Feeding in the Astral

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Feeding in the Astral Empty Feeding in the Astral

Post by Maxx 06.07.08 15:34

Many of us have experiences in feeding from others while in the astral. I would think the Asetian Bible by Luis Marques, which I have not received yet, would address this subject. Considering Life force is necessary to maintain existance in the astral, would any of you care to give us examples to help with education of others?



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Feeding in the Astral Empty Re: Feeding in the Astral

Post by Victor 10.07.08 12:25

In what way you pretend to educate?
And what audience?

I believe the answers would depend greatly on those two things.

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Feeding in the Astral Empty Re: Feeding in the Astral

Post by Maxx 10.07.08 13:39

As mentioned in this and other posts I have made, to enable the education of myself as well as others.

Thank you for displaying your thoughts. They are apparent.


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Feeding in the Astral Empty Re: Feeding in the Astral

Post by Ankhhape 10.07.08 14:48

Obviously, I am not a MOD nor am I wishing to moderate here, but I would like to ask that we not have any arguing, fighting, etc etc . . . as I foresee this possibly happening here on this thread. Let us all pride ourselves on being the 'only' forum that will not fall to these Qliphothic diatribes and maintain our respect and dignity in the Light of Aset.

Em hotep everyone,

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Feeding in the Astral Empty Re: Feeding in the Astral

Post by Maxx 10.07.08 15:40

It is apparent there must be disagreement to something I have posted. But there is no animosity at all, and there will never be. I am accustomed to people attacking me openly as I say things some others may not. This is not really an attack on a person, but one that says that they would disagree with what my statement says.

I realize I work at making people see that it is IMPORTANT to make statements based on what they have proven for themselves rather than to take statements that others have made and then enlarge on them. Or maybe, even to take concepts that they may have formulated within the mind and take that for a concrete measure of ones belief system. Most confrontational issues I experience from others are directed at me for this reason. I never take it personally.

It is important for most people that others believe what statements that person makes and align with them. Look at all the differences in the Religions coming from supposedly one source. Where are the facts. Finding those for oneself is important for getting at the truth of things. Truth can only be found by experience. 95% of all written material created, meaning books, are written for the primary purpose to fill the authors pocket. Hang the truth, so these writers would say, as long as I get a good return. Hence, my reason for posting some experiences I have seen rather than just making statements. I always like to see the experiences of others so that I might learn from them.

We all have our mental makeup of what we believe. Here I would like, and expect, to disagree openly, and then see the reasons behind it to enable me to aquire the ability to discover the truth for myself as well as others. I expect to challenge some thoughts, as I would expect for others to challenge mine and give me the reason behind it, so I can experiment with it myself to discover what is true. Otherwise, any site will turn into a rumor mill with no truth behind it at all. Those places abound on the net.

And in this particular case, I do not see any major confrontation at all as neither side is shooting. LOL. Only displaying the statement of a disagreement with one another.

Thank you for your efforts to stay on top of things, but I see no real fire here.


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Feeding in the Astral Empty Re: Feeding in the Astral

Post by Victor 10.07.08 20:50

I am sorry, but I am not getting what everyone said after my post.
I thought Maxx was asking examples on how to educate others on astral feeding. That is why I asked in what ways he pretended to educate and to give me a general idea of the audience he pretended to educate. I did not disagree with anyone, nor made any comments that would justify both Maxx's and A'nen Sedjet's words. I asked 2 questions to fully understand what he was asking. Plain and simple.

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Feeding in the Astral Empty Re: Feeding in the Astral

Post by Ankhhape 10.07.08 20:59

As usual it is most likely my fault . . .LOL
I was just sensing some negativity with the way you used the word 'pretended', as it is usually used in a derogatory way. Cultural and language translations will certainly get in the way.

Again, I apolgize for creating any animosity amongst us.

Sa Sekhem Sahu

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Feeding in the Astral Empty misunderstood

Post by Maxx 10.07.08 21:12


I certainly ask your forgiveness as I now understand that English may not be your first language and none of us fully understood the other. I certainly commend anyone who speaks more than one language. In the US, understanding other languages is certainly a shortfall for the American public. The education system here has certainly gone to hell.

In my post, I was asking for examples of how others have fed from humans as the Vampire travels in the astral world. Words are often not sufficent to convey thoughts. It may be all my fault in my choice of words whereby they were not understood.

By displaying these examples I was hoping it would give all of us a means to understand a little better what takes place during the astral feeding. Therefore, that is the education that I was referring to.

Again, forgive me for misunderstanding you. But again, here is an example of possibly not agreeing on a subject, but yet doing it in a civil manner. Even if all this was misunderstood. I bow before you.


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Feeding in the Astral Empty Re: Feeding in the Astral

Post by Victor 12.07.08 17:36

Nothing to forgive, Maxx. It was a simple misunderstanding. It happens, even among higher beings such as ourselves. Twisted Evil

As for the subject of feeding, I personally prefer other forms of feeding, that although using energy, allow for a more personal and intimate contact in this physical realm. It has however happened to me in the astral, sometimes even unintentionally. Since the astral is, in my view, all made out of energy, every time we interact with someone we exchange energies, and if one of the 2 has a vampiric nature, it will end up being more of a drain than an exchange.
But now that you brought this subject up, I would like to leave a question myself. In cases of spontaneous astral projection, like can happen during sleep, it may be a very hard task to distinguish if we are really projected into the astral or in the lower realm of our inner reality (in the Asetian Bible you will see a better description of the differences between the realms). And this takes me to my question, in the case we are actually projected into the inner realm, would it be possible to feed off our own demons and self-created entities, or that is something only possible to be done from beings in the astral? I leave the idea up to debate.

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Feeding in the Astral Empty Re: Feeding in the Astral

Post by Maxx 12.07.08 18:09

Thank you for your kind reply, Victor,

In an answer to the question you pose, my I give you my own experience from both a physical and an astral situation.

As I previously noted I think I described myself as being a former ordained christian minister that only dealt in exorcism in earlier times. I have had many experiences with beings on this plane as well as others. Now, I just laugh at the so called ghosts and inhale them. In essense I just eat them up. I feed off them and consume them wholely where they no longer exist. I have a self rule that I do not consume a particular ghost or being that is in the lime light where tourists visit to experience the ghost and where it is a source of income for some. In that respect, I just leave it there.

Now, in the astral or in the dream world, whenever I am confronted with a being to attack me, which is very rare now, I will confront it and go towards it and feed and consume it. I have found it was there to help me grow and to show me another side of the situation in many cases.

But, in both instances, I go toward the being and feed from it to overcome it.



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Feeding in the Astral Empty Re: Feeding in the Astral

Post by Ankhhape 12.07.08 22:14

For what it's worth:
. . . The Inner plane is our realm and kingdom. We are definitive rulers of that realmand it is crafted out of energy - thought - and bound to our own True Will . . .
- from the Asetian Bible Ch6 Pg 252

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Feeding in the Astral Empty Re: Feeding in the Astral

Post by Jonathan 20.07.08 21:25

It is great to see situations being solved out in such a mature way as it was presented in this post. A great lesson to all other online forums on vampirism, where kids would right away burn in flames and insults. I bow to you both.


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