Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 3 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by geo 26.05.09 11:52

Don't be selective in your replies. That's the easy way out.


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 3 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Talibah 26.05.09 12:00

As previosuly stated, this thread is degrading into something irrelevant.

geo wrote:
I will not comment on what you wrote back Hellen. I do not want to start another debate if I am to hit a wall once again

These are the walls you keep you referring to. You have made them yourself. Noone else has contributed to them.

I have not contradicted myself. I stated that you have not been insulted throughout this thread by anyone, but could have deserved one considering your replies thusfar. That is not a contradiction, geo. Simply a stated fact of everyone elses control and patience.

Instead of perpetuating this pointless line of argument, why not sit back and meditate on what has been said here by everyone else and yourself for a while.
You are entitled to disagree with a point of view..just like anyone else.
But it takes some control and calm to agree to disagree. Then move on.

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 3 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Jonathan 26.05.09 17:45

I actually greatly agree with Syrianeh's longer post. It is a calm, mature answer, that shows understanding of both sides and a very knowledgeable way to put it, in my opinion. The main point of debate was if what a child feels for their parents is true love, and Syrianeh presented good arguments against it. Personally, I do believe that any children's interest and attachment to their parents is driven out of need. It is not pure love, and actually has nothing pure about it, because it is not unselfish and unconditional. It is the way nature and society operates, a child obeys and follows their parents because they need them in order to survive and grow, sometimes even out of fear, not respect. This may be hard for many parents to accept, because we always expect the best and many times like to drown in our own fictionalized ideas of a perfect family and that our children are the perfect ones, loving us deeply... when seeing it as raw as nature might be hurtful.
Now, no one has to agree or disagree with anything. This is not a war, nor are we deciding any Asetian hallmarks for their tradition, we are simply discussing them. We are not part of the Aset Ka, wether or not some of us are deeply loyal to the Asetians and Aset, we are not part of their Order. There is no use in such confusion and heated debate when we simply disagree.

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 3 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by geo 26.05.09 20:52

The main point of the debate was not the love between a child and his or her parents. The point of the debate was what if a Guardian still carries feelings for the biological parents. That got to destroying the relationship between human children and their parents. That got to placing labels on ones forehead because it seems inconceivable to accept the fact that there is not true love unless it's within the Asetian Family. We are talking about the same principles in both cases though, the biological family and the spiritual one: love, respect, survival, development. And since we got here I will post this one more time: "what's the difference between a right human family and the Asetian Family? Isn't Aset, the Mother, the most important element, the most cherished and loved one? Aren't the lineages, her children, parts of Herself? Don't they love Her as She loves them back? Would it be then an enormous fallacy to consider the Asetian Family THE most important?..wouldn't that, accordingly,manifest itself as a herd, a family-based pattern?" Let's say that a biological parents' role is just to be there for their phisical developement, wouldn't that bring us to the conclusion that Aset is there only for her children spiritual developement? Aren't both parts important?..or one can only have spiritual growth only? Wouldn't love rise for both sides considering? So wouldn't a Guardian feel love for both sides it doesn't matter if it's in a bigger dose on the spiritual part? Furthermore, don't Asetians obey and follow as well driven by the need to discover their inner self? Don't they have rules and patterns?
We do disagree Jonathan. I do respect the point of view brought by you guys though. Considering all of this, I rest my case.



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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 3 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Phoenix 30.05.09 10:04

Okay, everyone. Chill out. Remove your egos and self-important opinions from the equation. Step back and regain the maturity expessed in so many previous posts.

Everyone is right - to a degree - Aghrab, Victor, Syrianeh and Talibah all have good points. Geo has excellent points, also.

The one thing we cannot do is disrespect each other's viewpoints. Controversy and debate only propell us on our roads to self advancement. Who, in this forum, is so bold to believe that they have THE answers? Come back and post your superiority if you are. Shame on whomever devolved this thread.

I am very Guardian by nature, fitting most of the AB descriptions of a Guardian (and no, I do not begin to arrogantly think I am even close to being an Asetianist, much less an Asetian). Due to divorce I was without a father at age 10, and over the ensuing years I drifted apart from my mother, yet never forgot the sacrifices she made (one full and three part-time jobs) to help me through all the years it took to be successfully on my own.

I ask you all to imagine yourself as Aset, with three young primordials. Did She teach them to ignore and disrespect Her? Did Aset not unconditionally love Horus and Her two daughters? And did they, in turn, not express love to the first of the Asetians? And these Asetians to future members of the Order?

At times, I feel we try too hard to interpret what the AK believes. And some times, I wish they would abandon their damned secrecy to let us non-initates know more of their ways (and truths?).

I feel this thread is close to being locked because of the emotional bickering that has developed. Geo, don't abandon the forum because you feel persecuted. Those who had differing thoughts, remember to respect the opinions of others. I would suggest (although I have no right to) that if someone feels offended, that you tell the offender that you understand that it was not meant as a personal attack. Likewise, if you feel you have offended someone, let them know it was only expressing your thoughts.

Actually, if someone feels the need, just dump on me.

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 3 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Hellen 31.05.09 1:29

It is common that people try to -empathically- parallel their own love for own parents/children , with Love inside Asetian Family, and I can understand that.

I will not state here ( even if I believe ) that Asetian Love and bond is infinite more powerful , and different than human love inside one family , but , I want to say that we should not forget how diverse the universe is , and not always assume that the range of human feelings is the only possibility .

There is a diversity of feelings that people usually put under the generic name of love .

Another fact is, all arguments to sustain that Asetians should have feelings towards biological family were made by assuming that there is no difference between Asetian and human soul ( all newborn children feel the same for their biological parents /all parents should feel the same for their children ) , which is wrong in my opinion .

We are all different , like this topic also pointed out , much more different than traditional thinking has thought us .

There is still much to learn about this .

Also , we should first strive to fully understand what Asetian Bible has already revealed to us , still a challenge for many , and still not easy to grasp ,and only then expect to see under the veil of 'damn' secrecy .

The truth is , all the secrets we crave for , are right in front of our 'eyes' , is just that our 'eyes' are not open enough.


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 3 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Talibah 01.06.09 10:50

I personally admire the Guardians ability to detatch themselves from that which holds no true importance to them, without fear of reprisal or condemnation.

The word 'Love' is over-used and under-appreciated. Far too many use the word for mundane things, "I love those shoes...", "I love the weather...", "I love that painting..." and so on.
The actual and deeper meaning of Love has become lost in a myriad of shallow and irrelevant descriptions, that both irritate me on a personal level, and undermine the understanding of those who strive to perpetuate the Truth.

Guardians are beings of intense emotional balances, which are to be admired and treasured. Their detatchment from others is not a point to argue over. It is something to take delight in, as it shows their true nature and their own personal acceptance of it.

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 3 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Daniel09 01.06.09 20:10

Very well said, Talibah.

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 3 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Aghrab 03.06.09 3:18

I fully agree with you, Talibah. A very mature way to express this. Many of us made that mistake of overusing the word 'Love', but I believe that after we learnt about the Asetians and Asetianism, our view of Love really changed. It is now hard to say “I love that music” or “I love that clothing”, using such a sacred word towards mundane things.


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 3 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by geo 03.06.09 20:17

- Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary
Etymology:Middle English, from Old English lufu; akin to Old High German luba love, Old English lēof dear, Latin lubēre, libēre to pleaseDate:before 12th century
1 a
(1): strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties love for a child>
(2): attraction based on sexual desire : affection and tenderness felt by lovers

(3): affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests <love for his old schoolmates>
b: an assurance of love love>
2: warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion <love of the sea>
3 a: the object of attachment, devotion, or admiration love>
(1): a beloved person : —often used as a term of endearment

(2) British —used as an informal term of address
4 a: unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another: as
(1) : the fatherly concern of God for humankind (2) : brotherly concern for others
b: a person's adoration of God
5: a god or personification of love
6: an amorous episode
7: the sexual embrace



Love is any of a number of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection and attachement. The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from generic pleasure ("I loved that meal") to intense interpersonal attraction
("I love my boyfriend"). This diversity of uses and meanings, combined
with the complexity of the feelings involved, makes love unusually
difficult to consistently define, even compared to other emotional
As an abstract concept, love usually refers to a deep, ineffable
feeling of tenderly caring for another person. Even this limited
conception of love, however, encompasses a wealth of different
feelings, from the passionate desire and intimacy of romantic love to the nonsexual emotional closeness of familial and platonic love to the profound oneness or devotion of religious love.


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 3 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by geo 03.06.09 20:30

People use the word love for many things because it's a very complex and abstract concept. So from ones point of view it's quite natural to use it when expressing his or her admiration for a pair of shoes, or some nice weather or a great painting as it is for others to use it when expressing their affections for a primordial being, or a God of some sorts. Now the question is: is it used to much? ..It is, but is it wrong to use it in any given context? ..No. Why? Because we are all different, and different things are important to us. As far as I'm concerned, I love my daughter, and I like the color red. I hope one day I'll find the deeper meaning of love...


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 3 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Syrianeh 03.06.09 22:15

Perhaps it is a cultural thing.

There are not enough verbs that portray a feeling of affection in the English language: Adore, love, like, favour... whereas in other languages, such as those derived from Latin like Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French... there are many more, that "categorize" affection by intensity, level of commitment, whether it is romantic or not, or merely familiar.

Anglosaxon languages such as English and German have been coined by a somewhat different temperament of thinking, where emotions are not made so apparent or open, thus the language lacks enough expressions.

Maybe we need to generate new words Smile

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 3 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Dreamer 15.06.09 9:31

Syrianeh wrote:Maybe we need to generate new words Smile

Haha. I can agree with you, completely... I believe it actually is a cultural thing, that we all end up using the word "love" towards everything. I really think we should cherish and respect that word, and come up with other words to use instead of it, when we want to express our attraction to objects and things that do not truly deserve the word "love"...

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 3 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Aghrab 19.07.09 6:24

Dreamer wrote:
Syrianeh wrote:Maybe we need to generate new words Smile

Haha. I can agree with you, completely... I believe it actually is a cultural thing, that we all end up using the word "love" towards everything. I really think we should cherish and respect that word, and come up with other words to use instead of it, when we want to express our attraction to objects and things that do not truly deserve the word "love"...
This is not something that we can blame just about anyone, for doing... using the word “Love” towards things that do not deserve such a strong and powerful word. I hear people use this word every day towards things like shoes, songs and the usual... however very rarely do I end up feeling anything against them for it, simply because they are not aware of this mistake... They have grown up around people who have used the word Love towards everything useless. However, when someone in the path of Asetianism uses that word over and over towards mundane things, is where I can see them misusing a word that literally describes the Aset Ka. Love, to them, is such a powerful word, such an important and special part of their lives, and when seeing people who are aware of this, go on and use that word towards the wrong things, is where I feel that they do not see deep enough.


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 3 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by godofbattle 25.10.09 18:27

I think I can relate to the guardians in this way. I can't say I love my parents. But, I don't hate them. I simply go to them for survival needs. There are alot of things they are not able to comprehend about me and so much they don't know. They often judge certin things about me because of this. I know why this is but sometimes it gets on my nerves. they try to impose things on me based on mundane limitations as I would call them. They try to get me to hang out with people and not to say that I don't want to but, I want to be around those that are worthy of being truely close to me. Which they lack the ability to find. Those few who have been able to know me truely will always be my adored secret. They will be kept from those who don't understand our connection.

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 3 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by heart-of-ink 18.06.10 10:01

godofbattle wrote:I think I can relate to the guardians in this way. I can't say I love my parents. But, I don't hate them. I simply go to them for survival needs. There are alot of things they are not able to comprehend about me and so much they don't know. They often judge certin things about me because of this. I know why this is but sometimes it gets on my nerves. they try to impose things on me based on mundane limitations as I would call them. They try to get me to hang out with people and not to say that I don't want to but, I want to be around those that are worthy of being truely close to me. Which they lack the ability to find. Those few who have been able to know me truely will always be my adored secret. They will be kept from those who don't understand our connection.

I agree with you godof battle. I am still living with my parents, as I am only a teenager, but even now, I spend almost all of my time away from them. I believe I feel affection for my parents, but is it love? I truly do not know.
They believe I will like someone simply based on their appearence. (I tend to hang out with a non-conformist crowd and anyone that looks non-conformist is believed by my parents to be a person of interest to me) The truth is that I hold three people(none of which are family members) in my life that I hold close to my heart, and my parents are only aware of two. I do as I am told in order to survive, and recieve privileges. They also think that I refuse to engage with certain individuals because I am "anti-social" but it is simply that I do not care to be around people unless I choose to be around them, and they do not understand. The largest thing that makes me detach from my parents is that I do not find them open minded, and I feel as if they wish only to control me, and I prize my freedom above all but one thing.
Even though I hate to say it, if one of my parents, and one of those three people special to me, were both in the hospital for exactly the same reason, at the exact same progression, both the exact same distance to me in opposite directions, I would go to that person, other than my parent.
I would also like to say that I am in no way deluded to believe that I am a Vampire or anything else, and I discovered Asetianism just yesterday, this is simply how I feel and as a teenager, I feel that I may be a little "closer to home" on the topic of a child's love for his/her parent.


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 3 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Aleina 02.07.10 5:21

I believe that using those grounding stones, for Guardians, may create a bit more detachment and shield, therefore it would probably be better for Concubines, who need those qualities more, to use the grounding minerals. I think that it would have s positive effect on the Concubine's sense of detachment towards humans.

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 3 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Aleina 02.07.10 5:25

heart-of-ink wrote:I would also like to say that I am in no way deluded to believe that I am a Vampire or anything else, and I discovered Asetianism just yesterday, this is simply how I feel and as a teenager, I feel that I may be a little "closer to home" on the topic of a child's love for his/her parent.

Greetings. You don't need to be a vampire to realize that connection between you and your parents, and to choose to spend most of your time away from them. If not society that effected you, it may simply be the energies that you unconsciously focus on, realizing that, they may be your biological parents, but you prefer to be around those who are closer to your soul than to your DNA.

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 3 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Aleina 02.07.10 5:27

Just to add onto what I said above:

I don't think that being an Asetian means that all lineages absolutely hate and are disgusted of their parents and bio family. Some may even hold some contact with their biological family, who knows. This doesn't mean that they love them. The whole extreme detachment mostly refers to the Guardian lineage, though all Asetians share a sense of detachment to their biological family.

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 3 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Am I real 03.10.10 14:46

Aghrab wrote:I wanted to throw an idea out there, and see how many agree and how many disagree with me on this.

I was recently giving a thought that... Guardians are detached beings to the ones that they may have been able to create quite a thick link with, an energetic link, during their childhood. They are also said to be the most grounded Asetians. In other words, when you are so grounded as the Guardians, you are too shielded to normally interact with energy, too shielded to allow the development of creating energetic links or bonds. I believe that one of the greatest reasons to why a Guardian is so detached from the society and from their biological parents is because of their massive shields and natural grounding abilities, literally blocking them from even creating unconscious bonds and links, with humans. Do you agree or disagree?

Also, if this is a big reason to why a Guardian is so detached... would it make sense to say that a Guardian working with grounding stones, such as hematite, tourmaline quartz and black tourmaline, magnetite, jasper, onyx and others, can become even more detached with society and their biological parents? Using such minerals forces the Guardian to become even more grounded, meaning they will develop even more massive shields than they already naturally do...

Another small note... do you believe grounding minerals such as the ones I mentioned above, would be able to help a Concubine towards detachment?

I am looking forward to reading your posts.


I wonder why didn't you use obsidian you have a nice collection of stones but obsidian is the most grounding stone ever made yet you don't mention obsidian I find this vary strange or do you have this one but just forgot to mention the most powerful grounding stone ever made I will look forward to your reply Smile

Am I real

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 3 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Am I real 03.10.10 19:16


Am I real

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 3 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Victor 03.10.10 22:51

Actually, hematite can be more grounding than obsidian, especially since obsidian is not a true mineral, but a volcanic glass, resulting in amorphous properties when used metaphysically given its lack of a crystalline structure and atomic binding network. Besides, hematite's natural affinity with blood results in a far more interesting rapport when it comes to vampiric usage and specific attunement.

Oh and don't refer to obsidian as "the most grounding stone ever made". First, obsidian is not a stone, and second, it is not made, but naturally formed out of felsic lavas with a high silica percentage.

The only silly thing being referred on the previous post you quoted is comparing the usage of stones to the detachment from biological family typical of the Asetians. Guardians are naturally detached from their families, they feel nothing towards them, using a stone or not. It has nothing to do with minerals or their metaphysical shields, but an obvious characteristic of their personality and bonding nature. They don't care about humans, and their biological family would be just another group of mortals that they look down at with no interest at all.
People just tend to make assumptions and draw metaphysical parallels and explanations when they don't understand the basics of what they are talking about... go figure.

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 3 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by godofbattle 04.10.10 2:59

I think that guardians being the adversary type would explain why they might not connect with thier parents. This dosen't mean they hate them. This simply means that the humans cannot understand their nature. Therefore critisizing certain things about their nature. The guardian many times may feel alone before and during the awakening . They also begin to realize just like any other Asetian would that humans don't know real love. This making them seem cold because they would not give dedication to those who do not understand it and will only critisize them for it out of ignorance and lack of understanding. (all of these things are stated in the AB). I don't think we should keep trying to relate it to different things like victor said. I think we should analyse carefully what the AB explained and not get to carried away with the things that we say.

Last but not least I would like to add that many people are afraid to love that deeply because they fear the person is insane and would kill them if they couldn't have them. so, humans choose to love out of fear which is not love at all.

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 3 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Divine 277 04.10.10 19:47

Aghrab wrote:
Jonathan wrote:Also, I believe that an Asetian would not call love to what you use the word love for. This is a very "Asetian thing". Their definition of love is different than that of humans, and they don't consider the feelings we may have for a children, a mother or a brother, to be their definition of love. It is a complex subject and it has been target of many debates related to Asetianism, even on some live events, to those that have access to them.

Very well that you brought this up, Jonathan. I have heard that Asetians even criticize when the word “love” is used between parents and things that are just too shallow to be seen as Love. This subject is very hard to comprehend and accept, for many who have attachment to someone biological in life, but that is the part where one must be more open minded... This is how one evolves, I assume, by having to comprehend the more harsh Truth.


This is actually one of the reason I wrote the post about LOVE....

Do you feel like an Asetian ? ( if not , how can you claim this )

Do you feel What your friend feels ?? ( if not, then how can you know how they feel love? )

Do you think that Love, is felt In only one mater ? ( if or if not, what is your answer)

Do you think that people feel Love in the same way ? ( why the H... would they ? )

Like I see it, only a empath or something whit empathic gifts can answer thees questions.

But pleas feel free to sett me strait.

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 3 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by AndreiaLi 06.10.10 0:58

Humans use "love" in their interactions.

Asetians know and have the power of expressing Love, through all of their lifes, understanding the true core of this vital Feeling.

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