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Post by Mimz 05.08.09 13:27

First of all Hi!
I'm new here and all but while I was waiting for my account to be approved i read trough a couple of posts here...I wanted to ask about the Guardians...
What characteristics would a Guardian posses in his/her life...
I read about the anti-socialism and about the observing people and high immune system, also about the sexual thingy. So I wanted to know if a person possesses all of these things...does that make him/her a Guardian and how can that person know if he/she is...
Yes this is about me since I found a lot of traits of mine in those posts I read about and no I don't have the AK book and I can't buy it either T_T so yeah help me out here please!

Number of posts : 3
Location : Somewhere
Registration date : 2009-08-05

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Post by Daniel09 05.08.09 16:46

Well, first off. Welcome to the forum. It'd be cool if you posted an introduction in the off topic section.

Now, onto your questions. The Asetians in general are quite a varied bunch. While the Concubine, Guardian, and Viperine aspects are the most common and fundamental features of their beings, they are not definitive nor entirely accurate for each being of the lineage. Only the most basic attributes that define each lineage can be held for all of them. So, no, having all the traits described does not make you a Guardian, and you simply don't find out. In time it would reveal itself naturally, along with the Aset Ka getting involved in your life as they discover that you are awakened. (that last part is speculation on my part).

I would suggest saving up for the Asetian Bible. I did for a few months and found it quite worth the effort in the end. Till then, learn what you can from the community and become a repected member. Smile

Number of posts : 850
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Registration date : 2009-01-17

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Post by Mimz 05.08.09 17:00

Thank you ^_^

Number of posts : 3
Location : Somewhere
Registration date : 2009-08-05

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Post by Jonathan 06.08.09 0:51

Mimz, I believe Daniel has put it quite right and I don't have much to add. The details about the Guardians, just like with any other Lineage, are just guidelines and we can't that easily describe or define a member of a Lineage, since the Asetians, although very different from every other beings, are also very diverse in their own divine nature.

Also, welcome to the vampire community and feel free to introduce yourself in the Off Topic section.

Time and study will answer your questions, though. Particularly the one on how you can tell if you are a Guardian or not. Keep in mind that Guardians are a central part of the Aset Ka and very important individuals in its structure, so if you were one, you would or will be in contact with that Order at some point in your life, which is with no doubt the most influential and respected Order in the vampire world.

I would, just like Daniel, advise you to save for the Asetian Bible. If you want to learn about vampirism and this world, that is the place to start, and will give you the basics to understand most of the other things discussed in here or in any other talk about vampirism and the occult.

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Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Post by Mimz 06.08.09 6:10

Thank you, I'll try to buy the book ^^

Number of posts : 3
Location : Somewhere
Registration date : 2009-08-05

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