Old Serpent.
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Re: Old Serpent.
And the Ark of the Covenant is a symbolical synthesis of the tarot. I have even seen where the priests would use the area between the angels on the top of the Ark to use the Urim and Thummim for divination which was actually a use of the tarot.
Maxx- Master
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Re: Old Serpent.
Maxx wrote:Sun is Male Moon is female.
Whenever Thoth and Ra are mentioned, they are both male names. They are opposite one is Day the other is Night. According to Asetian Bible, when the Yin Yang intersect, love arises, new life forms arise. I can give you the example of Shu and Tefnut
Re: Old Serpent.
you might be correct....but I am finding that the reflection of the sun shows in the moon and you have a very different situation here in that step down and refinement of that energy. The energy from Ra or the Sun is the essence of all actions that are reflected towards the planets in orbit here. Take the male body and also the female body. Both are transformers from the energy from that Sun... but they both are also transmitters after that energy is refined. According to how and where each planet in our system is aligned at any given time, there will be a change of that energy that is being transmitted. It will effect everything in some way or another. The moon will never be able to do this as the source. It will always be a reflection of the primary source of this universal energy as the reflection of that energy will be changed and then in a more subtle way have its effect. But it will be a different effect than coming directly from Ra.
Maxx- Master
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Re: Old Serpent.
the passive is always the medium of the active.
Maxx- Master
- Number of posts : 4334
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Re: Old Serpent.
Maxx I understand what you're trying to say and part of your theory is correct, but don't forget that when talking about energy we are speaking also in terms of metaphysical vibration. While the Sun is a major source of powerful energy, that's mostly in its material vibration expressed as visible light and infrared heat. Other celestial objects emanate energy of a very different vibration that just because it's invisible doesn't mean it's less useful. Yes the Moon reflects the visible light of the Sun and its energy, but it also has its own inner vibration that can affect mood, emotion and magick. The thing about the Moon is that its power is far more hidden and cloaked than that of the Sun that's more stinging and open. Most lightside practitioners learn to use the energy of the Sun but only the works of darkness take full advantage of the secrets of the Moon and the other darker planets within our solar system. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?
Jonathan- Master
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Re: Old Serpent.
Just a small note. The 7 Seals of Revelation, can perfectly represent the 7 Asetian Pillars.
Re: Old Serpent.
You have everything correct (to my knowledge) except possibly one thing - which anyone could misinterpret (just like much of scripture is probably misinterpreted and then still used to indoctrinate and change the truth and then Instill it). The serpent is evil(according to the bible)... But the part I think you may have confused is the Angels of God and the Army of Lucifer... As far as I know, the army of lucifer is not the soldiers of the serpent or the devil but are the actual Angels which work with lucifer... Gods Angels are evil-have become evil (Michael, Gabriel etc...) and do not at all represent who God is and actually began serving the serpent whether that be on purpose or just carelessness I'm not too sure. Then there is a leviathanian warrior - which is not in league with the serpent and they each are individual and created in exact correspondence of the sky serpent leviathan(they are not physical body but each a human form and set out in vast expanse like the serpent) - but they were born and bred with these serpent genetics in order to take down the evil serpent/dragon... Which is different than leviathan... The morality of leviathan is questionable. So it seems each offspring or creation intended to be one way - many of them have branched off and become something else. The leviathanian army is actually one of the biggest race in existence... As far as population goes and they are in the same group of aliens I am from. (In my introduction)... And as far as the leviathanian army goes I have no idea if they too left the sky serpent or if they are still like a suspension kind of... Hard to say. And as far as the dragons Angels/demons.. I'm also fairly certain they too reject the dragon and have become allegiant to something else...
There are some other verses about dragons I read before but googling the words wouldn't cause u to find them... But one of them is of God telling the dragons to come and worship him and that they are like God... So as far as I know a dragon is neither good nor evil based on simply being a dragon but there is one dragon whom has truly been a problem and that was the issue... A truly evil existence.
There are some other verses about dragons I read before but googling the words wouldn't cause u to find them... But one of them is of God telling the dragons to come and worship him and that they are like God... So as far as I know a dragon is neither good nor evil based on simply being a dragon but there is one dragon whom has truly been a problem and that was the issue... A truly evil existence.
EdwardCullen- Banned
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