Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Divine 277
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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 4 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Jonathan 05.10.10 22:13

AndreiaLi wrote:Humans use "love" in their interactions.

Asetians know and have the power of expressing Love, through all of their lifes, understanding the true core of this vital Feeling.

Humans use love as just a mere word, towards many things. Asetians use Love as a sacred concept, towards only one unique divine thing.

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 4 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Divine 277 07.10.10 3:21

AndreiaLi wrote:Humans use "love" in their interactions.

Asetians know and have the power of expressing Love, through all of their lifes, understanding the true core of this vital Feeling.

thank you, for your response.

I still think they can chose to Love, if they want.

But it´s probably very hard for them, since they get consumed by pain as well Smile

The condition of the life essence, Is not in balance.

so the condition of the soul or if you prefer the condition of the world, needs some serious cleaning ...

Asetians mite see the humans in this delirious state and get frustrated about it, because they know better and see more, but that does not mean that humans cant chose to LOVE or is not capable of Love.

Love Divine <3
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 4 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by AndreiaLi 19.10.10 16:49

I understand your point. But I can only see humans as self destructive beings that only choose to love themselfs towards egoistic acts.

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 4 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Divine 277 20.10.10 6:10


Smile Well, the once that have not been consumed by there own pain, and that have survived it , don't see it that way.

They actually have compassion for the once that has pain,( but do understand that they cant help, if they don't want help.)

Since they know that the once who has pain and cant learn from the lesson, is only contributing to their own misery or they try to make everyone else as depressed or angry as they are, and well people like that are signing their own fate.

That humans tend to dig them self's a hole and live in it, is quite sad, cause they do have a choice.

Some do see this and I chose to see that not all of humanity is a waste of time and that the few that wants to learn the way of life is worth it Smile

Sincerely Divine 277

Divine 277
Divine 277

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 4 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by iMaven 12.09.11 5:35

geo wrote:I have one. I started reading it (the lineages part), but stopped for now. I'm waiting to be in the right state of mind to fully get into it. It's not a good time right now.

It does not seem right though Aghrab... Even if the biological parents are not their true parents, Guardians are "beings of pure love", they are "very sensitive and caring", and though they "express it towards some select few", I don't think or maybe I just don't want to believe the fact that they would feel nothing for the ones that love them unconditionally, forever. They are beings with very powerful shields, and though they live for that one true love - their half, the Truth, their thoughts or ideas -, I think there's much more hiding inside them...emotions that maybe they would keep away from anybody else just to reach that true Love, at a cost. Their strenght, their secrets, their emotional turmoil stay inside the shield and break free through the Deadly Poison, such a complex act.
...I just can't see how beings of such intense love can be that cold...there must be more to it...

I have to agree with Geo.

I think connectedness is one of the universal principles we should all aspire too.. asetian or not.
i relate strongly to everything I read on guardians.

Most of the time I pride my detachment.. But the other month.. I had the most intense/emotional experience of my life... All over something very simple.
I went to my mother's to drop off a christmas gift (a late one.. I'm hard to get a hold of basically. I like to be left alone and I'm 19 and living on my own since 18. I really should visit my parents more as they've done so much for me. I could do so much more!! Anyways... I had this gift card I bought for my stepfather. My mother wouldn't accept it.. she said he didn't want it and he'd rather me keep it for ourselves ( me and my girl). Told us to go buy a sandwich with it or something. At first I felt rage "OR he can take the gift like originally intended". She calmly shook her head and told me "no honey, it's okay you go ahead and take it". I was about to insist but it was as if a wave of "enlightenment" washed over me.. I say enlightnement because I was exposed to a deep truth of how unconnected I was from my compassion and integrity. How selfish i've been towards my caretakers.
It took all my will to not burst down in tears in front of her. Something as simple as a 20$ coffee shop gift card made me realize how cold i've been towards my parents in terms of affection and regard.

I believe I experienced the "dark knight of the soul" if anyone has heard of that..
I cried all the way home and silenced my girlfriend's advice. I needed none. I needed only to feel this purgatory..
Writing this made me a bit teary.

anyways.. Only sharing that the most intense experience I ever had was over how I was cold as a son to my parent.. I'm still not the best son i could be. nor am i close.
but I'm a lot better than I was. I've never had an experience like that.. It was amazing and pure. And I believe guardian or not, it's meant for us all.


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 4 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by iMaven 12.09.11 5:37

Basically, seeing both my mother's and stepfather's compassion towards me melted my heart.. As i've not shown the same level of compassion... We all need to embody compassion and integrity, imo.


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 4 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Jonathan 12.09.11 6:32

Hi iMaven. I cherish your gesture of sharing with us an intimate experience such as this one. I don't believe people should force down truth on anyone, not only because truth will always prevail when one is honest but also because we all see things different. What may be right and truth to me it may not be to you.
I also want to add that I see many people being only able to deal with extremes. That's a sign of imbalance. Like many other users as Stalker, Natalia and Victor have said in their posts, we see many people acting like devoted Asetianists and in the next week bashing every Asetianist out there. I can only feel sorry for them and this happens everywhere, not just with Asetianism. People should seek balance and stop dealing only with extremes. It seems like they can only love or hate, see only black or white. People need to open their mind...

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 4 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Kalb 12.09.11 15:47

When you think about Love is when you fail. When you try describe Love is when you start to be ignorant. When you accept that you're nothing and believe that ignorance domain you.. Love start manifests inside you. Humility destroying the ego. This is my point and the rest is only music to my ears. When we talk about Asetian Love, we are talking about immortality, bound forever, Loving each other, we're not talking about a human concept, which most often ends in frustration and where usually spent only one incarnation to love someone. Understanding Love, we must break the barrier in several incarnations, Clean the fog so that it is all clear. Most of the human mind don't love, only feel illusion. On other hand, I believe that the most intimate things should only be shared with those who we really feel true emotions... Otherwise, the frustration and the feeling will become weak and polluted. I amuse myself with the way that Victor talk ... Cold and direct. Smile

Victor wrote:Geo, parents' love is not really unconditional love forever as you put it. That is nothing but an illusion. Most parents, nearly all, feel for their children as a result of a natural biological condition. It is in the genes of animals to protect and nourish their offsprings. It is a chemical thing, not about love. Not about energy. Not about true care. In the case of humans, that lack most of their instincts and natural reactions, it is even a selfish thing when they overprotect and care for their children, since they do it in the hopes that when they grow, they will not leave them and would stay and take care of them as they grow old. The typical selfish mind of mothers and fathers operates that way, most people are just too used in trying not to believe it, becoming blind to the actual dirty nature of mankind.
When you mention that Guardians are being of pure love, you must never forget that it applies only exclusively to their soulmates and the closer, most intimate, individuals inside of the Asetian Family. They are not caring, loving or gentle to anyone outside of it, and their biological family are just other mortals for them, no more and no less. Actually, in most cases, they would even have less feelings for their biological family than to the other common humans, because of the turmoil situation of when they wanted to detach and all the problems and obstacles their family might bring upon them. This lack of understanding from their biological families usually creates an even further detachment and dislike towards their biological families more than anyone else. This may sound horrible to most people, and it surely does sound completely evil and mean to humans, but that is the nature of true Guardians... the poisonous Scorpions of the Aset Ka.


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 4 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by iMaven 12.09.11 17:53

i think we don't give enough credit to anomalies in human's.


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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 4 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Shemset 15.09.11 20:32

iMaven wrote:i think we don't give enough credit to anomalies in human's.


Is annoying to see you guys talk about humans as if you were talking about irrational beings.
Yes, there are terrible humans so as there are terrible vampires and otherkins.
If the Gods had thought that the humans were so hopeless they would never had wasted their precious time trying to teach them.
And just because a Guardian is that way doesn't mean that this is the best way, or that is right. They are beatiful and amazing but not perfect, otherwise they wouldn't be always changing.
Have you forgot about the Concubines? They are not less Asetians and incredible than the other lineages.

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 4 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Niani 19.05.18 14:48

Coming in on this pretty late but I was intrigued by this topic, so I figured I'd offer my two cents, for whatever it is worth.

I agree with the concept that parental love might be strong and good. I used to have certain ideals about it that I now longer hold to. This is coming from a place of pure logic and scientific fact, and I do not mean to offend anyone. But essentially, the entire purpose of reproducing other than what could be passed off as a primal instinct to ensure the continuation of the species is to have children care for the parent as they grow older. This is true now more than ever as families have to bind together just to survive in this economy; my family is no exception.

This of course for the sake of the topic applies to only those who consciously choose to have children.

I can only speak from personal experience when it comes to family and my bonds with them. And I have to say I can definitely relate to the "detachment" bit. I am solitary in all things, but I have a few close friends who I occasionally confide in, but even the one I've known the longest (over thirteen years now) doesn't know everything there is to know about me. And my family knows even less. It certainly doesn't help that they are small minded and bigoted, and more than a little racist. If anything it drives the wedge further. But I still love them in my own way and would do what was necessary to assist them, so long as it was doable.

I myself entertained the prospect of having children of my own, but due to several factors including personal reasons, I decided against it. I can't picture myself settling down and having a family in the traditional way. I know I would love any children of mine fiercely, and do whatever was necessary to protect them and ensure they became the best they could be, but it's simply not in the cards for me I don't think. Maybe I've just never met anyone that made me think, "Yep, gonna reproduce with you."

I think Guardians and honestly any other lineage, no matter how "divine" they may be, are still shaped by their human experiences even if they do not resonate with them on a deeper level. As Guardians are described as beings as pure Love, in it's highest form, I don't think it is a big stretch to imagine the Guardian in question being grateful to their birth family for giving them a stable existence and for whatever support they might have given. In the case of a less than pleasant family life, I can understand that icy detachment in full force. The Guardian as a being of pure Love would understand that their birth family would not be perfect, just as they themselves are not flawless, and forgive them for any petty grievances. In the case where grievances were not petty, I could understand the Guardian as they are described being less forgiving.

Might be coming from a mortal standpoint here, but Love is forgiveness and understanding. You don't love people for as long as they are cleaned up and useful, and shiny. If you loved someone you would love them even at their worst, for all their flaws and weakness. That being said though, seeing as Guardians are described as Warriors. As such, it stands that they would have a keen survival instinct and not bother with pointless endeavors that would sap their strength and prove distracting, thus preventing them from making progress where progress was needed. For example, an early relationship (regardless of its nature) that proved toxic to the Guardian would be cut loose, in order to prevent them from being where they were needed.

For a Guardian to stay in a toxic relationship, even as a being of Pure love, as they have been defined on the forum (sorry, still haven't read the Bible - yet) would be contradictory in of itself.

I'm open minded and curious as to what other points you all might have.

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 4 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Troublemaker 20.05.18 15:56

I just saw that this thread has over 9,000 views. Holy Kemet! What a Face

Well, it has already been expressed, but I don't think the qualities of the Guardians could be reliant in any way on a crystal. To attribute the level of their beautiful dedication, love, and detachment from the mundane to a natural shield or its amplification through a helpful mineral would be in disregard toward the violet flame that flows through them. Crystals are very popular, and this popularity is only growing over time. Depending on the sensitivity of the individual, many people can pick up certain ones and get strong sensations. Many people are energy workers, as we live in an age where an interest in the metaphysical is only ever increasing even if littered with misguided teaching sources. I think levels of sociability, whether they exist within an Asetian or anyone else of a different nature, are more dependent upon the nuclear Self than the presence of a shield.

I can see why this thread has so many views. Even though it is almost a decade old, I've returned to it before to think and meditate. It's valuable to see that people were expressing their views in a direct way, with self-confidence.

I find one thing to be rather interesting - the way people would react when faced with these notions on biological family. This is not just heresy but can be directly observed. 'Why would you like to have children?' becomes a question at some point when observing. The answer comes pretty easily if you watch people. Some of the more common reasons involve the individual desiring to produce a tiny human in their own image - to see their biological influence reflected in the face, body, mannerisms and even mentality of their child. Watch a little bit longer and you see even more. Isn't it great that my child acts just like me, likes or does (insert thing here) just like mommy/daddy. I can't think of anything more selfish, and yet it is frequently disguised as pure love and applauded by the majority of society. The ultimate goal in life...

Well, that'll conclude my own rambling. I hope my views have been expressed in a respectful way.

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 4 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by Jonathan 22.05.18 15:00

Rhea Kaye wrote:I just saw that this thread has over 9,000 views. Holy Kemet! What a Face

Wow 9000 that is a lot!

And people still wonder when we talk about all the stalkers and creepers we get constantly observing this forum for movement. Twisted Evil

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Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones - Page 4 Empty Re: Guardian's Detachment and Grounding Stones

Post by A.Nightside 29.05.18 18:28

Jonathan wrote:
Rhea Kaye wrote:I just saw that this thread has over 9,000 views. Holy Kemet! What a Face

Wow 9000 that is a lot!

And people still wonder when we talk about all the stalkers and creepers we get constantly observing this forum for movement. Twisted Evil


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