Freezing blood?

Sybil Mason
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Freezing blood? - Page 2 Empty Re: Freezing blood?

Post by Sybil Mason 09.09.23 9:07

You have now attempted to create several random separate threads with replies to other threads that have been closed by admins. Such attempts to circumvent administrative decisions will not be tolerated and they have been deleted. This is your only warning.

The next time you will get banned, for what is now over 10 times, as you probably should already be. So be grateful you were not banned from the moment you registered as you were identified in your deception straight away.

Sybil             سيبيل ماسَن
Vampirism Forum Administrator
Sybil Mason
Sybil Mason

Number of posts : 119
Location : Land of eternal night
Registration date : 2011-02-02

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Freezing blood? - Page 2 Empty Re: Freezing blood?

Post by AlifBalaamYashin 09.09.23 9:08

Sybil Mason wrote:You have now attempted to create several random separate threads with replies to other threads that have been closed by admins. Such attempts to circumvent administrative decisions will not be tolerated and they have been deleted. This is your only warning.

The next time you will get banned, for what is now over 10 times, as you probably should already be. So be grateful you were not banned from the moment you registered as you were identified in your deception straight away.
Then how can I address the false accusations put forth by Jonathan?

Number of posts : 170
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Registration date : 2023-07-09

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Freezing blood? - Page 2 Empty Re: Freezing blood?

Post by Sybil Mason 09.09.23 9:09

You can do so in this thread. Although if you all continue in this circular drama again it will be closed as well eventually.

Sybil             سيبيل ماسَن
Vampirism Forum Administrator
Sybil Mason
Sybil Mason

Number of posts : 119
Location : Land of eternal night
Registration date : 2011-02-02

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Freezing blood? - Page 2 Empty Re: Freezing blood?

Post by Nightshade 09.09.23 17:19

Oh not Etu Malku the failed occultist again...

It is just painfully clear when the Current has messed with someone on a deeper level, both spiritually and psychologically. It’s out there for everyone to see. Doesn’t take a stark intellect to notice it.

Sadly we live in times where every trash made-up delusional thing can be called a “grimoire” and faked about so the ignorant are exploited by those no more wise than them. The blind leading the blind.

KITAB ALEAWA´FI LAYLAT ALSAHRA “The Book of Howling in the Desert Night” and “SUMMONING THE 7 DJINN KINGS” should be good examples of what is a fraud when presented as a grimoire, and shall go down in history exactly as just other examples of scams in the esoteric community. A troll of a failed occultist and rejected in every occult community out there like Etu Malku posing as yet another fake pseudonym like ‘Amir Alzzalam and Alif Balaam Yashin. Those and many other names are all fake characters invented by the same failed occultist Etu Malku, after failing in the music industry as Bob Sushko / RL Sushko with free websites hosted on Wix. lol

He first tried to deceive everyone by fabricating an online order called “Herald of the Dawn” that was comprised of only himself and his several fake accounts, later exposed, and now is trying it again with “Æ0N 0f IBLĪS” and “KNIGHTS 0f LVYThN” being another fraudulent nonsense made up of fake accounts and one or two entirely self-deceived poor souls.

What a sad existence…

Number of posts : 438
Location : The Mind
Registration date : 2013-06-15

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Freezing blood? - Page 2 Empty Re: Freezing blood?

Post by Jonathan 09.09.23 17:27

Well to be fair I wouldn’t go as far as with all the name calling even though I can understand where Nightshade is coming from and all the people who had to endure Etu Malku’s nuisance along the years. He was never a threat to anyone but I guess even he may be able to recognize that his antics make him more like a pest. I have to admit that I do agree with Nightshade's words for the most part and I know that is how people in the occult see Etu Malku / Amir Alzzalam. Now, if he is a changed man and all that is in the past it’s up to him to show us a different side. I guess we will see?

I am willing to drop it and take the higher road on this in order to avoid toxicity as long as Etu here stops harassing and engaging Asetianists online with his diatribe about the Order and the community as he has been doing for decades. He has been a bully not to me personally but to several other Asetianists on social media for many years, always stalking whenever the subject is brought up online to stir drama and attempt to discredit. So if that is complied from his end, then I am willing to let it go as I have no intentions in seeing this oldie major forum further defaced with nonsense and arguments. However, I have to admit that I very much doubt he is able to move on given the many years he has been feeding this obsession about Asetianism and Asetianists, but I am willing to extend him the possibility of showing us all that he is changed.

Number of posts : 3046
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Freezing blood? - Page 2 Empty Re: Freezing blood?

Post by Troublemaker 09.09.23 17:29

Looks like he already adopted draconic symbolism too. I wonder why….

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Freezing blood? - Page 2 Empty Re: Freezing blood?

Post by Jonathan 09.09.23 17:47

Troublemaker wrote:Looks like he already adopted draconic symbolism too. I wonder why….

I didn't know that but wouldn't be that much surprised if true. Others are attempting it as well. Next you will get Xer Belanger, Fangy Sebastiaan and all the crazies from the VC forgetting vampires and writing about draconian witchcraft. lol

I don’t think Etu here is even familiar with traditional sorcery of the draconian path or has access to the covenants of the Dragon. At best, he may read what is publicly available from mainstream LHP on it which tends to be rather edgelord fluffery and very distant both in praxis and gnosis from those secretive sorcerous paths.

Like you all, I am pretty certain that he has always found major inspiration in the grand work of Master Marques, which is not necessarily a bad thing in itself if only he wouldn’t harass and bother those who follow his teachings. That is the major problem here, after all countless others are inspired by his legacy in magic, metaphysics and spirituality. Just very few admit to it, but nothing new there. To badmouth his followers out of frustration just isn’t right and shall not be tolerated.

Number of posts : 3046
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Freezing blood? - Page 2 Empty Re: Freezing blood?

Post by Nightshade 10.09.23 7:27

Jonathan wrote:Well to be fair I wouldn’t go as far as with all the name calling even though I can understand where Nightshade is coming from and all the people who had to endure Etu Malku’s nuisance along the years. He was never a threat to anyone but I guess even he may be able to recognize that his antics make him more like a pest. I have to admit that I do agree with Nightshade's words for the most part and I know that is how people in the occult see Etu Malku / Amir Alzzalam. Now, if he is a changed man and all that is in the past it’s up to him to show us a different side. I guess we will see?

I am willing to drop it and take the higher road on this in order to avoid toxicity as long as Etu here stops harassing and engaging Asetianists online with his diatribe about the Order and the community as he has been doing for decades. He has been a bully not to me personally but to several other Asetianists on social media for many years, always stalking whenever the subject is brought up online to stir drama and attempt to discredit. So if that is complied from his end, then I am willing to let it go as I have no intentions in seeing this oldie major forum further defaced with nonsense and arguments. However, I have to admit that I very much doubt he is able to move on given the many years he has been feeding this obsession about Asetianism and Asetianists, but I am willing to extend him the possibility of showing us all that he is changed.

I don’t know, he was given so many chances in the past and always showed a clear lack of character and honor, hard to believe he will be honest this time, but as you say I guess time will show. It always does.

I have to admit I do admire your tolerance and maturity on this, I personally lack the same patience and empathy when people are caught with their hands in the dirt over and over again.

To an experienced occultist it’s just oddly ironic to see this guy throwing so much criticism at an established tradition like Asetianism, with a strong presence not only in Europe but also in Asia, and it turns out he is still dabbling in superficial branches of the LHP like Satanism and Luciferianism that are literally child’s play compared to the type of sorcery put forward by the Order of Aset Ka and its Covens. He could just simply interact in a positive light with those involved given how clearly moved and inspired by it he seems to be, or should I say interact in a more positive "black light" of inner illumination. Everyone benefits from positive exchanges and drama benefits no one. Anyways, moving on…

Number of posts : 438
Location : The Mind
Registration date : 2013-06-15

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Freezing blood? - Page 2 Empty Re: Freezing blood?

Post by AlifBalaamYashin 10.09.23 8:44

Nightshade wrote:Oh not Etu Malku the failed occultist again...

It is just painfully clear when the Current has messed with someone on a deeper level, both spiritually and psychologically. It’s out there for everyone to see. Doesn’t take a stark intellect to notice it.

Sadly we live in times where every trash made-up delusional thing can be called a “grimoire” and faked about so the ignorant are exploited by those no more wise than them. The blind leading the blind.

KITAB ALEAWA´FI LAYLAT ALSAHRA “The Book of Howling in the Desert Night” and “SUMMONING THE 7 DJINN KINGS” should be good examples of what is a fraud when presented as a grimoire, and shall go down in history exactly as just other examples of scams in the esoteric community. A troll of a failed occultist and rejected in every occult community out there like Etu Malku posing as yet another fake pseudonym like ‘Amir Alzzalam and Alif Balaam Yashin. Those and many other names are all fake characters invented by the same failed occultist Etu Malku, after failing in the music industry as Bob Sushko / RL Sushko with free websites hosted on Wix. lol

He first tried to deceive everyone by fabricating an online order called “Herald of the Dawn” that was comprised of only himself and his several fake accounts, later exposed, and now is trying it again with “Æ0N 0f IBLĪS” and “KNIGHTS 0f LVYThN” being another fraudulent nonsense made up of fake accounts and one or two entirely self-deceived poor souls.

What a sad existence…

More drama? I thought we were over this?
How am I a failed occultist?
Have you read my grimoire? No, you haven't you are simply assuming the worse and have absolutely nothing to back up your accusations.You're treading water and only regurgitating what others have fed you, can't you think for yourself?

I am very successful in the music industry, and I am a successful author, your claims are just instigative without any backbone or evidence. Whya re you such a hateful person?

The Herald of the Dawn was an online order centering around the Roman god Mercury, it lasted 8 years and enjoyed many members and great success. Both Æ0N 0f IBLĪS and Knights 0f LVYThN are factions of The Sect of the Horned God, a very successful and high profile Western Left Hand Path organization.

So, where do you stand in all of this? Are you just another misinformed troll without the ability for critical thinking?

Number of posts : 170
Location : Earth
Registration date : 2023-07-09

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Freezing blood? - Page 2 Empty Re: Freezing blood?

Post by AlifBalaamYashin 10.09.23 8:48

Jonathan wrote:Well to be fair I wouldn’t go as far as with all the name calling even though I can understand where Nightshade is coming from and all the people who had to endure Etu Malku’s nuisance along the years. He was never a threat to anyone but I guess even he may be able to recognize that his antics make him more like a pest. I have to admit that I do agree with Nightshade's words for the most part and I know that is how people in the occult see Etu Malku / Amir Alzzalam. Now, if he is a changed man and all that is in the past it’s up to him to show us a different side. I guess we will see?

I am willing to drop it and take the higher road on this in order to avoid toxicity as long as Etu here stops harassing and engaging Asetianists online with his diatribe about the Order and the community as he has been doing for decades. He has been a bully not to me personally but to several other Asetianists on social media for many years, always stalking whenever the subject is brought up online to stir drama and attempt to discredit. So if that is complied from his end, then I am willing to let it go as I have no intentions in seeing this oldie major forum further defaced with nonsense and arguments. However, I have to admit that I very much doubt he is able to move on given the many years he has been feeding this obsession about Asetianism and Asetianists, but I am willing to extend him the possibility of showing us all that he is changed.

Jonathan what is your real name? You are a hypocrite.
It is easy to find my real name and all my aliases, I'm not really hiding, more like wearing different atavistic masks, if you know what that means.

I'm still waiting for you to present all this evidence regarding all my misdeeds. You won't, because there isn't any. You are simply just another hateful person, I see your posts all over this forum, you are a disgrace to this forum.

Number of posts : 170
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Registration date : 2023-07-09

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Freezing blood? - Page 2 Empty Re: Freezing blood?

Post by Jonathan 10.09.23 8:57

AlifBalaamYashin wrote:
Jonathan what is your real name? You are a hypocrite.
It is easy to find my real name and all my aliases, I'm not really hiding, more like wearing different atavistic masks, if you know what that means.

Actually you are wrong. lol My real name is Jonathan and everyone in the community knows that, what is kept private is my second and last names, which I presume you don't know. Also don't attempt to further deceive with your dishonesty, these are not atavistic masks of any kind, you openly said you are new here and we never talked before. The lie is there plain and clear for everyone to see. So as I suggested above numerous times, just repent and be a better person if you don't want this to get worse for you.

Number of posts : 3046
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Freezing blood? - Page 2 Empty Re: Freezing blood?

Post by AlifBalaamYashin 10.09.23 9:01

Jonathan wrote:
AlifBalaamYashin wrote:
Jonathan what is your real name? You are a hypocrite.
It is easy to find my real name and all my aliases, I'm not really hiding, more like wearing different atavistic masks, if you know what that means.

Actually you are wrong. lol My real name is Jonathan and everyone in the community knows that, what is kept private is my second and last names, which I presume you don't know. Also don't attempt to further deceive with your dishonesty, these are not atavistic masks of any kind, you openly said you are new here and we never talked before. The lie is there plain and clear for everyone to see. So as I suggested above numerous times, just repent and be a better person if you don't want this to get worse for you.

I already explained my intention, maybe you missed that?
Do you think I would have been able to register under a name everyone already knew? Probably not, however maybe I could have and maybe the way I went about it was not the best route.

Is that all you have? Because you keep repeating this.
I am prepared to let this go. However, if I am attacked I will defend myself.

Number of posts : 170
Location : Earth
Registration date : 2023-07-09

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Freezing blood? - Page 2 Empty Re: Freezing blood?

Post by Nightshade 10.09.23 9:05

AlifBalaamYashin wrote:
Nightshade wrote:Oh not Etu Malku the failed occultist again...

It is just painfully clear when the Current has messed with someone on a deeper level, both spiritually and psychologically. It’s out there for everyone to see. Doesn’t take a stark intellect to notice it.

Sadly we live in times where every trash made-up delusional thing can be called a “grimoire” and faked about so the ignorant are exploited by those no more wise than them. The blind leading the blind.

KITAB ALEAWA´FI LAYLAT ALSAHRA “The Book of Howling in the Desert Night” and “SUMMONING THE 7 DJINN KINGS” should be good examples of what is a fraud when presented as a grimoire, and shall go down in history exactly as just other examples of scams in the esoteric community. A troll of a failed occultist and rejected in every occult community out there like Etu Malku posing as yet another fake pseudonym like ‘Amir Alzzalam and Alif Balaam Yashin. Those and many other names are all fake characters invented by the same failed occultist Etu Malku, after failing in the music industry as Bob Sushko / RL Sushko with free websites hosted on Wix. lol

He first tried to deceive everyone by fabricating an online order called “Herald of the Dawn” that was comprised of only himself and his several fake accounts, later exposed, and now is trying it again with “Æ0N 0f IBLĪS” and “KNIGHTS 0f LVYThN” being another fraudulent nonsense made up of fake accounts and one or two entirely self-deceived poor souls.

What a sad existence…

More drama? I thought we were over this?
How am I a failed occultist?
Have you read my grimoire? No, you haven't you are simply assuming the worse and have absolutely nothing to back up your accusations.You're treading water and only regurgitating what others have fed you, can't you think for yourself?

I am very successful in the music industry, and I am a successful author, your claims are just instigative without any backbone or evidence. Whya re you such a hateful person?

The Herald of the Dawn was an online order centering around the Roman god Mercury, it lasted 8 years and enjoyed many members and great success. Both Æ0N 0f IBLĪS and Knights 0f LVYThN are factions of The Sect of the Horned God, a very successful and high profile Western Left Hand Path organization.

So, where do you stand in all of this? Are you just another misinformed troll without the ability for critical thinking?

I am not hateful in any way. You just are not a published author. Your “grimoires” came out through Sirius, which even though Edgar is a really nice guy and I will say I have respect for him, he does publish anything from anyone, which makes a huge range in quality from some good books to others that are absolute trash. I’m sorry but those are just facts. Sirius is no different than self-publishing. Or more like self-published BALG if you will. They can’t be compared to the many reputable publishers out there, and publishing houses like Ixaxaar, Atramentous, Hadean, Anathema… hell even Theion and Fall of Man, among so many others, would never go anywhere near your wannabe "grimoire". I’m sorry but that is just the truth, if you are too weak to handle it it’s not my problem.

As Jonathan suggested, this should be dropped and drama not encouraged. We will see how you treat Asetianists going forward but if you insist on being an asshole like you have been to them for the past years don’t expect a different outcome and respect from the occult community at large. Period.

Number of posts : 438
Location : The Mind
Registration date : 2013-06-15

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Freezing blood? - Page 2 Empty Re: Freezing blood?

Post by Jonathan 10.09.23 9:11

AlifBalaamYashin wrote:
Jonathan wrote:
AlifBalaamYashin wrote:
Jonathan what is your real name? You are a hypocrite.
It is easy to find my real name and all my aliases, I'm not really hiding, more like wearing different atavistic masks, if you know what that means.

Actually you are wrong. lol My real name is Jonathan and everyone in the community knows that, what is kept private is my second and last names, which I presume you don't know. Also don't attempt to further deceive with your dishonesty, these are not atavistic masks of any kind, you openly said you are new here and we never talked before. The lie is there plain and clear for everyone to see. So as I suggested above numerous times, just repent and be a better person if you don't want this to get worse for you.

I already explained my intention, maybe you missed that?
Do you think I would have been able to register under a name everyone already knew? Probably not, however maybe I could have and maybe the way I went about it was not the best route.

Is that all you have? Because you keep repeating this.
I am prepared to let this go. However, if I am attacked I will defend myself.

Dude can't you see that you were wrong? The evidence is that you are still here and not banned yet, despite everyone knowing who you are. So there was no need for lies and deception, we all here are open to give second chances to people, even if in your case is like the 10th chance or whatever. No one here wants just to fight for the sake of it, but you know very well that your intentions in the past have been toxic towards the community as a whole.
Also you accused me of being a hypocrite and were wrong again, because people do know Jonathan is my real name. Jonathan or Jon is how everyone calls me in real life. So I would appreciate not calling me a hypocrite when your argument was again flawed. With that said, I am willing to let go as I explained above, if you keep your end of the deal concerning Asetianists. I just don't want to see other innocent seekers being harassed for no reason whatsoever based on the Tradition and Path they have chosen to follow. I don't care about me, I care about all the others. It seems fair to me. Deal?

Number of posts : 3046
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Freezing blood? - Page 2 Empty Re: Freezing blood?

Post by AlifBalaamYashin 10.09.23 9:17

Jonathan wrote:
AlifBalaamYashin wrote:
Jonathan wrote:
AlifBalaamYashin wrote:
Jonathan what is your real name? You are a hypocrite.
It is easy to find my real name and all my aliases, I'm not really hiding, more like wearing different atavistic masks, if you know what that means.

Actually you are wrong. lol My real name is Jonathan and everyone in the community knows that, what is kept private is my second and last names, which I presume you don't know. Also don't attempt to further deceive with your dishonesty, these are not atavistic masks of any kind, you openly said you are new here and we never talked before. The lie is there plain and clear for everyone to see. So as I suggested above numerous times, just repent and be a better person if you don't want this to get worse for you.

I already explained my intention, maybe you missed that?
Do you think I would have been able to register under a name everyone already knew? Probably not, however maybe I could have and maybe the way I went about it was not the best route.

Is that all you have? Because you keep repeating this.
I am prepared to let this go. However, if I am attacked I will defend myself.

Dude can't you see that you were wrong? The evidence is that you are still here and not banned yet, despite everyone knowing who you are. So there was no need for lies and deception, we all here are open to give second chances to people, even if in your case is like the 10th chance or whatever. No one here wants just to fight for the sake of it, but you know very well that your intentions in the past have been toxic towards the community as a whole.
Also you accused me of being a hypocrite and were wrong again, because people do know Jonathan is my real name. Jonathan or Jon is how everyone calls me in real life. So I would appreciate not calling me a hypocrite when your argument was again flawed. With that said, I am willing to let go as I explained above, if you keep your end of the deal concerning Asetianists. I just don't want to see other innocent seekers being harassed for no reason whatsoever based on the Tradition and Path they have chosen to follow. I don't care about me, I care about all the others. It seems fair to me. Deal?

Fair enough, though I chose Edgar because he is a very good friend of mine and offered me the best deal.

Number of posts : 170
Location : Earth
Registration date : 2023-07-09

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Freezing blood? - Page 2 Empty Re: Freezing blood?

Post by AlifBalaamYashin 10.09.23 9:19

Jonathan wrote:
AlifBalaamYashin wrote:
Jonathan wrote:
AlifBalaamYashin wrote:
Jonathan what is your real name? You are a hypocrite.
It is easy to find my real name and all my aliases, I'm not really hiding, more like wearing different atavistic masks, if you know what that means.

Actually you are wrong. lol My real name is Jonathan and everyone in the community knows that, what is kept private is my second and last names, which I presume you don't know. Also don't attempt to further deceive with your dishonesty, these are not atavistic masks of any kind, you openly said you are new here and we never talked before. The lie is there plain and clear for everyone to see. So as I suggested above numerous times, just repent and be a better person if you don't want this to get worse for you.

I already explained my intention, maybe you missed that?
Do you think I would have been able to register under a name everyone already knew? Probably not, however maybe I could have and maybe the way I went about it was not the best route.

Is that all you have? Because you keep repeating this.
I am prepared to let this go. However, if I am attacked I will defend myself.

Dude can't you see that you were wrong? The evidence is that you are still here and not banned yet, despite everyone knowing who you are. So there was no need for lies and deception, we all here are open to give second chances to people, even if in your case is like the 10th chance or whatever. No one here wants just to fight for the sake of it, but you know very well that your intentions in the past have been toxic towards the community as a whole.
Also you accused me of being a hypocrite and were wrong again, because people do know Jonathan is my real name. Jonathan or Jon is how everyone calls me in real life. So I would appreciate not calling me a hypocrite when your argument was again flawed. With that said, I am willing to let go as I explained above, if you keep your end of the deal concerning Asetianists. I just don't want to see other innocent seekers being harassed for no reason whatsoever based on the Tradition and Path they have chosen to follow. I don't care about me, I care about all the others. It seems fair to me. Deal?


Number of posts : 170
Location : Earth
Registration date : 2023-07-09

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Freezing blood? - Page 2 Empty Re: Freezing blood?

Post by Jonathan 10.09.23 9:21

Understood. As for me, nothing against Kerval as an individual at all.

Number of posts : 3046
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Freezing blood? - Page 2 Empty Re: Freezing blood?

Post by AlifBalaamYashin 10.09.23 16:18

Jonathan wrote:Understood. As for me, nothing against Kerval as an individual at all.
Keep in mind that when you bad mouth my book you hurt Edgar's sales. Something to think about.

Number of posts : 170
Location : Earth
Registration date : 2023-07-09

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Freezing blood? - Page 2 Empty Re: Freezing blood?

Post by Nightshade 10.09.23 17:50

AlifBalaamYashin wrote:
Jonathan wrote:Understood. As for me, nothing against Kerval as an individual at all.
Keep in mind that when you bad mouth my book you hurt Edgar's sales. Something to think about.

Did you think about that every time you bad mouthed the AB on social media along the years?

Even more worrisome attacking it versus a major fraudster like Belanger that has exploited entire minority communities for decades and undermined the lives of many simply for her own profit, ego and commercial agenda. That's not occultism, that's the lowest we can experience as humanity.

Number of posts : 438
Location : The Mind
Registration date : 2013-06-15

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Freezing blood? - Page 2 Empty Re: Freezing blood?

Post by AlifBalaamYashin 10.09.23 17:55

Nightshade wrote:
AlifBalaamYashin wrote:
Jonathan wrote:Understood. As for me, nothing against Kerval as an individual at all.
Keep in mind that when you bad mouth my book you hurt Edgar's sales. Something to think about.

Did you think about that every time you bad mouthed the AB on social media along the years?

Even more worrisome attacking it versus a major fraudster like Belanger that has exploited entire minority communities for decades and undermined the lives of many simply for her own profit, ego and commercial agenda. That's not occultism, that's the lowest we can experience as humanity.
I promoted the AB way more than anything negative I allegedly said (what did I say?), which was mainly focused on Asetianists not the Asetians.

Belanger has her problems I'm aware of that.

Number of posts : 170
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Registration date : 2023-07-09

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Freezing blood? - Page 2 Empty Re: Freezing blood?

Post by Jonathan 10.09.23 18:00

Nightshade wrote:
AlifBalaamYashin wrote:
Jonathan wrote:Understood. As for me, nothing against Kerval as an individual at all.
Keep in mind that when you bad mouth my book you hurt Edgar's sales. Something to think about.

Did you think about that every time you bad mouthed the AB on social media along the years?

Even more worrisome attacking it versus a major fraudster like Belanger that has exploited entire minority communities for decades and undermined the lives of many simply for her own profit, ego and commercial agenda. That's not occultism, that's the lowest we can experience as humanity.

Something that seems quite funny to me about Belanger and buddy Mert is how they often tried to control the narrative in the OVC given their political agendas with the VCN but with time VCN died entirely alongside the VVC and several Asetianism groups on Facebook have flourished, now having many times the members of the VCN and daily activity, while the VCN remains lifeless without any engagement and even their own discord got dead. I bet them both never recovered from such frustration, particularly Michelle. lol Ma’at has its own elegant way of realigning the threads of reality…

Patience and honor always wins in the end my friends. That is why I try to live my days in ways that I can sleep well at night.

Number of posts : 3046
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Freezing blood? - Page 2 Empty Re: Freezing blood?

Post by Nightshade 10.09.23 19:11

Jonathan wrote:
Nightshade wrote:
AlifBalaamYashin wrote:
Jonathan wrote:Understood. As for me, nothing against Kerval as an individual at all.
Keep in mind that when you bad mouth my book you hurt Edgar's sales. Something to think about.

Did you think about that every time you bad mouthed the AB on social media along the years?

Even more worrisome attacking it versus a major fraudster like Belanger that has exploited entire minority communities for decades and undermined the lives of many simply for her own profit, ego and commercial agenda. That's not occultism, that's the lowest we can experience as humanity.

Something that seems quite funny to me about Belanger and buddy Mert is how they often tried to control the narrative in the OVC given their political agendas with the VCN but with time VCN died entirely alongside the VVC and several Asetianism groups on Facebook have flourished, now having many times the members of the VCN and daily activity, while the VCN remains lifeless without any engagement and even their own discord got dead. I bet them both never recovered from such frustration, particularly Michelle. lol Ma’at has its own elegant way of realigning the threads of reality…

Patience and honor always wins in the end my friends. That is why I try to live my days in ways that I can sleep well at night.

It has been that way for several years now. Long overdue…
They are the past and left no real legacy of relevance in their demise.

I don’t really care how they feel about it, what is ironic about that whole situation is how arrogantly they used to treat Asetianists as second-class citizens of a fringe community of sorts, and now Asetianists are the ones dealing the cards and wield much larger and far more influential communities while theirs got into absolute decay. Belanger for example got relegated to total fluffery and irrelevance having to join forces with some self-proclaimed vampire king of TikTok that makes a living out of gothic makeup and fangs. How low did that arrogant parrot fall. Elegant, as you say.

Meanwhile for the genuine occultists, witches and sorcerers, the work continues. Consciously away from the vanity of the spotlight as it should.

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Registration date : 2013-06-15

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Freezing blood? - Page 2 Empty Re: Freezing blood?

Post by Victor 14.09.23 8:24

I will not touch on this one concerning Etu Malku.

For now...

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Freezing blood? - Page 2 Empty Re: Freezing blood?

Post by AlifBalaamYashin 14.09.23 17:21

Victor wrote:I will not touch on this one concerning Etu Malku.

For now...

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Freezing blood? - Page 2 Empty Re: Freezing blood?

Post by 8lou1 15.09.23 3:14

the discussion about jonathan being his real name, might have been my bad. i asked some help and some guy called jonathOn asked me on back then still twitter if i was the roblox. i said yes and now i have a meme floating around where kanye wants to join the roblox... oopsie.

the rest of the discussion im totally not following as usual. other then the last time i met etu online, he thought i was gonna die. so here i am still alive and kicking. you know some shit just isnt nice. soumiya (the wife of fairoun) is a normal name so im glad i know its you who almost killed that girl if it wasnt for the community pulling strings. i aint a playdate ya know.
mr. rafiqih. i thought i felt some smelling my ass. thanks jonathan for helping. really apppreciated.


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