vampire question

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vampire question  Empty vampire question

Post by the1eternalforsaken 10.01.13 23:18

Can a vampire "mark" a human in order to protect them? I'm not speaking by biting but more of a spiritual sense. I was told by him he did this yo protect me from other vampires because he doesn't want anyone else changing or feeding off me. Is this possible?


Number of posts : 3
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Registration date : 2013-01-04

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vampire question  Empty Re: vampire question

Post by Divine 277 11.01.13 4:36

Salve Salam

Didn't you say in another post that you felt connected to the lineage of concubines ?
Have you had any energy training ?

There are many ways to do many things, How ever I don't know anything about this persons energy usage or magic use and how advanced it is ... If its possible to protect another being with magic or energy work ? .. yes, how ever there are many factors to consider as well ...

Magic or energy isn't a toy , so Im hoping this person knows what He/ she is doing ...

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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vampire question  Empty Re: vampire question

Post by Jonathan 11.01.13 6:38

I think that what you mentioned is possible, yes, but I'll also agree with what Divine has said on how magic and energy aren't toys and should be explored carefully. Being possible doesn't mean that it's what has happened. Don't assume too much.

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vampire question  Empty Re: vampire question

Post by Kalb 11.01.13 14:17

I Agree with Jonathan too. Was a good point of Divine277.

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