Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Divine 277
Guardian Vampire
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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Elaina 06.03.09 6:39

Ok I am going to say this.
Aghrab, I could hug you.
You have simply stated that which the rest of us have been trying to however politely or politically correct.
Guardian Vampire, the ways in which you have spoken to us, are not the way of the Asetian. There are those on this forum in contact with Great Asetians such as our Beloved Luis Marques. If they have spoken on this forum directly which I believe they have not, we do not know. In Secret They Live, you have not been secretive which is Their way. In Silence They rule, you have truly not been Silent. In Shadows They manifest, you aren’t living in the shadow. They have risen from the Abyss. Let us All bow down in Glory.
I think everyone can see what I am getting at. Everything we know and hold to us about our Hallowed Asetians, you have dishonored by claiming to be. In the few short posts you have given us you have made us all believe and know that you are not what you claim to be, for non of Them would ever do so as you have.
I currently do not mind if you are upset or offended for you have offended a great deal of us, but all we can do is sit back and laugh.
Ankhhape, I LOL with you

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Victor 06.03.09 13:19

What a nonsense... you are an Asetian but did not even read the Asetian Bible? From the way you speak, you did not even read the Remark on the Aset Ka website. We all know it takes years to validate a true Asetian soul. It is a long process of discovery, intuition, development and evolution... but that it needs ultimately to be validated by the Aset Ka, by the Elders themselves. How are you an Asetian if you are new to Asetianism, had no contact with subtle awakening anchors like the AB, know no Asetians, know nothing deep about the subject except what you read online, and don't even follow the all-down-obvious Asetian code? Get real... it is people like you that insult the true Asetian knowledge and incentivate the Asetians themselves to stand so away and detached from the rest of the occult community.

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Talibah 06.03.09 13:27 advice, is to just hang fire for a while until you can speak with more informative authority.

Once you have acquired a copy of the Asetian Bible, and have studied it - in depth - I am sure you will very quickly see the reasons behind other members reactions to what you have said.

I dont believe now would be a good time for you to state any more of your opinions or facts since clearly, they only echo your unreliable sources of information so far.

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Elaina 06.03.09 13:37

I think that is the best advice so far that has been offered to you GV.
Another, always do your research before you present what you say as fact. There are over 100 members here who hold the Aset Ka in the highest regard, and have all done their research and even done their best to study and live Aset's light for years. This is not a role-play forum, hardly, we try to keep it as authentic and Real as we are all able.
Please take the advice we have been attempting to give you.

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by SetAzEl 04.03.10 22:32

Maktub wrote:According to the Book of Nun, who's parts are condensed in the Asetian Bible, the human soul is created from drops of the waters of chaos in the Duat, by Amon. This is a highly theological concept, and needs some mind-stretching and spiritual knowledge to be better understood.
Now, those human souls are attached to the cycle of reincarnation. However, they are not made out of the essence of an aware divinity, as vampires, but out of the waters of chaos. By this we can understand that their Ba's are not stable, but a condensed form of chaotic energies, that the Gods allowed to be filled with life.

I really respect your posts and vast knowledge on the subjects of Asetianism. So, please forgive me because my line of questioning is not out disrespect but out of lack of knowledge.

My questions are the following:
1. Did not Amon emerge from the chaos?
"From unbalances and fusion of opposites, the chaos was set in motion, and from its nothingness the primeval
consciousness emerged - Amon" - page 39
"On a Kemetic perspective Chaos is Nothing, is the primordial waters of the abyss, where the first divine
emanations appeared." - page 87
2. And from Amon, did not all the Gods emerge, directly and indirectly? (I am thinking about the tree on page 49)

Maktub wrote:This means that their souls can age. However, to fight this aging and decomposing of the soul, the humans have to strive to develop themselves and to evolve spiritually. If a human, like most of their kin, lives his life without caring about the spiritual but only the material world, without trying to learn the truth and mysteries in life and not evolving and perfecting himself, spiritually, in each life his soul becomes more weak and old. And if this human goes on and on throughout his lives without ever embracing evolution, his soul will eventually completely decay and perish.

But, does not Chaos also imply change? "Chaos is by itself something indefinable, something that transforms stagnation and gives it motion; it is the engine itself for change and evolution. The absence of chaotic energies implies a stagnation of the individual." - page 86

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by SetAzEl 04.03.10 22:37

SetAzEl wrote:But, does not Chaos also imply change? "Chaos is by itself something indefinable, something that transforms stagnation and gives it motion; it is the engine itself for change and evolution. The absence of chaotic energies implies a stagnation of the individual." - page 86

In other words, the fact that the very soul of humans are made of Chaos implies that it is the power within and the very nature within for evolution, no?

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by AsetSkull 11.04.10 22:46

Interesting. The Immortality of the Vampire is real! The mortality of humans is worms and social pollution as well. Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Icon_smile

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Starfox 25.04.10 9:57

All things Die... even Asetian souls and Aset herself (gasp! blasphemy i know =p) are not exempt from that rule. I would think the important thing however is not that you die.. its HOW you die. Asetians are creatures of perpetual evolution and thus they seem immortal only because they die in that evolution over and over only to change into something greater at the exact same time. The human soul in contrast tends to fade into oblivion because humans tend to be closed off and stagnate... but over time i have concluded all souls have the same potential for evolution. The Asetians just seem to have a bit of an advantage in that department.

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Aleina 30.04.10 8:04

Starfox wrote:All things Die... even Asetian souls and Aset herself (gasp! blasphemy i know =p) are not exempt from that rule. I would think the important thing however is not that you die.. its HOW you die. Asetians are creatures of perpetual evolution and thus they seem immortal only because they die in that evolution over and over only to change into something greater at the exact same time. The human soul in contrast tends to fade into oblivion because humans tend to be closed off and stagnate... but over time i have concluded all souls have the same potential for evolution. The Asetians just seem to have a bit of an advantage in that department.

Aset and Asetian Souls never die... Oo That is what we say when we call them "immortals".

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Empty weq

Post by lhenmalaluan 26.06.10 1:16

Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Icon_evil
Ankhhape wrote:Em hotep Maktub (a beautiful piece of music by Marcus Viana)

What then are the human souls choices?

What do humans need to do during their tenure on this physical plane?
The Qliphoth / Tree of Death (which the Asetians study) explain that there are two paths a human can follow, the Right Hand & the Left Hand. The LHP is the path using the Qliphothic powers. Both paths RHP / Divine & LHP / Qliphoth will lead you to the same end which is being at One with Divinity, but the LHP allows you to go further and actually become a God / Creator and not just a Creation.
Vampires are associated in the Qabalah with the Qliphoth and their souls are disconnected from the Divine creator, treading their own Dark, solitary Path. How, if in any way do you see any parallels with this theory and with what you just stated concerning the souls?


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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by lhenmalaluan 26.06.10 1:16

i like 2 be a vampire...........


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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by lhenmalaluan 26.06.10 1:18

but how?.....ahm i have a teeth like a vampire but in the down..


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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Divine 277 18.07.11 3:16

This Was a rely good post until all the gibberish got in the way ....

Would also like to add to @Maktub :

Freedom of will rains in so called humans ....

So if they want to perish, they do ...
If they dont want to perish, they dont...

Do as thy Wilt . . . Will be the hole of the law....

I rely liked the way you put this tread together in the beginning and hope that people read it again.

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Victor 18.07.11 6:23

The original posts and discussion in this thread do deserve to be read again. Maktub's post is high quality, filled with wisdom, as with most of his words.

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Kalb 18.07.11 18:15

I agree with Victor.

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Talibah 19.07.11 1:11

I agree, too. Sometimes, it is well worth re-visiting some of the older posts as they are not only highly informative but written with maturity and a depth of understanding which imparts great knowledge.

A revival of such posts would, I think, be much appreciated.

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by N.Augusta 19.07.11 9:48

Maktub's posts really are the best!

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by sungodaurora 19.07.11 16:21

First of all Good Post.
Second, I did meditate on this, and can do nothing more than agree with you.
[quote]If a human, like most of their kin, lives his life without caring about the spiritual but only the material world, without trying to learn the truth and mysteries in life and not evolving and perfecting himself, spiritually, in each life his soul becomes more weak and old.
And if this human goes on and on throughout his lives without ever embracing evolution, his soul will eventually completely decay and perish.

In my opinion, this is one of experience as of late...I have spent the last year and a half meditating on this very subject and decided to stop just thinking it and put it into action. I up and left all my material assets behind, moved to another country, and started dedicating my life to the mysteries of this world. Trying to perfect the spirituality that was lost. And I could not be Happier...
Once Again, Great Post

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by darksoul 17.12.12 16:36

When I first awakened, memories flooded my mind. I became aware that I was immortal. Past, present and future no longer mattered. I would be me in every life time. I will follow my own path. All religious thoughts and worries of the afterlife drifted away. All energy is eternal, in this sense, all beings are immortal, but not all are self aware. I am what I am, soul or not.
Mundanes are a part of a collective, we are not. The elder mother and father created all, some children are dependent, they cling to their maker and need all things provided. We are the children that moved away, became our own person and provide for ourselves. Our journey of becomming is in our own hands. We our self aware energy beings, it is our will that survives. It is the same as asking do angels have souls, what need do they have for one? They are angels, exactly what they were created to be. We are vampires, what is the need for a soul? Just food for thought. By the way I am new to this forum and I have been reading evryones post and I am glad to be a part.


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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Maxx 18.12.12 11:46

To go back to Maktub's initial posting....this will be an answer to those questions....not in literal you err if you relate them in that one must look beyond those into finding what this refers to....and it actually ties into how the Egyptians actually listed the many personalities of different Gods ....and how they relate to each of us the same is built into all of us..they are all with you today...and when you SEE it, the light will come on.....and many hundreds of questions will be answered. But my posting is only for your consideration....freedom to choose or disregard is yours...

WORDS DO NOT TEACH! Words inspire thought...but do not allow the thought to control you -- take charge of that thought. All this quibbling over words is nothing but tunnel vision on a point of disagreement. And incessant debating really trips you up and slows one down. And the words are only symbols that indicate a concept, or definition of a thing. And the words never mean precisely the same thing to any two people. You are your own yardstick. Do not measure the quality of your understanding against the yardstick of another........measure the quality of your understanding by the RESULTS your understanding yields........

From my source.........and teacher.....


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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Maxx 18.12.12 13:00

I must add...I do not say connect to the site itself or connect with any of those books on sale at the bottom of that.....I only post it for your reading, not to promote any site.

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by -Amirah- 04.09.15 18:59


A soul of a vampire is immortal, eternally young and fresh. The nature of their souls is different from that of a human, since they are created out of the primordial essence and energies of a deity... whether is it Aset, Anubis or Seth. Their immortality is not that of the flesh, but of the soul, in a constant and eternal cycle of death and rebirth, that is known as the cycles of reincarnation.
This makes sense and is all to easy to understand, however, we are told by vampires that the human soul is mortal. That during the cycle of reincarnations it ages and eventually perishes. This is highly more confusing to understand and a common question that many people studying vampirism usually ask themselves in silence. But lets try to analyze this vampiric view under a more Kemetic, metaphysical and theological approach.

According to the Book of Nun, who's parts are condensed in the Asetian Bible, the human soul is created from drops of the waters of chaos in the Duat, by Amon. This is a highly theological concept, and needs some mind-stretching and spiritual knowledge to be better understood.
Now, those human souls are attached to the cycle of reincarnation. However, they are not made out of the essence of an aware divinity, as vampires, but out of the waters of chaos. By this we can understand that their Ba's are not stable, but a condensed form of chaotic energies, that the Gods allowed to be filled with life.
This means that their souls can age. However, to fight this aging and decomposing of the soul, the humans have to strive to develop themselves and to evolve spiritually. If a human, like most of their kin, lives his life without caring about the spiritual but only the material world, without trying to learn the truth and mysteries in life and not evolving and perfecting himself, spiritually, in each life his soul becomes more weak and old.
And if this human goes on and on throughout his lives without ever embracing evolution, his soul will eventually completely decay and perish.

But what happens in this death of the soul?
The energies of their Ba's don't simply disappear. But they return to the source - the waters of Nun, in the Duat.
The Gods give life to the human Ba's (souls), blessing them with the gift and breath of life, allowing them into the reincarnation cycle. But now it is up to them to honor that gift and fight for constant evolution, or to decay in time and to be forgotten in the shadows of oblivion.
It is like a cycle, that of the human souls, where new souls are constantly being created in the Duat for their first incarnation, and old souls return to Nun to be mixed along with the energies of the infinite ocean of Chaos. Only the evolved can survive... and only those that seek that evolution with honor might be embraced to linger by the side of the owners of Immortality - the vampires of this world.

Meditate on this theological approach and give me your opinions over it.


Exactly the concept I was thinking about.

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Maxx 04.09.15 22:01

Ahhh. Maktub.  This was an old post and I had forgotten it.  It has been a while as I see one individual that was in the conversation has been kicked out of here for a while.

But during this time frame I have discovered a very similar situation on the other side as similar to what you describe.  As I have mentioned before, one has a great deal of work in those dimensions in the realm above this one.  There is much learning and schooling that goes on there just as there is here.  I found that the very same situation exists from moving into the higher realm and into the upper regions above that astral region as your words describe.  One cannot advance without the sections put in place as that astral or ethric body is built. Hardly anyone thinks of us living half in the physical or material world now as we are also living half in the astral world at the same time here.  A dual situation for certain.  I have picked up an interest of very soon after someone I have known dies and passes over to get in touch with them and ask about the big difference they find immediately after moving into the next area.  Just had a cousin die last Sat. and so he is still in shock of the last days and the pain it brought in the transition process.  A couple of months ago another one died and he was still angry even after the burial and it took another 10 days for him to calm down somewhat and level out.

When the time comes, and it has a time frame, if that work has been properly done and the sections put in place properly, then a movement on into the next higher place called the spiritual realm occurs.  But if that astral or ethric body is not built properly, then there is no spiritual advancement and that astral body dissolves into the universe. I believe that was what you were describing above.  It is almost the same process one finds as they leave the physical shell and dies and moves into the next area. I have discovered that one can even be putting parts of the spiritual body together as one works here in the physical in the design of building the astral and shoring it up for the transition process. It is almost like placing bits of a mirror together until the entire composition comes together.

 I did not see that at the time your original post took place but from what you wrote I can see that you certainly understand this world as well as a large part of the next one.  I believe your vocation alone has made your thinking align with the next world automatically.  lol.

The Masters of the Asetian regions come from that Spiritual domain which is higher than the astral range.  And goes even higher and above that spiritual range I am guessing.  Once into that Spiritual domain one need never come back here unless agreeing to help in some manner with the evolution.  Besides, why would anyone ever want to come back to this syrup

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by revJPDDG 26.05.20 6:04

All forms of energy cannot die but merely change form. I believe many people are reincarnated however many believe they will return to the christian God so perhaps he sucks up there soul to continue his power over this earth

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 2 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Jonathan 26.05.20 6:28

revJPDDG wrote:All forms of energy cannot die but merely change form. I believe many people are reincarnated however many believe they will return to the christian God so perhaps he sucks up there soul to continue his power over this earth

The Christian god doesn't really exist. Its entire concept is a human creation designed to dominate people into spiritual and political submission.

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