The book of Eternal… thoughts and study .

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The book of Eternal…  thoughts and study .  Empty The book of Eternal… thoughts and study .

Post by Divine 277 18.10.12 18:45

Salam Smile

I was thinking about this passage in the book of orion and wrote a bit about it Smile Hoping That someone has some more information to add Smile

Passage 6 in Sebayt of Khafre in the book of eternal :

*The ancients studied the wisdom of the Djehuty.
( meaning : Djehuty (also known as Thuti and Thutii) was also the name of a general in 1479–1425 BC. Djehuty bears the titles king's scribe, overseer of troops (general) and overseer of the northern foreign countries in contemporary Egyptian records.

The oldest form of Djehuty's name appears in Old Kingdom sources as Djhwt and in Middle Kingdom sources as Djhwtj. His name could be written either phonetically or symbolically as an ibis on a perch.His coptic Name was Thoowt this is originally derived from his greek name Thoth, It is suggested by some scholars that Djhwtji comes from the word / place Dhwt, then meaning he of Dhwt, however there are no archeological prof of a place like that as of yet … another interpretation of the word Djehuty is "crane-headed".
Goodwin however meant that the name derived from DHW , meaning great Ibis, in earlier records from his studies he meant it derived from THW meaning artisan or craftman. The Word Tjhw is connected to the tjh, meaning jasper or yellow topaz , more likely to refers to the yellow colors of both stones, if so Djhwti could mean: he felt yellow ,or pale yellow god, this mite refer to the color of the moon , he was however often portrayed with a yellow head when his luna aspects where being emphasized.
However there are no direct evidence that the word in it self meant any of this things, so in the end, the word in it self remains a mystery. Djehuty was one of the oldest Kemetic gods/ names that was worshiped .

*Later to be described in the mysteries as Thoth
( meaning : Thoth was the scribe of the gods, he was an Egyptian god of the moon and of wisdom and learning, usually represented as having the head and neck of an ibis, other titles :Scribe of Ma at in the Company of the Gods," "Lord of Ma'at," "Lord of Divine Words," "Judge of the Two Combatant Gods," "Judge of the Rekhekhui, the pacifier of the Gods, who Dwelleth in Unnu, the Great God in the Temple of Abtiti," "Twice Great," "Thrice Great," ", "Three Times Great," and also "The Timeless.")

*Remembered by the Greeks that called him Hermes . ( meaning : Hermes was a god of transitions and boundaries.He was quick and cunning, and moved freely between the worlds of the mortal and divine, as emissary and messenger of the gods, and follower of souls into the afterlife. In some myths he is a trickster. Symbols of Hermes include the Herma , A rooster and the Tortoise (a turtle) , purse or pouch,Winged sandals and winged cap, his main symbol was the herald's staff, The caduceus which consisted of two snakes wrapped around a winged staff . Association to The Emerald Tablet of Hermes.)

*But only at night his true name can bee seen … ( meaning : this is probably a reference to orion, that again is a reference to osiris and probably also the star sirius that is a representation of isis/ Aset. orion in assyrian and Babylon lore is Mul-sipa-zi-an-na and in akkadian Sitaddalu, meaning The true shepard of Anu( also an egyptian word also spelled ani) ( anu meaning heaven or sky, also referring to a god, by the same name ) The true Shepard of anu was the herald of the gods. He can travel back and forward , between the world of mortals, the underworld and the home of the divine. He s a prophet ( or god ) that predicts the the fate of the Universe and known worlds, it is often a omen that was read in the stars In kind of old world astrology for the fate of the universe . In the Dendera Zodiac you can find a similar figure that looks like a walking bird in the area of orion .)

*As Above, so below....
( referring to all of the messengers above, also mentioned in Aleister Crowley s works and The Emerald Tablet of Hermes/ the emerald tablet, that may also be linked to the tablets of destiny ( qoute : Dup Shimati in Sumerian -was envisaged as a clay tablet inscribed with cuneiform writing, also impressed with cylinder seals, which, as a permanent legal document, conferred upon the god Enlil his supreme authority as ruler of the universe.How ever the e´legend gos that the bird Imdugud stole the tablet and none has seen it since, Some scholars believe that Imdugud gave the tablet of Destiny to the mortals, or at least hid it in the mortal realm.
The tablet can be compared with the concept of the Me, divine decrees.

When it comes to the actual emerald tablet they can be found here in numerous translations : .

*He uttered and sealed the law in the beryl ….
first he uttered his words ,and then he forever sealed them in stone …
Emerald as stone and usage in ancient Egypt and in lore :

• Emeralds were valued by the ancient Egyptians for their magical and metaphysical properties. Whoever wore an emerald amulet, for example, was believed to be protected from both natural and supernatural evils. Hieroglyphs and other symbols were carved into the stones to strengthen the protection of the wearer. Both men and women wore all kinds of jewelry containing emeralds and other precious and semi-precious stones to benefit from their individual magical properties.
• The most widely held reason for the wearing of emerald wedding rings during the wedding ceremony in ancient times, was that the wearer would receive good fortune in their lives as well immortality and psychic power.
• The emerald has been a gem of fascination in many cultures for over six thousand years.
• the name emerald was first translated from Sanskrit as “marakata,” meaning “the green of growing things.” The name we know it as now is believed to come from an ancient Persian word, translated to Latin as “smaragdus,” and eventually over time, corrupted to “emerald.” Records show that the stone was known and sold in markets in Babylon as early as 4000 BC.
• The ancient Egyptians believed the emerald stood for fertility and rebirth.
• In some legends of King Arthur, the Holy Grail is described as being fashioned from an emerald.
• It was known that Emerald was a favorite gem of Cleopatra, the Queen of Egypt, and the Emerald mine in Upper Egypt, rediscovered a hundred years ago near the Red Sea, was one of the earliest Emerald occurrences in the human history.

Reference and qoutes : Book of Orion , wikipedia , Babylonian Star lore , Signs and Symbols,,,
Secred sexuality of Ancient egypt. Emerald tablet of hermes.

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Registration date : 2010-03-01

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The book of Eternal…  thoughts and study .  Empty Re: The book of Eternal… thoughts and study .

Post by Jonathan 20.10.12 3:34

Thank you for sharing your views with us. I liked your post.
I think your interpretations are correct concerning this particular passage of the Sebayt of Khafre in the Book of Orion. Just want to add another detail to your thoughts on this passage, is that Djehuty besides being an Ancient Egyptian deity and a representation of the moon, it's also a word used in the Asetian culture to reference the spiritual eras of time. We can see a detailed reference to such eras in the Asetian Bible, which brings even further meanings to this passage you brought into discussion.

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The book of Eternal…  thoughts and study .  Empty Re: The book of Eternal… thoughts and study .

Post by Divine 277 21.10.12 13:31

Thank you, glad that you enjoyed it Smile , and thank you again for adding such valuable information.

Divine 277
Divine 277

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The book of Eternal…  thoughts and study .  Empty Re: The book of Eternal… thoughts and study .

Post by Kalb 26.10.12 10:32

I have nothing to add, except that I liked the post of Divine. Very informative and interesting.

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The book of Eternal…  thoughts and study .  Empty Re: The book of Eternal… thoughts and study .

Post by Kalb 26.10.12 16:55

Jonathan is right. I agree with him.

Divine: Was interesting read your article. Thanks for sharing with us.

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The book of Eternal…  thoughts and study .  Empty Re: The book of Eternal… thoughts and study .

Post by Divine 277 05.11.12 1:22


Thank you @Stalker Im glad you thought it was interesting, so thank you again .

I was wondering if anyone would be interested in sharing some thoughts about the book of orion ... and maybe the emerald tablets ... Im sure that there are people in here with knowledge and thought I don't have , and its always interesting to read about different perspectives ?

(For instance) do you use the writings in the emerald tablets, with the 7 steps ?

Where do you think it first was written ?

Where is the original to day ?

Some seem to think that the tablets is not really tablets but a symbol of something else, like the holy grail , if so what do you think it is ?

Others think that the text is written in different levels, like a prophecy, a self realization tool , the key to immortality , and also a map .. what do you think ?

I hope that someone would be interested to talk about this, and I am exited to read to responses Smile

Sincerely Divine 277

Divine 277
Divine 277

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The book of Eternal…  thoughts and study .  Empty Re: The book of Eternal… thoughts and study .

Post by Kalb 06.11.12 14:44

Divine, reading the Book of Orion, it seems that the Writer and Master Luis Marques is on our side, the book is full of energy and within its simplicity, there is a complexity that neither I know explain you. The book is brilliant, was made by a genius. Luis Marques is a genious as like AK. It's hard give you an opinion, the book is breathtaking.

As mentioned several times, Vampirism is not the main point of Asetians, Evolution is. The book is certainly something very important for our lives(Asetianists). I would say .. The book is Our soul mate.

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The book of Eternal…  thoughts and study .  Empty Re: The book of Eternal… thoughts and study .

Post by Divine 277 07.02.13 0:32

I cant deny that I like the Book of Orion even more then the Asetian bible, It has a whole other form of symbolism in it Smile
However They cant be compared in that way, so in their own "gender" they are brilliant books .

Mvh Luna Aurora Divine
Divine 277
Divine 277

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