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Luciferianism Empty Luciferianism

Post by Ankhhape 24.06.09 17:36

As we all know, the LHP and certainly the Luciferian principles are mentioned in the AB to be studied.

I would like to define Luciferianism in the non-theistic sense and hopefully prompt a little discussion with it if anyone is interested.

"The significant symbol of wisdom given to us by research is what I refer to as Lucifer, the bringer of light. Everybody is searching for perception; wisdom is the child of Lucifer." - Michael Ford
The Chaldean astrologers, the Egyptian priests, the Indian Brahmans; they are all children of Lucifer.

-From Lucifer-Gnosis, Rudolph Steiner.
Lucifer stands on the threshold of Dawn and Dusk. The bringer of light, symbol of Thelemic strength and divine wisdom emerges. The age of Lucifer is the uprising of what Blavatsky termed "Phosphorus", the cosmic force of illumination and light. Lucifer is the force of Air, while Satan the dual and corrupted form of the light bringer is of active fire. This duality is the changeable essence of progression and evolution. Lucifer emerges by name as the Roman "bringer of light", Lucem Fero..the carrier of the torch.

Lucifer stands as the fountain head of Astral Magick; (i.e., Astral Projection, Dream Control, etc.) Lucifer is balance in the instance of both Shadow and Light, Blood Red and Jet Black. Lucifer is the color of an awakened and enlightened mind. The Psyche which is open for magical inspiration.

Blavatsky understood the significance of balance within the individual, to ascend the individual from the beast like qualities so inherent within our subconscious. Blavatsky wrote "Thus it stands proven that Satan, or the red Fiery Dragon, the "Lord of Phosphorus" and Lucifer, or "Light bearer" is in us"

Black Magic is the focus of making the Psyche immortal, surviving Earth bound after death. Luciferic Magick is the focus of Astral projection and Holy Magick. Ascension is the primary goal, To rise towards Godhead

Aleister Crowley gave us the modern synthesis and foundation of Luciferian thought. "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" and "Love is the law, love under will". Two statements which clearly set in motion the ascension of the seeking individual towards Godhead. In his poem, "Hymn to Lucifer" Crowley presents the bringer of light in a Thelemic aspect. No longer shall man be subservient to a religion which would destroy your foundation and right of personal choice.

Dogma is also a trap which can lead towards spiritual stagnation. Growth is necessary through the freedom of an open being that through will power and focus can change take hold and run its natural course.

The Luciferian individual is at heart a predator, however balancing action and thought with compassion and tolerance when such emotions are heartfelt. A Thelemic individual is by definition free to decide the proper course of which his or her life would flow. Often, clubs, orders and other thought trapping devices will trick the individual into accepting a code and "uniformities" of like minds.

Those who awaken this individual light are blessed unto ourselves. Self-Godhood is the step towards spiritual immortality. Those who seek the platform of Adept in the Magickial Quest will inadvertently perceive the basis of the balance of light and darkness. The Angelic and the Demonic shall be united, Chaos will follow form and such is the genetic and psychic make up of the Adept.
Lucifer stands for the balance of flesh and spirit. The ego or "I", constantly changing must continue to consciously manifest in a positive manner.

As Aleister Crowley pointed out in the article entitled:
"The Initiated Interpretation of Ceremonial Magic" (Published in The Goetia): "The spirits of the Goetia are portions of the human brain. Their seals therefore represent (Mr. Spencer's projected cube) method of stimulating or regulating those particular spots (through the Eye).

(a) The names of God are vibrations calculated to establish control over the human brain. (Establishment of the functions relative to the subtle world.)
(b) Control over the brain in detail. (Rank or type of the Spirit.)
(c) Control of one special portion (Name of the spirit)."
Control is the map of empowerment and Ascension. Once direction is assumed and confirmed, can such begin to take place in association with progression and evolution? This subtle point is based around the legend of Lucifer itself.

I hope some of you find this useful in your evolution of spirit
Em Hotep

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Luciferianism Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Jonathan 24.06.09 19:27

Thank you for pasting all this, it certainly is an interesting topic for those that study different LHP traditions. But I wanted to ask, what is your own opinion and views over Luciferianism, and most of all, over LHP as a whole?

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Luciferianism Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Ankhhape 24.06.09 19:41

My views are as I stated them above . . . the principle of Lucifer can be seen as the induction of Light / gnosis and the Apophic reality that leads to transformation within the human soul.

I would be interested in hearing the Asetian uses of the Lucifer principle.

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Luciferianism Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Jonathan 24.06.09 20:43

I agree with your views. Also, I would like to hear about that as well, since personally I don't have that information either.
The above texts are your own views or pasted from some other site or paper you might have read online?

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Luciferianism Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Ankhhape 24.06.09 20:52

Partially my writing, some text copied from books I have . . . I am not interested too much in the information from the internet, though much of it is useful now & then.

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Luciferianism Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Jonathan 24.06.09 21:10

Wise words, Ankhhape. I deeply agree in what concerns the unreliability of the internet, to anything that relates with the occult.

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Luciferianism Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by empress2k 24.06.09 22:00


Certainly a worthy choice of a topic and I only wish I could participate in a discussion right away. But to be honest my studies of these traditions are very limited. However, I have worked with the energy of Abraxas (a Gnostic Supreme Being who incorporates both Good and Evil). It was during a period of my most recent inner journey... So I am taking a rain check and will defenately post more as I contemplate on this subject.

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Luciferianism Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Maxx 24.06.09 22:10

Excellent post Ankhhape. You are exactly correct in your assessment of working toward or seeking a balance in ones life of light and darkness. Experience and then control of this factor will give one mastery over ones path and become a true God. Failure to do so along the path can result in one losing his/her mind. Very interesting sections that you chose to put together to explain the process. I salute you.



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Luciferianism Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Talibah 25.06.09 0:12

Ankhhape Wrote:
Often, clubs, orders and other thought trapping devices will trick the individual into accepting a code and "uniformities" of like minds.

Do you think this can be attributed also to the Order of Aset Ka, or do you feel this particular Order is an exception, Ankhhape?

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Luciferianism Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Ankhhape 25.06.09 5:28

Talibah wrote:
Ankhhape Wrote:
Often, clubs, orders and other thought trapping devices will trick the individual into accepting a code and "uniformities" of like minds.

Do you think this can be attributed also to the Order of Aset Ka, or do you feel this particular Order is an exception, Ankhhape?
I would like to think because of the divine nature of the AK that they are free of these trappings.

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Luciferianism Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by empress2k 25.06.09 5:38

Also, if I might add, the fact that Aset Ka is highly selective, exclusive, and metaphisical would defy the need to be dogmatic. Unless it's a weird cult group set up to commit suicide or destroy the world..Smile Dogma is what traps people and keeps them in. Hence, those religions that depend on numbers of the follower are big on that.

I am quite amazed at the dicotomy of many religions that require one to have faith in the Divine, yet totally condemn and dismiss those who communicate with the world of Spirit...Smile It all comes down to control of the minds and the masses.

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Luciferianism Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Syrianeh 25.06.09 6:09

Amazing post, Ankhappe.

It is clear to me that duality is inherent to human nature, and accepting it is the first step towards evolution. Most religions separate the "good God" from the "bad God", thus scaring their flock into thinking they must follow only the good and avoid the bad. Thus are stated moral laws of society, which ultimately become dangerous tools of manipulation.

Stepping away from all that is the only way to grow.

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Luciferianism Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by empress2k 25.06.09 6:15

Well said Syrianeh! I can only add that while duality is inherent to human nature, Humanity keeps thinking that by separating and following one or the other it will evolve, hence some follow the "Good God" while others the "Bad God". Yet many fail to accept the simple fact that if humanity is made in the image of the Divine then the Divine is as dual as the humanity itself.

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Luciferianism Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Syrianeh 25.06.09 6:31

Yes, true, empress2k. And since you mentioned Abraxas, I supposed you have read "Demian" by Herman Hesse. It is a wonderful little novel that tells not just the coming of age of its protagonist, who from an early age discovers the darker world out there and learns to lose his fear of it, but also it is a covert treaty of Gnosticism and its rise durign the war-stricken Europe of the thirties.

I have found that many works of literature have the power of teaching much better than essay o history books.

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Luciferianism Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by empress2k 25.06.09 6:38

No, I have not read "Damian", but now that you've mentioned it, I looked it up on Amazon and it truly sounds very promising. So I added it to my next purchase list..Smile I have being trying to incorporate more fictional reading into my life once again and has being very rewarding. Thank you for sharing.

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Luciferianism Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Maxx 25.06.09 11:45

To clarify, Set and Horus have a close connection as not only brothers but also deific opposites. E.A. Wallis Budge (of which I do not put too much credence in his tranlastions) says that Horus means something similar to "He who is above" and Set therefore "He who is below", thus holding a significance to "As Above, So Below" and the Baphomet idol long regarded as a form of hidden knowledge. Considering Set's name had similar hieroglyphic connections to stone, it can be suggested further that this god was a personification of the lands of death, stony land and the desert wastes. Set's direction was also often as previously mentioned.

Looking at this history, you can find that Set was worshiped in the very beginning as a god of good and not evil at all. His position was changed, as I understand it, by the priests of the day which had an interest in changing things to fit their political purpose. Sounds like the xtian church. So, the attributes of Set were changed completely from light to darkness by humans. While Set has been considered for being a beneficial God, his darker side lays foundations of power and awe, from which lived on even beyond his name being denounced and demonized. He has basically been given a bum rap, but he has certainly overcome it.



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Luciferianism Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by empress2k 25.06.09 12:48

Maxx wrote:To clarify, Set and Horus have a close connection as not only brothers but also deific opposites.

Maxx, just to clarify, Set (Seth) is actually Horus's uncle..Smile Set is Osiris's brother. Horus was the direct heir to the throne after Osiris was killed by Set the second time and departed into the Underworld. Hence, Set became Horus's greatest enemy..Smile

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Luciferianism Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Maxx 25.06.09 14:44

I was close. Thanks



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Luciferianism Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by empress2k 25.06.09 14:52


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Luciferianism Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Jonathan 25.06.09 16:37

empress2k wrote:
Maxx wrote:To clarify, Set and Horus have a close connection as not only brothers but also deific opposites.

Maxx, just to clarify, Set (Seth) is actually Horus's uncle..Smile Set is Osiris's brother. Horus was the direct heir to the throne after Osiris was killed by Set the second time and departed into the Underworld. Hence, Set became Horus's greatest enemy..Smile
Exactly... and that is a major hint at the battles that the Asetians call Epic Wars, between two opposing empires, in one side Horus' armies (the Order of Aset Ka) and in the other the armies of Seth (the Red Order of Aset). Mythology and history coming up together.

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Luciferianism Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Syrianeh 25.06.09 16:47

Jonathan wrote:
Exactly... and that is a major hint at the battles that the Asetians call Epic Wars, between two opposing empires, in one side Horus' armies (the Order of Aset Ka) and in the other the armies of Seth (the Red Order of Aset). Mythology and history coming up together.

Red order of Aset?

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Luciferianism Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by empress2k 25.06.09 16:51

I am sure he meant Red Order of Seth.. Smile

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Luciferianism Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Jonathan 25.06.09 17:25

Oh my freaking gods... LOL
I meant Red Order of Seth, please forgive me. Smile

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Luciferianism Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Ankhhape 08.07.09 11:26

Prometheus - Lucifer

Prometheus serves as a symbol for those who reject the reigning
theistic orthodoxies and who criticize the temptation of men and women
to deify and worship the dark unknown in an effort to appease their
fears of death. Prometheus is also a symbol for those who wish to use
human achievements, especially technology, to improve the human
condition and are willing to shape nature in order to fulfill our needs
and purposes. (Prometheus Unbound)

His is a rebellion against a cruel and unjust god that would deny
humanity a rightful place at the pinnacle of created nature, just as
the God of Genesis is also cruel and thoughtless in exactly the same
manner, where he would essentially shackle Adam and Eve to a womb like
Eden and deny them growth and potentiality, keeping them childlike
slaves to answer to his whims, supernaturally indentured servants for
eternity, a position that is preposterous and unacceptable because they
did eat of the Tree and were thrown into the fields of time and space,
out of the infant womb, and into the world of experience and being, of

Prometheus demonstrates unconditional love toward the race, and if
Lucifer's motives can not easily be interpreted as love based, they are
at least altruistic in the sense of pointing Adam and Eve toward the
path of self-freedom, and both Prometheus and Lucifer were punished for
their actions: Lucifer is cursed by God above all beasts of the field,
condemned to slink eternally upon his belly and eat dust, while
Prometheus, at the order of Zeus, was shackled by Hephaestus, smith of
the gods, to a rocky crag high in the Caucasus mountains, crucified
upon a stone where a great eagle sent daily by Zeus would tear out his
liver rejuvenated during the night. He is the archetypal savior figure,
like Christ, both demigods, dully punished and tortured by God for the
"salvation" of man.

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Luciferianism Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by empress2k 08.07.09 11:32

Ankhhape wrote:Prometheus - Lucifer
just as the God of Genesis is also cruel and thoughtless in exactly the same
manner, where he would essentially shackle Adam and Eve to a womb like
Eden and deny them growth and potentiality, keeping them childlike
slaves to answer to his whims, supernaturally indentured servants for
eternity, a position that is preposterous and unacceptable because they
did eat of the Tree and were thrown into the fields of time and space,
out of the infant womb, and into the world of experience and being, of

I love this analogy considering that in order for the Spirit to grow it has to be embodied. Physical world offers unparalleled opportunities to evolve...Smile through its duality.

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