Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones Empty Guardian''s Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Aghrab 23.05.09 9:46

I wanted to throw an idea out there, and see how many agree and how many disagree with me on this.

I was recently giving a thought that... Guardians are detached beings to the ones that they may have been able to create quite a thick link with, an energetic link, during their childhood. They are also said to be the most grounded Asetians. In other words, when you are so grounded as the Guardians, you are too shielded to normally interact with energy, too shielded to allow the development of creating energetic links or bonds. I believe that one of the greatest reasons to why a Guardian is so detached from the society and from their biological parents is because of their massive shields and natural grounding abilities, literally blocking them from even creating unconscious bonds and links, with humans. Do you agree or disagree?

Also, if this is a big reason to why a Guardian is so detached... would it make sense to say that a Guardian working with grounding stones, such as hematite, tourmaline quartz and black tourmaline, magnetite, jasper, onyx and others, can become even more detached with society and their biological parents? Using such minerals forces the Guardian to become even more grounded, meaning they will develop even more massive shields than they already naturally do...

Another small note... do you believe grounding minerals such as the ones I mentioned above, would be able to help a Concubine towards detachment?

I am looking forward to reading your posts.


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Daniel09 23.05.09 20:34

I believe it is very complicated. The Guardian can probably form energetic bonds, but they are very hard to form and likely take a long time. It it likely that a person who is grounded in spirit to the earth, or has a connection, could form an easier bond with the Guardian. The same could be said of handling the stones. If someone has a spiritual connection the stone the Guardian handles, it may shut him/her off from others, but at the same time draw him/her much closer to a specific few.

To help a Concubine towards attachment, because they are not as savvy with the earth, minerals would not be as effective in my opinion. Perhaps if a Guardian was there to lend the Concubine help, it could be managed much easier, but in that situation I doubt the stones would then be needed at all.

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Daniel09 23.05.09 20:36

"If someone has a spiritual connection the stone the Guardian handles,
it may shut him/her off from others, but at the same time draw him/her
much closer to a specific few."

Just to be completely clear about this sentence, I am saying the Guardian would be shut off at the same time as being opened to the few, not the "someone who has a spiritual connection the stone the Guardian handles".

I want to try to reduce the possible misinterpretations. (:

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by geo 23.05.09 22:27

What I'm about to ask It's a bit off topic, but I feel the need to ask it still.

"I believe that one of the greatest reasons to why a
Guardian is so detached from the society and from their biological
parents is because of their massive shields and natural grounding
abilities, literally blocking them from even creating unconscious bonds
and links, with humans". - Aghrab

Even though Guardians are detached from their biological parents, do you think they are down at times because of the detachment?



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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Aghrab 23.05.09 23:02

geo wrote:Even though Guardians are detached from their biological parents, do you think they are down at times because of the detachment?

By "down" do you mean if they get sad about it?


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by geo 23.05.09 23:54

Yes, very sad.


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Aghrab 24.05.09 0:51

No, not at all, geo. As a matter of fact, many times Guardians are seen as the “worse daughters/sons ever”, “the coldest beings” and many times criticized for their arrogantly cold ways, and they actually are proud of it and never wish to change. Their detachment is inborn within them, they are simply born that way. They naturally let go of their biological parents because their Souls tell them that the biological family are not the true ones. A true Guardian would never, ever feel down for it. They seem to even enjoy being left alone, only surrounded by the few that they feel for.


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Gilded 24.05.09 1:07

Geo: Have you read the Asetian Bible yet? If not, I would highly recommend you to get your hands on one. You will be surprised to see how it would answer most of your questions. study

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by geo 24.05.09 2:35

I have one. I started reading it (the lineages part), but stopped for now. I'm waiting to be in the right state of mind to fully get into it. It's not a good time right now.

It does not seem right though Aghrab... Even if the biological parents are not their true parents, Guardians are "beings of pure love", they are "very sensitive and caring", and though they "express it towards some select few", I don't think or maybe I just don't want to believe the fact that they would feel nothing for the ones that love them unconditionally, forever. They are beings with very powerful shields, and though they live for that one true love - their half, the Truth, their thoughts or ideas -, I think there's much more hiding inside them...emotions that maybe they would keep away from anybody else just to reach that true Love, at a cost. Their strenght, their secrets, their emotional turmoil stay inside the shield and break free through the Deadly Poison, such a complex act.
...I just can't see how beings of such intense love can be that cold...there must be more to it...


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Aghrab 24.05.09 10:40

geo wrote:I have one. I started reading it (the lineages part), but stopped for now. I'm waiting to be in the right state of mind to fully get into it. It's not a good time right now.

Yes, you need a special state of mind to be able to truly read and understand the Asetian Bible.

geo wrote:It does not seem right though Aghrab... Even if the biological parents are not their true parents, Guardians are "beings of pure love", they are "very sensitive and caring", and though they "express it towards some select few", I don't think or maybe I just don't want to believe the fact that they would feel nothing for the ones that love them unconditionally, forever. They are beings with very powerful shields, and though they live for that one true love - their half, the Truth, their thoughts or ideas -, I think there's much more hiding inside them...emotions that maybe they would keep away from anybody else just to reach that true Love, at a cost. Their strenght, their secrets, their emotional turmoil stay inside the shield and break free through the Deadly Poison, such a complex act.
...I just can't see how beings of such intense love can be that cold...there must be more to it...

Well of course they are beings of pure Love and unconditional care, but why would they show it towards biological parents and family when they are nothing but their vessel to life? They naturally feel no bond with their biological parents and families. That softness is what they feel towards the Asetian Family only.


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Victor 24.05.09 14:04

Geo, parents' love is not really unconditional love forever as you put it. That is nothing but an illusion. Most parents, nearly all, feel for their children as a result of a natural biological condition. It is in the genes of animals to protect and nourish their offsprings. It is a chemical thing, not about love. Not about energy. Not about true care. In the case of humans, that lack most of their instincts and natural reactions, it is even a selfish thing when they overprotect and care for their children, since they do it in the hopes that when they grow, they will not leave them and would stay and take care of them as they grow old. The typical selfish mind of mothers and fathers operates that way, most people are just too used in trying not to believe it, becoming blind to the actual dirty nature of mankind.
When you mention that Guardians are being of pure love, you must never forget that it applies only exclusively to their soulmates and the closer, most intimate, individuals inside of the Asetian Family. They are not caring, loving or gentle to anyone outside of it, and their biological family are just other mortals for them, no more and no less. Actually, in most cases, they would even have less feelings for their biological family than to the other common humans, because of the turmoil situation of when they wanted to detach and all the problems and obstacles their family might bring upon them. This lack of understanding from their biological families usually creates an even further detachment and dislike towards their biological families more than anyone else. This may sound horrible to most people, and it surely does sound completely evil and mean to humans, but that is the nature of true Guardians... the poisonous Scorpions of the Aset Ka.

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by geo 24.05.09 18:27

I'm sorry, but I do not agree with any of that. I am a mother and I love my daughter more than life itself. She is my everything, and though I know that unfortunately there are too many cases of bad parentage, most human parents love their children for the right reasons and not because they have this horrible hidden agenda for when they are old.

Let's say that all the pure love that Guardians carry inside is only for the Asetian Family and their true Love for which they would sacrifice themselves at once at one or the others loss. What would happen if their other half is merely a human being, a common human? What happens then? Or one Guradian will find true love within the Asetian family only?

And what happens to all the feelings they carry inside their hearts from newborns till they grow old enough to be independent, make their own decisions? Everything they knew their entire life will just vanish after the awakening?

If nothing else matters for them, how can they walk and breath every single day amongst a world they do not belong in if it's painted like that?

It's just too radical. Things are never painted in white and black.



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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Jonathan 24.05.09 19:40

I believe that Guardians are very radical beings by nature. Their own minds and feelings are probably very hard, if not impossible, for us to understand. And yes, I do believe that many Guardians simply see all of those feelings vanishing after the awakening. Before the awakening they are not truly alive, that is why they are Vampires. Their lives start only after. Keep in mind we are not talking about Asetians in general, but about Guardians... and they are known for never being properly understood and accepted within society, precisely because of how radical they are, but yet, it all seems to be clearly obvious to them.

You also questioned if a Guardian would find her other half in a human being. I may be completely wrong, but personally I don't believe that could be possible. Guardians, more than anyone, despise the human nature and human beings. They want them far, no matter what. They would never have a human soulmate. What people call the soulmates of Guardians are beings to which they have dedicated their lives countless times, in their past reincarnations. This is a reason of why makes it so easy for them to abandon their parents... how can their mere parents from a few years compete with someone that has been with them for countless lifetimes? They just can't.

Adding to that, we are assuming that every Guardian has a soulmate. In my personal belief, Guardians with true soulmates and Owners would be a minority. Only a few Elders and such, but not all Guardians. Many do strive for that one true love, but maybe never found him/her yet... since they are so difficult to offer themselves to someone, forever.

Also, I believe that an Asetian would not call love to what you use the word love for. This is a very "Asetian thing". Their definition of love is different than that of humans, and they don't consider the feelings we may have for a children, a mother or a brother, to be their definition of love. It is a complex subject and it has been target of many debates related to Asetianism, even on some live events, to those that have access to them.

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Aghrab 24.05.09 20:19

geo wrote:What would happen if their other half is merely a human being, a common human? What happens then? Or one Guradian will find true love within the Asetian family only?

Guardians, especially Elder ones, will always 'stick' to the one true Love that they have had in past lives. I could see no possibility in an awakened, or even unawakened Guardian, to be falling in love for a human.

geo wrote:And what happens to all the feelings they carry inside their hearts from newborns till they grow old enough to be independent, make their own decisions? Everything they knew their entire life will just vanish after the awakening?

It will vanish, easily, because they never felt anything strong enough in the first place due to their inborn cold and detached ways.

geo wrote:If nothing else matters for them, how can they walk and breath every single day amongst a world they do not belong in if it's painted like that?

It's just too radical. Things are never painted in white and black.

I am not sure what you mean by this. Can you please explain?

Although, I will assume for now that you are asking how the Guardians live when nothing matters to them but their one true Love and their Asetian Family. If so, the answer is simple. They only live for their soulmates and only care for their allies because that is how their minds work, and that is how they feel complete, something that we cannot understand. It is like trying to understand the ways that Elder Gods love one another... we just cannot comprehend it. Guardians, above all Asetians, will always be criticized for their harsh and inhuman ways, but within their own Family, those ways are prized and cherished among themselves.


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Aghrab 24.05.09 20:24

Jonathan wrote:Also, I believe that an Asetian would not call love to what you use the word love for. This is a very "Asetian thing". Their definition of love is different than that of humans, and they don't consider the feelings we may have for a children, a mother or a brother, to be their definition of love. It is a complex subject and it has been target of many debates related to Asetianism, even on some live events, to those that have access to them.

Very well that you brought this up, Jonathan. I have heard that Asetians even criticize when the word “love” is used between parents and things that are just too shallow to be seen as Love. This subject is very hard to comprehend and accept, for many who have attachment to someone biological in life, but that is the part where one must be more open minded... This is how one evolves, I assume, by having to comprehend the more harsh Truth.


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by geo 25.05.09 0:39

Do they eat, sleep, drink or follow the rules of this society? I believe they do since they are "living" in a human body. What happens with their bodies chemical reactions, with their bodies "animal" instincts? Can they just live off energy and/or blood alone? And how can they not be alive before the awakening? They have a conscience...what happens to it? What happens to the person that up to that point lived in that body? ..It can't disappear.
Why does it have to be so radical I still don't understand. ..It's almost like placing a label on their selves that says too cold to care about anything or anyone that's not part of their immortal family. But on the other side they are considered to be very intense beings that take love to even a greater level that human beings can, right? does water and oil mix, or fire and ice? If it's beyond our understanding how can we even know what's really happening within them, inside their shields?


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Aghrab 25.05.09 2:05

geo wrote:Do they eat, sleep, drink or follow the rules of this society? I believe they do since they are "living" in a human body.
Well, of course they eat, sleep, drink, live in a human body... but their Souls, and their hearts, are different. What makes them feel good is different. What completes them, is different.

geo wrote:Can they just live off energy and/or blood alone?

No, of course not. I don't believe your questions apply to this topic...

geo wrote:And how can they not be alive before the awakening?

They are alive, obviously, what we mean is that they are not who they truly are on the inside. They are not truly living until the awakening, when they find their true Selves.

geo wrote:They have a conscience...what happens to it?

They do, however they feel no deep bond to have it with the biological parents or their siblings. It all has to do with their Soul, which drives them, naturally, towards their True Family.

geo wrote:What happens to the person that up to that point lived in that body? ..It can't disappear.

It never did disappear, since it never was there anyways. It is like how children do what their parents tell them to, believing that it is their obligation to do certain things. They are kids, unaware of making their own choices... somewhat like that.

geo wrote:If it's beyond our understanding how can we even know what's really happening within them, inside their shields?

We do not fully know or understand what goes on beneath their cold yet loving and loyal (to a few) shields... however, we do know what we speak of here, for it is simply written in the AB.

Please do not take this as an offense, criticism or an attack, but I believe being yourself a mother, you cannot truly comprehend this. You say that you have a daughter which you love more than life itself, but yet, imagine if she was a Guardian... you would criticize her so much and perhaps condemn her, as you do right now about the ways of the Guardians, even though that IS what makes the Guardian happy and complete. I believe you would choose your own comfort over her completeness, if she was a Guardian with these cold, detached and inhuman ways... so after all, is that really being the best parent one can be? If you see, this is something that makes a Guardian detach even easier, after awakening. They develop colder ways... prefer to be left alone, and they get condemned and criticized instead of being given what makes them feel more comfortable, so they slowly take steps away from the biological parents who seem to be so selfish, caring only for their own happiness. However, the truth of the matter is... a Guardian would detach even if the parents were understanding, open minded and perfect. It seems like nothing can keep them from detaching... as if it is something that comes along with every single one of their awakening.


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by geo 25.05.09 11:29

I thought that what's written in the AB is not set in stone since it will always change as everyone's path develops.
I know my questions didn't follow a straight line. I was just trying different angles for you to see something you are obviously not because you are too focused on general principles.
I do understand that Guardians want to be alone, I do understand their essence, and I'm not criticizing them. I just see more there, and maybe at one point I'll be able to express it in a more powerful way.


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Hellen 25.05.09 13:17

geo wrote:What happens to the person that up to that point lived in that body? ..It can't disappear.

Geo , maybe you shouldn't believe that a radical change happens after awakening .

We are talking , I think ,about those who are already vampires at birth , so their soul is already different ,far before awakening to take place.
I don't think they are more loving to their families before awakening than they are after .

The awakening does not mean ,in my oppinion, the change of the soul but the awareness of the soul.
Also ,I believe the real hard times for them are those before the awakening , when they maybe don't explain why they are so 'unable' to -do , think ,feel -things that for everyone around are simple , and easy .
I think is in fact before awakening when they maybe are down , when they possibly force themselves to fit where they don't , obey and live a life that is unbearable for them .
It is only after the awakening when they find True Love- which is infinitely beyond what than human mind can comprehend ,and find true freedom and happiness.
That's why I don't imagine a Guardian to possibly have regrets or sadness ,or to look back to a life that was nothing but sick and unbearable ,very much due to forever loving silent , biological family .


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Aghrab 25.05.09 13:35

geo wrote:I thought that what's written in the AB is not set in stone since it will always change as everyone's path develops.

That special part of the Guardians will never, ever change. It is like saying that out of the blue the Viperines will become all social and prefer to surround themselves with humans... makes no sense.


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by geo 25.05.09 13:56

I honestly cant see a newborn, a 2 year old or a 7 year old being
detached from their parents, even if they are different which we all
are, we all express in different ways. Such a small person does not
even know the fact that he or she has a vampire soul. Those caring,
protecting feelings are in all children no matter what, along with the
need for love and affection from their parents especially. Of course
when they reach the teenage years things change, everyone detaches
because everyone must make it on their own, but those feelings never
die even if the path they choose does not follow the usual pattern. And
what I was arguing all along was the fact that in my opinion Guardians
get the taste of those feelings from time to time and feel sad even if
it's only for a moment just because they are so aware, so much more
alive than anyone else.
And if I am to agree with all the
statements above I think you guys are talking only of so few Guardians
that I would not need a hand to count them all. I think it's the
essence, the primordial Guardians. They would be the only ones that
would feel nothing for a human being. But the lineage did spread
through centuries and though the essence is and will always be there,
we are far from the origins, and lets not forget every single Guardian
develops his/ her own path in the present.


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by geo 25.05.09 14:14

"That special part of the Guardians will never, ever change. It is like
saying that out of the blue the Viperines will become all social and
prefer to surround themselves with humans... makes no sense".
That is just a too simple way - since I can't think of the right word - for your reply. Everything about Asetians changes from day to day in my opinion. They went from complete secrecy to publishing a book - a huge step, that's a huge change.

"All of this knowledge is something that is slowly discovered and developed as the initiate evolves and progresses within the Asetian tradition and its own personal path". (AB, pg. 17)
"Even though the Asetian tradition is something with such ancient roots, it is not something static and stagnated, but something that is in constant evolution, like the Asetian vampire himself". (AB, pg. 19)
The entire paragraph for me refers to the entire Asetian Bible. There won't be certain selected changes since all the changes come from within. And I'm not saying that Guardians will be new beings that love their parents more than Aset herself. I'm not taking thigs to those extremes. And once again, I'm not against Gurdians or any of the other lineages.


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Hellen 25.05.09 14:49

geo wrote:Those caring,
protecting feelings are in all children no matter what, along with the
need for love and affection from their parents especially.

and what if they are not ?

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by geo 25.05.09 14:55

I've never heard of it. But if someone has, if someone knows about a newborn that pulls away from their parents, I'd like to see that.


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Hellen 25.05.09 15:06

What draws a newborn to his mother that is necessity , that is not love .

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