illuminati and the sethians

Sinata Anika Asti
Divine 277
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illuminati and the sethians - Page 2 Empty Re: illuminati and the sethians

Post by SetAzEl 07.03.10 18:22

Divine 277 wrote:But Bernini was a leader in the order of Illuminati.... that's why I asked.

The Bernini you speak this the Italian artist of the 1600s?

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illuminati and the sethians - Page 2 Empty Re: illuminati and the sethians

Post by Divine 277 08.03.10 3:51

SetAzEl wrote:
Divine 277 wrote:But Bernini was a leader in the order of Illuminati.... that's why I asked.

The Bernini you speak this the Italian artist of the 1600s?

Yes, the one who designed the "piasta " in vatican city .
Divine 277
Divine 277

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illuminati and the sethians - Page 2 Empty Re: illuminati and the sethians

Post by godofbattle 08.03.10 17:40

[quote="Jonathan"]The Aset Ka is quite pro science as well. I believe it was Victor who mentioned that they even have their own private scientific labs. Actually in the Asetian Bible itself, Master Luis Marques addresses the issue of science, and explains how science and spirituality are connected in their views and culture, as it used to be for the Ancient Egyptians, who actually had very advanced scientific knowledge. Marques scholarship is actually in science, which is quite surprising for someone so deeply connected with metaphysics, religion and spirituality.[/quote What is meyaphysics if not a more advanced form of science. Many people have heard of alchemy as being a way to make potions. Chemistry is descended from alchemy.

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illuminati and the sethians - Page 2 Empty Re: illuminati and the sethians

Post by Jonathan 08.03.10 18:20

godofbattle wrote:
Jonathan wrote:The Aset Ka is quite pro science as well. I believe it was Victor who mentioned that they even have their own private scientific labs. Actually in the Asetian Bible itself, Master Luis Marques addresses the issue of science, and explains how science and spirituality are connected in their views and culture, as it used to be for the Ancient Egyptians, who actually had very advanced scientific knowledge. Marques scholarship is actually in science, which is quite surprising for someone so deeply connected with metaphysics, religion and spirituality.
What is meyaphysics if not a more advanced form of science. Many people have heard of alchemy as being a way to make potions. Chemistry is descended from alchemy.
I Agree

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illuminati and the sethians - Page 2 Empty Re: illuminati and the sethians

Post by uENVY91 07.06.12 6:20

Personally I strongly believe Illuminati is the biggest B.S. conspiracy theory that the U.S.A. has changed drastically & blown way out of proportion. All this talk about how many of our political leaders ( If you wanna call them that : P ) & many... celebrities have started to join & follow this "cult or group" is CRAZY. And is just said to give them more fame. This Doc. really open my eyes to this awhile back. Check it out if you would like, it was pretty interesting to me. Just add another w to the ww. Sorry I can't post links yet. : ) >>> Angels vs. Demons: Fact or Fiction? Documentary, History 2009. >>>

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illuminati and the sethians - Page 2 Empty Re: illuminati and the sethians

Post by uENVY91 05.07.12 3:58

Rolling Eyes Wow, I'm really surprised that no 1 got offended by what I said ^ or that anyone has replied to this in quite awhile.

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illuminati and the sethians - Page 2 Empty Re: illuminati and the sethians

Post by Maxx 05.07.12 6:21

If anyone is interested in reading well researched info in the Illuminati section, instead of quotes of speculation and mis-direction....I would suggest two books by a Russian writer named Daniel Estulin. True Story of the Bilderberg Group and Shadow Masters.... one book can be had for about 9.95 US on audible books at Amazon.

I do have other info that will show that the Illuminati was in effect long before the 1600's and way before that time........the bavarian story is just a veil covering actual workings......The bavarian was only a pawn in their story. This is why I do have questions regarding sections of the Aset Ka as well as the Red Order of Seth....It is very interesting to follow the what might be rather than what is put out there for info and then it is found to be mis-direction......Many questions I have and I will just have to wait and see what takes place.


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illuminati and the sethians - Page 2 Empty Re: illuminati and the sethians

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 05.07.12 18:02

Thank you for the information...I will have to look into that...I am still having fun with the binaural sounds...I am trying to not have too many things going on at once...I get carried away sometimes...Like a jack of all trades, master of
Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

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illuminati and the sethians - Page 2 Empty Re: illuminati and the sethians

Post by uENVY91 05.07.12 19:24

Lol yeah. I understand & sure. But seriously tho. when u get a chance watch this, it explained a lot to me. > Angels vs. Demons: Fact or Fiction? Documentary, History 2009.

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illuminati and the sethians - Page 2 Empty Re: illuminati and the sethians

Post by Widdershins 23.02.15 0:46

Correct me if I'm wrong.

From what I've gathered, the Illuminati's major center of power is Southern California. In the US, the Sethians major center seems to be New York City.

The Illuminati....more specifically the generational bloodline nicknamed "The Illuminati" but actually call themselves "Moriah Conquering Wind"....are occultists who's major strength in the competition for control is Project Monarch. Trauma based hypnosis personality splits etc. Which is very scientific focused from the sounds of it.

I'm wondering if anyone knows if Sethians or Asetians use monarch  programming?

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illuminati and the sethians - Page 2 Empty Re: illuminati and the sethians

Post by Tehom 23.02.15 13:20

The Illuminatus, Illuminati, or whatever you may call them are as elusive as the AK. The Illuminati, from what research in multiple areas has concluded (for me, at least) are expert-scientists/occultists/etc mixing a spiritual new-world-from-an-old-era agenda with an ideology that promotes the illusion of self-choice through controlled, forced influence. This seems to be shifting somewhat to a further illusionary concept of being "free to choose" whether to accept their ways or not, whilst subconscious instructions are often psychologically embedded deep long before one has even made said choice. They do stand from a very high position of authority amongst many (very wide) circles today. Adepts at psychological and spiritual "warfare."

Said people are in the position they are in for a reason. They certainly have the wits to surpass other contenders that have desired such position in the past, although whether they stand from a position of "greater power" than the AK is… debatable. The AK would have no desire to make such a spectacle of themselves, after all. This is where the two's goals and focuses tend to differ greatly, branching off into other areas. From this, you could come to think that said organisation would affiliate with Sethians due to the concept of, how should I say, "paternal image" being relevant, in an almost dominant sense. I would not think this the case, however.

If anything, the Illuminati is far more likely to be silently supporting the AK, that is, if said connections between the two do exist. Don't take my word for any of this, however. It's only opinion.


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illuminati and the sethians - Page 2 Empty Re: illuminati and the sethians

Post by Jonathan 23.02.15 13:54

Good post Tehom. You should contribute more around here. Wink

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illuminati and the sethians - Page 2 Empty Re: illuminati and the sethians

Post by Tehom 23.02.15 13:59

I Will. Most definitely.

Thank you, Jonathan.

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illuminati and the sethians - Page 2 Empty Re: illuminati and the sethians

Post by Widdershins 21.08.15 23:21

I just watched part of the movie "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" 1992. The man who tells Buffy she is chosen, (if I heard him correctly) also says the following: "I train slave girls to kill vampires" in every incarnation.

Yes, it's just a silly movie. Still, my instant intuition was the Sethians are in control of project monarch and use monarch slaves to kill Asetians. Which could be the whole theme of the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" phenomenon.

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illuminati and the sethians - Page 2 Empty Re: illuminati and the sethians

Post by Troublemaker 24.08.15 21:43

I would like to throw an unpopular idea out there....

The Sethians are powerful but they are not the sole instigators behind every negative occult-related thing that happens.

A note: I'm not trying to come off like I possess more knowledge than anyone else, so I hope no one gets the wrong idea here.

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illuminati and the sethians - Page 2 Empty Re: illuminati and the sethians

Post by Maxx 24.08.15 22:03

why can't the Asetians also be the instigator of some of the things that appear to be of the occult negative view as well?

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illuminati and the sethians - Page 2 Empty Re: illuminati and the sethians

Post by Widdershins 24.08.15 23:03

Maxx wrote:why can't the Asetians also be the instigator of some of the things that appear to be of the occult negative view as well?

If the Asetians are of elven blood...from the first race of Gods....then from my own personal gnosis, whom ever is behind monarch programming is trying to destroy those of elven blood. I have my own reasons by connecting the dots that led me to that conclusion. If I said the reasons... it probably wouldn't convince those skeptical anyway.

OK. Now something I'm putting out there that I've been hesitating whether or not I should discuss it on here. Maybe it could help someone, so I decided to go ahead. It based on what I've come to believe. You are welcome to disagree.

-There are many parts to a human soul/spirit
-One part of the human soul/spirit contains all our memories incarnate and in the other realms
-This part of the human soul with the memories has a limited amount of energy that can be used up by excessive pain or too much pleasure during an incarnation
-If a human has a very painful lifetime then all of the energy for that part containing our memories can be used up before that human has blossomed or evolved to their full potential...thus stopping that "human" from future incarnations.
-If that above situation happens, than overcoming their own personal underworld in the spirit realm would be the only way for that being to evolve...if they fail there...they would cease to be intact with their memories. Thus lose their sense of self.

I think that "part" of what monarch programming is tying to achieve is to expose those of elven blood to extreme pain and extreme pleasure to use up all the energy that is stored in that part of the soul that contains a person's memories. Thus weakening their enemies by stopping them from future incarnations.

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illuminati and the sethians - Page 2 Empty Re: illuminati and the sethians

Post by Troublemaker 24.08.15 23:14

Asetians are not of elven blood... where are you getting that from??

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illuminati and the sethians - Page 2 Empty Re: illuminati and the sethians

Post by Jonathan 25.08.15 6:57

Maxx wrote:why can't the Asetians also be the instigator of some of the things that appear to be of the occult negative view as well?
Many scholars of Asetianism do see the Asetians as the negative or dark aspect of the force and Sethians as the light aspect. Deceiving light they would say.

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illuminati and the sethians - Page 2 Empty Re: illuminati and the sethians

Post by Maxx 25.08.15 7:06

To those of you that are shocked by what Jonathan just wrote, go back to what Victor has written here. His statement that some acts of the Asetians can sometimes be even darker than some of the acts attributed to the Sethians. There is more to this than the elementary war between light and darkness.

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illuminati and the sethians - Page 2 Empty Re: illuminati and the sethians

Post by Widdershins 25.08.15 21:43

Rhea Kaye wrote:Asetians are not of elven blood... where are you getting that from??

If the two main forces of primal power are either Sethians or Asetians then those of the elven blood would make much more sense to me if they originate from the Asetian side. I'm interested in any opposing views. PM me if you'd like.

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illuminati and the sethians - Page 2 Empty Re: illuminati and the sethians

Post by Widdershins 25.08.15 21:53

Jonathan wrote:
Maxx wrote:why can't the Asetians also be the instigator of some of the things that appear to be of the occult negative view as well?
Many scholars of Asetianism do see the Asetians as the negative or dark aspect of the force and Sethians as the light aspect. Deceiving light they would say.

Ever watch the movie Neverending Story III 1994:

The group of bullies that screw around with the imaginary world of Fantasia are the Sethians IMO. Deceiving light....

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illuminati and the sethians - Page 2 Empty Re: illuminati and the sethians

Post by Maxx 26.08.15 9:02

I am not certain one can take a movie of fantasy and base any conclusion on anything. If you care to give additional research I am sure the movie goers will be happy to consider this research.

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illuminati and the sethians - Page 2 Empty Re: illuminati and the sethians

Post by Troublemaker 26.08.15 11:16

Can we just quit trying to focus everything upon the Sethians and instead take into consideration the fact that the universe is a very large and complex place?

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illuminati and the sethians - Page 2 Empty Re: illuminati and the sethians

Post by Maxx 26.08.15 11:30

where are you getting your information? LOL

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