Introduction - Lucius

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Introduction - Lucius Empty Introduction - Lucius

Post by Lucius34 13.04.21 23:27

Hello I'm Lucius at the moment I don't consider myself anything other than a psychologist and philosopher as I don't actively/conciously practice anything "occult" or religious. I'm also an INFJ(if you're familiar with MBTI, an INFp is using Socionics model), who has traveled around the country(USA 15 or 20 states) penniless and lived homeless(intentionally due to experimenting with minimalism, asceticism, cyncism(philosophy of Diogenes of sinope) and bohemianism). I'm mostly joining this forum to talk and share notes/ideas with people on a variety of topics I guess and maybe meet like minded individuals(if this fails I may try my luck with either the Theosophical Society, the Mormons(and hopefully start a separate elven or vampirism based branch) or a certain mystic tradition in Ireland or Shropshire England..).

I usually get blocked or banned online for being too... honest so i'll see what happens here.

I don't particularly believe in anything(forever a skeptic no matter how much proof i see or experience) or i believe in everything due to the fact that almost everything is correct depending on the angle you look at it from.

As for my background (if this is at all relevant to anyone on this) i'll just list a few philosophies/subjects I'm interested in or have experimented with:

Holism, Amorality, Godhoodism, Transcendentalism, Animism, Solipsism, Otherkin/Starseeds(New Age/Ufology interpretation of otherkin), Cynicism(Diogenes Of Sinope), Perennialism(Traditionalist School), Omnitheism, Omnism, Minimalism(Why burden yourself with excess garbage/clutter(what the modern man calls wealth), Bohemianism, Asceticism(learn to live with nothing and you will have nothing to lose or be threatened with. Learn to want nothing and no one can bribe/enslave you), Gnosticism(from the perspective that we exist in localized mind/dream bubbles with their own narratives/game rules(social laws and laws of physics)/cultures/cults and each planet/solar system/galaxy is also its own dream bubble), Hermeticism, Egoism, Altruism, Parasitism, Totemism(try to live/think exactly like a certain animal, spirit, deity or entity and you'll develop similar traits/abilities... eventually), Perfectionism(psychological and philosophy point of view), Darwinism, Ethnopluralism, Third Position(politics), Ufology(recently studying Plejarens and Billy Meier), Vampirism, Necromancy(study of the soul and what happens during and after death), Blood Magic(Sanguimancy), Oneiromancy(dreams where i learn things, see certain events that end up happening or being related to events that end up happening, possible visits to other planes, possible astral feeding, possible dreamwalking(people who I have had dreams of feeding on, would tell me the next morning they had a dream about me that same night or would suddenly feel like talking to me the next day). I don't actively try to master any of this), Jungian Archtypes(as it relates to gods and oversouls), MBTI and Socionics(as it relates to soultypes and if there's a comnection between otherkin. I.e. certain types = certain mythical races/racial soultypes), Unseelie Code(as it relates to Rebellious/Adversarial Satanism, with the idea being (Devil's Advocate) contradict everyone, every religion, cult, culture and political ideology that you find yourself involved with. This in my opinion seems to tie into the idea of insight roles promoted by the O9A just from the opposite end), Shadow Code(Satanism from the position of "enlightenment" through pain, suffering, torture and trauma: Once the worst things have happened to you, you'll have nothing to fear or lose and can view life less seriously and so have fun or become neutral in your outlook of everyone, every culture, cult, religion or political ideology. But also in the sense one should be "evil" to make others stronger or be an agent of karma), New Age Spirituality, Taoism, Antinomianism, Moral Nihilism, Moral Relativism, Transhumanism, Nihilism


Number of posts : 13
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Introduction - Lucius Empty Re: Introduction - Lucius

Post by Ramla-Meryt 14.04.21 0:58

Have you read either the Asetian Bible or the Violet Throne? The former in particular would give you a good grounding in terms of the views of the majority of the forum, although not all.

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Introduction - Lucius Empty Re: Introduction - Lucius

Post by Lucius34 14.04.21 7:30

Ramla-Meryt wrote:Have you read either the Asetian Bible or the Violet Throne? The former in particular would give you a good grounding in terms of the views of the majority of the forum, although not all.

I haven't read their books no. But I have read articles on the aset ka website and the information I saw on there wasn't anything new to me so I didnt think the books were worth the money. Though I'm probably just wary with the obsession a lot of modern westerners have with Egypt and Egyptian mythology when Celtic, Baltic, Slavic Norse and Indian mythology is just as good.

I can drop a list of books i am familiar with or a list of thinkers I am familiar with if you like.


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Introduction - Lucius Empty Re: Introduction - Lucius

Post by 8lou1 14.04.21 13:54

hi there, luscious from new york. i'm Lou from rotterdam (europe) nice to meet you Very Happy

since you didnt read any of the books,yet and most of this site is filled with beings who are interested in asetian ways, i'll clearify a little tit bit:

it is believed that asetianism is way older then egypt and that vampirism as termed in this day and age is not what asetian vampirism is. i understand that this site looks like ya olde vampire site, but it is not. this site is ment to help such grow SPIRITUALLY.

now since you posted your list of acquired knowledge, can i ask what do you actually do whith that knowledge? and do the 'sciences' actually ring a bell or are you just shielding?


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Introduction - Lucius Empty Re: Introduction - Lucius

Post by Lucius34 14.04.21 17:51

8lou1 wrote:hi there, luscious from new york. i'm Lou from rotterdam (europe) nice to meet you Very Happy

since you didnt read any of the books,yet and most of this site is filled with beings who are interested in asetian ways, i'll clearify a little tit bit:

it is believed that asetianism is way older then egypt and that vampirism as termed in this day and age is not what asetian vampirism is. i understand that this site looks like ya olde vampire site, but it is not. this site is ment to help such grow SPIRITUALLY.

now since you posted your list of acquired knowledge, can i ask what do you actually do whith that knowledge? and do the 'sciences' actually ring a bell or are you just shielding?

Growing spiritually means you grow up mentally, when you grow up mentally you lose the ability to take a lot of things seriously(conflict, insults, injustice, wealth/cool toys, war, being robbed, being raped, etc.) outgrow a lot of things which can create a level of detachment or in some cases perpetual boredom and or annoyed disappointment(why all the obsession over material things? The need for conflict? The need to make life harder than it needs to be by being bratty, defensive or competing against each other when we are all just a germ in the universe?) ..but also makes you more understanding(let people have their fun) and so more neutral. 

As for what I do with that knowledge I usually spend my time talking to people(counseling them on anything from fashion, to romance, to sex, to overcoming bullying, rape and "trauma" to why they feel certain emotions and how they should view life as a game and just find people to "play with", try to explain money and wealth is nonsensical and if everyone just did what they enjoyed production would be endless as for every job there is a person who does that in their freetime and for jobs people don't like altruistic folk would do them or bored members of society would just to get experience etc.) or using it for my own benefit(which mostly just comes from an interest in learning I enjoy the mental stimulation and in some cases the emotional stimulation of interacting with or understanding other people(or entities)/thought processes and I enjoy labeling things and putting people/entities into categories and just understanding the universe in general...its a peaceful high to me). 

But as for the Asetianism,(from what I barely know about it) it isn't anything I haven't already heard or seen in other sources not talking the mythology or the ties to Isis/Aset(though I have already been familiar with her ties to undeath and reanimation which would naturally encompass vampires..) but a lot of the metaphysical aspects. From studying Celtic mythology their is this idea of thought/emotional/creative energy(which those familiar with faeries call glamour others call Vril). Supposedly we get this energy by indulging in our passions or being on chakara points of earth(sacred sites) if we are unable to create this energy ourselves we take it from other sources or whither away spiritually or mentally(depression). Every thought has a corresponding emotion which has a corresponding chemical produced which flows through the blood of those experiencing a certain emotion. In lore vampiric fae(or gods) would inspire a certain emotion(lust, anger, love or fear) or ideal(war, smithing, etc.) in mortals(those less smarter than them)  then feed off the radiation produced(get emotional satisfaction and inspiration to keep living or spreading said ideal or emotion..or create mini psychic fields where everyone is radiating the same emotions/ideas and so going in the same direction creating a separate reality(culture or game) from those going in other directions) or they feed on the chemical found in the flesh and blood(hence cannibalism and blood drinking) or release the energy into the atmosphere via sacrifice of people whom all of a certain kind of energy was stored in or who had been mentally prepared in such a way their mind created an appropriate psychic link to whatever(if we are talking mediumship or shamanic horsing)

I have noticed from my travels and time spent in various religions and self proclaimed occult circles, the aim usually boils down to wanting to feel special/abnormal(instead of just being abnormal), empowered because some perceived abuse/trickery on the part of Christianity and Jesus, wanting sex(rap music and pop culture exist for that, as well as many a prostitute..), wanting a job, wanting revenge, power over others(which wouldn't count. If people worship/love/like/accept you based on a lie/false perception they have about you or because you forced/manipulated them into doing it, it isn't sincere and they will never truly understand or appreciate you, you also have the added stress of having to constantly be something you aren't just to keep up face which can lead to no ends of mental illness..), a desire for magical/psychic abilities(which don't seem necessary in the sense of having any practical application in an age of technology..or in light of reincarnation where you would eventually come back to an age where technology has advanced enough to be on par with magical/psychic powers) or a desire to understand either themselves or the world( which can easily be obtained by old fashioned introspection, a study of psychology and philosophy, studying any one subject using hermeticism as an outline, studying all subjects and seeing how they eventually shade into each other i.e. Thoughts/Emotions(Psychology, Philosophy and Sociology) = Radiation waves around you(Takes you into Physics)(New Agers call "Vibrations" which does make a lot of sense in light of the discoveries in physics) which has a corresponding Chemical reaction(takes you into chemistry) which effects biology/physiology(study genetics, genomics or epigentics)(a lot of the blood drinking or cannibalistic aspects of vampirism stem from attempting to extract a certain emotion's corresponding chemical while it is in the blood of the prey/victim). 

Which begs the(often nihilistic) question what is the point of knowledge, studying the occult, developing psychic abilities or even life? Is it not to simply have fun(creating cultures, civilizations, dramas or exploring) or to simply be doing something...

 Reincarnation exists so you understand as many perspectives and scenarios as possible which would naturally result in a childish state of innocence or a state neutrality and amorality. What do children do? Play/make games that eventually become cultures and religions ,the rules become laws. 

The self can be a canvas it can be whatever you want it to be, its biology can be edited through diet or lifestyle practices so eventually down the line you have better vessel to incarnate as or this can all be side stepped with advances in gene editing technology. Your thoughts and emotions simply exist so you can play your role(current incarnation) more authentically like method acting...that's what life is a play(or a dream) and we are all method actors

Also what do you mean "Shielding"? 

Side note:
• My counseling doesn't actually get anywhere(prevention is better than a cure), in this sick and very confused society too many issues shade into each other and so for every individual, I or anyone else attempts to "help" a million more broken(abused kids, indoctrinated individuals going on and on about money indefinitely, the unmanerless, victims of human trafficking or an immature economic system) are created. And so the cure would be for someone extremely knowledgeable to get into a position of power and rework the whole system and change culture in such a way situations(and the corresponding thought processes) which would lead to abuse or conflict never arise or have time to develop = Plato's philosopher kings or many a religions idea of a Messiah or a Noocracy or a Technocracy if it is a group of individuals. Or maybe the neurolink being designed by Elon Musk will side step the need for people to take the time to develop telepathy(which would allow mutual understanding between all which = zero conflict) though I have noticed many are actually addicted to conflict and struggle as it gives them something to talk about or some feeling of being in a great drama. The possibility of a cure or no problems conjures up in the heads of most people a sense of boredom which isn't necessarily the case but that's another topic 
• Gods/Goddesses to me are either sages/mages(wise men and wise women with psychic abilities) of a race or culture that came to be revered as such or they your own spirit(oversoul "higher self") whom you are just another mask it is wearing during this current  incarnation


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Introduction - Lucius Empty Re: Introduction - Lucius

Post by 8lou1 15.04.21 9:11

I know the drill you mention and it's not my forte. What it comes down to, and this is similar to mr. Aquino's (mhrip) way, that in the end one has to comply to a place in someone else's story.

What also comes to mind is that happy living doesn't bring about Truth. Rather it creates 'ignorance is bliss' which i personally find a sad thing to exist, but that's totally me.

The idea of boredom should be a warning of threading the wrong grounds. Passing tru it creates blindness amongst other things...

Thelepathy as human development sounds great, but and this is a huge BUT it also creates a new form of 'slavery' where the most powerful thelepathist can influence a whole group to do its bidding. So im not a fan. Individualism birthed for a reason and i believe this is one of them..

Acting life and believing one can mold the self into whatever is a gross mistake and creates mental disorders and as of late also the milion genders we suddenly have.

So overall you got some nice thoughts going on, just not ones i can agree with or want to argue against. And that without being bored Wink

Now since you remind me of a silly online friend, of whom i know he got traced and used for mining, ill act like you are not.


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Introduction - Lucius Empty Re: Introduction - Lucius

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 15.04.21 14:23

Have you been raped before, Lucius34? That sounds like a serious thing to say from my perspective, considering that there are countless of rape victims in the world who suffer severe trauma from it and it kind of trivializes the issue and might even be used as an excuse by the perpetrators of the foul and dishonorable act to push down the victims' legitimacy for what they've been going through and require justice for, if you considered it from that angle. However, that's just a strong gut feeling reaction that it shouldn't be spoken of in that way and hence why I respond to it here in such a manner.

Apart from that, you're writing about many different things at once, in one message, so maybe you should open up different topics for each singular subject? Would be hard to reply to most of it, in a single stroke of text, seeing as it's so much at once and it would be hard to organize it, rather than focusing on one thing at a time and then exhausting each subject after another.

As for Asetianism, though, it's not a subject to be so easily understood in a mere glimpse of reading the website even though certain concepts and subjects therein might be understood on some level, however the tradition and veritable path itself requires far deeper understanding, the unveiling through commitment and an undertaking spanning across lifetimes, as many students would say, in order to understand its deeper mysteries more fully. You can see dedicated Asetianists, scholars, initiates and masters spending decades or their whole lives in its committed pursuit, unending, unyielding - it's a path of constant evolution and one that goes far deeper than can be so easily recognized at surface.

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Introduction - Lucius Empty Re: Introduction - Lucius

Post by Lucius34 18.04.21 14:30

8lou1 wrote:I know the drill you mention and it's not my forte. What it comes down to, and this is similar to mr. Aquino's (mhrip) way, that in the end one has to comply to a place in someone else's story.

What also comes to mind is that happy living doesn't bring about Truth. Rather it creates 'ignorance is bliss' which i personally find a sad thing to exist, but that's totally me.

The idea of boredom should be a warning of threading the wrong grounds. Passing tru it creates blindness amongst other things...

Thelepathy as human development sounds great, but and this is a huge BUT it also creates a new form of 'slavery' where the most powerful thelepathist can influence a whole group to do its bidding. So im not a fan. Individualism birthed for a reason and i believe this is one of them..

Acting life and believing one can mold the self into whatever is a gross mistake and creates mental disorders and as of late also the milion genders we suddenly have.

So overall you got some nice thoughts going on, just not ones i can agree with or want to argue against. And that without being bored Wink

Now since you remind me of a silly online friend, of whom i know he got traced and used for mining, ill act like you are not.

I am impressed by the responses I get on here even from those that don't take me seriously(you are still polite enough to at least indulge me without being rude, defensive or sarcastic). I do agree with you when you say that my idea of "the self being a canvas to be molded" can lead to ignorance is bliss or many disorders(though in my opinion personality disorders are mostly the result of different personality/soul types expressing traits exclusive to their specific type. The rarer the type the more odd/abnormal it would appear to the masses who share a specific type or to a civilization or culture who is either ruled by or promotes a certain type as the "developmental/evolutionary ideal" to the exclusion of others. Non human spirits would not think like human ones and so would be classified by the human ones as broken or odd even dangerous. Certain cases of Mental illness are most likely a result of a certain soul type attempting to operate in a system that is or live a life that it opposed to its nature and natural affinities. Like a lion would have a hard time attempting to live as a sheep would. Eventually the mind collapses after having to constantly fight against/resist itself. While I do believe anyone in their current incarnation can be whatever they wish to be(either through learning to harness and master the power of their spirit/oversoul or through development of technology), I do acknowledge the fact it is easier to work with your natural strengths as opposed to attempting to ignore them in favor of your weaknesses. In this way I think I have found the middle point between Freewill vs. Predetermination). 

Regarding your comment about it leading to multiple gender madness we currently have here in the west I will say I was one to dismiss such claims as nonsense(and I still do when talking to extremists or posers) but after considering scenarios where:

1. in the most recent previous incarnation one may have been the opposite sex


2. where one may be used to existing as a spirit which could change shape at will


3. if they came from a culture/race which has become more advanced(and so not needing to rely on normal male and female roles)

....the issue is that most groups or individuals who champion such concepts either do so out of a desire to again feel special or they lack the proper philosophy/world view behind them. Most are still very materialistic and Puritanical in their thinking or are convinced there is a great white male spirit that must be destroyed(or they use this as a path to wealth and fame i.e. virtue signaling) though they aren't entirely wrong masculine energy tends to enjoy placing things in very broad categories with definete(oversimplified) labels, feminine energy tends to view things without category. The best way in my opinion is to view things in terms of principles, relativism and view things in terms of a ruler, as you zoom out your centimeters eventually become nanometers and your meters eventually become centimeters in comparison to something else and so labeling things or at least attempting to do so precisely is not only futile but time consuming it is better to intutivley just "get the idea". And maybe dispense with labels but use open ended terms which are how Djinn, Faery and Alien ultimately just means "not like us" and so everyone is an alien even a "god" to someone else...

I have also noticed the higher an individuals IQ/EQ the more stimulation they require to become and remain interested in people or things and so this would translate to higher standards(why human men disdain sluts or thots...this however is another topic) and an apparently lower sex drive = phenomena such as asexuality or demisexuality(this would tie to the phenomena of vampirism, BPD and ASPD, incubi and succubi...). The lower ones intelligence the easier it is to become impressed or aroused so the "higher the sex drive" would appear to outside lookers. Look at male dogs for example who would sleep with any species that is female...

Also don't mistake my idea of life is a game for happy living. My idea is more along the lines of "you can learn from role playing/acting" even if the game is a tragic one.... Viewing life as a game just allows you to willing create tragic situations which you can learn from on a larger scale this is actually how reincarnation works and how gods/goddesses play, I am just saying it would shorten the path to wisdom if we realized this and brought this way of thinking down to material life

This quote of yours

 "Thelepathy as human development sounds great, but and this is a huge BUT it also creates a new form of 'slavery' where the most powerful thelepathist can influence a whole group to do its bidding. So im not a fan. Individualism birthed for a reason and i believe this is one of them.."

Is amusingly similar to some Muslim, Christian and Jewish fears that the neurolink, 6G network and something called a "Beast Computer" would result in a scenario where the beast computer is placed a top a certain pyramid in Egypt which would allow it to broadcast a signal which would extend to every corner of the globe. The figure they call the False Messiah would be one who is spiritually lacking(low EQ) but intellectually gifted(high EQ and a very materialistic thinker) who would then use the Computer Brain Interface(or whatever it is called) that the neurolink provides to hook up to this Beast Computer(who exists to do exactly what it is told) who would then create systems of thinking and society that would be based the false messiahs flawed thinking. The more optimistic say the "True Messiah" would then kill him and hook himself up to the beast computer and spread his more enlightened thought process


Number of posts : 13
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Registration date : 2020-12-02

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Introduction - Lucius Empty Re: Introduction - Lucius

Post by Lucius34 18.04.21 14:36

MysticLightShinethForth wrote:Have you been raped before, Lucius34? That sounds like a serious thing to say from my perspective, considering that there are countless of rape victims in the world who suffer severe trauma from it and it kind of trivializes the issue and might even be used as an excuse by the perpetrators of the foul and dishonorable act to push down the victims' legitimacy for what they've been going through and require justice for, if you considered it from that angle. However, that's just a strong gut feeling reaction that it shouldn't be spoken of in that way and hence why I respond to it here in such a manner.

Apart from that, you're writing about many different things at once, in one message, so maybe you should open up different topics for each singular subject? Would be hard to reply to most of it, in a single stroke of text, seeing as it's so much at once and it would be hard to organize it, rather than focusing on one thing at a time and then exhausting each subject after another.

As for Asetianism, though, it's not a subject to be so easily understood in a mere glimpse of reading the website even though certain concepts and subjects therein might be understood on some level, however the tradition and veritable path itself requires far deeper understanding, the unveiling through commitment and an undertaking spanning across lifetimes, as many students would say, in order to understand its deeper mysteries more fully. You can see dedicated Asetianists, scholars, initiates and masters spending decades or their whole lives in its committed pursuit, unending, unyielding - it's a path of constant evolution and one that goes far deeper than can be so easily recognized at surface.

In regards to your comments about rape I will paste a small snipet from a passage in a chapter I have written in on n the subject in a book i have been writing:

"(Rape)Can only exist if the person doesn't want to have sex with a certain person, and who the vast majority of people want to have sex with is entirely based on cultural and societal programming of who it is or isn't acceptable to sleep with and in turn who they should or shouldn't wish to sleep with. In general rape for most humans can only exist if they are taught to discriminate against types or if they are taught for whatever reason sex is unaccaptable or at least unacceptable between them and a certain kind of other(puritanical thinking born of Abrahamic religions and the illusion of morality). This isn't considering primal emotions such as fear which are again a result of society anchoring fear to certain types of people or teaching people to fear certain types...or fear social backlash from having dealings with certain types..... Basically if the society teaches everyone to want to sleep with everyone or that it is okay/virtuous to sleep with any and everyone rape cannot exist for the reason that everyone would want it(so no one feels wronged) and it would be freely available(so none would feel desperate enough to rape or feel like force is necessary for whatever reason) "

• Refer to early stages if child development abd how adults anchor emotional reactions to certain kinds if stimuli" 

"There are no bad experiences or bad actions, only preferred experiences and in some cases short sighted actions(though even this interpretation doesn't fully cover it) however, even this is an illusion of the mind(or ego whichever term you prefer). If you brainwash or hypnotize yourself(meditation, prayer, dreaming, etc.) into wanting, being used to or enjoying every role and every experience(view it like many quest lines in an rpg video game or many parts in a play you have the joy of trying out) then you will never have a bad experience or "suffer". It all ties back to childhood, culture and peer pressure(and to some extent the way reality/life in many ways mirrors the dream experience where you forget yourself, your waking world and go along with the dream as if it was the only reality you ever knew), people are taught that they should interpret certain situations and certain stimuli as unenjoyable, painful or even traumatic and they are further taught to interpret the actions or games of others as "wrong"(developing a moral compass) and then they are told they should be traumatized, sad, mad, hurt or ashamed and so they(in the back if their mind) think it is expected of them to feel a certain way and react to certain things in a certain manner and so they act accordingly they act so well even they believe it and so their emotions, experiences, suffering, opinions, etc. become real for them(mental and emotional reactions become habitual). Emotions, likes and dislikes are illusions and tools designed to help us play our roles seriously or be good/authentic actors in plays we live(many incarnations). Life is a game or a play the lifespan of incarnations is essentially your screen time. Life is a play, fate is the narrative and we are the ultimate method actors"

Proof to the above can be seen in the phenomena of Onlyfans, Premium Snapchats, Porn industry, Sugar Daddies and Sugar Babies, etc. All where most people would be willing to sleep with or expose themselves to anyone(regardless of age, looks, level of intelligence, etc.) should there be some percieved social(fame) or material(money, physical) benefit(or in some cases a flawed view of their worth). 

Rape basically comes down to a:

 "I didn't enjoy this sexual experience nor did i get anything out of it" or "everyone will make fun of me or lose respect for me if i sleep with this or that person so I don't want to"
Thought process, which is a result of an overly materialistic/cult like(human) way of thinking...and why antinomianism and amorality can free people from such thinking and why certain belief systems like Frankism do have some validity 

Regarding your quote about me writing about many different things at once, it is because I am a more hollistic thinker(refer to MBTI/Socionics idea of Intuition as a cognitive function to see how it ties to Holism) and so everything most people perceive as a single subject is just a small detail in one larger main idea(which is why the politics of countries make zero sense(to most) unless they consider geopolitics(conspiracy theories) which makes no sense unless you consider religions, certain occult schools of thought and in some cases alien activity as I have recently come to acknowledge and probably explains the rise of interdisciplinary subjects in universities?). But also because in person/verbal/oral communication works far better than online/written(there would be a spontaneous flow bouncing from one thing to another then back to the "main idea", a lack of rudeness as most people are surprisingly more polite in one on one conversations that take place in person since there exists a possibility for physical harm should they offend their conversational partner...). It would also be better for those who gather in online forums to get together and live communally in person(create monasteries, cults, communes or universities. If asetians have more advanced souls(which I don't doubt, there should theb be asetians who are skilled architects, doctors, farms, builders, geneticists, physicists, etc. So this is easily doable...) that way they will be constantly surrounded by like minded individuals and all discussions and activities will constantly revolve around their philosophical, spiritual, etc. pursuits without having to go back to "normal" life.

It might be better if one asks about a certain subject then I can show material/notes I have written on them, that way I don't talk about things people here already know about. I have written a lot on a multitude of topics, just haven't bothered to publish anything since I prefer to play rather than teach. Also have a habit of deleting my material when I dont see a use for it since as you all know most people you meet aren't really concerned with anything occult they prefer thinking about money, jobs, playing video games, discusing politics, celebrity drama or pursing university degrees.


Number of posts : 13
Location : New York
Registration date : 2020-12-02

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Introduction - Lucius Empty Re: Introduction - Lucius

Post by Troublemaker 18.04.21 16:08

Yep. Loads of text that is essentially just rambling bullshit from yet another troll who has no clue what he is talking about.

Unfortunately the name "Vampirism Forum" tends to draw the most mentally ill and inept people to be found on the internet.

This idiot will ramble and beg for attention with miles of text and then hopefully disappear.

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Introduction - Lucius Empty Re: Introduction - Lucius

Post by Troublemaker 18.04.21 16:10

I would like to call the admins attention to this post, if that is alright with them.
Someone coming in here advocating that rape is ok or explaining it away, that it doesn't exist, so close to what men on social media have devised as a "national rape day" (how to rape women and get away with it) on the 24th of this month, should be taken care of or silenced, but this is just my own view after reading this heaping pile of garbage.

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Introduction - Lucius Empty Re: Introduction - Lucius

Post by Lucius34 18.04.21 16:50

Rhea Kaye wrote:I would like to call the admins attention to this post, if that is alright with them.
Someone coming in here advocating that rape is ok or explaining it away, that it doesn't exist, so close to what men on social media have devised as a "national rape day" (how to rape women and get away with it) on the 24th of this month, should be taken care of or silenced, but this is just my own view after reading this heaping pile of garbage.
I recommend you study psychology and or sociology and be a bit more mature...I said nothing about advocating for rape or saying it was ok, just that it is subjective and a matter of perception and  that antinomianism as a means to free the mind from cult like thinking (Google it since you don't seem to know what it is) as found in frankist schools of thought for example makes sense. 

Don't put words in my mouth or assume my intentions. If i wanted attention I would have an Instagram or claim to be a victim of rape, racism or some other form of that seems to be the easiest way to gain popularity now a days and I fit beautifully into many of the "victim" groups now a days.😏


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Introduction - Lucius Empty Re: Introduction - Lucius

Post by Troublemaker 18.04.21 17:25

Sure bud. All those miles of text trying desperately to convince us of how educated you are, yet you're just another skeleton on the immense troll pile in this place.
You are the one who needs to take a step back and study more, and hopefully grow a lot more intelligence and maturity, before having any hope of being taken seriously in this community.
At present, you're being largely ignored, and when not ignored you're just laughed at and looked down at like every other intellectually challenged person who somehow finds their way here.
Please get a different hobby and find a community more suited to your personal handicaps.

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Introduction - Lucius Empty Re: Introduction - Lucius

Post by Lucius34 18.04.21 17:58

Rhea Kaye wrote:Sure bud. All those miles of text trying desperately to convince us of how educated you are, yet you're just another skeleton on the immense troll pile in this place.
You are the one who needs to take a step back and study more, and hopefully grow a lot more intelligence and maturity, before having any hope of being taken seriously in this community.  
At present, you're being largely ignored, and when not ignored you're just laughed at and looked down at like every other intellectually challenged person who somehow finds their way here.
Please get a different hobby and find a community more suited to your personal handicaps.

Right...well if all that is true I don't really care nor am I hurt(i currently enjoy a happliy married life of travel and I am relativley young, black, attractive and fairly wealthy as (a result of my marriage and by proxy of personal relationships i have made)... so the opinions of people on a forum/community that exists online... are of no concern to or detriment to me...) nor am I really losing/missing out on anything I was simply under the impression that this was a good forum where people were up to talk about any and everything from a neutral perspective and share their views or notes on certain things and maybe go out and act on the shared knowledge is all. 

Universities lack spiritual people

Pagan communities lack logical, objective and rational people and people skilled in sciences

People with an expertise in history and lore lack occult knowledge 

Etc. So i was under the impression vampires on this forum would have all the perks of those groups without their weaknesses 

Also I don't get why you call me a "troll" I was under the impression trolls intentionally piss people off or scare them just to get a laugh or prove how stupid/fake they are. None of that is again my intention...

Ironically you're the immature one, I haven't once insulted you or had any of the agressive almost fear mongering reactions you've had. But yes what do I gain by being "taken seriously by you or this community" which I should feel bad about not getting....?

I have a hard time beleiving you're an Asetian because so far your reactions and behavior is typical of the vast majority of Americans online now a days and I doubt anyone would disagree with me. So perhaps you should maybe join a group on discord or something as you remind me of many of the vampires/pagans you'd find in groups like Belenger's 

But meh...


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Introduction - Lucius Empty Re: Introduction - Lucius

Post by Troublemaker 18.04.21 18:07

Pretty much the moronic reply I was expecting.
I am surely not the only one sick of people like this, who have polluted the forum so much that people have stopped coming around like they used to.
This is definitely not the right community for you. Wrong forum, I'd suggest finding somewhere else to share this bs.

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Introduction - Lucius Empty Re: Introduction - Lucius

Post by Lucius34 18.04.21 18:50

Rhea Kaye wrote:Pretty much the moronic reply I was expecting.
I am surely not the only one sick of people like this, who have polluted the forum so much that people have stopped coming around like they used to.
This is definitely not the right community for you. Wrong forum, I'd suggest finding somewhere else to share this bs.

Ok I will take your advice. I just don't understand all the unnecessary hate/anger. Do you think that maybe people stopped coming around to forums like this because of people like you maybe?


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Introduction - Lucius Empty Re: Introduction - Lucius

Post by Jessamine 19.04.21 5:27

Lucius, sorry but what you wrote here on the forum must be the biggest nonsensical pile I have read in long time. Your knowledge and understanding of physics is even worse than that of flat earth people. You call yourself a psychologist but you don’t posses even basic scientific literacy. Instead of offering counseling to other people, which is worse than a blind person leading another blind one, ask yourself why am I getting blocked in other forums etc.?

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Introduction - Lucius Empty Re: Introduction - Lucius

Post by 8lou1 19.04.21 7:04

Hi luscious,
It seems you quite like the spot you are in and i understand. Nothingness and nihilism can be great. Antinomianism as a tool doesnt get appriciated much, which is understandable.

Being close to one's self can be strange online. It makes life look normal as a bonus and i think you are quite capable of using the internet in that sense.

As i am who i am, i quite like your oddities and self found knowledge. But then again i like snow...

This site is called vampire site and has a subscript that is also a place for other beings of darkness. It seems you are not dark enough. Im very aware though that a little grayness can do a lot of good when put in the proper place and used in the right sense.

Why else would one be called forward to type in a vampire forum?

Now sharing notes and ideas didn't really work or get appriciated, as you noted. If you are REALLY interested in vampirism and are able to humble one's SELF, it might be an idea to listen, read and learn on this site and start at the bottom: nitwit, with no knowledge on the subject.

And when silence is key, tell that to your fingers as well. Wink they need to learn...

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Introduction - Lucius Empty Re: Introduction - Lucius

Post by Chloe 11.05.21 18:18

A true psychologist/counselor knows and understands that rape is about control and power. While the most commonly recognized form of rape is in a sexual context, your simplistic and flippant evaluation shows how little you truly understand about the affects upon an individual who has suffered from it. Your counsel in this regard would be incredibly harmful to a victim. I agree with all others who have called you out.

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Introduction - Lucius Empty Re: Introduction - Lucius

Post by Lucius34 31.05.21 11:00

I am assuming that all in this forum are vampires no? Which means it shouldn't be considered odd or a sin to have alien(abnormal/glamorous/coldly objective) views on the human condition nor should it be seen as "a mental handicap" to have a radically different sense of morality.

It is a fact, which many a physicist/psychologist alike has discovered/is discovering now, that your mind will effect your behaviour which creates a culture(a large scale cult) which effects your biology and mind(hyponosis, social engineering, placebo, nocebo effect). But likewise you can effect your biology through radiation(gamma rays, solar rays, lunar rays, sound waves, frequencies, etc.), diet and chemistry which can effect your can also effect your mind and body through culture(materials used in buildings) and environment(woods, stones, gases, naturally found in your viornment)(occult knowledge of correspondences and resonant frequencies aids with this)

We are here to grow/evolve/escape by emulating a certain race/archetype that we originated from(gods, ancestor spirits, ancestors, etc.) or a nee one so we get a new/different/specific perspective through method acting(pretending to be mortal, mortal minded or normal) which adds to our experiential knowledge and can possibly lesson time between levels of spiritual advancement(more perspectives you understand, the more dimensions your mind has, the bigger your mind becomes, the bigger the soul becomes....). Entropy is where you get your moral code, ideas of right and wrong and ideas of sin from. For it simple os any action, behaviour or thought process which would remove or distract you from your chosen path of spiritual evolution it is whatever is the opposite of what you are or what you are trying to be or out or character of whichever archetype you are attempting to embody.

Vampires have always come in two main categories:

1. Biological ones of myths and fiction such as is portrayed in Underworld or the Witcher series which is a result of convergent evolution of a given species be that man, elf or other, that is a result of genuine biological mutation which actually can occur is result of prolonged/generational exposure to certain combination of certain kinds of radiation, gases and chemicals over time. It can also be caused by actual viruses which may exist on other worlds. Both would theoretically exist in great abundance on other planets which brings you back to extraterrestrials(funny the news has been covering ufos lately), as it is entirely possible an extraterrestrial species could have evolved in such a way they express genes(epigenetics) that are responsible for cell regeneration and slowed ageing like you see in some species of jellyfish and star fish(telomeres) as well as genes that allow them to subsist on a hematophagic diet like leeches, vampire bats, mosquitos, etc.

2. Foreign spirit possessing a deceased body and adopting the memories found the the conciousness block of its previous owner

3. Beings that practice vampiric methods of replenishing a depleted mana source. Vampiric methods rely on taking mana or electro magnetic fluidal energy from others. Which in, its highest form is radiation emitted from thought waves of the brain(belief, attention, obession, etc.) Or emotion waves emitted from the heart(love, submission, fear, trust, faith, etc.). Secondary form, as mentioned before is manifested in the corresponding chemical released in the blood ir flesh while the victim is experiencing those thoughts or emotions. But keep in mind you are what you eat if you feed on Negative emotional energy yoy become a "Demon" with a very convoluted demonic mindset which is a collective culmination of all the souls(negative personality energy) you consumed/continue to consume.

The only true vampire is number 1. Being a vampire can as mentioned encompasses a variety of things but if you do not have a certain alien mindset to match, then you are no more than a human(psychically or magically inclined) that is simply using methods of mana harvesting that are overly dependent on others(vampiric arts). How you choose to spend this gathered energy also defines what you are but that is another topic altogether but know this the modern mans ideas of vampires are mostly born of dormant memories of the unseelie or dark elves(sevartalfar) of the past when "aliens , gods and men" existed together(ancient aliens). Aset was most likely the elven variety or a vampire alien assumed her name and role after the elven civilizations of Atlantis, Hyperborea and Lemuria mutually destroyed each other and many elves(what is known in many occult circles as "Nordic aliens" or Aryans" left..through their portals or ships(the rpg game Dnd spelljammer or warhammer40k can give you a good example of how elven ships function)

My point is it is the mind that primarily determines what you are, if we are to define entities not by physicality but by mind(thought process/personality type) and soul(personality/personality type)...and so it is important you also live a lifestyle that is a reflection of your souls(inner nature).

Back to sin and morality a sin is anything that takes you away from your role, identity and natural inclination. For example if you incarnated(old soul descends) or were made(new born soul on a path to ascension and further development of sentience/independence from society and existence itself) to experience life as a theif it would be a sin for you not to steal as how can you claim to be, or experience life as a theif if you do not engage in the act/virtue of stealing which is what makes/defines you as theif and reinforces your identity of a theif? It is then a sin (violation of your geas/fate/dharama/covenant/contract with existence) for you not to act in a thieving manner....

And so, for example, if one is biologically an Elf/Vampire/Etc., but dresses and acts like a human(adopting human: customs, religion, social norms, laws, thought processes, morality and world views) for all intents and purposes they are human..... Likewise if one has the mind or soul of an elf or vampire but one doesn't make an effort to live, act or look like a vampire, make an effort develop, use and master vampiric arts or attempt to establish an earthly elven or vampiric culture/civilization, separate from the rule of man, it is akin to waisted talent and you essentially do not exist nor are you fullfilling your part and so will spend your life spiritually diminishing = banality or depression and soul death if one is a truly inhuman soul.

It is all about harmony, resonance and balance between mind, body and soul. All aspects(Biological, Chemical, Physics, Social, Mental, etc.) must be going in the same direction, opperating in sync with each other in order for you to truly be/exist, otherwise you will be scattered going in all directions and a mess of noise like instruments off beat with the rest of the band/orchestra. And you will either not progress in any direction or you will spread yourself thin like gas which lacks an internal gravitational pull which dissolves into the atmosphere ceasing to exist and being absorbed/used by another.

The soul/being is a collection of energy and gases much like a galaxy and the culture/civilization holds it together and gives it form and like a pulsar/black hole and to my knowledge no such vampiric civilization exists least not in the open if we are talking biological vampires that possibly exist hidden among the boards of directors of many a company that rules the world by influencing the politics of many nations


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Introduction - Lucius Empty Re: Introduction - Lucius

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 31.05.21 14:16

Please keep in mind what you're saying and how that comes off to any sensible mind, when it comes to the subject we've already touched upon previously, although that was just a short snippet of all the things you said and that was blown out of it to the greatest proportion but that nevertheless it was a signalling red flag that you should be wary of and know it's not a good idea. Sure I can see what you mean though but unless you've been in that position yourself and overcome it - such a grave matter even if to our culture as you say but that it should be seen as a rather grave matter overall as it is the direct violation of somebody else in such a way for something that should otherwise be considered sacred and intimate when not engaged in under those but normal circumstances, so surely is traumatizing and horrible to the victim and shouldn't even be a question of debating - you shouldn't speak of it. Unless indeed you've been in that position and have overcome it yourself and can speak for it from experience as otherwise you're just imposing your intellectual ideas for something you can't truly stand for yourself. Regardless I wouldn't say that's a good idea to adopt even for other victims of it, as they might not be as inclined to overcome it so easily as you would, hypothetically speaking, and might actually be quite harmful to suggest for someone so severely traumatized. Here someone needs a wake up call to reality. Continue your trains of thought and see where they lead you but stop this one in particular, for which I hope I've given sufficient understanding as to why. It might need to be treated in a different way so you might need to find a more sensible approach in that view. Have you researched the subject or have you just come with your own thoughts out of nowhere? Try this and see how your views might change, because many of your suggestions kind of run counter to it like it becomes victim blaming, or that it shouldn't be taken seriously:

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Introduction - Lucius Empty Re: Introduction - Lucius

Post by QuestioningHumanity 01.06.21 9:27

How do I make a post


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Introduction - Lucius Empty Re: Introduction - Lucius

Post by 8lou1 06.06.21 13:07

lucious, you know i know you and well, thank you from all of them. she is safe, go do your thing, home is safe.
a goodbye, may happy thoughts become you,

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