Which Lineage Inspires You?

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Which Lineage Inspires You? Empty Which Lineage Inspires You?

Post by Aghrab 08.06.08 19:36

I have always been inspired, and moved by the lineage of Guardians. Their unquestionable and unconditional loyalty, has always been one of the most beautiful characteristics that I saw in the Guardians. (Which is a reason why I chose Aghrab as my name, meaning "scorpion" in Arabic. :P)
Their strong personalities, being more "away from common society" than the other two lineages, is something I find deeply vampiric and a way that one can easily spiritually evolve.
Overall, the Guardian is, to me, inspiring. Giving their full life, love, and worshipping the love of their life, is simply beautiful.
But I want to know, what lineage most inspires and moves you?

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Which Lineage Inspires You? Empty Re: Which Lineage Inspires You?

Post by Maktub 09.06.08 8:39

Hello Aghrab,

This is quite of an interesting post, because brings us to a whole new dimension about the Asetian lineages. We all know they represent 3 distinctive kinds of Asetian vampires, as an image of the first 3 Children of Isis, the Primordial Asetians.
However, many of us forget that despite this most important and sacred concept, the lineages can also be seen as archetypes. They represent "rolemodels", that are many times adopted in life by people that follow Asetianism without being actually part of the bloodline. In other words, they work sometimes as archetypes to Asetianists. And some people get more attached and inspire by one, others by other.

Very interesting how you were moved and inspired by the Scorpion, the Lineage of Guardians. They are undoubtedly one of the most vampiric lineages ever studied, and usually seen as the most honorable beings on the face of this Earth.
I agree when you say that they evolve spiritually being away from common society, since they are the most elitist and secretive of all. Even more than Viperines. And that together with their "worship of their soulmate" as you said, makes them great rolemodels for countless women around the globe. A true representation of Eternal Love.

That's an interesting topic for debate, let's wait to hear other members' opinion.


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Which Lineage Inspires You? Empty Re: Which Lineage Inspires You?

Post by Karnath 10.06.08 14:26

Hello, Aghrab.

Good to see the first step on real debate about the lineages. Well, I deeply admire Guardians, as I do to any of the other Lineages. Anyway, as Maktub said, Guardians make really good rolemodels for women, gathering many of the characteritics I'd personally look for in a woman. Scorpions have very much fire associated to them. Although, the lineage which inspires me the most, and we can see that through the marvelous work that the author Luis Marques presented us with, are Viperines. They inspire me, metaphysically speaking. About Concubines, their abilities blow my mind apart. scratch (lol, ugly smily)

Now, floating throughout the Nile to other views, I personally feel very attracted to the archetype of the Jackal.

Best regards, Karnath.

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Which Lineage Inspires You? Empty Re: Which Lineage Inspires You?

Post by Aghrab 10.06.08 15:06


I agree with the abilities of the Concubine being quite mind-blowing.

You also said that you feel quite attracted to the archetype of the Jackal. Can you explain that a bit more?


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Which Lineage Inspires You? Empty Re: Which Lineage Inspires You?

Post by Wafiyah 10.06.08 18:09

Salam ‘alaykum

I am glad watching this forum growing day by day. Smile

About what Aghrab asked, I definitely feel inspired by the Guardian Lineage. In the moment I read those lines on the Asetian Bible, I have to admit that some tears came into my eyes. I felt so warmly attached to the Guardian’s philosophies... this was a magick moment.
Among all the other characteristics, I mostly felt connected with the Love/Loyalty theme. But, while my mind flows through these thoughts, a question emerged… don’t you think this lineage, and especially this characteristic, fits perfectly a Middle Eastern vampiric mind?
I mean, I can speak for myself, throughout all my childhood, thoughts as pureness, innocence, loyalty and faithfulness, were always been introduced into my formation as a Middle Eastern girl. The society where I am inserted is completely focused on the power of man and a woman only lives to care of, please and worship her husband. What a vampiric and, most of all, Guardian thing this is. Smile
I think you all are aware about our reality around here. Every time we go out, whenever we are in the presence of people that are strange to us, even inside our own house, our bodies are totally covered, even our hair… just because we think that no one has the right to see us the same way our husband do in the intimacy of our home, alone.
But it’s obvious that, like in any other place in the world, nor all the Middle Eastern women follow these rules because of the faithfulness they want to dedicate to their husbands. Many of them do that just because all women do or because they are afraid of being judged, in this way betraying, most of all, themselves. It reminds me another one of the Guardian’s hallmarks, which I found myself so close to, the elitism. I see myself hating some girls I know very often, watching them acting like the rest of the humans. Empty minds they have. It really freaks me out. Evil or Very Mad

By the way, what amazing words Luis Marques used to describe the Guardian’s Lineage, the contents are so beautifully written. Actually, the whole book is of a sacred beauty that is so hard to describe. His talent just empowers even more what it is already powerful by nature. He really has a gift.

Ma’a salaama.

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Which Lineage Inspires You? Empty Re: Which Lineage Inspires You?

Post by Maktub 10.06.08 19:14

Just a remark in what you all are saying about the Guardians' view of love.

Although that is all correct and they live to be loyal and care for their one true love, also, as the Asetian Bible says, those feelings of undeniable loyalty above everything and worshipping of their love, is ONLY expressed towards their soul-mates. It does not refer to any mere relationship, date, or even biological family members.
So don't forget that above all, Guardians are beings of a highly strong and defined personality after the awakening, when they find themselves. They might not be that defined before the awakening, but after it, they become true pillars of the Asetian family and role-models to follow.
So please don't express Guardians as submissive beings, they are precisely the opposite. They are wild and untamed, beings of an uncontrollable fire! They are Stinging Scorpions, who are only able to be tamed by their True Love. And that is the only case when those things you were all commenting do apply.

Probably all of you are aware of this, and I did agreed with all you said, but I found it important to refer it here as well, so that people that might read you and are not so familiarized with the Scorpion characteristics may follow you without getting the wrong picture.


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Which Lineage Inspires You? Empty Re: Which Lineage Inspires You?

Post by Aghrab 10.06.08 19:16

Wafiyah wrote:Salam ?alaykum

I am glad watching this forum growing day by day. Smile

About what Aghrab asked, I definitely feel inspired by the Guardian Lineage. In the moment I read those lines on the Asetian Bible, I have to admit that some tears came into my eyes. I felt so warmly attached to the Guardian?s philosophies... this was a magick moment.
Among all the other characteristics, I mostly felt connected with the Love/Loyalty theme. But, while my mind flows through these thoughts, a question emerged? don?t you think this lineage, and especially this characteristic, fits perfectly a Middle Eastern vampiric mind?
I mean, I can speak for myself, throughout all my childhood, thoughts as pureness, innocence, loyalty and faithfulness, were always been introduced into my formation as a Middle Eastern girl. The society where I am inserted is completely focused on the power of man and a woman only lives to care of, please and worship her husband. What a vampiric and, most of all, Guardian thing this is. Smile
I think you all are aware about our reality around here. Every time we go out, whenever we are in the presence of people that are strange to us, even inside our own house, our bodies are totally covered, even our hair? just because we think that no one has the right to see us the same way our husband do in the intimacy of our home, alone.
But it?s obvious that, like in any other place in the world, nor all the Middle Eastern women follow these rules because of the faithfulness they want to dedicate to their husbands. Many of them do that just because all women do or because they are afraid of being judged, in this way betraying, most of all, themselves. It reminds me another one of the Guardian?s hallmarks, which I found myself so close to, the elitism. I see myself hating some girls I know very often, watching them acting like the rest of the humans. Empty minds they have. It really freaks me out. Evil or Very Mad

By the way, what amazing words Luis Marques used to describe the Guardian?s Lineage, the contents are so beautifully written. Actually, the whole book is of a sacred beauty that is so hard to describe. His talent just empowers even more what it is already powerful by nature. He really has a gift.

Ma?a salaama.

Em Hotep, Wafiyah.

I'm very glad that reading about the Guardian, moved you in such magical ways.

I fully agree with you that most of the beautiful characteristics of the Guardian, can be seen in a Middle Eastern woman, when it comes to the subject of full loyalty, and unquestionable dedication to the love of their life. So I can fully see how, and why, you felt so warmly attached to this lineage of beauty, pure love, and loyalty. Smile

Great post.


Number of posts : 492
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Which Lineage Inspires You? Empty Re: Which Lineage Inspires You?

Post by Maktub 10.06.08 19:22

Oh and I forgot to mention, I agree with what you said about the Middle Eastern women. I never thought of it under that perspective. Probably because many women from the Middle East are like that out of obligation, religion, education and not out of pure love for their husbands as a Guardian. But the archetype can draw some interesting parallel lines, I liked your observation. Very well thought.

Indeed a great post, keep sharing with us your insight and opinion. I am mostly interested.


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Which Lineage Inspires You? Empty Re: Which Lineage Inspires You?

Post by Laura 10.06.08 19:28

I must say I admire all 3 lineages for different reasons. In general terms the Viperines for their spirituality, metaphysical work and leadership; the Guardians as most of you have said for their love and loyalty. The Keepers I also admire and respect. But I must say that I feel more admiration for the Concubines. The need to constantly change and yet have to find oneself, the abilities they have to change the energy around them. Also their dedication for the one they love.

¨The Concubines tend to be passionate and obsessive lovers, deeply connecting to the ones they love and establishing a rooted energy link….

….They can easily do incredible things and assume socially wrong positions and attitudes to prove dedication to the ones they love.¨

Asetian Bible

Although I admire the Concubines the most for their obsession, passion and willingness to love I must say that in all 3 lineages the strongest thing I see to admire is love. For to me it seems that Love and evolution are of the most important things the Asetians have (not mentioning the metaphysical abilities). All 3 lineages love in the whole sense of the word and probably as no human possibly can… they just manifest it in a different way.

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Which Lineage Inspires You? Empty Re: Which Lineage Inspires You?

Post by Maktub 10.06.08 19:49

Hello Laura,

I agree when you say that Love and Evolution are the best things the Asetians have. And by that the 3 lineages are all ultimately connected to the concept of True Love.

Although from how I see it, Concubines tend to be able to share love with more than their soul-mate, as in they are more easily seen in several relationships than Guardians that are highly more detached and elitist. Concubines are more dynamic, unstable and mutators. This makes sense if we take in consideration the great powers of Chaos that Concubines wield and their always changing nature. They are the true Scarabs, beings of Kheperu.

Anyways, I am not sure what you think of this, but I believe you could also put your post in the Concubines category. Or if you feel moved by them as you say, write a whole new one about the reasons behind that and your opinions on them. Since we are on the Guardians category and anyone that like you might be into Concubines might go to their category to read all the users are talking related to that subject. That way we can get in there into more Concubine-specific debates. Just my personal opinion, you don't have to follow it. Cool


Number of posts : 113
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Which Lineage Inspires You? Empty Re: Which Lineage Inspires You?

Post by Aghrab 10.06.08 21:51

I agree with Maktub.

Concubines, compared to Guardians, when it comes to relationship, can be more "dynamic" to whom they give their love, care and dedication to, as for Guardians, who, in my understanding and opinion, are highly dedicated and worshipping, for only one person, their True Love.


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Which Lineage Inspires You? Empty Re: Which Lineage Inspires You?

Post by Karnath 12.06.08 6:11

Hello again.

Concubines can perfectly have the one they ultimately Love, but still
be messing with other persons head just to fulfill their chaotic
nature. Guardians are unlikely to be that way, since they are much more
focused, much more direct and very true. If they have something to say,
they say it without any problems, and one should never expect a word of
kindness from them, unless we deserve it.

Aghrab wrote:You also said that you feel quite attracted to the archetype of the Jackal. Can you explain that a bit more?

That doesn't necessarily need a good explanation. I have a great admiration for the Children of Anubis, and feel close to them in some ways. We might have a talk on Keepers soon.

Best regards.

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Which Lineage Inspires You? Empty Re: Which Lineage Inspires You?

Post by Hellen 13.09.08 15:08

I would say that Guardians experience this One True Love at a level that no human being or even divine can reach , that's why besides their One no one can ever know or touch their soul to that deepth ,that's why there is only One for them , to be with another would be a lie and they don't lie ,they worship freedom and free will

I would also put emphasis on Truth as being the essence of Guardians , it is seen in their devotion for the One in True Love , in their loyalty ,in their always critical attitude and disgust towards weaknesses in behavior and in society to the point that they can become enemies of a whole world for protecting and restoring the truth

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Which Lineage Inspires You? Empty Re: Which Lineage Inspires You?

Post by Maxx 13.09.08 18:02

You speak as one that knows of what they speak. How indepth.



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Which Lineage Inspires You? Empty Re: Which Lineage Inspires You?

Post by Aghrab 14.09.08 11:35

I agree. Hellen seems to understand well the language of the Loyal Scorpions, Guardians.


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Which Lineage Inspires You? Empty Re: Which Lineage Inspires You?

Post by Syrianeh 01.10.08 10:22

I would have to say that, objectively, it is the Guardians that I most admire. As Hellen quite wisely put it, they can only love someone who has the true key to their innermost self. And while on a first impression they are aggressive and overwhelming, if you see inside them, if you can grasp their essence and return it with your acknowledgement, they will be inmensely thankful - and if not your love, a long lasting, loyal friend that you can completely trust.

A Guard who is a friend gives off a feeling of peace and safety no one else can give.

Viperines, on the other hand, are truly fascinating creatures while at the same time they don't give the same feeling of trust. They are not completely dependable, and I don't mean it in a bad way, because their passionate nature and their exquisite talents make them exceptional company, even though they might some times be moody. They can be very magnetic and addictive.

Subjectively speaking, I would have to say I mostly relate to the Concubines. Many events in my life and many signs have proven this right.

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Which Lineage Inspires You? Empty Re: Which Lineage Inspires You?

Post by Hellen 01.10.08 11:47

Hi Syrianeh,

I agree with what you said , but with a personal observation on Guardians : Guardians are not agresive beings ,but they manifest and become agresive when annoyed or attacked .
They are wariors but in the sense of protectors ( of someone, of many , of a cause , of Truth ) .They don't fight for the love of fight or for glory alone.



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Which Lineage Inspires You? Empty Re: Which Lineage Inspires You?

Post by Syrianeh 01.10.08 12:59

Hellen wrote:Hi Syrianeh,

I agree with what you said , but with a personal observation on Guardians : Guardians are not agresive beings ,but they manifest and become agresive when annoyed or attacked .
They are wariors but in the sense of protectors ( of someone, of many , of a cause , of Truth ) .They don't fight for the love of fight or for glory alone.



You are right, but what I meant is that I believe Guardians, because of their overwhelming sense of presence, seem aggressive on first impression, in such a way that they might be intimidating to someone who does not know who they're dealing with. And yes I agree with you on the fact that they fight for a protective cause, not "sportively".

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Which Lineage Inspires You? Empty Re: Which Lineage Inspires You?

Post by Aghrab 02.10.08 5:01

Syrianeh wrote:
Hellen wrote:Hi Syrianeh,

I agree with what you said , but with a personal observation on Guardians : Guardians are not agresive beings ,but they manifest and become agresive when annoyed or attacked .
They are wariors but in the sense of protectors ( of someone, of many , of a cause , of Truth ) .They don't fight for the love of fight or for glory alone.



You are right, but what I meant is that I believe Guardians, because of their overwhelming sense of presence, seem aggressive on first impression, in such a way that they might be intimidating to someone who does not know who they're dealing with. And yes I agree with you on the fact that they fight for a protective cause, not "sportively".

Actually, to my understanding Guardians are highly aggressive beings, to society and to whom they do not feel much attachment to. Certainly anyone's first impression of a Scorpion Guardian might send them to notice highly their coldness and arrogant ways, but when they do choose to, they can be one of the most protective, loyal and trustworthy companion anyone could ever have. Only my thoughts...


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Which Lineage Inspires You? Empty Re: Which Lineage Inspires You?

Post by Maktub 02.10.08 10:49

Aghrab wrote:Actually, to my understanding Guardians are highly aggressive beings, to society and to whom they do not feel much attachment to. Certainly anyone's first impression of a Scorpion Guardian might send them to notice highly their coldness and arrogant ways, but when they do choose to, they can be one of the most protective, loyal and trustworthy companion anyone could ever have. Only my thoughts...

I can agree with Aghrab on her view of Guardians. From my understanding Guardians/Scorpions tend to be highly agressive on general bases, even arrogant in most social situations. This is particularly noticeable when outside of the Family. However, Hellen is also correct when she mentions that although Guardians being natural and fierce warriors, they don't do it just for the love of a fight. Although, personally, I am not so sure that situation never happened, especially when some of the most elite Guardians were known to be part of the Imperial Guard, an army that was rumored to actually crave and rejoice in the urge of battle.


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Which Lineage Inspires You? Empty Re: Which Lineage Inspires You?

Post by Hellen 02.10.08 11:42

Maktub wrote: especially when some of the most elite Guardians were known to be part of the Imperial Guard, an army that was rumored to actually crave and rejoice in the urge of battle.


I can explain that , while Guardians can not stand to postpone anything and don't find their peace untill they don't see the job done . When the enemy is out there, the rage is too strong and the urge of the battle is hard to be controled.
But let's not confound their agressivity with that of inferior beings which has definately other reasons behind.
I would say they are just as 'agressive' as they are 'cold' , much of this is the judgement of the eye that looks at them .


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Which Lineage Inspires You? Empty Re: Which Lineage Inspires You?

Post by Maktub 02.10.08 13:36

Hellen wrote:But let's not confound their agressivity with that of inferior beings which has definately other reasons behind.
I would never parallel anything from a Guardian with something in an inferior being.


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Which Lineage Inspires You? Empty Re: Which Lineage Inspires You?

Post by Hellen 02.10.08 13:59

Maktub wrote:
Hellen wrote:But let's not confound their agressivity with that of inferior beings which has definately other reasons behind.
I would never parallel anything from a Guardian with something in an inferior being.


Of course Maktub !Only first part of the post was addressed to you .

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Which Lineage Inspires You? Empty Re: Which Lineage Inspires You?

Post by Victoria 27.11.08 20:18

Aghrab, great question. What lineage inspires me?

As loyal as Scorpions are, and as chaotic as Scarabs are, I will have to say the lineage that inspires me the most is the lineage of Viperines.

I find many things about the other two lineages deeply inspiring, no doubts, but without the leadership of the mighty Viperines, the Aset Ka would have not been able to stand so strongly until this very day. For example, look at Master Marques. One of the honorable Asetian Leaders. He is the perfect example of a Viperine. Despite his genius mind and powerful talent with words, he is a strong figure in the occult world. A truly inspiring God.


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Which Lineage Inspires You? Empty Re: Which Lineage Inspires You?

Post by Victor 06.12.08 9:01

I agree with you Victoria. The Lineage of Serpents is simply breathtaking in what comes to spirituality, magick and metaphysics. I find them deeply inspiring and true role models to most of the community, vampiric or simply occultist.

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