Otherkin Vampires

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Otherkin Vampires Empty Otherkin Vampires

Post by Gargoyle 21.07.15 17:50

On pages 99 and 100 of the Asetian Bible, in the Otherkin section, it mentions vampires who are not Asetians, and are classified as "otherkin" beings. They are not necessarily in physical bodies, other times being disembodied creatures; they are also not human souls. I would like to hear opinions that anyone here has on this other species of vampires. One theory I had was these are humans who have transcended their souls, thus becoming vampires upon death, or even in life. I'm sure there are many speculations on these entities...thoughts? confused What a Face

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Otherkin Vampires Empty Re: Otherkin Vampires

Post by Troublemaker 21.07.15 20:56

Many disembodied entities use vampirism (or in other words energy drains) as a form of attack or harassment. I am not sure on the veracity of your theory due to a lack of research in that particular area. But if one has transcended their soul I doubt they would have very much need to stick around and slurp on other peoples' energy.

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Otherkin Vampires Empty Re: Otherkin Vampires

Post by Jonathan 22.07.15 0:58

Also don't forget that the Asetian Bible uses intentional traps along its text. It's up to the student through experience and initiation to identify and avoid them.

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Otherkin Vampires Empty Re: Otherkin Vampires

Post by Maxx 22.07.15 7:27

Gargoyle, I must ask, what kind of importance or difference do you see in the topic of elemental, egregore, disembodied entity, ghost, etc,  do you rate these terms in the comparison to disembodied souls or vampires?  How do you see the human soul? Do you think the Vampire has a soul? Does it have a different composure than any other being?  Do you think there is a soul of the mineral, plant, or animal being?  Is this soul separate from the other classifications or does it progress up the ladder and then become a human soul?  It appears the folks in India see this way to some degree?    How does a soul change at any time in its covering to become included in a classification of another sort?  Does an otherkin have a soul?  Does a Vampire have a soul?  And lastly, where is the soul located and how does it function?    Personally, I think many times a term is used so often one does not really understand it's real meaning and in this case, I feel the word could really have a meaning many take for granted to mean something other than it is.

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Otherkin Vampires Empty Re: Otherkin Vampires

Post by Gargoyle 22.07.15 19:35

Rhea Kaye, if someone uses vampirism does it make them a vampire? I thought vampires were only immortal souls, as in the Asetians. I know energy draining and manipulation defines vampirism, but that would simply be an entity using these techniques, as in humans or daemons. I guess I'm just curious to see how many Otherkin beings the Aset Ka know and believe are out there, especially of the vampiric species. And as in transcending I simply meant mortal transforming to immortal, but bound to the Earth still. But I can see what you thought, because transcending usually means going beyond the physical realms, ascending the heavens.

Jonathan, thank you for this information. I just recently received my Asetian Bible and am almost done reading it. I've noticed many intentional misspellings, hidden messages, and symbolism. Everything in Asetianiasm goes much deeper, usually with multiple meanings and interpretations.

Maxx, I believe every being has a soul which usually is connected to a physical manifestation, like the vampires or human; or if not, they are classified as disembodied spirits. An egregore is a being, entity, or power fueled by the minds of the people, whether consciously or subconsciously. Nature itself is Divine...also I believe what humans do in this life effects their own personal afterlife. Like I said in previous posts, death could simply be a mirror of life. Paranormal investigators are (pseudo)scientists of the paranormal fields, and are studying such phenemon. It's sometimes hard to put metaphysical ideas into human language because some experiences are either unexplainable or so intense it cannot be expressed verbally or clearly. I simply wonder how many different entities are truly out there and exist and I know I don't know everything but I have a strong desire to find out as much as possible about this universe we inhabit within the time I live then expire. I condone magickal and mystical experimentation, alteration of consciousness, research, and open-mindedness.
Enlightenment to me is a mindset and perspective that we can all tap into. It's really all about energy and frequencies. Match those frequencies to the realities and desires you want and you can't help but to get those realities. Now I'm just rambling...and there's a lot more I could say but I will cut this short LOL.  Clap
Everything I have stated is simply my opinion, belief, and perspective.

Thank you everyone for the replies!

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Otherkin Vampires Empty Re: Otherkin Vampires

Post by Maxx 22.07.15 19:59

good....right or wrong, it means more when we know why we believe something and the background to it, than just to take someones word for it because it sounds good. As the old Grizz hunter told jeremiah johnson after he had survived all those winters........" You've come far, Pilgrim." Keep it up.

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Otherkin Vampires Empty Re: Otherkin Vampires

Post by Troublemaker 22.07.15 20:01

I will request something simple from you. Stops... and take a moment to think. The universe is a huge place, yes? It certainly allows for many different species to exist. Using vampirism doesn't make someone a vampire but I was simply throwing a situation out there. There are many species of vampire in existence. Honestly, I expect to be verbally attacked over this but oh well. The Asetians are not the only species of vampire and there are many other extremely dangerous vampiric otherkin out there.

I also honestly believe that associating the process of transcending mainly with vampirism is a mistake. Transcending is far, FAR more complex than simply attaining immortality. This particular mindset points mainly to a fear of death and an adherence to popular culture, in my opinion.


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Otherkin Vampires Empty Re: Otherkin Vampires

Post by Troublemaker 22.07.15 20:02

Oh dear goodness. I apologize for the typo everyone Razz

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Otherkin Vampires Empty Re: Otherkin Vampires

Post by Gargoyle 22.07.15 22:12

Thank you, I agree with both of you. I know I'm human but honestly I envy those with immortal souls. I do have spirit attachments and I have evoked and invoked (mostly) entities, of all sorts. I spend a lot of time in cemeteries to try to understand death and the spirit realm better. I am trying to evolve always, learn, and experiment with techniques such as vampirism, necromancy, psychonautics, black magick, and many of the darker arts. I do not limit myself and use knowledge from all different kinds of belief systems/practices. Makes life...interesting. Devil

Can I ask what your points of view are on souls and the spirit realm in general?

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Otherkin Vampires Empty Re: Otherkin Vampires

Post by Troublemaker 22.07.15 23:26

I will skip down and respond to your last sentence.

What exactly is the purpose behind such a broad question? What do you mean by the spirit realm? Terminology has been juxtaposed so much in these sorts of discussions that it is often difficult to discern one's meaning.

I'll take this moment to provide a cliche warning that may induce an eye-roll. You say you are dealing with spirit attachments. I hope you are not using black magic, necromancy, vampirism and etc., without an idea of the consequences. There are SO MANY people who delve into these topics and practices with literally no idea just how wrong it can go. And I do mean that... I am not just sitting up on a high horse issuing warnings with my nose in the air. This can go terribly wrong... I do not say this lightly.

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Otherkin Vampires Empty Re: Otherkin Vampires

Post by Jonathan 23.07.15 2:30

Rhea, there are many types of vampires as you mentioned but for the most part their vampirism is due to energy imbalances and alterations in the subtle system. They're human and not evolved or enlightened beings. If we speak of vampires as a true condition of the soul there aren't that many out there. In fact beyond Asetians and Sethians I have yet to find a true vampire of a completely different nature without a human soul. There are many people who act vampirically out of learning or an actual need to feed but a close examination shows their soul is that of human nature.

I'm talking about beings that have the power to incarnate, if we speak about disembodied spirits the complexity and diversity increases and there's a lot of that out there.

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Otherkin Vampires Empty Re: Otherkin Vampires

Post by Gargoyle 23.07.15 8:44

Rhea Kaye, yes, I understand there are consequences. It's cause and effect really. I meant spirit attachments as a positive thing. Also "spirit realm" is a broad idea, so I apologize. "Soul" cannot be simply explained in human terms, I just wanted to get more ideas and opinions about realms other than the physical, but I suppose they are all intertwined either way.

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Otherkin Vampires Empty Re: Otherkin Vampires

Post by Maxx 23.07.15 9:25

Gargoyle, since you are spending time in cemeteries you might be interested in doing what I have found is very interesting.   Find the spirits in the cemetery that are locked there and cannot leave.  You are doing nothing wrong in the eyes of the universe for there will be some being come and open up the means for them to exit eventually.  Create a vortex which leads either into the earth or into the upper area above the earth and give them the option to either stay or to exit into the vortex and be taken to their next level.  I have done this in 3 different locations and watched the proceedings.  I have had some decide they would stay instead of leaving.  I would come back a couple of weeks later and have some tell me that they have changed their mind and would now want to leave so I created another vortex for them and watched as they departed.

If you decide to do this let me know what you discovered.

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Otherkin Vampires Empty Re: Otherkin Vampires

Post by Gargoyle 23.07.15 10:07

Thank you Maxx, I will surely do this. I will get back to you once I have.
I am trying to save money to invest in a spirit box or Ovilus as well, which can also help opening portals.

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Otherkin Vampires Empty Re: Otherkin Vampires

Post by Maxx 23.07.15 10:57

wow...sounds like I need one of those to put over my head to open some portal.

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