Vampirism links with OCD

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Vampirism links with OCD Empty Vampirism links with OCD

Post by w4ldo 15.11.22 11:34

Hi all,

Was looking to hear about your experiences with obsessive compulsive disorder. It's a common theme in Eastern European folklore for vampires to have OCD, and the few I've encountered in life seem to have similar tendencies. Is this a definite trait for vampires?

Thanks for taking the time, looking forward to discussion on this topic.


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Vampirism links with OCD Empty Re: Vampirism links with OCD

Post by 8lou1 15.11.22 11:55

mmmm i did similar research and found that the ones being fed on have tendencies of ocd as to not get lost in chaos. so i think we both lost this one and need to realize some people just have ocd. btw when older we all have ocd, its a nice comfy thing. nonsense like the staff the sufi holds, but since we both had a ride it seems to work. Wink

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Vampirism links with OCD Empty Re: Vampirism links with OCD

Post by w4ldo 15.11.22 13:01

8lou1 wrote:mmmm i did similar research and found that the ones being fed on have tendencies of ocd as to not get lost in chaos. so i think we both lost this one and need to realize some people just have ocd. btw when older we all have ocd, its a nice comfy thing. nonsense like the staff the sufi holds, but since we both had a ride it seems to work. Wink

I agree that some people definitely just have OCD, but with the few genuine vampires I've met, they all seem to exhibit extreme OCD tendencies.


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Vampirism links with OCD Empty Re: Vampirism links with OCD

Post by 8lou1 15.11.22 13:35

while lets look at it from your side. it might have to do with the fact that one needs some anchors to create a normality. like also having to live a human life.
and often before awakening one gets the normal anchors like i hate mondays and need breakfast. most beings on earth leave them be. i think when awakening as a vampire one fastens the ones one likes even more. or if you are in the wrong spot an other will fasten them for you.

im an unschooler, so im a bit different in the sense that i removed a lot of those things in my life and reinvented my own ocd and thereby my own world. now they throw all sorts of esoteric terms at me, because im too naked in their eyes Wink

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Vampirism links with OCD Empty Re: Vampirism links with OCD

Post by TrillaCruile 15.11.22 17:14

As a wise author named Luis Marques warned, ancient vampiric teachings will never be safe for the obsessive, nor for the compulsive.


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Vampirism links with OCD Empty Re: Vampirism links with OCD

Post by 8lou1 15.11.22 19:39

might be so, but for me it had to do with 911, me noticing things in my youth not being real, a family feud and some witchcraft i wasnt aware of at the time. i just had the urge to heal me and destruct the worldview i had back then. my husband agreed totally, so we took the kids out of school and went the unchooling route. years later i find myself being accused of using hidden knowledge, so who knows he might have been watching me while living. idk, i just did what i believe is right for my life.

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Vampirism links with OCD Empty Re: Vampirism links with OCD

Post by TrillaCruile 15.11.22 19:45

8lou1 wrote:might be so, but for me it had to do with 911, me noticing things in my youth not being real, a family feud and some witchcraft i wasnt aware of at the time. i just had the urge to heal me and destruct the worldview i had back then. my husband agreed totally, so we took the kids out of school and went the unchooling route. years later i find myself being accused of using hidden knowledge, so who knows he might have been watching me while living. idk, i just did what i believe is right for my life.

You’re constantly running on and on about nonsense that no one cares about— it doesn’t really matter your experience to anyone but yourself in any case, but even moreso here.


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Vampirism links with OCD Empty Re: Vampirism links with OCD

Post by 8lou1 15.11.22 20:54

i understand, its my way of talking i have tried to change it to the better, but alas.


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Vampirism links with OCD Empty Re: Vampirism links with OCD

Post by w4ldo 15.11.22 23:33

8lou1 wrote:i understand, its my way of talking i have tried to change it to the better, but alas.


For what it's worth, I understood a lot of what you said. Don't fully understand the relevancy to the topic though.


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Vampirism links with OCD Empty Re: Vampirism links with OCD

Post by 8lou1 16.11.22 12:47

it had to do with me looking at the vampires i know, which makes me confused as you saw, and how ocd and unschooling works a bit different. on the other hand it shows true ocd Wink

so i went for a test outside to see what it does. to me it looks more like a very strong will that flowers into ones surroundings, often misunderstood but it flows outwards like its seeking something, a conversation, an entanglement, idk, but it is there.

you say your knowhow comes from eastern europe, do you perhaps have some more info on that? the word ocd in nonenglish for example or the stories. sadly my eastern european connection goes as far as my polish neighbor who likes playing 007 on the beach, which is not my forte.

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Vampirism links with OCD Empty Re: Vampirism links with OCD

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 16.11.22 21:56

8lou1 wrote:i understand, its my way of talking i have tried to change it to the better, but alas.


8lou1, my best recommendation for you is to learn a mental concentration method in traditional meditation/dhyana whereby you bind the brain substance toward a particular point of focus, be it your own inner Self, your idea of divinity, or any other 'higher' thought of possible absorption into - or its very underlying backdrop of veritable reality, the very direct implication that the meaning of the thought seeks to encapsulate but only mentally/intellectually/"theoretically" (so far), rather than the mere fixated focus of a single thought as such but (!) the practice of single-minded concentration upon such thought will precede the unveiling of its reality-implication (that meditated upon), over time, which you'll then concentrate on later (as the jewel is hidden within the lotus that opens from that unveiling through a process of its gradual unfolding, from layer to layer deep until that pearl hidden deepest within you may keep), hopefully, with persistent practice - and then simply let your focus re-center upon it time and again for every time you're distracted, or focus turns away toward something else in that practical sitting of relatively (as much as possible) immovable stillness, which'll be enhanced by the unbendingly iron-like concentration of mind that then not only makes your body comparatively immovable but ultimately your very thoughts held under reins of control like obedient but winged (!) horses (of metaphysical flight) whereby you'll indulge certain higher activities and functions of the supramental, or rather relative degrees of higher consciousness and its conjoined or potentially adhering abilities derived from inner liberation, which you'll not wish to indulge unnecessarily or carelessly or irresponsibly but under the guidance of firm wisdom, steady balance and undeviating justice.

This is why you don't take drugs but practice meditatively rigorous discipline instead. (This overly material culture, that's however beginning to gradually awaken, that's lost touch with these facets and other values for a way too long time requires the hit of a wooden or iron staff in its head by the instructive disciplinarian of sober ways which shall yield a similar - in principle - but much higher and far more long lasting, permanent and positive result, rather than degradation into the inhospitable depths of misery and affliction that reaches endlessly into cavernous depths of, sometimes appearing to be hopeless, deprivation.) One, far too many times unfortunately, leads to the destruction of mind, which is unfavorable and the other many, but more arduous, times - and with a rarer estimate of practitioners (?) - leads to the complete reconstruction of mind and regeneration of spirit. The sufferings of life must be overcome by the right and necessary, positive and long lasting, ways of a powerfully (gather up every ounce of strength from within in due self-recollection) self-determined and planned future (from reasonable, accomplishable and highly desirable goals that you set, which'll then be further followed up in time with more goal setting and constructive planning) of a healthy trajectory rather than to succumb to the immediate numbing of the senses and gratification before hard earned reward or any form of unhealthy escape such as addiction, alcohol, drugs, pornography (which is a new ruinous element to this culture, beginning to be noticed by people, whereas the others aren't as new), etc. Make a proactive choice, effort and be kind to yourself! Life is hard. Be even harder! But in such a way that you're comfortable with the otherwise uncomfortable and persevere with victory at your every step through the diligent practice of meticulously performed and meritorious deeds! Life is in your hands and in your own making, as you yourself have planned; it's about taking back power and control out of the hands of your own self-imposed limitations of imagination and misinterpretation of life owing due to subconscious or unconscious hindrances that afflict your view with comparatively "diseased" ideations, or inaccurate perceptions but that are so overly associated with heavy baggage of emotional turmoil of a personally historical record of experiences attached to it (but that needs to be successively healed, bit by bit as hard as it ever is), and thus how you respond to life. [...]

[...] This, too, can be worked through, and shall be won over by the diligent practitioner of a fierce determination, undeviating will (!), when the resolution has been made clear and firm against the sufferings of life and chosen to be combatted by the right and necessary means of properly understood ways as the victory of Life over mere Existence: when you Live and don't just Exist, as the wise Rabbi Manis Friedman once said but other philosophers have implied before him; where you become an exuberant act of creation and not merely a pawn that's moved by strong, sometimes terrible and difficult winds which arid conditions of such a desolate desert you'll need to transform by the enacted power of the clenched fist of your Will that's determined toward transformative action and makes the change instead of waiting for any others or life itself to make it for you in any way whatsoever at all. That's the pinnacle of truly overcoming suffering, that's the pinnacle of truly ruling over yourself, that's the pinnacle of being a Self-conqueror by higher and higher merits of discipline. But sometimes you need to take a pause to breathe and exist in your living, as well, until you gather again the strength necessary to pursue ahead once more in this formerly outlined way of doing the diametrically opposite of giving up.

This'll help you beyond helping you in this simple matter, but a trajectory has to be established by rigorous discipline and to turn a ship around from shipwreck requires quite a stable turning of the wheel. You are in charge of your life and the more you take yourself in control and charge of your life, rightfully so, or your mind and energies and everything else within and without, centrally and peripherally, in a progressive plan of, meticulously and consciously designed for, the future, the more you'll see that trajectory answering your call and being to your relatively inmost desire and ideally higher wish.

But, first learn the technique, double checked, from a reliable meditation teaching source, other than me as I've got experience in its practice but not in its all-around exact instructive teaching. This will help you not only to quiet down mind and thoughts like whirlpools that'll cease and so stop either confusion or aberration of thought patterns generally but bring about complete and undivided focus as the possibility for concentrative attention as well which will lead you to a more coherent thought pattern and thus will be reflected via its expression. Take the practice seriously, do it at least weekly but don't forget manners of grounding as well to keep you intact and sane on the physical plane and in the mental realm woven up with it. It's said that this faithfully practiced also develops psychic powers and a calm and clear mind; it develops consciousness and brings its gifts into fruition. The cure for many ills in and of itself. This will make it a lot easier for your communication, over time, with this forum. Faithful practice, contextually bound to a sound and healthy lifestyle. Takes years and years but once you've performed it sufficiently, steadily, and without falling away due to ungroundedness, into some unbalanced state, and with proper guidance if ever necessary (from a qualified teacher), you'll see enormous amounts of progress in the not just mental but also spiritual, psychological, emotional and even (!) physical/physiological departments, coupled with all else as proactively lived. Rome wasn't built in one day and meditation practice, for its ultimate culmination of inexpressible experience beyond experiences spans very likely across lives (probably many, depending on its implementation and practical intensity and sincerity without injury due to life mistakes and various entanglements) as the very centrality, in essence, to the journey of spiritual growth and its aim of higher and higher refinement into subtler spheres of reality by a sublimation of the inward energies, purification of mental layers, transmutations of all kinds of drives and impulses, emotions, thoughts, feelings and general passions of their corresponding bodily vehicles as described in Sanskrit and Yogic lore.

Sorry, this became very long; when I start, I don't stop. 8lou1, I hope you or others perusing this forum from any place that can draw relevant value out of this read this and find new fruition of hope and inspiration to a better way of life as well as prosperous change and growth to an even greater extent than you'd have done from merely baseline relevant levels of help in any shape or form. The work is all yours, and yours alone, that you may work with the higher forces of the universe and shape your destiny according to yet unawakened but very possible greatness of greatness and fecundity of deeds following deeds and transformation following transformation but for others who don't like my long manners of text they need only look away and ignore this apparent tomfoolery of a meditative madman who's bent on the idea of typing myself into the Guinness World Record.

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Vampirism links with OCD Empty Re: Vampirism links with OCD

Post by 8lou1 16.11.22 22:06

ah yes, my drugs use, well let me say im a medicine woman and i know what im doing or at least my Will does. i understand i have also a body to look after and i cant read all of your love right now, but the last alinea, oofff, but it gives me sanity.

thank you.

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Vampirism links with OCD Empty Re: Vampirism links with OCD

Post by Candide 28.05.23 8:03

I am a clinical vampire and have OCD, although personally, I doubt there is any connection.

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