humans will not understand the ****** perception

You sure are one out of the box Anto and sometimes you're missing a fuse, but I am glad to hear that the teachings of Master Marques have helped you in your personal struggles. I sure know that his words and magick have saved lives, from people that were close to giving up, and brought them back to life with a purpose and renewed clarity. So I'm not here to judge you, just please continue to behave. Respect is central to this tradition. It's always a blessing to me to see how many people were helped by this Path, sometimes in ways I can't really comprehend.

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Anti-socialism and the Awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-socialism and the Awakening

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 18.01.23 23:02

Luis Marques' Words are clear channel into Asetianism, of course, as Initiator to so many of us. I mean to ponder this from a certain point of view, namely: one may say it's power way beyond even his own individual Self but reflecting clearly from the subtle, elusively ethereal, divine magick of Aset. Especially gifted Master Serpent...

As for Anto, I say, in supportive vein of following Jonathan's words for you, just focus strongly, adamantly and perseveringly upon inner evolution. If an ocean overcomes all rocks in its way, unrelenting spiritual evolution works to remove all obstacles and troubles inside.

Just indeed remember respect as ground pillar and honor as the strong foundation to the temple built - an inner temple of Ib and Ba, cherishing Tiet and Violet Flame along this Path, under Khepri and Ka, where also all other Sacred Pillars may interweave and flow and naturally do - where mighty and sacred wisdom takes its shrine and altar. From that inner divinity you may as far as you're capable, from within Self, command your evolution.

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Anti-socialism and the Awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-socialism and the Awakening

Post by A404 27.01.23 23:17

For me personally, before I started working on that part of me, If I could call it like that, I just kept denying it for years and years until I couldn't find an excuse not to walk my path.
I am by no way experienced as many members here when it comes to giving advice, nor have I read tons of literature. My story is long and complex and considering it's a public forum it will remain so.
Always remember that you must continue your everyday life. I felt your post. Being more silent will make you hear more. Being still will make you sense more.
For me personally looking inside of myself revealed me more than anything I read or heard.
As someone who is good-looking and socially active and in a happy relationship, not because I really crave company(friends), it's more of a mask I wear for the time being.
My words are just words at the end of the day, take them with a grain of salt. There is a reason more and more people are starting to get awake. In strange times we live, that's for sure. And the reason will be revealed to everyone when it's time. Something went wrong this cycle, thats my belief.


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Anti-socialism and the Awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-socialism and the Awakening

Post by Viktor 21.02.23 17:10

Aghrab wrote:Although I personally do have my own opinion on this, I do wish to hear the ideas of our members as well.

Now, what I wondered was, do you believe it can be possible for an Asetian to have been quite social before the awakening, and when he is awakened, compared to the past, he notices that he is deeply anti-social?

What a great question!

I was very social before I woke up, but now I just hide in my room and even close the windows down so that my room sees no sunlight, I barely talk with people except if I have real life duties.

I don't hold Asetian vampirism as something that ultimately defines what vampirism is, my definition of awakening is the moment when you become or realize you're a vampire, the awakening is necessarily a very unpleasant moment because that's when you start to hate people and hating people is why one becomes anti-social and what anti-social behavior ultimately leads to.

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