Videos on ancient Egypt/ Kemet

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Videos on ancient Egypt/ Kemet Empty Videos on ancient Egypt/ Kemet

Post by N.Augusta 08.03.10 10:18

Just throwing this out there...

I am particularly fond of ancient Egypt (always have been) and love to learn about its histories and mysteries. I believe that many here do as well. :-)

Well, I was thinking that we could share some of our favorite educational/ documentary type videos about ancient Egypt. Doesn't really matter what the subject matter is, just so long as it is about Ancient Egypt.(Note: this is also helpful as learning styles vary per individual.) Many videos are available through You Tube.

Any interest in sharing? Could bring about some fascinating conversations and enligtenment.

If you have any interest, then please say so. If you recommend any videos that you found interesting or fascinating, then please start sharing. I have come across quite a few good ones, but always welcome more as I love to listen to different theories.


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Videos on ancient Egypt/ Kemet Empty Re: Videos on ancient Egypt/ Kemet

Post by Aleina 08.03.10 17:01

YouTube is literally filled with such videos. But since this is a forum related to the Aset Ka, I think you should check out for Asetian-related and Ancient Egyptian-related videos.

I will post some of the playlists in that channel. There are over 20 videos so I will not embed any of them in this thread.

Asetian Bloodlines:

The three most important things to the Aset Ka:

I hope you find it helpful. I would link my channel but mine has not much videos on it. Razz

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Videos on ancient Egypt/ Kemet Empty Re: Videos on ancient Egypt/ Kemet

Post by Syrianeh 09.03.10 1:18

N.Augusta: The Heritage Key channel in Youtube has some very interesting videos on Ancient Egypt, if you like archeology. Look for videos by archeologist Zahi Hawass. Here's a link:

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Videos on ancient Egypt/ Kemet Empty Re: Videos on ancient Egypt/ Kemet

Post by Jonathan 09.03.10 14:49

Zahi Hawass is a noteworthy Egyptologist and high profile personality in the related community, who has helped restore and bring back to Egyptian museums many old pieces that were taken to other countries, however there is something about the energy in this man that makes me uncomfortable. I don't question his expertise, even though some of his views on Ancient Egyptian history, particularly in what comes to religion and spirituality, seem to be a bit outdated and too clouded by his own dogma. Just there is something in him that doesn't feel right... but I can't come to sense of what it is.

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Videos on ancient Egypt/ Kemet Empty Re: Videos on ancient Egypt/ Kemet

Post by godofbattle 09.03.10 19:37

I am fond f the song on the life video I was woundeering the name if it and who it was by

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Videos on ancient Egypt/ Kemet Empty Re: Videos on ancient Egypt/ Kemet

Post by N.Augusta 09.03.10 20:37

Thank you Aleina for the input...
I will post your newest videos, as you are, by the way, one of my You Tube friends (hint: follow the black and white monkey) and I look forward to seeing your future videos. Keep them coming, and continue to share, inform and artistically express the beauty of your heartfelt inspiration.

Aleina's latest videos:

Master Luis Marques

Isis, Goddess of the Aset Ka (Part 1)

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Videos on ancient Egypt/ Kemet Empty Re: Videos on ancient Egypt/ Kemet

Post by Daniel09 09.03.10 22:04

I would also refer you to a number of videos by BBC, which I do not know if they are on YouTube, but they are called Rediscovering Ancient Egypt and cover the expeditions to uncover the temples, artifacts, and the translating the Rosetta Stone to read Hieroglyphs in re-enactments.

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Videos on ancient Egypt/ Kemet Empty Re: Videos on ancient Egypt/ Kemet

Post by Syrianeh 10.03.10 3:44


You might be right in your intuition, though it is a very subjective matter. I watch Mr. Hawass for his straightforward description of archeological findings and their historical references. He is a pure scientist at heart, and as such he behaves and expresses his opinions. I feel that there is no one out there in the archeological/historical field with a coherent spiritual approach to ancient Egypt. (No one who makes documentaries for the media, that is.) So I think the Hawass reports are interesting as far as "raw information". One must arrive at their own conclusions spritually speaking.

Still, this is just an example. There are many documentaries by BBC, as Daniel points out, and by National Geographic, that are very interesting as far as general knowledge and history.

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Videos on ancient Egypt/ Kemet Empty Re: Videos on ancient Egypt/ Kemet

Post by N.Augusta 10.03.10 8:41

Thanks Syrianeh for the link... Oh yes, I do love the archeological history and the different theories. I find it fascinating how the ancient Egyptians continue to leave "modern man" scratching his head while attempting to put the puzzle pieces together.

"Zahi Hawass currently serves as Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, and directs ongoing excavations at Giza, Saqqara, and in the Valley of the Kings," YT Heritage Key page description.

Now this is interesting, (coincidence?) I was listening to a Coast to Coast interview with an Egyptologist earlier yesterday morning, and Zahi was mentioned. On the interview they were saying, that Zahi is in control and holding people back from making discoveries, and that nothing happens in Egypt without his permission. To sum it up, control, power and $$$....I have no idea if that is true or not, but it is certainly possible. Prior to yesterday, I had never heard of him. I did watch a few videos yesterday afternoon.

Jonathan, regarding your comment about his energy, I think I understand...

Last week, I watched The Pyramid Code produced by Dr. Carmen Boutler. It is a series of five episodes that are each an hour long with an interesting cast and beautiful filming.

EPISODES: 1. The Band of Peace 2. High Level Technology 3. Sacred Cosmology 4.The Empowered Human 5. A New Chronology

The theories on these videos are very interesting. Dr. Boutler questions just about everything under the sun and searches outside the box. I found the episodes to be engaging and fascinating. It was one of the better documentaries that I have watched. The series can be watched on Setyoufree2 channel. This is a short trailer for the series and is about three minutes long. Ah, the breathtaking scenery will make you want to go back in time, or motivate you to travel. Extended trailer 8 min.

Has anyone else watched the series? If so, did you like it?
Please continue to share videos that you have found interesting and recommend. Thanks!

Daniel, that sounds interesting. I will look for it.

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Videos on ancient Egypt/ Kemet Empty Re: Videos on ancient Egypt/ Kemet

Post by Syrianeh 10.03.10 13:57

N.Augusta wrote:Now this is interesting, (coincidence?) I was listening to a Coast to Coast interview with an Egyptologist earlier yesterday morning, and Zahi was mentioned. On the interview they were saying, that Zahi is in control and holding people back from making discoveries, and that nothing happens in Egypt without his permission. To sum it up, control, power and $$$....

Well, I wasn't aware of that. I guess I haven't been looking into the politics of it. Thanks for bringing it up. The other links also look interesting.

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Post by Daniel09 10.03.10 18:54

What I find most interesting about Hawass is how years ago, his only focus was finding Osiris's body. He led an excavation in which he was sure he would find it, discovered an overly large sarcophagus with a symbolic something I can't recall, and then abandoned his search entirely without a wrap-up that I could find.

I do find him to be fairly respectable though. He humors popular theories and tests them as he is able to fit them into monument preservation tasks, and doesn't do anything unnecessary that could cause any kind of damage to historical evidence. While I do believe there is information being kept secret, and probably often half-truths in order to keep a solid foundation in people's minds about history as they know it, Hawass is a good man from what I can tell.

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Videos on ancient Egypt/ Kemet Empty Magical Egypt: A symbolist tour

Post by N.Augusta 16.03.10 9:29

This video series (listed in the subject) could be of some interest to some of you. I just realized that in the Asetian Bible, the episodes on "Illumination" and "The Temple in Man" from the video series "Magical Egypt: A symbolist tour" by John Anthony West are referenced.

I viewed the first episode awhile ago, but will continue to watch the series in order. It is a fascinating series from what I can tell, but I also like West's other videos, such as "Mystery of the Sphinx" for which he won an Emmy.

There are about eight (one hour) episodes in the "Magical Egypt" series.
Ep1. The Invisible Science Ep2. The Old Kingdom & the Older Still Ep3. Descent Ep4. The Temple in Man Ep5. Navigating the Afterlife Ep6. Legacy Ep7. Illumination Ep8. Cosmology
Here is the link to the play list for the series.

For those unfamiliar with John Anthony West, he is an alternative Egyptologist influenced by Gurdijeff and Schwaller. (Note: He is also a participant in the Pyramid Code series which I linked in an above post. Robert Bauval can also be found in both series.) For those who would like to find out a bit more about his (West's) background, I am attaching a link to the first ten minutes of an audio interview in which he briefly discusses his background.

As I watch these videos I am reminded that some of the greatest discoveries are not those that are yet to be designed by man, but rather they are those that are yet to be found.

Please share your thoughts.
Enjoy! :-)

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Videos on ancient Egypt/ Kemet Empty Re: Videos on ancient Egypt/ Kemet

Post by Aleina 28.03.10 10:13

N.Augusta wrote:Thank you Aleina for the input...
I will post your newest videos, as you are, by the way, one of my You Tube friends (hint: follow the black and white monkey) and I look forward to seeing your future videos. Keep them coming, and continue to share, inform and artistically express the beauty of your heartfelt inspiration.

Aleina's latest videos:

Master Luis Marques

Isis, Goddess of the Aset Ka (Part 1)

Thank you very much. Smile

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