Goetia and Demons

Divine 277
Filia Noctis
Sinata Anika Asti
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Goetia and Demons - Page 2 Empty Re: Goetia and Demons

Post by sikvdili 16.10.13 6:03

To relate this to an argument in another thread.

Why is it okay to base a spirituality on John Dee's philosophy even though they were even proven at the time they existed to be false.

Yet a semantical argument with a minor biblical source as evidence of WORD USAGE in Hebrew isn't?

Number of posts : 51
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Goetia and Demons - Page 2 Empty Re: Goetia and Demons

Post by Maxx 16.10.13 9:35

and using the sith practitioner association as credit shows you to be any different from a similar  connection to John Dee?  Get real.

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Goetia and Demons - Page 2 Empty Re: Goetia and Demons

Post by Kalb 16.10.13 12:14

Maxx: People who live without love in their lives... are tree leaves aimlessly... Most of times, people explore the most they can from others to try understand what they can't feel, Love. Even in Ancient Egypt, the demons were seen as beings of full of honor and love, as we saw in the Asetian culture and as we can see throughout history the importance of Serket, the Leader of Imperial Guard.

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Goetia and Demons - Page 2 Empty Re: Goetia and Demons

Post by Maxx 16.10.13 12:30

I totally agree.  As what I have found in dealing even with so called Demons, I have always found them respectful and well mannered and very easy to communicate with.  In fact I totally respect them.  

It is a shame that it takes many years in some cases to come to a realization that it is better to try and find common ground to agree on rather than look for anything to cause issue with on things one finds to the contrary.  As is very apparent Fila was totally able to communicate her ideas and even made it very plain that what she was posting was entirely her own thought and she was not trying to imply that others need to agree with her.  But the lack of respect for another or even groups of others is what this whole issue was caused by.

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Goetia and Demons - Page 2 Empty Re: Goetia and Demons

Post by Stapleraindrop 16.10.13 13:32

When the 17 year old thinks you're immature.... :p

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Goetia and Demons - Page 2 Empty Re: Goetia and Demons

Post by Maxx 16.10.13 13:44

well.......I do have some hair left on my head, so that means I am rather young.

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Goetia and Demons - Page 2 Empty Re: Goetia and Demons

Post by Stapleraindrop 16.10.13 14:34

I highly doubt you're 17 Maxx

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Goetia and Demons - Page 2 Empty Re: Goetia and Demons

Post by Kalb 16.10.13 14:44

Stapleraindrop: In spirit he is very young and full of energy. He enjoy life and fight to break stagnation. Age is just a namber. Don't forget.

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Goetia and Demons - Page 2 Empty Re: Goetia and Demons

Post by Maxx 16.10.13 15:12

But some days I smell bad just to keep the flies off me..... not to mention most people.

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Goetia and Demons - Page 2 Empty Re: Goetia and Demons

Post by sikvdili 16.10.13 17:33

Maxx wrote:and using the sith practitioner association as credit shows you to be any different from a similar  connection to John Dee?  Get real.
I want you to define Sith Practioner for me. Give us a position that you in the least can make a valid critique instead of hypocritical insults..

Imagine... vampires saying Sith are full of it

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Goetia and Demons - Page 2 Empty Re: Goetia and Demons

Post by Maxx 16.10.13 18:04

I want you...as you say... to understand I am not part of jumping thru hoops for you.  I am not interested in your on going display....that you try to present here.  But I looked at your sith practitioner site.....and it holds no factual details at all.....other than formed from the  tv and movie entertainment industry.  You are only interested in creating conflict here and that is all you came for. If it is so non conforming here, what is here for you? And why do you come back daily other than try to create chaos....? LOL.....and not very good at that.  You contribute nothing towards the Aset Ka here or even discuss their agenda so as I said earlier you will not last continuing with your angry attitude.

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Goetia and Demons - Page 2 Empty Re: Goetia and Demons

Post by sikvdili 16.10.13 18:16

Maxx wrote:I want you...as you say... to understand I am not part of jumping thru hoops for you.  I am not interested in your on going display....that you try to present here.  But I looked at your sith practitioner site.....and it holds no factual details at all.....other than formed from the  tv and movie entertainment industry.  You are only interested in creating conflict here and that is all you came for. If it is so non conforming here, what is here for you? And why do you come back daily other than try to create chaos....? LOL.....and not very good at that.  You contribute nothing towards the Aset Ka here or even discuss their agenda so as I said earlier you will not last continuing with your angry attitude.
1. It's a philosophical praxis. It doesn't need direct factuality

2. It contains direct factualit. You're lying again. I can point to direct links from my very site with facts.

3. Barely anything on my site is directly influenced by TV or media. Except for the obvious which pertains to a very small portion of the site. Another lie

4. I don't come for chaos or discord, you just project that on me to make it an ability to dismiss me. I come for discussion.

5. Just because I speak my mind, doesn't mean I'm angry. I'm only angry at your constant and blatant lies pertaining to my site.

Number of posts : 51
Location : Scotland
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Goetia and Demons - Page 2 Empty Re: Goetia and Demons

Post by Maxx 16.10.13 18:17

Those who lack perception may dismiss the Academy as mere Star Wars role players, but those with darksight will see that we possess a real magical vision and the will and knowledge to make it a reality. If you share our vision, have the dark gift and burn with a desire to join the dark lords, you are invited to apply to the Academy. The world is ours!

Number of posts : 4334
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Goetia and Demons - Page 2 Empty Re: Goetia and Demons

Post by Maxx 16.10.13 18:18

Your site says enough...and makes its own explanation.

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Goetia and Demons - Page 2 Empty Re: Goetia and Demons

Post by sikvdili 16.10.13 18:44

you've got the wrong site, pal.

sithacademy.com is a bunch of fascist trolls, understandable and quite perceptiive observations

what is my site?

the one I linked in my profile, but since you couldn't be bothered


And I don't associate myself with the SA beyond giving them trouble for hacking a site I was involved in.

the sith site I am associated with:


But again, you could've easilly found this out if you took what I said with context.

Sith practioner and Sith? two different things pal

Number of posts : 51
Location : Scotland
Registration date : 2013-05-02


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Goetia and Demons - Page 2 Empty Re: Goetia and Demons

Post by Kalb 17.10.13 2:33

My suggestion to Sybil Mason:

Ban/Kick and remove all posts of sikvdili. Certainly it is a person who does not understand nothing about Asetianism and don't want learn and evolve, he only make advertising and offend people who do not go according with his ideas, as did a few posts with different users and enjoying every moment to advertise his fantasies and websites/foruns.

Number of posts : 1280
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Goetia and Demons - Page 2 Empty Re: Goetia and Demons

Post by Filia Noctis 17.10.13 11:32

Maxx wrote:I totally agree.  As what I have found in dealing even with so called Demons, I have always found them respectful and well mannered and very easy to communicate with.  In fact I totally respect them.  

It is a shame that it takes many years in some cases to come to a realization that it is better to try and find common ground to agree on rather than look for anything to cause issue with on things one finds to the contrary.  As is very apparent Fila was totally able to communicate her ideas and even made it very plain that what she was posting was entirely her own thought and she was not trying to imply that others need to agree with her.  But the lack of respect for another or even groups of others is what this whole issue was caused by.
From my experiences with them I too have learned demons are not bad beings. I have nothing to support my theory, but I think they simply treat people the way people treat them (that would also explain sikvdili thoughts about demons Wink ).

Maxx wrote:But the lack of respect for another or even groups of others is what this whole issue was caused by.
That's why I stopped replying here in the first place; some people should just be ignored because they've got nothing to add to a place/discussion anyway, no matter how hard ignoring them can be.
Filia Noctis
Filia Noctis

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Goetia and Demons - Page 2 Empty Re: Goetia and Demons

Post by sikvdili 17.10.13 20:10

Kalb wrote:My suggestion to Sybil Mason:

Ban/Kick and remove all posts of sikvdili. Certainly it is a person who does not understand nothing about Asetianism and don't want learn and evolve, he only make advertising and offend people who do not go according with his ideas, as did a few posts with different users and enjoying every moment to advertise his fantasies and websites/foruns.
1. I understand Asetianism as a Kemetic neopagan spiritual practice or religion ( whichever word you love more) with a specific devotion to the Goddess Isis, and the relative "vampiric" bloodline.

2.  This point was a misrepresentation and lie because I have learned things here and thanked those who taught me.

examples of that are with Maxx and Stapleraindrop.

3. Advertising? I did not advertise at all. Advertising according to the oxford dictionary:

Definition of advertise in English

advertisePronunciation: /ˈadvətʌɪz/
Translate advertise | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish
[with object]describe or draw attention to (a product, service, or event) in a public medium in order to promote sales or attendance:
a billboard advertising beer•publicize information about (a vacancy):
for every job we advertise we get a hundred applicants

[no object]:he advertised for dancers in the trade papers
•make (a quality or fact) known:
Meryl coughed briefly to advertise her presence
•archaic notify (someone) of something:
some prisoners advertised the French of this terrible danger

I did not do anything of the stated above. I gave a link to clarify a misunderstanding between Maxx and I. It was fairly obvious of what I was doing and the intention behind it. Fact check before you type, because I hope you misunderstood me. That way it looks that you aren't so petty to directly and blatantly lie about me.

Number of posts : 51
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Registration date : 2013-05-02


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Goetia and Demons - Page 2 Empty Re: Goetia and Demons

Post by Jonathan 18.10.13 0:38

sikvdili wrote:
1. I understand Asetianism as a Kemetic neopagan spiritual practice or religion ( whichever word you love more) with a specific devotion to the Goddess Isis, and the relative "vampiric" bloodline.
Asetianism is not neopagan at all.

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Goetia and Demons - Page 2 Empty Re: Goetia and Demons

Post by sikvdili 18.10.13 22:26

then I'll say it uses neopagan concepts or ideological engines.

Considering it is either the revival or re-emergence of ancient traditions of kemetic paganism in the new age of spirituality, I still feel safe calling it "neopagan" to some extent.

Though I will ask, how do you define asetianism, Jonathan?

Number of posts : 51
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Goetia and Demons - Page 2 Empty Re: Goetia and Demons

Post by Matttt 02.01.14 23:58

I find Goetia very interesting. I've read online that the Lesser Key of Solomon is a good place to start. I definitely am not ready to even attempt to communicate with a demon of any kind. However, I am very interested in learning about each being and what they can assist you with. I am also intrigued of what kind of "gift" a Demon may require. Back to the main point, is the Lesser Key a good place to begin in learning about Goetia?

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Goetia and Demons - Page 2 Empty Re: Goetia and Demons

Post by Divine 277 03.01.14 4:17

welcome to the forum and nice to see you here Smile
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Goetia and Demons - Page 2 Empty Re: Goetia and Demons

Post by Maxx 03.01.14 6:48

You will find that a demon requires nothing from you.  What could you possible have that it has not already had access to?  Fear was introduced to keep those away that are not sincere.  Overcoming fear is a top exercise in itself.  The Spirit world is constantly watching to see if you are really sincere about your work with them ....  or not.   They will not waste their time on those that are not sincere. And proving this to them is not a quick ordeal.

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Goetia and Demons - Page 2 Empty Re: Goetia and Demons

Post by Maxx 03.01.14 8:01

Consider this.  Rather than study of the demons, I suggest to start a project and learn how to call the 4 elements, or the 4 guardians, or the 4 watchtowers, whatever they are called in your world.  Learn what you need to begin in your practice in calling any angelic or demonic being.  How is that done? What tools if any do you need to do this?  Become comfortable in how you proceed with this and at that point you will discover any Spirit Being that you have an interest in touching will be within your access.  Do not put the cart before the horse.  Develop a good relationship with these 4 beings and be able to see and understand them....and you will be able to find your own way and discover that the Spirit Beings will go more than half way to meet you and help you.

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Goetia and Demons - Page 2 Empty Re: Goetia and Demons

Post by Matttt 03.01.14 16:03

Thank you, Maxx.

Number of posts : 123
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Goetia and Demons - Page 2 Empty Re: Goetia and Demons

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