Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 26.05.20 6:30

How do you know this? "All forms of energy cannot die but merely change form." Is it something you've heard from repeated Facebook memes or is there a deeper indication of why that is so that you've read about? Many people say this but what do they know about it? That's what I'm interested in.

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 26.05.20 6:59

Jonathan wrote:
revJPDDG wrote:All forms of energy cannot die but merely change form. I believe many people are reincarnated however many believe they will return to the christian God so perhaps he sucks up there soul to continue his power over this earth

The Christian god doesn't really exist. Its entire concept is a human creation designed to dominate people into spiritual and political submission.

What about the Jewish god or the Muslim god? Is it the same with them since they're - at least according to these religions - said to be the same? I'm interested in that whole theological history of things as it relates to practical religion, faith and prophets. I don't think religions of this nature should be entirely underestimated because I believe there is something to them. I've been pondering this for long. They might have something to them but in the exoteric format it's all very distorted of the actual truth of the matter. If we look at mystical sects of both Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, they hold something of value as to the inner core of their religions which bases itself upon intuitive and apperceptive experience within the innermost recesses of the heart and that seems to be where the exoteric format of the religions dissolve and a gnostic truth emerges that is universal. But, maybe that's an exception to the religions themselves, then, since that very format of their doctrine which would appeal to the exoteric majority is indeed designed to keep them under spiritual and political submission and so maybe it's in the rare and spiritually ingenious nature of the mystics to be able to remove those potentially false shells and reach the core which in fact stands independent of those religions and aren't a part of it in any formal sense. I know this because I myself came from a past with Christianity but figured out that there was something very wrong with it.

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Jonathan 26.05.20 8:15

I find the Muslim god and Jewish god to be the same thing as the Christian god. All those religions have the same origin.

I usually see monotheism like a cancer to people's spiritual evolution, holding them in back in blindness and inner conflict.

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 26.05.20 9:13

I can agree because I've suffered the same affliction in the past. It has taken over 2 years to over-come that blind and false moral and religious dogma and only through a lot of effort placed on my part with sometimes tumultuous outbreaks as necessary psychological catharsis to free from its deep rooted influence.

I believe the Chrisitian god is indeed a false mask imposed upon the nature of divinity as a singular, supposedly 'all-embracive', but then exclusionary force to all the other faces of the divine.

I believe in a supreme and transcendent source of being, however, but I don't think that's monotheism because whilst there might be an ultimate reality that some would call as god, or at least that saints, yogis and mystics would call as god - and being important to distinguish from the false belief systems of the majority that believe in a kind of anthropomorphic god - it does not exclude other deities but stands apart as something universally impartial and of supreme intelligence that simply is. Some refer to this as Shiva, others to it as Devi; yet again others as Brahman, or Vishnu. But that's in Hinduism (from which I've also taken major spiritual influences)...

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Naoom 26.05.20 11:14

That guy has been banned here before. He came after reading a Wikipedia article about Vampirism and suddenly decided to start his own group and demand followers from everywhere, like many do before truly knowing those things or understanding them.

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Naoom 26.05.20 11:17

JP, if you think you'll gain followers or people who will fall for your delusions here, this place is not for this. I'll give you a hint: it won't happen. You are better off staying at the VCN, where you are gladly accepted, I can imagine.

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 26.05.20 11:22

Let's also point out that those who would make others fall for their delusions have first severely fallen for their own.

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Naoom 26.05.20 11:23

MysticLightShinethForth wrote:Let's also point out that those who would make others fall for their delusions have first severely fallen for their own.

Exactly. That person came back after some years, with the same intentions and same delusions, despite everyone having given them a chance to learn and grow instead.

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by A.Nightside 01.06.20 19:43

Naoom wrote:JP, if you think you'll gain followers or people who will fall for your delusions here, this place is not for this. I'll give you a hint: it won't happen. You are better off staying at the VCN, where you are gladly accepted, I can imagine.

Not exactly.

I prefer not to give details but, as far as I've seen, JP is only really well treated in his own personal circles. But I've also been detached from the VC circles for a while so perhaps the waters have changed, if that be the case, I'm honestly not aware of it.

I enjoy his sort of all-encompassing ideals, what comes off as passion for fairness, but I don't follow his faith. I'll try to keep the rest of my thoughts to myself.

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Thothmez 07.07.20 17:11

This is my first interaction within this "Vampirism Forum".

Few weeks ago, when I was researching The "Tibetan Book of the Dead" and the "Egyptian Book of the Dead" trying to find a hidden technique for being aware even during the death, I stumbled by accident into subject of Vampirism. Just because the "Sanguinomicon Book 1 by Father Sebastiaan" have the same alternative name of the "Egyptian Book of the Dead" that is "Coming forth by Day".  Well I decide to read the book and I was really impressed about the existence of orders, and groups on Vampirism. I was kind of please that it has nothing to do with Hollywood drinking blood vampires. Immediately I grasped the idea... The search for Zhep'r (Immortality).

Why search for immortality? We are already immortals. I have read many books regarding the nature of the SOUL, and it is (or seem to be) a extension of the great divine, the soul it is divine and share all attributes of the divine including immortality.

According to "The Tibetan Book of the Living and Dying" one that trained can pass through the death of the body without lose "awareness". However if the soul get distracted by human ideas it will get lost, lose "awareness"of itself and re-enter the incarnation cycle (re-incarnation) without being aware of what it was before.

Based on my research the SOUL is immortal, it will not lose energy and die. But it can develop attributes and cycle through re-incarnations without losing "awareness".

I would call first death the death of the physical body, and second death the lost of the awareness by the soul during the cycles of reincarnation. I hope my response was not to long. Thanks for reading.

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Kyuu 08.07.20 10:11

I think that the common ideology here is To think that only vampire have their soul immortal... and humains who seek their inner voices and come To a certain level of "spiriruality"


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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 3 Empty Immortality of the SOUL

Post by Thothmez 10.07.20 14:25

Maybe i should "divide to conquer"... or as the joke, "How can you eat a whole elephant?"... "By parts answer the cannibal".

1) Let us first refer to the Law of conservation of Mass by Antoine Lavoisier, "mass is neither created nor destroyed in chemical reactions".

2) Now let us refer to the Law of conservation of Energy by Emilie du Chatelet, "energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another".

3) Finally let us talk about the theory of "Special Relativity" by Albert Einstein, "Mass is related to energy and both as a whole are conserved". As per E=M*c^2

Immortality of mass and energy
So can mass be destroyed? NO, there mass is eternal or immortal if you will.
So can energy be destroyed? NO, there energy is eternal or immortal if you will.

Nature or our human body
Our physical body is made of mass therefore energy, is my body immortal? NO only the mass-energy that are building part of my body are immortal. So in this case when the body lose its attributes, characteristics and functions it is not a body anymore, because a body is a amount of mass-energy intertwine performing performing a well know action, keeping itself alive. The substance that construct a body is indestructible, eternal and immortal. But the body is mutable, it changes with time from birth to death.

On this regard there is not difference in terms "mortality and immortality" of between a body from a member of the baptist church and a member of the Church of Satan.

What is a SOUL?
Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, and many other asked the same question... "does such thing as a soul exist, if so, what is a soul"? It is mass, it energy, is it something else?

See a computer has the hardware and the software, the hardware if the body and software is the soul of the computer.

O course we have a body, what about our soul? is it in our head, our heart, where is it located? According to Father Sebastiaan OSV (Ordo Strigoi Vii) the Dragon is located in our head. (Please read the Vampyre Sanguinomicon for more details).

Should we agree that humans have soul? YES, humans have soul.
Where those souls came from? Are they equal, similar in anyway, or different?

As per the Emerald Tablet we read: "That which is below is as that which is above, and that which is above is as that which is below, to perform the miracles of the one thing."

Thank you for reading.

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 10.07.20 14:37

I wouldn't give much credence to Father Sebastiaan, he's not really considered a legitimate authority on occultism, or real life vampirism, nor even a real occultist at all. More like a party-hosting, fangsmithing, roleplayer who also seems to have a predilection for manipulating people from what I've heard. There's a lot of mentions about him on this forum and in other groups but hardly anything positive from those who've got more knowledge and insight upon this as well as experience in the occult. Myself I just prefer to not concern much about it but seeing as it's taken up here there must be a statement made about it so you or others don't fall for that deception.

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Troublemaker 10.07.20 14:52

"According to Father Sebastiaan, the Dragon is located in the head."
Hmmm. I'll see myself out now.

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Maxx 10.07.20 16:43

Rhea, I can see you certainly did your research on that.  The Baptist and COS are just as dumb as the other.  That is the common connection between them.  They are followers and none are able to think for themselves.

We all know about FS and he is a fake from the starting gate.  No need to think he could even be an authority on anything but fake grape juice and Halloween candy.

You must be having a long weekend planned to spend as much time on the above as you did.  Ha.  None of them will wake up in the morning and think they are anything but a vampire again .....   and still with no powers at all, not even as much as a mediocre IQ and still following and believing there are some factual details within the vampire diaries.  It is too funny and very entertaining.

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by AaronCAce 11.07.20 8:50

What I'm saying is.
Immortality. It's biologically impossible. You put bread in the cupboard,it rots,withers away. K... So. God. Put it this way. Gas Of Destruction. Hydrogen. Without hydrogen we wouldn't have water. You,drink water, without that,I've tried it,you get sick.
So. Immortality. You cannot crutch on this,soul schizm,to justify or prove that. It cannot be. So. All inner strength is,is,a fantasy to empower all people to rebuck suicide. Think about it. Jesus Christ. It,the Bible,where God is an ever loving everlasting,it's like, emotional coffee with pizza,it cheers you up. But,now I call on Maxx.
It's impossible. I know. I'm 36. I pray for death and,ban me if you will. If I had a gun or better a PAC(Plasma Activated Charge) I wouldn't be here.
I urge you operator of this post.
Think about it my way. Although physics says:-
"Energy cannot be created or destroyed." How many people have died in the past,and if immortality is a factual concept,why is murder,The Covid-19 virus such a bad thing.
I look forward to liasing with all of you.
Good day to you.
Sidney Bogard Ricketts
(Aaron Colin Adams)


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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Maxx 11.07.20 8:56

the weasel is back

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by AaronCAce 11.07.20 9:06

Maxx wrote:the weasel is back
I did some training. Maxx,I'm no Weasel.


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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Maxx 11.07.20 9:20

you named yourself

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by AaronCAce 11.07.20 9:26

Yes Maxx. Take care. I'm not looking for a show down.


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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Thothmez 15.07.20 17:04

MysticLightShinethForth wrote:I wouldn't give much credence to Father Sebastiaan, he's not really considered a legitimate authority on occultism, or real life vampirism, nor even a real occultist at all.

I do respect others point of view, but I might not accept it as valid.
I do not know the author "Father Sebastiaan" I only read his book.
I discuss theories not the person.

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Maxx 15.07.20 17:25

And your theories help you reach a conclusive truth in your mind. That is great. But you have to come to a conclusion on many things at some point in time.

So what you consider as truth would be different from what I consider as truth based on past experience. Truth is a different concept for everyone. It is a variable entity.

And neither would I accept your point of view as being "valid"

How is that?

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Thothmez 15.07.20 17:52

Maxx wrote:And your theories help you reach a conclusive truth in your mind.  That is great. But you have to come to a conclusion on many things at some point in time.

So what you consider as truth would be different from what I consider as truth based on past experience.  Truth is a different concept for everyone.  It is a variable entity.

And neither would I accept your point of view as being "valid"

How is that?

A theory is neither wrong nor right just because you don't like the author.
A theory is neither wrong nor right just because you don't agree with it.

For instance in the Star Trek: Next Generation Season 5: Episode 25 @ 27 min (The Inner Light)

Capt. Picard in a conversation with his daughter said: A good scientist doesn't function by conjecture.

Meribor his daughter responds: A good scientist functions by hypothesizing and then proving or disproving that hypothesis. That's what I did.

In addition there is no argument against FACTs.

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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Thothmez 15.07.20 17:59

AaronCAce wrote:What I'm saying is.
Immortality. It's biologically impossible. You put bread in the cupboard,it rots,withers away. K... So. God. Put it this way. Gas Of Destruction. Hydrogen. Without hydrogen we wouldn't have water. You,drink water, without that,I've tried it,you get sick.
So. Immortality. You cannot crutch on this,soul schizm,to justify or prove that. It cannot be. So. All inner strength is,is,a fantasy to empower all people to rebuck suicide. Think about it. Jesus Christ. It,the Bible,where God is an ever loving everlasting,it's like, emotional coffee with pizza,it cheers you up. But,now I call on Maxx.
It's impossible. I know. I'm 36. I pray for death and,ban me if you will. If I had a gun or better a PAC(Plasma Activated Charge) I wouldn't be here.
I urge you operator of this post.
Think about it my way. Although physics says:-
"Energy cannot be created or destroyed." How many people have died in the past,and if immortality is a factual concept,why is murder,The Covid-19 virus such a bad thing.
I look forward to liasing with all of you.
Good day to you.
Sidney Bogard Ricketts
(Aaron Colin Adams)

In our physical world form is mortal and substanceis immortal.


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Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Immortality of the Vampire VS Mortality of Humans.

Post by Jonathan 15.07.20 18:00

Of course that the person trying to teach occult theories matters. If they know absolutely nothing about the occult and magick, such as the case of Father Sebastiaan, the teachings in his books are completely useless. No occultist reads Father Sebastiaan or takes him seriously.

Father Sebastiaan is more of a reference in McDonald's than dragon theory.

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