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Luciferianism - Page 2 Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Jonathan 08.07.09 11:38

Very good post, Ankhhape! Good information and very interesting parallel.
Thanks for sharing...

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Luciferianism - Page 2 Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Syrianeh 08.07.09 12:59

Indeed, thank you for sharing. I am sure there are more such parallelisms.

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Luciferianism - Page 2 Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Ankhhape 08.07.09 13:02

There are and as I draw them together in my own little mind I will post them to discuss . . . thank you all for listening.

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Luciferianism - Page 2 Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Ankhhape 08.07.09 20:02

Part II

Prometheus - Lucifer

Prometheus serves as a symbol for those who reject the reigning
theistic orthodoxies and who criticize the temptation of men and women
to deify and worship the dark unknown in an effort to appease their
fears of death. Prometheus is also a symbol for those who wish to use
human achievements, especially technology, to improve the human
condition and are willing to shape nature in order to fulfill our needs
and purposes. (Prometheus Unbound)

His is a rebellion against a cruel and unjust god that would deny
humanity a rightful place at the pinnacle of created nature, just as
the God of Genesis is also cruel and thoughtless in exactly the same
manner, where he would essentially shackle Adam and Eve to a womb like
Eden and deny them growth and potentiality, keeping them childlike
slaves to answer to his whims, supernaturally indentured servants for
eternity, a position that is preposterous and unacceptable because they
did eat of the Tree and were thrown into the fields of time and space,
out of the infant womb, and into the world of experience and being, of

Prometheus demonstrates unconditional love toward the race, and if
Lucifer's motives can not easily be interpreted as love based, they are
at least altruistic in the sense of pointing Adam and Eve toward the
path of self-freedom, and both Prometheus and Lucifer were punished for
their actions: Lucifer is cursed by God above all beasts of the field,
condemned to slink eternally upon his belly and eat dust, while
Prometheus, at the order of Zeus, was shackled by Hephaestus, smith of
the gods, to a rocky crag high in the Caucasus mountains, crucified
upon a stone where a great eagle sent daily by Zeus would tear out his
liver rejuvenated during the night. He is the archetypal savior figure,
like Christ, both demigods, dully punished and tortured by God for the
"salvation" of man.

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Luciferianism - Page 2 Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Ankhhape 25.07.09 9:13

Thank you Elendor!

Lucifer Morningstar Horus connections

The name Lucifer originally denotes the planet Venus, emphasizing its brilliance. The Vulgate employs the word also for "the light of the morning" (Job 11:17), "the signs of the zodiac"
(Job 38:32), and "the aurora" (Psalm 109:3).

Metaphorically, the word Lucifer is applied to the King of Babylon (Isaiah 14:12) as preeminent among the princes of his time;

To the high priest Simon son of Onias (Ecclesiasticus 50:6), for his surpassing virtue, to the glory of heaven (Apocalypse 2:28)

Finally, to Jesus Christ himself (II Petr. 1:19; Apocalypse 22:16; the "Exultet" of Holy Saturday) the true light of our spiritual life. The Syriac version and the version of Aquila derive the Hebrew noun helel from the verb yalal, "to lament"; St. Jerome agrees with them (In Isaiah 1:14), and makes Lucifer the name of the principal fallen angel who must lament the loss of his original glory bright as the morning star.

In Christian tradition this meaning of Lucifer has prevailed; the Fathers maintain that Lucifer is not the proper name of the devil, but denotes only the state from which he has fallen

Horus Morningstar

Horus has typically been identified with the sun. Other scholars have advanced arguments that the god is to be identified with the planet Venus; with the star Sirius; and with the amorphous sky.

The cult of Horus is prominent already in pre-dynastic times (Writing itself is first attested in Egypt during the pre-dynastic Period, ca. 3200 B.C.E.

Rulers at Nekhen, for example, worshiped the falcon-god prior to the unification of Egypt. In the Early Dynastic Period (ca. 3000-2600 B.C.E.), Horus is explicitly identified as a star.

This much is evident from the fact that royal domains were named after the astral god. The domain established by Anedjib was called Ór-sbå-t, "Horus, star of the corporation (of gods)."

Hetepsekhemwy established a domain called Ór-?œ-sbå, "Horus risen as a star."
Khasekhemwy founded a new domain called Ór-sbå-båw, "Horus, the star of souls."

Most informative, perhaps, is the domain established at the beginning of the Third Dynasty by Djoser, named Ór-sbå-?nti-pt, "Horus, star at the front of the sky"

Additional information regarding the star-god Horus is to be found in the Pyramid Texts dating from roughly a half millennium later (2300 B.C.E.). That Horus was not the sun, as often maintained, is suggested by various hymns wherein the god is clearly distinguished from the ancient sun god Ra.

In the following passage, for example, Horus (as the deceased king) is implored to ascend to heaven and join Re: "Rêœ summons you into the zenith of the sky as the Jackal, the Governor of the Two Enneads, and as Horus Ônty-mnit.f; may he set you as the Morning Star in the midst of the Field of Rushes.

Raymond Faulkner, considered it a foregone conclusion that Venus must be the stellar body referenced by the phrase "Morning Star." Thus, in a comprehensive survey of Egyptian star-lore Faulkner wrote as follows: "As regards the identification of the Morning Star and the Lone Star with actual celestial bodies, there can be little doubt that, as elsewhere, the Morning Star is Phosphorus, Venus as seen at dawn."

The most detailed study of Egyptian star religion to date is that by Rolf Krauss. He, too, would identify Horus with the planet Venus, citing as evidence various passages in the Pyramid Texts that describe the star as shining in the "eastern" portion of the morning sky while moving with
respect to other stars, a characteristic of planets rather than stars.

Krauss summarized his findings as follows:
"As early as the beginning of dynastic times Horus seems to be identified with the planet Venus. The names of the so-called royal vineyards describe Horus as a star. The name of Djoser's vineyard reveals that Horus is a particular star ‘at the front of the sky'. The identification of Horus with Venus as known from the Pyramid Texts suggests itself…Royal ideology and ideas about the Hereafter seem to have had cosmological and stellar foundations which may well go back to pre-dynastic times.

An analysis of Horus's early epithets offers additional insight into his astral origins. A recurring epithet of the god is Duat, traditionally translated as "Netherworld."

The word Duat, in turn, is derived from the root dwå, "morning," whence comes Horus's epithet Neter Dua "Morning Star (or God)."

The etymology of Duat suggests that Horus's identity as the Morning Star is indissolubly connected to his role as Lord of the "Netherworld." In a passage from the Pyramid Texts the association between the "Morning Star" and the Duat is made explicit: "O Morning Star, Horus of the Netherworld, divine Falcon, wådåd-bird whom the sky bore"

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Luciferianism - Page 2 Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Ankhhape 13.08.09 13:25

Further Luciferic observations: DNA

Luciferianism - Page 2 Dnastrand

Which looks very much like the Twin Serpent Hermetic (Thoth) Caduceus,
originally a sign of Mercury(who holds it in his Left Hand!) widely
used in works on astronomy, astrology and alchemy, later it was used as
a symbol of commerce and finally finding its home today as entwined
with serpents, not winged but surmounted by a dove, with the biblical
epigraph "Be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves"

Luciferianism - Page 2 Caduceus

Egyptian creation myths refer to a serpent and a primordial egg, which contained a bird of light.The Pharaohs of unified Egypt wore the trademark double crown of Horus and Set, represented by the vulture and the cobra. The serpent coiled on the foreheads of the Pharaohs represented divine fire, which originated at the base of the spine and ascended it just as the serpent had crawled up the Tree of Life.

The Greek poets and mythologists took the idea of the Caduceus of Mercury from the Egyptians. The Caduceus is found as two serpents twisted round a rod, on Egyptian monuments
built before Osiris. The Greeks altered this. We find it again in the
hands of Esculapius assuming a different form to the wand of Mercurius
or Hermes.

Another look and we can see this symbolism at work in the form of
the Serpent Power known in India as Kundalini, which when raised to the
Ajna Chakra opens the third eye and one becomes enlightened (gnosis).

Luciferianism - Page 2 Chakra

Lucifer may be more than a metaphor for rebellion, enlightenment
and advancement - as the pure creative and motive light, Lucifer may
actually be the key to life itself.

The DNA within the nuclei of all cells of living creatures contains
biophotons or ultra-weak proton emissions - in other words, light!

A dynamic web of light constantly released and absorbed by the DNA
connects cells, tissues and organs and serve as the organism's main
communication network.

Lucifer is on the move inside you and me, chattering between cell
and cell, rousing the cohorts of the life-force, keeping us alive and
wonderful. Every man and woman is a star - and now we know we have our own inner light.

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Luciferianism - Page 2 Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by sungodaurora 13.08.09 14:20

Thank you for the information.

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Luciferianism - Page 2 Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by AkashaVanityUniverse 24.05.13 8:41


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Luciferianism - Page 2 Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by sikvdili 07.10.13 20:27

The one thing that kinda annoys me is the misconception that Lucifer is a satanic or Abrahamic concept or deity.

When in actuality it is an italic concept representing the male form of the Goddess "Venus".

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Luciferianism - Page 2 Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Nightshade 08.10.13 1:13

Venus, Lucifer, to me they are thought forms. A force that can be used in ritual but not the actual gods. They're created by humanity and they're cultural. Divinity is a whole different thing.

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Luciferianism - Page 2 Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by sikvdili 14.10.13 20:24

Nightshade wrote:Venus, Lucifer, to me they are thought forms. A force that can be used in ritual but not the actual gods. They're created by humanity and they're cultural. Divinity is a whole different thing.


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Luciferianism - Page 2 Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Jonathan 18.10.13 0:41

Nightshade wrote:Venus, Lucifer, to me they are thought forms. A force that can be used in ritual but not the actual gods. They're created by humanity and they're cultural. Divinity is a whole different thing.
I agree. Smile

Many can't see that...

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Luciferianism - Page 2 Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by ChaosRose 12.07.14 9:17

Thanks for posting this. It's very informative.

I especially relate to these bits...

Dogma is also a trap which can lead towards spiritual stagnation.

Often, clubs, orders and other thought trapping devices will trick the individual into accepting a code and uniformities of like minds.

I think every group is susceptible to this, and it's really only the trapping of ego that leads people to believe they are in the "one true" group that doesn't have this issue.

Observe groups and learn from them, but avoid being a follower.


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Luciferianism - Page 2 Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Maxx 12.07.14 14:00

ChaosRose...I see you have read enough of the articles here to have seen that it is requested that one needs to introduce oneself here so all can become familiar with your background and how you have gotten to the point that you are in your life. Thanks for your input.

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Luciferianism - Page 2 Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Maxx 12.07.14 15:50

Jonathan wrote:
Nightshade wrote:Venus, Lucifer, to me they are thought forms. A force that can be used in ritual but not the actual gods. They're created by humanity and they're cultural. Divinity is a whole different thing.
I agree. Smile

Many can't see that...

My contention is working with the subject (being, thought form, etc) and the purpose for which you invoke comes to pass more and more often, I say your connection is working.  Even for the Christians Jesus is an example of that.  There may have been a physical person that was here named Jesus, but no way in their religion are they connecting to the Jesus that is written in the bible and the Jesus that did walk the earth.  That "thought form" has been created by many over years and actually produces substance for the believers.  Whether worshiped or connected to in ritual I cannot see a big difference as the same thing is accomplished.

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Luciferianism - Page 2 Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by ChaosRose 12.07.14 18:48

Maxx wrote:ChaosRose...I see you have read enough of the articles here to have seen that it is requested that one needs to introduce oneself here so all can become familiar with your background and how you have gotten to the point that you are in your life.  Thanks for your input.

Actually, I hadn't read anything about that yet.

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Luciferianism - Page 2 Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Maxx 13.07.14 11:53

Maxx wrote:
Jonathan wrote:
Nightshade wrote:Venus, Lucifer, to me they are thought forms. A force that can be used in ritual but not the actual gods. They're created by humanity and they're cultural. Divinity is a whole different thing.
I agree. Smile

Many can't see that...

My contention is working with the subject (being, thought form, etc) and the purpose for which you invoke comes to pass more and more often, I say your connection is working.  Even for the Christians Jesus is an example of that.  There may have been a physical person that was here named Jesus, but no way in their religion are they connecting to the Jesus that is written in the bible and the Jesus that did walk the earth.  That "thought form" has been created by many over years and actually produces substance for the believers.  Whether worshiped or connected to in ritual I cannot see a big difference as the same thing is accomplished.

this goes along with it...
YOUR THOUGHTS MAKE a huge difference in how, or whether, you achieve a higher state of consciousness. They shape and form you. How you think defines how you perceive yourself. How you perceive yourself determines the possibilities of what you believe you can achieve. Your self-perception is pre-determined by your thoughts. It includes not only your surface thoughts, but also your internal thoughts continuously going on in the back of your mind that you’re not fully aware of. Those include your feelings of being threatened by other people who may not believe or seek what you do, judging yourself, and comparing yourself to others. It also includes your preconceived ideals of having to be like others and not living your own life. Your thoughts may keep you from asking the all-important question deep inside that will lead to your liberation and spiritual awakening. You may bypass it just because of your perceived judgment from other people. That assumption comes from your inner mind. Thinking in that process confirms you are a product of the matrix rather than the product of self-liberation. The matrix is the global consciousness of the planet. Matrix is a new word. The old word was the Gaia mind. The Gaia mind , or matrix, is the collective of hundreds of billions -- if not trillions -- of living, thinking creatures (human beings and animals) collectively pooling their intelligence. The matrix tells you how to function in life the same way those red blood cells or white blood cells in your body know how to function. There is a control mechanism that keeps your thoughts and motivations in check.

For now, let us concentrate on the thought process. The majority of spiritual teachings emphasize the importance of being aware of how you’re thinking. A good way to do that is to be mindful. Mindfulness means to be aware of yourself, of what you’re thinking and how you’re thinking. If you’re mindful of your thoughts , you will have a lot more spiritual breakthroughs. That brings us to willpower. Willpower directs your thoughts to achieve a goal. Both willpower and mindfulness affect the thought process.

Pepin, Eric (2013-12-15). Igniting the Sixth Sense: The Lost Human Sensory that Holds the Key to Spiritual Awakening and Unlocking the Power of the Universe (Kindle Locations 163-166). Higher Balance Publishing. Kindle Edition.


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Luciferianism - Page 2 Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Maxx 13.07.14 11:59

and ChaosRose, It is customary here that everyone new to the forum enter a short history about their studies from the past and what prompted them to join into this forum.  That would even be required of Michelle Belanger joining this forum again under an assumed name (not to infer that is you at all).  We just like to know to whom we are engaging with in a civil and polite manner.  Thanks.

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Luciferianism - Page 2 Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by ChaosRose 13.07.14 22:38

Not sure where that requirement was listed. Where do people usually do this? I'm finding all of 3 introductions under search. Do you just mean on my profile?

This is a little bit awkward. I have not ever experienced this reception upon joining a forum before. I saw that the forum was for open-minded individuals working toward spiritual development, and that anyone was welcome, including vampires, otherkin, and even humans. I thought I could learn something here. I didn't expect that anyone would think I was someone else...let alone someone so famous (or infamous as the case may be). My name actually is Rose, but there was already a Rose, and I didn't want to be Rose362 or something similar.

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Luciferianism - Page 2 Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Nightshade 14.07.14 0:02

I'm failing to see the connection between this being a forum maintained by open-minded occultists and the fact that someone asked you for an introduction.

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Luciferianism - Page 2 Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by ChaosRose 14.07.14 0:17

Like I said, I didn't see anything stating that this was a requirement, and now I have someone hinting that I might be Michelle Belanger. Erm...that's very weird.

No one has yet stated where I'm supposed to put this introduction.

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Luciferianism - Page 2 Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Jonathan 14.07.14 0:31

You can write an introduction on the Off Topic section. It's not a requirement, just something we often ask in other to understand where everyone is coming from and what is their background. This is a diverse community so that helps.

Also I don't think Maxx was being serious about the Belanger thing. The girl just likes coming here under different pseudonyms but I don't think he was actually implying you're another one.

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Luciferianism - Page 2 Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by ChaosRose 14.07.14 0:46

Well, I've never really been the "introduce myself" sort. It's nothing personal. I've just always felt that people would know me soon enough through my posts. I'm usually pretty active on the sites I join.


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Luciferianism - Page 2 Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Maxx 14.07.14 8:06

First of all, Nightshade, I know you have seen Jonathan and kalb saying the same thing. One can find all those introductions in Other section. Also, In brackets I mentioned I did not accuse you of being someone else. This is certainly an instance of manipulating words.
So in case you feel uncomfortable, Do not post your info. I am surprised with this comment actually from both of you.

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Luciferianism - Page 2 Empty Re: Luciferianism

Post by Jonathan 14.07.14 15:33

Maxx I think you meant to say ChaosRose and not Nightshade. lol

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Luciferianism - Page 2 Empty Re: Luciferianism

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