New home page for the Aset Ka

Sinata Anika Asti
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New home page for the Aset Ka Empty New home page for the Aset Ka

Post by Syrianeh 07.02.12 15:06

The Aset Ka has changed its home page: with a new, intriguing and promising message:

"Can you see Orion reflected in your inner desert?
This year you will learn what the ancients have written in the stars..:"

This same message was tweeted by Luis Marques today.

What are your opinions on this?


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New home page for the Aset Ka Empty Re: New home page for the Aset Ka

Post by Kalb 07.02.12 15:16

Em Hotep,

Definitely something very powerful. I am so fascinated and excited, for some years I have shown a great passion about Orion, including i posted things about Orion here. This information is something that I was looking everywhere and now it seems that the AK will share something very valuable. I hope anxiously for the revelation.

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New home page for the Aset Ka Empty Re: New home page for the Aset Ka

Post by Hioman 07.02.12 17:35

I think the big revelation will be that which lies inside our inner. But only those with the eyes of the Heart and the Soul will be able to appreciate such Written, such Phenomenon, such Learning.

...the Starlights ... the light of Wisdom ... the Sacred Heka.

May we reflect and meditate about our "inner desert" =)
Think we can learn much more with what we have in our inner self...subtle.

But, i also wait anxiously for the revelation, Stalker ^^

*I bow deeply*

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New home page for the Aset Ka Empty Re: New home page for the Aset Ka

Post by Jonathan 08.02.12 8:37

Thank you for pointing this out Syrianeh. Very interesting stuff...

It's truly intriguing, especially in the way the message is worded. Seems like this is going to be another unique year for the world to remember. I'm glad to be here! Very Happy

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New home page for the Aset Ka Empty Re: New home page for the Aset Ka

Post by Daniel09 08.02.12 10:04

It's very theatric, but I've come to expect this from the Aset Ka's web developers.

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New home page for the Aset Ka Empty Re: New home page for the Aset Ka

Post by Victor 09.02.12 11:49


I was wondering when we would be hearing about Orion from the Asetians themselves…

I sense powerful magick. Make yourselves ready.

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New home page for the Aset Ka Empty Re: New home page for the Aset Ka

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 10.02.12 4:46

There are 7 main stars in Orion... That is interesting all in itself... I just pulled this information off of Wikipeida:

"The stars of Orion were associated with Osiris, the sun-god of rebirth and afterlife, by the ancient Egyptians.[16][17][18]

Orion has also been identified with the Egyptian Pharaoh of the Fifth Dynasty called Unas who, according to the Pyramid Texts, became great by eating the flesh of his mortal enemies and then slaying and devouring the gods themselves. This was based on a belief in contiguous magic whereby consuming the flesh of great people would bring inheritance of their power.[17] After devouring the gods and absorbing their spirits and powers, Unas journeys through the day and night sky to become the star Sabu, or Orion.[16] The Pyramid Texts also show that the dead Pharaoh was identified with the god Osiris, whose form in the stars was often said to be the constellation Orion.[16]"

Personally...I have been researching a connection to all of this from space...A lot has led me to focus on the particular stars of Sirius A & Sirius B... I will now post some basic information again from Wikipedia, as I need to get offline... It is quite interesting and I was going to wait until I gathered more information to bring this topic up. Stalker had asked me to write a new post, and this connection was going to be what I discussed...

"Sirius, known in ancient Egypt as Sopdet (Greek: Sothis), is recorded in the earliest astronomical records. During the era of the Middle Kingdom, Egyptians based their calendar on the heliacal rising of Sirius, namely the day it becomes visible just before sunrise after moving far enough away from the glare of the Sun. This occurred just before the annual flooding of the Nile and the summer solstice,[17] after a 70-day absence from the skies.[18] The hieroglyph for Sothis features a star and a triangle. Sothis was identified with the great goddess Isis, who formed a part of a trinity with her husband Osiris and their son Horus, while the 70-day period symbolised the passing of Isis and Osiris through the duat (Egyptian underworld).[18]"

"Many cultures have historically attached special significance to Sirius, particularly in relation to dogs. Indeed, it is often colloquially called the "Dog Star" as the brightest star of Canis Major, the "Great Dog" constellation.

It was classically depicted as Orion's dog."

Concerning the original has been speculated that they are not of this planet...What are all of your thoughts on this matter, and the connection between Orion and Sirius???[b]
Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

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New home page for the Aset Ka Empty Re: New home page for the Aset Ka

Post by Kalb 10.02.12 22:37

Em Hotep, Sinata Anika Asti.

Certainly our planet was created by Them. The Gods are everywhere and are what They want to be... the Gods are what we understand by Universe. Please, let me give you an advice.. Never considerer Wikipedia a secure source of information. The stars of Orion are associated with Aset and Asetianism not to God Osiris. The sun God is Ra not Osiris, in fact, the God Osiris is represented by a Djed hieroglyph, a symbol called the backbone of Osiris, the djed pillar represents stability, One of Egypt’s most ancient symbols, the djed's meaning is not fully understood. The djed pillar became synonymous with power and stability. Sirius is really a bright shining star, the great dog constellation... In Greek mythology, Canis Major and Canis Minor were the hunting dogs of Orion, they are some times called Orion's guard dogs. Well, to be honest with you I see more connection with God Anubis than God Osiris. The jackal god of mummification and the guardian of the cemetery, Anubis was the guardian of the cemetery, where he often appears as the jackal wearing a collar decorated with magical inscriptions and holding a flail or whip, a sign of authority. Was Anubis that guided Osiris in the realm of the dead, become protector of the Dead and Keeper of the Asetians. For me, it becomes very clear that the Loyalty of Anubis and their Children is eternal...Thus, They have a responsibility to protect the Asetians, and that means at all levels, everywhere, even in heaven .. protecting Orion belt. As Above So Below.

Dogs and jackals was many times confused in Egyptian mythology, Because of this confusion between jackals and dogs, both were called Anubis animal. On other hand, I can see a big connection between Sirius and Osiris...

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New home page for the Aset Ka Empty Re: New home page for the Aset Ka

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 11.02.12 0:20

Stalker...Em Hotep...I agree Wink and I was just using the article as a base reference for a concept...
Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

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New home page for the Aset Ka Empty Re: New home page for the Aset Ka

Post by Jonathan 11.02.12 9:19

In my opinion what is important is not to see what Gods were thought to be related with each star, because as we all know that changes from one culture to another and even in the same culture like the Egyptians those concepts changed in time.

Stalker, I have no doubt that the stars in Orion are related with Asetianism and represent things none of us knows, but we can't say that they were never related to Osiris because I think that at some point in time they connected Orion with Osiris, like in other time they connected with the pharaoh and Horus and other time with Aset and Anubis. Things change in time and we have to remember that this is mythology, the stars are not really a God or Goddess but they are used to represent ideas. Just because in myth deities are connected with stars we should not assume that as a star being an actual deity as that would make no sense. At least in my view.
I also didn't understand why you said that Orion is associated with Asetianism and not Osiris, because in my understanding Osiris is also part of Asetianism like the rest of the Egyptian pantheon, but Osiris more than many others due to his connection with Aset. Some even seem to believe they were one and the same, so who knows… just putting it out there.
I agree when you say that wikipedia is not reliable as many texts there are inaccurate or based on poor sources, but there are other articles and books to crosscheck information and take your own conclusions.

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New home page for the Aset Ka Empty Re: New home page for the Aset Ka

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 11.02.12 14:56

Jonathan, I agree with what you have written... My short response was in agreement concerning using wikipedia as a main source of reference... In varied cultures across the planet, there is a common theme of the gods coming from the "heavens" or as we know it, space... I don't like to use the term alien for the sake of conjuring an image of little green men wearing tinfoil hats... But, it is a common theme that advanced knowledge and a change in genetics came to the human race through those that fell from the sky... Also, there are pyramids on different continents... It is rumored, or thought they were here for "energy"...

I started my path seeking the truth many years ago around 13, and it led me to this wondering of where in space the gods were from... I wasn't at the point to accept a connection to another planet, star, etc... at that time... Yet... as I studied different things, here I am led again, back to this same place...
Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

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New home page for the Aset Ka Empty Re: New home page for the Aset Ka

Post by Jonathan 11.02.12 15:09

Sinata I wasn't disagreeing with you. I'm sorry if I made it sound that way. I was mostly replying to Stalker and giving my opinion on what he commented.

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New home page for the Aset Ka Empty Re: New home page for the Aset Ka

Post by Kalb 11.02.12 15:27

Em Hotep, Jonathan, I liked very much your reply.

We don't know for sure what really is or who is connected to Orion. But, the little we know is that the Three Children of Aset are connected with the stars of the orion's belt and I have a lack of clarity in this subject and I believe that perhaps the doubts about Osiris are limiting my mind. Anyway, was in the the protector essence of Osiris and the dark essence of Nepthys that a new God born: Anubis, the beginning of Lineage of Osiris.. The Keepers. Now, Aset created Her own Lineage Alone, this means that Asetians are only part of Aset and Orion is a sacred constellation to the Asetians, in fact, in secret Aset teach Them many mysteries and magick. I can suppose that in secret They worked in Orion in magickal sigils and among others things like writting because was an individual creation and learning.

You're right about mythology and time and i really agree with you. My point here is not to talk about mythology in time but understand with more details the mind of Ancient Egypt mainly Asetianism and try to find a logical and rational connection between stars and Ancients.

Osiris is the husband of Aset and They are two Lovers, of course, that Osiris is part of Asetianism and my point here is that He is not involved in the mysteries of Orion belt... Thist is one of the reason why I'm so anxious for the project that the AK will launch.

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New home page for the Aset Ka Empty Re: New home page for the Aset Ka

Post by Victor 12.02.12 8:31

I just want to remind everyone that most information that we have on Ancient Egyptian myth must be taken with a grain of salt because it's based on assumption and opinion. Yes, Egyptology is about opinions, not facts. If you think otherwise you don't understand how Egyptologists work. Most of what we know on the genealogy of the Pharaohs to the dating of the monuments and the specifics of Egyptian religion are based on comparative study, not real science. Many things I see being assumed as unquestionable truth concerning the Egyptians are postulated ideas from Egyptologists. One of the most obvious things is how the dating of the pyramids as described by Egyptologists is now being questioned by modern science and thought to be completely inaccurate. I believe Maktub once wrote a post about this, where the dating of the pyramids was drawn by simply comparing monuments and assuming that the face of the Sphynx resembles that of Khafre. So remember that even the most "scholarly" texts on Ancient Egypt may be full of nonsense.

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New home page for the Aset Ka Empty Re: New home page for the Aset Ka

Post by Shemset 12.02.12 8:39

Horus is associated with the morning star Venus as well.
But it changes according on with aspect of the god is used as reference.

My point of view is quite close of what have been said by Sinata.
More than just a stellar point of comparison, the stars represent their home.
A long long time ago the creatures that now we know as gods came to this world from several planets/stars of the universe, in order to help the earth and the humans to develop.
To be able to reach this dimension the gods had to incarnate in humans bodies, becoming ​​kings because of their great love and wisdom and later deified for their deeds.

When the pharaoh died he knew that if his heart have been pure and light, he would come back home.
He would be once more with their true family in the skies, with the other gods.


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New home page for the Aset Ka Empty Re: New home page for the Aset Ka

Post by Jonathan 12.02.12 11:01

I don't see things like that myself, like the Gods being in fact beings from other planets and such. Maybe because I have some trouble with all the alien theories, I tend to see things more in terms of different dimensions, like spiritual planes. Not really other planets.
But that's a good thing that we have different views, a set of diverse opinions is more likely to make us all grow and learn new things than if we all thought the same. Smile
Thanks a lot everyone for their input, a lot of activity and discussion lately.

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New home page for the Aset Ka Empty Re: New home page for the Aset Ka

Post by Shemset 12.02.12 11:49

Jonathan wrote:I don't see things like that myself, like the Gods being in fact beings from other planets and such. Maybe because I have some trouble with all the alien theories, I tend to see things more in terms of different dimensions, like spiritual planes. Not really other planets.
But that's a good thing that we have different views, a set of diverse opinions is more likely to make us all grow and learn new things than if we all thought the same. Smile
Thanks a lot everyone for their input, a lot of activity and discussion lately.

Well, is also a term of dimensions.
In this dimension the planets are mostly lifeless, but if we think in the 5th and so on is a whole different story. In short terms, there are plenty of "gods" in other planets in higher dimensions.

Haha, I know it sounds nuts, even I get embarrassed with myself sometimes.
Probably the Hollywood movies where the "aliens" are a bunch of green creepy bad creatures are the ones to blame. This sort of things can be really brainwashing.

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New home page for the Aset Ka Empty Re: New home page for the Aset Ka

Post by Victor 13.02.12 9:26

I found the post from Maktub that I mentioned earlier. Please read it again as it never gets old…

Maktub wrote:
A'nen Sedjet wrote:
But there is so little proof of these origins, scientists to this day all argue between Sumerian, Assyrian, Egyptian, Indian origins of things, there just isn't any positive scientific proof yet.
This assumption is not entirely correct, in terms of modern science as in terms of known history.

Assyria, as the old nation in Mesopotamia, has the oldest Assyrian rulers dating as far back as 2000BC and never older, ruling them out. Before that there was no Assyrian monarchy, or kingdom for that matter. That is, if you are not mentioning Assyria as the province of the Persian Empire, which dates even more modern (around 500BC).

As far as India goes, we assume Indian history from the beginning of the civilization from the Indus Valley, and that settlement does not go further than 3500BC (and this is even stretching a bit some of our carbon-based datations). But if we refer to the Vedic period, from where much of the Hindu occult and metaphysical knowledge flourished, then we are talking about a shifting period between the Bronze Age India and Iron Age India, which is even more modern (between 1000BC and 500BC according to most modern datations).

Now the civilization that so many like to falsely proclaim as the cradle of civilization - Sumer. The Sumerian history is the one that may cause more confusion in this subject, however, it still remains highly modern in terms of history when compared to Ancient Egypt. And yes, I am afraid the proofs you so asked are quite scientifical.

The neolithic period of the Sumerian civilization goes far back, in an extreme maximum of 5500BC (probably less), in what is known as the Ubaid period, followed by the more well known Uruk period after 4000BC.

Now... Egypt.
I can surpass the ages of all those civilizations with a single example - The Great Sphinx of Giza.

The immortal monument was first dated by direct correlation with the Khafre pyramid in the Giza plateau, pointing to an age around 2500BC, not being too precise. This was done by mere assumption that the face of the Sphinx resembled the face of a statue of the Pharaoh Khafre. Clearly not the way how Egyptology should be done and reason why there are still so many misconceptions in modern Egyptology.
Anyways, putting mere assumptions by the side and centering on pure science, we directed to the aid of Geology. The proper analysis of erosion padron on the bedrock of the Sphinx exposed quite a dramatic truth... the monument is at the very least older than 10.000BC. Several theories flourished on the top of that scientific evidence and much speculation, which is out of the scope of this thread. Anyways, without trying to lift much of the veil and bringing too much confusion into the post, that Geological datation acomplishes more than just to reset the date of the Sphinx far back, but fully redesigns medieval Egyptology. Are the 3 Pyramids really correctly dated? Are they really tombs of Pharaohs? Did Pharaohs really give their names to those huge structures? Or did in fact they merely used the name of those Temples as their own Pharaohnic names?

I leave all the answers up to you. But don't mention there is lacking proof, as far as I can tell, the most state-of-the-art research in history and science supports more easily the Asetian history and the Asetian facts, than many theories of most modern Egyptologists.


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New home page for the Aset Ka Empty Re: New home page for the Aset Ka

Post by Kalb 13.02.12 11:03

Em Hotep,
Victor, that was very nice of you. Thank you for your attention and care. It's true, I've read this article many times ... I also recommend.

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New home page for the Aset Ka Empty Re: New home page for the Aset Ka

Post by Phoenix 27.04.12 21:23

The Asetian Bible, then Kemet. I wonder how they will teach what the ancients have written in the stars.

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New home page for the Aset Ka Empty Re: New home page for the Aset Ka

Post by LucianaNocturna 06.08.12 5:13

I am currently trying to go to their site, and any and all links are not loading yet my Google is loading just fine. I believe they are updating it again.

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