VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post

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VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post Empty VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 16.05.20 13:33

[First, here you post an introduction or abstract overview of the topic to be discussed in the thread as well as, then, where we're coming from, like which part, page(s) or chapter we're going over. The introduction to – or abstract overview of – the topic can be brief or it can be lengthier depending on how you choose it to be and deem most suitable. You can mention what types of quotes (see the next part of the thread's example) will be discussed, such as which kind(s) of quote(s) it/they will be and how it ties into the discussion in general (or comprises the whole topic of the thread for the most part).]

[Here you post a quotation drawn from whatever part or section of the book that we're going over and that you wish to draw special attention to.]

[Here you post a question regarding the quotation above that you would like to phrase in order to highlight alternative or better understandings of what it means so that we can discuss it in further depth. (This is a more specific part to the discussion unlike the mention of or introduction to what types of quotes we will go over in the introduction or abstract overview part of the thread, so it's more in part of the details of the discussion.) This can be concise or it can be a bit longer, to become a paragraph at maximum perhaps, so I think it should be kept rather short, as a preference, to act like bullets in our loaded gun for discussion and simplicity but if it it's felt to be necessary to highlight certain points of – or elaborate more on – the question(s) then there are no real limitations; in either way we'll spark a discussion around it – but just keep it within reasonable limits.]

[You can repeat this above procedure with both posting a quotation from the book and then a question below however many times you wish or deem suitable for the thread to decently exhaust the topic, at least in so far as getting vital meanings out of it is concerned, which is one major reason why we're starting this series; to highlight various misperceived notions, perhaps, but also to spark a project of discussions.]

[Lastly, here you include a reference list to all previous threads in the study or project series – provided with their links – all in a numerical order and with inclusion of the names of the threads themselves, so it would look like this:
"VT Study Series list of previous threads
Part 1: Introduction - [insert link here]
Part 2: [Name of topic/subject/chapter here] - [insert link here]", etc., etc.
Note: we've already decided to start off with the introduction chapter of the Violet Throne for a natural linear order of going through the work so I've named part 1 as "Introduction" already, besides also being the introduction for this whole project so it'll probably also include a longer introduction in the section where we would write the introduction or abstract overview within the thread itself.]

Number of posts : 1339
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02

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VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post Empty Re: VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post

Post by Maxx 16.05.20 14:19

Good. He says that some groups have treated the introduction area as a basis to do some occult studies on just that part of the book as it seemed to have magic in itself.

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VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post Empty Re: VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 20.05.20 4:01

I might have to make the introduction thread consist of short passages from both the Disclaimer, the Introduction of the Violet Throne and the Introduction right after it to the Asetian Bible. I've found two passages from the VT's Introduction thus far, two sentences from different pages that I thought relevant to the opening up of the project and its discussion. I might share them to you in a PM, Maxx. But I'll read through the Asetian Bible's Introduction in the VT today as well and we'll see if it contains some sentences of noteworthy reference to our upcoming discussions which I think it does perforce. I'd guess we don't want to overfill any of the threads with too many quotations, however, both because it might then potentially fringe upon legal redistribution issues with the book, even if within a relatively safe margin I guess, but also because we'd then have too much overloaded for the discussion itself, so it'd become like a mental kind of constipation to the natural flow of it. I'd say maybe 3-5 quotational references at most per thread... being like one sentence each, so there should hopefully be no problem.

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VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post Empty Re: VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post

Post by Maxx 20.05.20 7:20

right. if it is going to be something that is going to become very involved with any thought and length, best to let the comments of the study group become more lengthy than the outline. I agree.

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VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post Empty Re: VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 22.05.20 12:58

Typing from my phone. I lost internet on both my stationary computer and my laptop. Maybe I should type the thread tommorow from this device instead even if preferring the other two. Hmm...

Number of posts : 1339
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Registration date : 2014-02-02

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VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post Empty Re: VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post

Post by Maxx 22.05.20 13:11

you are the guy flying the plane...

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VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post Empty Re: VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 22.05.20 14:22

Might have to postpone it unless I find other options. I try to minimize phone use. They're unhealthy. Besides I need a document application to write the thread.

Number of posts : 1339
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VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post Empty Re: VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post

Post by Maxx 22.05.20 14:28

are you saying you no longer have internet connections?

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VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post Empty Re: VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 22.05.20 14:32

Only on phone. I can't hold these for very long. All this technology makes me wish I was born in some other age.

Number of posts : 1339
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VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post Empty Re: VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post

Post by Maxx 22.05.20 14:35

well, I was. Now you know. lol

Number of posts : 4334
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VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post Empty Re: VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post

Post by Maxx 22.05.20 14:36

how is your provider addressing your issues?

Number of posts : 4334
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VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post Empty Re: VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 22.05.20 14:43

Will get back to this.

Number of posts : 1339
Location : Sweden
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VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post Empty Re: VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 26.05.20 7:10

My laptop is back. Internet is now functional on it. I've had a bit of delay with my looking through the Violet Throne however.

Number of posts : 1339
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VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post Empty Re: VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 27.05.20 8:56

I could compile the introduction thread nearly at any time now as I'm mostly done with preparing. However, would it be better towards the weekend? Would it not spark more participation then if people are usually more busy during the weekdays?

Also I believe we'll have to omit the Asetian Bible's introduction, apart from the VT's, within the first introduction thread as it would be too much material to cover at once, but it can be gone over potentially in the succeeding thread.

Number of posts : 1339
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VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post Empty Re: VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 29.05.20 11:16

You're all still interested in this project, right? If so I will compile the introduction thread tommorow on Saturday the 30th of May.

Number of posts : 1339
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Registration date : 2014-02-02

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VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post Empty Re: VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post

Post by Maxx 29.05.20 11:22

yes. kick it off.

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VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post Empty Re: VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 30.05.20 14:25

I apologize but I will have to complete this tommorow. I had estimated it could be done today but I've already written one and a half pages. It'll be at least two pages. I'll also have to go through it a few times, revise and edit. But it should be done by tommorow, hopefully. At the very least I won't stall it more than necessary.

Number of posts : 1339
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VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post Empty Re: VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post

Post by Maxx 01.06.20 6:37

Is it coming into alignment??

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VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post Empty Re: VT Study Series # 0: Example Thread/Post

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 01.06.20 7:24

I'm hoping soon. Sorry for the delay. I haven't had the energy to do it in the recent days after typing that one and a half page and looking through it so many times. But it's almost complete, at least. So it won't be a lot of work when I take it up the next time to finish it.

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