Do vampires have any religion or path?

JP Vanir
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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by ardent 04.03.20 23:41

I noticed a wonder on your part about me so I feel welcome, thanks.
I am an uncommon Portuguese individual teenager who arrived in the US late 1967 with my quite private family. I've had great love for the entertainment field, and being extremely curious about the far side of life, these were reasons I did not marry.
My major sources of inspiration came from spiritualism, documentary mystery stories, from TV, various picks written from old occult history, and my intuitive self.
The vamps stories gave me lead not exactly for the horror but a wonder of what's it all about beyond the veil and how the vamp became a vamp at large.
I think when a vamp becomes wide awake about the making of religions he or she becomes more than a vamp, a master of fate while still with certain limitations under the laws of physics and metaphysics. So what can one suspect from this point on? Absolutely real vamps according to old legend, I do not think so today. Fad vamps can be many and not so fad-like but really power driven psychically - more than physical.


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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Maxx 05.03.20 7:44

you appear to be slightly coming into a fraction of reality but not there yet.  What your terminology of the vampire is, is not necessarily what vampire terminology is here.  Your first association of that word seems to originate from your fascination with the movie world which is fantasy-driven.  What I am saying is that we are at odds with the definition of that word and its actual appearance in this 3D world.

Many are confused in believing their fantasy world reflects the actual world when nothing can be farther from the truth.  One can see this in looking very closely and reading very carefully that section about the Aset Ka I directed you toward. It points out very few are even aware of what is actually going on around them in their world of reality when it appears to be something else entirely.

I can say from reading your words regarding ISIS that your background on her may very well be inaccurate info just as is certainly attached to your concept of the word vampire.  Actual belief is of prime importance here, not fiction.

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by ardent 05.03.20 9:27

The apparent curiosity and confusion about the 3th world is a difficult factor, the wonder of what's it about beyond the veil which is one of my primary interests. Until I came to grips with certain things about what I found to be the realism beyond the veil, I was not really free to explore the occult as I am but to a degree in actions. It takes some patience and perseverance perhaps with some analytical talents to acquire enough pieces of evidence to conclude beyond the veil info.
Much of the vampire phenomena in movies unfortunately falls to the similar pattern, too limited by the village folk who passed on info to Stoker. I made use of it to a degree till the fine print lead me to explore some of the vamp stories in Asia, like the title jing-yang, and a few symbols and conditions associated with vamps in general.
I am going to mention my own observations of the general state of mind the vamps live, alpha (general power of the brain and spirit in an original sense of being) but with the omega (a summit awareness like a final state of consciousness to live with) this can be an unconscious state of being also.
More importantly to focus is about vamps fantasies and creeds - can become very serious by delving in mind power. Mind power is already a composite of various energies and once power practiced whether fantasy or reality it can turn equally to dangerous activities for bad or good as pleasure. Power into biz through just contemplation and sometimes with certain chants or special word-usage and nature itself.
A thing that will amaze you, once a vamp walks to a church or special place he or she is immediately in alpha-power as if a master of time better than common humans. What I carefully observed about all bearing powers in humans is that they are equal but it's the conditioning that makes all the difference. I think I know what is encased other than physical chemistry in all anatomies. Am I controllable to think differently, perhaps only to a small point but to add to, yes.
Further, vamps whether of fantasy or reality are not toys, they get to know more than biochemistry and all will acquire manipulative powers that can be harmful or UNBELIEVABLY positive.
Now what do you say?


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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Maxx 05.03.20 11:33

How many vampires do you personally know and have had experience with that you can for certainty pass this info on to be assured that you are not just flapping your gums in the wind?  From what I can see, your foundations have been built on fables to a large degree.

This is what I say more often than not.  Reading books is fine but unless you can practice and have first-hand experience in relating what one learns, such as travel to the other side and returning,  you really are not to be taken seriously, no matter what age one is.  That is what I say.

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Maxx 05.03.20 11:35

also, there is much info here in the forum as to what we think about any religion as they are, one and all, man-made.

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by ardent 05.03.20 19:29

If I address a site with logic, I mean biz. I never make statements off the top of my head when it comes to analysis, it's pride based on dignitaries not assumptions. Remember this, the academic world is full of liars and manipulators.
If I make a statement to I have specific knowledge beyond the veil and one says you cannot be serious, there is no respectability left between the two parties, best quit. Passed on info from beyond is not enough from my understanding of things, the individual bearer has to have personal education as to what makes him a composite with partial info that covers beyond the veil.
It's an extremely high insult to say me to you cannot be serious, it's poor intellect to react in such manner. With contents at present time on earth, logically speaking no logical intellect gets away with saying there is no spirit world realism. This is the 21st century.
I am not a partisan who lives by instinct as individuals who counsel with therapists as common ordinary people, I know better.
I've never met a vampire and do not want to meet one. I have dignitaries who stuffed me with enough to make sense of things. I am not really concerned with the individual apparent vamp with attributes unlimited for there is no such vampire by the right definition of what is a vampire, that's a fad.
I share this, the biggest problem with humans from the anatomy's perspective is when matters of faith and invisible causes are addressed we are left with wonder but convincingly pieces of credit. It's extremely important to remain solid on earth and dismiss realism that cannot be related with directly. With a solid pride I am awaken with more, one discovers this when reaching adult stages - this is what makes one say I am human and human is more than a genetic pack - this is covered by top intellects on earth with unnecessary further disputes.
I you ask me what do you stand for anyway? Zero, I am only a middle man and as a spirit also, not like a standby for movies.


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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Maxx 05.03.20 20:15

Excellent.  Do I detect the ire of anger is rising just a little in between those two ears?  

Now then.  You tell me that I should consider you a serious intellectual when you also have stated that you have the full costume of Bella Lagosi and something pertaining to Count Yorga?  Really?  Then I should accept your statements regarding what you are telling us about vampires entering churches and really tuning up their antennas when you say you do not know any.  

You seem like a nice guy and we certainly do not want to run you off.  We want you to stay.  You are welcome to believe anything you like but if you are going to put it in writing, it seems that others should be able to review it critically.  Then that should tend to seem as if you should defend it.  We all do not believe the same thing here, for sure.  But mainly, some here try and keep the lid on the delusional and the fantasy crowd from overrunning the gate.  ha.

Actually, It appears you did not read a lot of what is located here but I state many times throughout the contents that I am for certain a human.  I am no vampire whatsoever.  I have more intentional power than that.  Since you declare you are no vampire, then I assume we must be cousins.  lol.  Carry on......

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by ardent 06.03.20 10:05

Thank you for the friendly gestures!
I like my movie fantasy garments because they reflect my interest in a new movie of a vampire sort I want to create that could change the world, that anatomy is a composite of more than just genes.
After careful tests have been done about chemistry of itself, we know that biochemistry of itself is not enough for anything psychic to be practiced except for being prepped or being in harmony with such wishful thinking - this apparently has been a basis to all ESP experiments, a lead to the human body being indeed more than just solid genes, auras visible in labs - this is where I ? the point A to point B power of the earth's atmosphere transference of sounds through energies, so I cam up with a new name, Planetary-electromagnetism. This is where I come in with ying'yang, (Kether'Saphirot) etc. probabilities and more, the construction of anatomy with more than just genes, an encased body that survives dead. I call the most active energy and karma bearing history in anatomies, psycho-electromagnetism. Most interestingly what I noted about the human double to become a vamp is only through this awakening, the human unseen double as total energy and the connection discovered, TAO (Wicca, Holy-ghost from the liberal perspective, etc.).
In history, vamps could have become diverse through psychological education beyond the village folk who passed on info to Stoker as strictly Christian back then. Till you examine more about vamps in other countries you won't get very far. I don't think there are many or any exceptions to the laws of metaphysics concerning matters of real vamps perhaps only when they're still young.
My final vision, vamps after passing to the far-side of life, they get greeted by their old folks but later become victims of scorn in the areas they reside till they relocate or make an effort get their facial vibs and general nature as well as favorite body looks straightened out by their own efforts slowly because if rapidly, it's variably temp and later on becoming worst - This proves the laws of time conditions correlate in some ways like on earth.
This might amaze you - I found that there is an substance called Ectoplasm in all bloods almost 100% proved by science, as a very important factor for spirits of the dead to come closer to Mediums in seances - this has affected my understanding as to what vamps need in any kind of blood to sustain their physical body double.
So, so much for the brain tampering as it's probably going on still today after Frankenstein experiments, that the physical body and general eneregy power is all there is, lol. Do we know we are forever composite beings more than just genes on our feet with enormous capabilities?


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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Maxx 06.03.20 10:49

thanks for the info but you and I are definitely going in different directions.  I hope you enjoy hanging around this area but I am going to move on.  Good luck with your interests.

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by revJPDDG 26.05.20 12:46

The only "vampire religion" I know of is temple of the vampire which is more of a cult in my opinion but they do peddle the religion as vampirism. I myself also do not believe in and dogmatic religions but in Spirituality. I do believe Vampyrism is a spiritual condition and our souls are vampyric and there are Vampyric Gods/Goddesses. I had that all in my site but I could no longer afford it but did write about the Vampyrian belief. I am not just Vampyrian but also a Universalist Dark Druid as well.

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Maxx 26.05.20 20:00

A religion that costs you $200 US to join. Wonder what the baptism ceremony would cost you?  Then they nickel and dime you to death for their catechism books because Nemo has to sell you those. If you get them some other way, you are under a curse.  Hearing confession would probably come with no charge as he could use that for blackmail.  ha.  I do not think you will find that is a religion that will treat you so great if you fall out of grace.  I know.  I was ex-communicated.  LOL.   But I am doing great as I left through the front door on my own terms.  Others I know say it was the best thing that happened to them when they were sent packing.  Ha.

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by revJPDDG 27.05.20 2:28

Im just saying they copyrighted it and its official anyone can make a religion now adays

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Maxx 27.05.20 8:58

Sounds as if you checked it out for organizing something similar in mind. lol. Anyone that carries the name of REV should certainly be considered seriously. Copyright means big plans to make some money from the followers. Right??? How is that coming along???

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Troublemaker 27.05.20 11:31

Jonathan, who I won't drag into my acidic reply, started this topic to ask about actual spirituality of vampires - real vampires, real spirituality, and the kind of path that causes spiritual evolution throughout the ages. I am sure, though I cannot speak for him, that he didn't mean "please list off whoever has a copyrighted a mundane tradition to make money."
But on the bright side, thank god we have people who are able to come in and tell us what they found on Wikipedia or Google. Between all the exploration, occult development aspirations, strenuous obligations of life and having to buy toilet paper at the market, who has time to open Google? We need a reverend for that, so thanks for your time.

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Troublemaker 27.05.20 11:57

Here we go. A lovely post I found from VCN, a sermon from the reverend about real vampires. Riddled with grammatical errors and run ons that hurt the brain. I guess I'd delicately advise newcomers to avoid this and not take it seriously. According to JP, vampires go around killing people they feed from? INTERESTING.

"If you disagree with Vampyrian Spirituality don't bother reading this unless youare open minded and wish to learn. The following is my own Spiritual beliefs and studies so please be respectful, Thank you...

Vampyric types (The Vampyrian belief):

There are so very many types of Vampires/Vampyres and Vampiric entities yet most people only assume there is only a couple or maybe several types at most. There are Vampiric/Vampyric God’s and Goddesses at the top of the list feeding on the faith and beliefs of their followers. Some of them go even as far as to feed on them once they finish their present life if they believe they will go to their religions choice of afterlife (Heaven or wherever). Feeding on their life force as they are fooled into believing they are in paradise (sort of like in the movie “The Matrix” only there fake heave is the matrix the live in their “afterlife”. In reality humans as well as non human animals reincarnate but change form and there soul goes into a new baby once there body wears out and decays. Most however only feed on the worship they give to their Gods/Goddesses or whatever they offer to them. Vampires/Vampyres in general or spirit entities that feed on human life force one way or another mostly because they have a very hyperactive energy metabolism unlike most creatures and must do so or become weak and sick or just do it to gain more power by doing so like the Gods/Goddesses that want to be more powerful than others. Some types however feed on other animals life force but all Vampires/Vampyres feed on living creatures but can never get what they need from plants and animals however they can feed on remnants of the emotions they put into music and possibly even books but I am not positive on books but it is a possible theory.

Vampires/Vampyres are mostly by their very nature universal feeders feeding both on blood (sanguine or sang) as well as feed psychically (Psi) however many choose one way or another depending on which way gets best results or which way they can take easiest especially in the “Human Living Vampire/Vampyre Community”(Human Living Vampire/Vampyre or HLV) (in the Vampire/Vampyre community or VC) it seems and causes more labels and has caused too many issues and arguing throughout our communities history. I personally believe as do most in the Vampyrian belief believe Vampires/Vampyres are able to feed all ways if they are able and know how but often they do not because they have not awakened (know what they are) enough or refuse to believe this way. Most Vampires/Vampyres remain in their spirit realm only to visit the physical world in order to feed however some feed on the other supernatural creatures in other realms as well as this one however those creatures don’t as easily allow their essence to be feed on as easily as humans and other animals do. Some less powerful Vampires/Vampyres however possess humans before they are born for easy feeding so they do not have to constantly travel through the realms to feed; many can however leave their human body and astral travel to feed as well if they do not get enough while they are awake.

I personally believe as do most in the Vampyrian belief agree that Vampires/Vampyres are able to feed all ways if they are able and know how but often they do not because they have not awakened enough or refuse to believe this way. Most people that are unaware of HLV’s and/or the VC believe Vampires are “undead” creatures that feed on just blood though some are open to psychic supernatural feeding but cannot believe in HLV’s but hey must be supernatural or of mythology and fake. However that is only an assumption because they they have been written of in legends as being on top of their “prey” feeding on them and making them weak or sick and they assume they are draining them of blood (sang) so they become weak or sick and often eventually may become an emotional feeder to replace what they have lost so they assume they are turned into a Vampire as well. Most misunderstanding happen either because of that or because of their upbringing they assume the person will also become infected or possessed out of religious misunderstanding and/or ignorance. The world only became aware of Vampires/Vampyres through these mythology,legends and beliefs.

They did not know anything about or could not accept the possibility of taking another beings energy or life force because of their religious beliefs; except those of the eastern religious upbringing (culture) or pagan religions (non-monotheistic). In fact the belief in psychic feeding did not come into the western mind until Dion Fortune wrote about it in “Psychic Self-Defense” (first published in 1930) and then Anton Lavey popularizing the term “Psychic Vampires” in the 1960’s; However I find that funny because I believe he himself was unknowingly a psi Vampire/Vampyre and now well after his death the “Church of Satan” now funds “Temple of the Vampire” who are psychic/emotional Vampires/Vampyres themselves and their “Vampire Bible” teaches them to do what both Dion Fortune and Anton Lavey both warns there followers about (against such things). Both of them were misinterpreting us for emotional parasites or “Drama Lama”.

I believe Vampires/Vampyres choose to feed psychically or by drinking blood because of personal preference, abilities, or whether they know how to feed psychically well enough or like the taste of blood well enough. The only problem is that just sanguine feeding you get a smaller amount of energy or life force contained in it then directly taking it psychically I have noticed and believe. I myself must take about a cup to get enough of a feeding that way which most likely why our older less ethical (according to human ethics) past Vampires/Vampyres killed the humans they the blood of as humans generally kill the animals they eat unless of course you are vegan though still killing plants unless you only eat fruits. Eventually they were hunted down during the time people were more open minded and could believe in the supernatural and realised they must change their ways by alluring and hypnotising the ones they feed from as well as not killing them or feeding on them while they sleep and only taking just enough so they do not cause attention to themselves so that the belief in dangerous Vampires/Vampyres could fade away.

Even Vampire/Vampyre spirits and other supernatural Vampires/Vampyres have many different types and they themselves are Vampiric/Vampyric otherkin. The Vampire/Vampyre Goddesses/Gods are supposed to be the protectors of all Vampires/Vampyres whether of the Shadow Realm (the realm they (Vampires/Vampyres) originated from as all creatures have their own original realm the originated from) but also those stuck in other realms or worlds (for whatever reason) including those stuck in human form either because of possession, loss or origin, or by birth. The are the original Vampire/Vampyre type and origin of all Vampire/Vampyre types however too many lose sight of the responsibilities they have as being the creators as well as the Eldest fathers and mothers of their Vampires/Vampyres kind (Kin) as well as most powerful of the Vampire/Vampyre creatures (Kin). Also some of the lesser remembered Goddesses/Gods were forgotten because of the more popular religions taking over and causing them to lose their followers/believers. Mostly thanks to the popularity of monotheism and belief that darkness is evil and there God is selfish and does not allow them to believe in the Goddesses/Gods he already knows could give them ideas and knowledge he does not want them aware of (Yahweh or Allah being the worst of theses Gods who abandoned us).

The other supernatural Vampire/Vampyre types include Djinn, Incubus/Succubus, Mare (from nightmare feeding on nightmares etcetera), Poltergeist, lamia, Nephilim, Daemons or spirit guides for our kind (Christians/Jews call Demons) as well as the angels esp those cast from heaven because they wanted to escape there slavery, Pazuzu, Yama, soul eaters, Sirens, Strigoi, Moroi, Nachzehrer, Wampir, Elves, trolls, ogres, dwarfs, gnomes, goblins, etcetera. A few of the Vampire/Vampyre Goddesses/Gods are Set, Yaweh/Allah God, Layla/Lilitu/lilth or Nocturnal Mistress (but spiritually evolved into a Goddess) etcetera as she has many names (originally the first human who were supposed to be just like Yahweh God who was a Vampire/Vampyre God himself until Adam and Eve disobeyed him and Satan gave them the fruit of knowledge but she was divorced from Adam before that happened so wasn’t affected but because he is so strict normal humans were supposed to be eternal Angelic Vampire/Vampyre as well as human but God like until they disobeyed him and was given knowledge or truth), Kali-Ma, Hecate, Anath, Baccus, Cihuacoatl, Hathor/Sekhmet, Nuit, etcetera. (a more detailed list is available in the TempleUVUP Vampyrian Shadow Book (beginnings). Most (NOT all) nocturnal supernatural creatures/Goddesses/Gods are actually Vampires/Vampyres as they (Vamps) are nocturnal creatures from the shadow realms (a hidden realm of darkness) which is why most Vampires/Vampyres are mostly nocturnal and/or too much light bothers there eyes etcetera as the have hardly any light in a realm of such darkness.

Most fea have a lot of energy and fea spirits in a human body (changelings) often must donate to other Vampire/Vampyre so they do not suffer anxiety attacks or suffer psychotic breakdowns (some dark fea may also be Vampyric) as well as other types of of otherkin (Therian) as well as humans with post traumatic stress disorder or other anxiety issues (ADHD etcetera) so in many cases a Vampire/Vampyre feeding on someone or something could be helpful to both the Vampyre as well as the donor. In the HLV community or VC it is only ethical and tolerated for Human Vampyres to feed on willing donors or ambient (left over) energy, or a huge crowd and NEVER tolerated if a one in the community feeds on an unwilling donor and hurts them in anyway physically or draining them and causing them pass out etcetera. Most Vampires/Vampyres especially HLV’s in the VC/OVC (Online Vampire/Vampyre Community are very ethical. We are taught to respect our donors or Life Force Givers (LFG) are a treasure and very rare therefore we should honor and respect those who give us so much but are also taught to give them time to heal and have more than one donors or LFG. In the my personal ethics and the Vampyrian Ethics (Vampyrian type sins) we are taught that waste as well as taking too much and harming our family and/or kin (which we consider our donors or Life Force Givers to be) is a big ethical no no or sin.

© Rev. J P Vanir (Theologian and Vampirologist)"

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Maxx 27.05.20 17:06

I am not for certain those comments would stand up under any kind of practical research or scrutiny from even the VCN.  And that would be a pretty low-level assessment. Wonder how he could confirm his theory of the Vampire situation he mentions there? No wonder the maintenance fee for the site was not self-supporting.


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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by revJPDDG 28.05.20 20:01

I don't why I am even here all I seem to be getting is shit for my comments. Perhaps I should leave my people behinds too much damn drama. Vampires do suck I suppose and perhaps the communities are right about us? Oh well that is probably why so many young ones want to start there own groups to get away from this BS

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Maxx 28.05.20 21:33

Anyone can start a group.  That has nothing to do with delusional stories set up and trying to pass them off as factual.  Do you even see facts of any importance here at all?  That is the core of all this conversation.

Implying you drink a full cup of blood when needed is so far out the window but you push this off to "your people" as grounded in fact...  and you wonder in your mind why you are not a hero here.  We have been through all this fantasy crap over and over again through the years.  You maybe need to stick around and join in the book study coming up otherwise you are not even on the same wave frequency here with us.

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by revJPDDG 29.05.20 3:17

LMAO Sorry you are all too good for me enjoy yourselves just like everyone else

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by ardent 29.05.20 6:54

Vampires delve in inherent faculties if not in their beginnings, later according to my careful scrutiny from various pieces.
Vampires at maturity will master religious fundamentalism because they get to awake in what easterners call the TAO or CHI substance knowledge most predominant. Chi is a familiar energy spirit but also an inconprehensible energy that gets to be known as everlasting, some I think, may have a problem recognizing this and they may go through some difficulties to assure themselves. Western civilizationon has given Chi an eclesiastic formal label, that's all systemically for political reasons from what I see.
Vampires at maturity do not have reaons for following religion


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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Maxx 29.05.20 7:18

yes. the two of you would make a wonderful couple.....posting in some other place.

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by ardent 30.05.20 10:22

maxx, I still have not understood your purpose in this site. I do not want to offend it but to enlighten it and have a good time int he process. I am not poor or uneducated in matters of specified interests, yet backed by very legitimate sources on earth and beyond the veil also, this is fact backed by groups in Boston years ago. Sorry, not a person you can tamper but correct in positive manners only.
I have a wonder of interesting commentaries on your site of image powers that amazed me as totally foreign to me yet I wish to give a try to blend more earnestly. I am not interested in trouble making anything but sharing only as I used to in my history on the internet. Why should I be just interested in shooting the shit to overcome my rage in old history through rationalizing my superiority against psychiatrists? I really know better than most of them beyond any shadow of doubt, except that I did not know how to recognize the truth about the golden-mean of the soul at the human basics level till I got to know about the truth about sex delving modes.
I do not want to confide wrongly on you people, just love you if you let me!


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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Maxx 30.05.20 12:23

Since it appears that only the delusional, unbalanced, half-wits, and complete crazies that call themselves Vampires, along with those that have been banned and are continuing to lie,  are the only ones showing up here anymore, I also question what the hell I am doing here.  lol.  There are no longer any conversations of any magnitude or growth factors to be found here in any new dialogues.

I am hoping the study of the Violet Throne might help somewhat.  If not, I need to find a much more sane and growth-oriented environment.

Dealing with teens and 20s some year olds, chasing Count Dracula stories is from the cartoon network.  It appears intelligent people no longer venture to this location.   Does that answer your question?

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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by ardent 30.05.20 14:05

Reality proves itself without words. Like attracts like by words or familiarity.


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Do vampires have any religion or path? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do vampires have any religion or path?

Post by Thothmez 07.07.20 18:02

Maktub wrote: ... In Europe we have a longer tradition of magick and the occult, and our vampiric community is actually quite more secretive and mature... Maktub

Are you sure about your statement?
What about Tibet, China, India, Iran, some of them have 5000 years history.

Before the second War, groups moved from Europe to USA, Israel and South America.
Some of them may not carry the denomination "Vampire" but they might have info on ancient practices that are wanted by many and known by very few.

"May the force be with you". LOL.


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Registration date : 2020-07-06

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