Aset Ka's Shrine/Temple Moving?

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Aset Ka's Shrine/Temple Moving? Empty Aset Ka's Shrine/Temple Moving?

Post by Gilded 08.10.09 15:49

The central Asetian shrine and temple in Europe for the past 30 years will be moved to a new location during the next week.
about 2 hours ago from Twittelator

Luis Marques said this 2 hours ago on Twitter. What do you all think about this exciting yet strange news which Master Marques chose to share with his followers? What do you think is the reason?

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Aset Ka's Shrine/Temple Moving? Empty Re: Aset Ka's Shrine/Temple Moving?

Post by Jonathan 08.10.09 15:57

This is really interesting, but there are so many possibilities of what may be the reasons behind such move, and I have a feeling we will never know them.

So the current Temple, at least the main one, is located in Porto for the past 30 years. That is quite a long time. I wonder where it will move, or if it will leave Porto, but I rather doubt that. Possibly a better and more secure location in Porto. After all, that is a well known Asetian realm and without doubt one of the greater vampire centers in the world.

Could the reason be increased security? Given all the new exposure the Aset Ka has in this new Djehuty, especially after the release of the Asetian Bible, it may be needed increased security features that were not available in the earlier Temple planning.

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Aset Ka's Shrine/Temple Moving? Empty Re: Aset Ka's Shrine/Temple Moving?

Post by Aghrab 09.10.09 0:33

I, as well as many others, feel deeply honored to be able to know such intimate news about the Aset Ka, but when I read, as happy as I was, a sense of worry came over me... What if they are doing this for a reason that involves lack of secrecy, meaning they are finding themselves in danger, or any other issues? It worries me to think of such negative reasons, but, then again, would the Aset Ka tell us "We are in trouble?" like that in public?... I doubt it, so I still have hopes that their reason for moving the Shrine is a good, positive reason.

May Aset keep them safe...


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Aset Ka's Shrine/Temple Moving? Empty Re: Aset Ka's Shrine/Temple Moving?

Post by Daniel09 09.10.09 3:57

I think they likely do this every generation. It would explain why no one has been able to find them. They just clean house and no one's the wiser when they choose a new place.

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Aset Ka's Shrine/Temple Moving? Empty Re: Aset Ka's Shrine/Temple Moving?

Post by Syrianeh 09.10.09 4:28

I am wondering what are Luis Marques' reasons for sharing this news in Twitter.

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Aset Ka's Shrine/Temple Moving? Empty Re: Aset Ka's Shrine/Temple Moving?

Post by Victor 09.10.09 9:24

Syrianeh wrote:I am wondering what are Luis Marques' reasons for sharing this news in Twitter.
I was wondering the same.

I am torn between two possibilities. One, he was just giving the Asetianists more spiritual food for being close to the Aset Ka, their workings and sacred realities; Two, this was a hidden tease for the ROS. A way of saying "here, grab a cookie, we're moving the most sacred place and you can know about it, but yet can't reach it". They have secretly exchanged that sort of power plays for centuries.

I am more inclined to the first option, but yet the second remains a possibility. Actually, both possibilities may even coexist as motivations for such information being accessible to most of us, unlike what usually happens.

One thing remains, we will never fully understand the mind of a Viperine and see what they see.

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Aset Ka's Shrine/Temple Moving? Empty Re: Aset Ka's Shrine/Temple Moving?

Post by Dreamer 12.10.09 15:38

I can't guess why they are moving, but I wish them luck and safety, whatever the reason may be, positive or negative.

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Aset Ka's Shrine/Temple Moving? Empty Re: Aset Ka's Shrine/Temple Moving?

Post by Phoenix 14.10.09 22:18

I, too, wondered the reason for this move when I saw Luis Marques' tweet. All posts above present logical purposes for the change of location. I sometimes see the AK's communications with us as multi-layered, meaning hidden within meaning. Yet, again, the reason could be temporal, like needing larger or more updated temple quarters.

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Aset Ka's Shrine/Temple Moving? Empty Re: Aset Ka's Shrine/Temple Moving?

Post by Syrianeh 22.10.09 1:41

Also, he said that it was the Shrine in Europe that was moving. So I suppose this means there are other Shrines in other parts of the world. Perhaps the Middle East? There must be one in Egypt for certain.

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Aset Ka's Shrine/Temple Moving? Empty Re: Aset Ka's Shrine/Temple Moving?

Post by Victor 23.10.09 12:24

Syrianeh wrote:Also, he said that it was the Shrine in Europe that was moving. So I suppose this means there are other Shrines in other parts of the world. Perhaps the Middle East? There must be one in Egypt for certain.
In the Middle East, definitely.

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