Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?

Akh -Ba
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Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?  Empty Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?

Post by Divine 277 05.12.10 13:58

Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?

The rezone I ask is, because some I know of, needs to prove there power by making other feel sick when they self feel fury, or if they feel like someone disagrees whit them .....

So my question is ... Is it right to use force, just to feel powerful, and to feel like you are above and in control of another being ?

I would rely like you all, to answer this one on a personal basis Smile

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?  Empty Re: Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?

Post by Jonathan 05.12.10 16:55

Obviously that is wrong, and it is not true power. The mightiest of powers do not need proof and remain in silence, even the Asetians keep teaching us that. Their enemies have learnt that the hard way.

The ones that constantly ask for proof are the ones who crave power but have none of their own. Proof is only food for ego, but true power needs no ego.

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Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?  Empty Re: Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?

Post by Daniel09 05.12.10 17:34

Proof is what you need when you are in doubt about yourself.

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Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?  Empty Re: Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?

Post by Divine 277 06.12.10 9:10

Does everyone agree whit this ?
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?  Empty Re: Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?

Post by N.Augusta 06.12.10 16:02

I agree with what Jonathan and Daniel have said.

What you are describing here, sounds to me, like someone projecting their falsely inflated ego. People like that wear colorful theatrical masks of illusion in order to veil their deeply embedded insecurities. They are truly afraid to face their inner demons and psychological issues, thus, they have not much power. They will be destroyed by their own unbalanced dysfunctional ego and their own inner self-empowered demons...eventually or even worse, they will be destroyed by someone else, someone whom has great power.

To answer your question, "Is it right to use force, just to feel powerful, and to feel like you are above and in control of another being?" Absolutely not! This abusive and unethical behavior is a reflection of their inner self and reactionary to their inner fears. Indeed, they have some underlying psychological issues. He who has a strong mind has strong power! <---Oh my, 'scratch' that really sounded like a fortune cookie.

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Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?  Empty Re: Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?

Post by Akh -Ba 06.12.10 19:32

who needs power? hwo needs proof? the world is better of with no one with exeptional power at all but it depends on what power you are speaking of ? ......... anyway you cant see anything that your ego do not want you to see anyway....

over and out on the subject for me...

oh yeah lash out... but its true................

apologize`s my shen ain`t feeling wel today.....
Akh -Ba
Akh -Ba

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Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?  Empty Re: Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 06.12.10 23:47

It is not justifiable in any way... I agree with everyone and N. Augusta stated exactly what I was thinking... As long as you know what you are capable of, who cares what anyone else knows, or thinks... Silence is golden...
Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

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Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?  Empty Re: Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?

Post by Divine 277 07.12.10 10:00

Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?  77026_163130693721748_100000744543714_346753_1658344_n

Thank you all, for your response
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?  Empty Re: Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?

Post by GodmanOmar777 08.12.10 14:20

N.Augusta wrote:I agree with what Jonathan and Daniel have said.

What you are describing here, sounds to me, like someone projecting their falsely inflated ego. People like that wear colorful theatrical masks of illusion in order to veil their deeply embedded insecurities. They are truly afraid to face their inner demons and psychological issues, thus, they have not much power. They will be destroyed by their own unbalanced dysfunctional ego and their own inner self-empowered demons...eventually or even worse, they will be destroyed by someone else, someone whom has great power.

To answer your question, "Is it right to use force, just to feel powerful, and to feel like you are above and in control of another being?" Absolutely not! This abusive and unethical behavior is a reflection of their inner self and reactionary to their inner fears. Indeed, they have some underlying psychological issues. He who has a strong mind has strong power! <---Oh my, 'scratch' that really sounded like a fortune cookie.
I Agree Twisted Evil

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Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?  Empty Re: Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?

Post by AndreiaLi 12.12.10 15:15

If you use your power only to show yourself to others, to feel somehow "superior", you will be using it in a useless way. And I think that the ones that keep doing that in a constant way will never know what true power is.

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Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?  Empty Re: Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?

Post by AndreiaLi 12.12.10 15:17

I forgot to insert in the beginning of my text Agreeing with the post of Jonathan and Daniel.

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Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?  Empty Re: Who here thinks, true power needs to be proven ?

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