The first time you met Kemet

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The first time you met Kemet Empty The first time you met Kemet

Post by Daniel09 10.11.09 19:30

I was wondering if you remember the first time you met Kemet? The first time Ancient Egypt entered your mind and you took an interest in it.

For me, to my knowledge, it was way back in around fourth grade in math class. It was brought up how the Ancient Egyptians measured their stuff, and then following that was the ramp theory of how they constructed the pyramids. It didn't seem right to me at all and sparked my interest in Egypt which kind of sat in the background for many years. In seventh grade there was an assignment to build a scale model of a pyramid. I chose the great pyramid and after a lot of study on the dimensions and such, I finally worked out exact measurements and built a cardboard pyramid, which I then covered in orange-dyed plaster-of-paris to give the appearance of an old pyramid. I still have a piece of it somewhere. After I moved back to the town where I was born, I visited the library far more often, it being close-by. Once I discovered their section on Egypt, I became very familiar with it, pulling every interesting book, skimming most and avidly reading others. Now I have the desire to become an archaeologist so I can go to Egypt and find out more. It is quite an obsession, a controlled one though, more like a passion. I have an undying passion and love for Egypt, the mysterious shrouded land of Kemet. ^_^

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The first time you met Kemet Empty Re: The first time you met Kemet

Post by Kotaro 11.11.09 4:02

I think I was six or seven years old. My uncle had been to Egypt and brought back several items. Items that left the most impact were feeling real papyrus, very vivid color pics of various artifacts( chairs,chariots,ect), many King Tut pics, and the two statues that have stayed with me all these years, Aset and Anubis.

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Registration date : 2009-01-17

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The first time you met Kemet Empty Re: The first time you met Kemet

Post by Jonathan 11.11.09 4:36

Kotaro wrote:I think I was six or seven years old. My uncle had been to Egypt and brought back several items. Items that left the most impact were feeling real papyrus, very vivid color pics of various artifacts( chairs,chariots,ect), many King Tut pics, and the two statues that have stayed with me all these years, Aset and Anubis.
Very Asetian in nature, no? Wink Aset and Anubis, both highly central deities in the Asetian tradition.

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The first time you met Kemet Empty Re: The first time you met Kemet

Post by Daniel09 11.11.09 17:38

Ah! I just had a recollection. The earliest memory of Egypt I had was from Sesame Street, which I never watched. That program just happened to be on at a random time I was watching. There was a kid trying to make it into the afterlife, but had to have a heart lighter than a feather, and the God wouldn't let him pass otherwise.

Number of posts : 850
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Registration date : 2009-01-17

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The first time you met Kemet Empty Re: The first time you met Kemet

Post by ElizabethBathory 15.11.09 12:07

I've never been into Egypt too much, although I do like the jewelry and hieroglyphics; I remember being fascinated with hieroglyphs at museums. I mostly like Arabia/Arabic culture, which is odd since I do not tolerate hot weather very well.

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The first time you met Kemet Empty Re: The first time you met Kemet

Post by Saylamine 26.11.09 2:34

I think it began for me when I read a single page devoted to Serqet in a high school history book. I remember thinking that I wished I could pray and really learn about deities like the ones in ancient times. But, I was young and didn't think that would be possible. But, later on, with a lot of life changes and family members passing on, my spiritual path changed completely, and Egypt drew me in fully.

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The first time you met Kemet Empty Re: The first time you met Kemet

Post by Lyprith 09.12.09 3:33

To be completely honest i can't remember ever having a first experience with Kemet. It's quiet simply always been there for me.


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The first time you met Kemet Empty Re: The first time you met Kemet

Post by Lynskha 21.11.17 14:37

Since a very young age I remember telling my parents how I felt a connection with Kemet. When I saw some of my father's books, a collection about Art, I could not get away from the pages related to Kemet, and everything related to it. I used to feel happy, but also sad about some specific happenings, periods, but never knew why.
Also, how some things for me were not like the books tried to picture.

Anything I saw related to it, used and still does, to cause me a deep feeling of love. respect and connection.

It is just an amazing sensation. It is beautiful, it is powerful, it is Sacred.

It is not about just a culture, about history. but about everything it represents in therms of Spirituality and Sacredness.

One image that I always had a special feeling is " Judgement of Osiris / the Weighing of the Heart".

Kemet - just alive in our Souls.


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The first time you met Kemet Empty Re: The first time you met Kemet

Post by Tehom 27.06.23 1:59

I visited as a child on vacation in the mid 2000s ... we intended to see the Pyramids but were restricted due to recent attacks in the region. I had a beautiful time. I swam in Sharm El-Sheikh and travelled into town, I bought a red ruby for myself I later lost ... I got Henna Tattoos and met a friendly young guy who gave us a tour with his parents, and we saw The Lion King together in the theatre but we also picked up souvenirs, like a humble statue of Bastet in all her piercing glory I own to this day.

I think it's very important for us to travel and have these experiences throughout our lives. They initiate such irreplaceable flow within us. Really acquire whatever you need to and just go...

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