Do vampires have any religion or path?

JP Vanir
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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Troublemaker 15.04.16 0:34

I have to disagree that Asetianists have the same faith in Aset that Christians (or any other people) have in their own religion. Maybe I'm a bit elitist here but, given that Asetianism is about having an unconditional and pure love for Aset, I believe that sets Asetianism entirely aside from Christianity, a stale religion based on fear and lies. It's an entirely different thing... Even if we do not see Her, it is based upon pure freedom and love. Whereas Christianity... well, many Christians love Christ and the Lord because they are afraid, and because the Lord demands that you must love him otherwise he will make you suffer.

I don't know who does and does not interact with Aset. There may have been a specific section mentioning this, however, I tend to keep an open mind about this. There are different ways of interacting with different deities. I am sure the Asetian Elders hold more special, and direct, ways of interacting with Her. However, I'm not going to dismiss the possibility of other devoted followers being seen by Her, because I do not believe it is my place to make such categorizations. I know there are plenty of otherkin beings and humans who hold Her very dearly to their hearts and perhaps they have some form of interaction with Her, even if it is subtle or faint.

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Nilrem_Visigoth 15.04.16 18:44

My answer to Johnathan's question is that: I believe that it should be subjective to the individual. If there's a belief system that is congruent with your personal ones and gives you purpose in life, then good for you. But I don't think that all should follow a single one. Otherwise, the Vampire Community would be reduced into a one-dimensional cult. Sure, we may share the same journey, but each one of us takes different routes, uses different tools and carry different viewpoints. Some may or may not consider themselves religious, others; spiritual and some take the Bruce Lee (eclectic) approach, like myself. But it's part of the development of the Vampire Community as a whole, in my personal opinion.

On a side note: if a Vampire considers himself/herself religious, then he/she should be careful not to let its dogma reduce his/her perspective.

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Kalb 17.04.16 3:08

Nightshade: No one outside the Kemetic Order of Aset Ka, can contact Aset, if someone want contact our Beloved Goddess Aset, has to be within the Order, and the method shared by the Elders. When I talk about Asetians, I believe that only they have the opportunity and right over the millennia. In any case,I take the opportunity to praise your post that already has some time, but I consider to be very good and mature.

Nightshade wrote:I see Asetianism being mentioned yet the Asetian tradition is not a religion. It's a system of wisdom and understanding. Vampires hold no true religion because all religion is the fabrication of mankind. It's quite possible for Asetian culture and science to be the true way of the ancient Vampire for it's no religion but a path to see life and death without masks or distortion.

Rhea Kaye: A Christian would say the same thing as you. Now, I have to agree with you that there is a big difference between Asetianism and all the rest. The Asetians are part of Aset, and their work, we see different types of energy manifested, but if we intend to make a cult and feel a divine energy, then nothing better as the book Words In Silence. The cover has an energy, and when we meditate with him, it seems that an energy is constantly moving to us. I this case,I feel and believe that this book has part of the Godhead. The book put into our magical altar, the whole environment of the temple is divine. But this is my belief scientifically the common eyes can't noticeable.

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by elizahawk 22.09.16 9:05

That's excellent question. I am just spiritual and always has been on that for decades though at young age my mother would send me to various church to learn various religions of their each way and beliefs. I do have my own and practice my own way that I am comfort with. Which is pretty much various different way include psychic and dreams as well shaman. Wicca in my option they are piece of shit!!! Once I was invited to their sabbat celebrate it was during Yule I believe. That coven found out what I was capable of and that scared hell out of them. And never again invite me since then.

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 3 Empty Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by JP Vanir 12.11.17 12:51

I do believe Vampyrism is Spiritual but in mine I tell people to learn there own way while teaching my own beliefs look up Vampyrian TempleUVUP we have been around quite a while...
JP Vanir
JP Vanir

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Charby 17.12.17 7:39

I think what is being lost here is the difference between religion and spirituality. I am not religious PERIOD. I am very spiritual.

Religion is the construct of man, of mortals with their limited understanding and limited knowledge. Spirituality is the construct of Gods, of souls with infinitive knowledge and infinite understanding. Much better I learn though the wisdom and teaching of such beings than the wisdom and teaching of man.

Each soul, in each incarnation must seek its own truth, and that can and does change with each incarnation. All of it is part of a journey to learn who and what we really are, what the Gods intended us to be. There are many valuable lessons and principles to be learned on any spiritual path and, indeed, in any religion conceived of man as well.

As we move through this world, we are meant to learn all that is good and beautiful and, if it is best we learn that form a religion for a certain time, then, that is what we should do but, we should never loose sight of the distinction between religion and spirituality.

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by 8lou1 05.07.18 9:34

hi jonathan,

old question, but i found a similar one with the difference that i got the statement that vampires follow the white religions or rather ARE the white religions.

i had to figure out of course what white religions are and it seems that in the west, occult inclined people call the trinity (judaism, christianity and islam) white. but as you said most who call themselves vampires also call them selves 'black'. it almost looks that as long as it sounds and looks dark its what they call themselves and align themselves with. at least thats when you take their words for it.
both religious paths of course have their use and i believe should be taken as that.

i love researching religious thought and ways, and what ive noticed over the years is that there is a lot of good in it, but also a lot of nonsense that can make a great mind go crazy. for me personally the best working form of religion is how the apophus cult these days is presented: a cult without religion.

which to me means: no views on life that dont combine with nowadays only spiritual insights. but with hint of a divine world we live in and our connection to it on a personal level.

who knows i might have just explained the term spiritual to myself. never understood that word. Wink


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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by ardent 02.03.20 13:18

When a so called human resurrects among poor folk, he or she may be too ignorant to know what happened and fall victim the the old vamp legend. I think this was what happened and may still be happening throughout the earth. A way for you to come close to understand what such experience is like, is through sexual undivided love at a metaphysical level, enormous possibilities can happen as a result, it's also quite rare. You cannot understand any vampire stuff without what I noted here somehow, never through physical realism alone, sorry. Ask me questions!


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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by ardent 02.03.20 13:34

The awaken soul after dead learns lots of things about the reality of religious makings and just quits. He or she becomes more awakened about the reality of life itself, and gets to know the real truth about about the spirit side of life, nothing like religions teach. Mostly it boils down to HOW humans exercise passions making the real you be you in reality. The big mystery of vamps come from passions connections with what easterners call TAO unconsciously.


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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by ardent 02.03.20 13:52

Vary importantly, from careful scrutiny I found that vamps are not homos because homo experiences weakens them almost to complete dead. What is my analysis, homo experiences frictions in sexual narrowness in vibrations as homos is a big problem to the vamps health so they avoid that or just don't care. Remember they are not exactly human, they live the human body's unseen double moving the physical as they really wish except they have to live according to certain metaphysical laws. Is there a possible recovery to human naturalness, there can be but I think not always.


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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Maxx 02.03.20 13:55

And your first-hand knowledge and experience of life from the other side you discovered how?????? 

Being your first post does not give much information on anything.

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Maxx 02.03.20 14:13

Well then.  I see he left in a whiff of dark smoke.....or was that just a little cloud I saw in my imagination.
Damn, I thought we would get a first-rate education here on vampires, humans, and love.  

Not to be.

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Troublemaker 02.03.20 14:59

This forum never fails to disappoint when it comes to occasionally offering colorful material. I didn't expect to open this and find an anti-homosexual vampire rant.

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by ardent 02.03.20 15:13

A part of me fears vamps and warn of tampering with this field, it can be extremely dangerous. They probably have no reason to have anything to do with religions.
I seek primarily to state info for exploring for more than the physical level, not really for fun.
If I am beyond you, I am very patient to explain things.


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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Troublemaker 02.03.20 15:19

Thank you for your kind concern, but not to worry... I do not think you are beyond me in any fashion, or anyone else here, for that matter. 
If you fear vampirism you're definitely in the wrong place. 
Your messages don't exactly reflect a high level of study, seriousness or real knowledge and I'd recommend going back to the drawing board before attempting to school others. 
Just trying to help...

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by ardent 02.03.20 22:07

Thank you, I am sorry I have not payed enough attention to the boards for the sort of knowledge that has been popularized here. I felt anxious to spread basics about vamps makings only, it may seem like insults to the viewers here. I like to respond especially of vamps matters that seem to get left out from exploring the field. I will watch what's what of my category interests closer.
My fantasy anticipation in this field is this, to encounter those who were vamps after leaving to the spirit lands beyond and address them as balanced individual personas in social relation to other beings beyond.


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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Maxx 03.03.20 10:00

That is one big problem with people that enter into this forum.  They just see the word vampire and start posting their VCN crap without reading through this forum to find this is not a place to entertain fantasies.  It is a shame but a fact, that most people that have any interest in the word vampire are mentally unbalanced.  They are a group of people that are in the process of growing up, they learn nothing about balancing their lives to be successful on a walk through this incarnation.  Too bad.  Some never grow up.

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 03.03.20 10:45

@ardent: Write with just a little bit more of a grammatically correct structure so I can understand you better. It's like hit and miss in trying to understand you at best, due to a poor grammatical structure and lack of making any obvious sense in many of your sentences, so even if trying to read in between the lines it doesn't seem to do the job for me. Perfect cipher to hide a coded language from Mystic the Grammatic Light that Shineth Forth in Well Ordered Language.

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by ardent 04.03.20 4:49

Most people's interest in vampires do not have the instant capacity to relate with anything but the material aspect of things, it's not very easy to relate in this subject by ethics if no particular knowledge has been gathered.
I have more awareness than the literal info in vamps matters from my psyche level and of course poor folk in old countries along with historical from books. I use the laws of biochemical sorts and actual lab tests on body auras, and certain metaphysical values from Asia. I have no PERSONAL OPINIONS here but interpretation based on real existing facts of many of intellectual sorts of people. I am extremely serious in my writings in these matters. You cannot fool chemistry with presumed magical stuff, it doesn't exist out of just chemistry, this is where I hold many critical pieces that fall to the vamp situation. Real CRAP is when you listen the average scientist looks for info in the vamp story by chemical means alone. People have allusions about the vamp story due to misinformation and lack of anything related to the metaphysics of it.
Vamps at maturity get to know that religions were invented and have use for them as only a passage, and fear no religious ornaments except for any power bearing unseen beings and earth people in power practice, this is minimum for vamps to fear any ornaments.
I am not interested in anything to do with vamps horror, only passions of a personal sort. Passions for what they are remain the reality and mystery that makes all religious sects, vamps at maturity know this. So my main focus here is that vamps could have been found at many different levels of education. The average human cannot understand that vamps are beyond normal human chemistry.


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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Maxx 04.03.20 7:47

and have you read through this forum before posting any of your "Scientific Data" or did you just pick up and start posting your "startling discoveries" meant to enlighten all the "unknowing dunces" here?

Why are you here?

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by ardent 04.03.20 10:28

Dear Maxx,
I do not intend to intrude on anything about this page, forgive me if I have done anything wrong.
When I became member of your site I simply followed as I have done before on other few sites, I simply started to write what seems of better interest very sincerely and of service as a sort of enlightenment to the viewers.
If I need to be very specific about what sort of material I have to stay in track I will have a careful observation of the rules which I did not pay reasonable attention.
Sorry, I became so wrapped up with the vampire phenomena like no other subject because in the first place I had enormous curiosity as to how the realism of the spirit side of life is constructed so that I'd become more free and capable of relating to the undead stories.
Since I sought not so much anything about the superficiality of vampire stories, I still feel the need to face its realism more clearly from way behind the scenes.
I have special ways to please your followers in your site, so I'll look more carefully as to the exact requirements to follow in each section.
Perhaps it will be better if you'd please enlighten me directly with a few very important things to follow along in your various parts of this site.
I am partially vain about vamps findings mainly from insight and the actual history, it's my trait. My main focus on the vamps ethics is to give lead to more fantastic stuff mainly having to do with the spirit side of life structures beyond the veil, though I do not intervene anywhere about it so fast or not at all unless asked.
I remain only your servant, Tony, ARDENT


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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Maxx 04.03.20 11:51

We do not create servants here.  Forget that crap.

You might care to start by reading this.

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by ardent 04.03.20 13:38

Thanks Maxx,
I found interesting info on AsetKa and Isis who I already had info about. The general meaning of KA intrigues me like other ancient Egyptian meaningful words like Kether'Saphirot as a similarity to Ying'Yang, am I right?
I found a secret in the individual evolution of men under paganism but a missing links in matters of individual pride concerning the general making of the individual.
I like to share insights in matters of the very ancient history involving power practice @ large.
The apparent hidden romance side of the vamps intrigues me primarily.
I do not really favor all slave markets of the ancient world because I think I knew their future, and most of them not very nice beyond the veil.

Oh, I own the Bella Lugosy almost exact genuine attire of the Dracula. A part of me appealed to Count Yorga and his brides. Amazingly new inspirations out of these movies lead me with insights of grandeur as only a part of me seemingly forever, not exactly as a vampire way but a kind of fervor for an optimum with women everlasting, and part of it had to do with my search for what's what beyond the physical reality not as gay-like but social solid diverse realism.

What can I say especially to your section?


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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Maxx 04.03.20 13:59

If you write about it, do you experience it by going to the other side, or are you just a writer utilizing imagination acquired from previous writers centered towards the vampire motif?   That would explain many things if you have no first-hand knowledge of anything.

English appears to be your secondary language so I am assuming you are of Asian background.

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Maxx 04.03.20 21:27

In addition, Bella Lagosi and Count Yorga have nothing to do with real vampires.  This is nothing but a makeshift fantasy to make money from fools supporting the movie and entertainment industry.  This is an illustration of how delusional mentally shortchanged individuals think they have a vampire gene within them.
This says much in regard to your visit here.  The word vampire is like a moth drawn to the flame.   lol.

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