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The film "The Matrix" brought the concept into popular attention. Individuals who acquired the skill of learning to awake in their dreams ("lucid dreaming") have directly experienced it. Those individuals with the best track record for predicting the future of technology are predicting it will happen soon. What is it? Virtual reality. And I am not referring to a virtual reality that is "pretty good" such as the most current forms of video games. I am referring to a simulation of reality that is so complete, so perfect that it cannot be distinguished from non-virtual reality at all. To anyone inside "the Matrix" it is perfectly real, just as real as real can be. The standard history of our own species assumes that modern human beings have been around for some 200,000 years. Yet we only have records that go back a mere 6,000 years. The chances are very, very good that in the previous 194,000 years human beings developed technologies which were much more advanced than our own today. All of our most ancient stories make that claim. And at this point in history better telescopes in space are detecting hundreds of other planets. The best speculations being drawn from this are that there are probably billions of planets like Earth upon which life could thrive and evolve. And over billions of years the chances just in our own galaxy alone that not one of these other worlds could not have developed technological civilizations incredibly more advanced than our own is laughable. Now consider for a moment what technology tries to do. It is the use of tools to better control reality. The technology of fire enabled human beings to survive better, have light to extend their days into the night, to cook foods to reduce disease, and to eventually forge better tools from metal. Technology advances to increasingly give you control over your world. It is actually quite clear that ultimately any truly advanced technology will be finally capable of perfectly simulating physical reality in a virtual reality. Furthermore this is an inevitable step for several reasons. In a perfect virtual reality you would immediately have total control over your environment, which is the ultimate goal of any technology. And, as a subset of that fact, anyone "living" in a virtual reality would be free of disease, disaster, aging, pain - you would live as an immortal God with all the powers attributed to a God. So what do we know from these simple ideas? We know that in the last 200,000 years it is highly likely that human beings attained this level of technology to be able to create a perfect simulation of reality. We also know that on the billions of other worlds and billions of previous years for those other worlds the chances are that at least one succeeded in developing the ability to perfectly simulate reality. We also know that we are only a few years from being able to to do this ourselves anyway. And finally we also know that since all advancements in technology point to attaining this ultimate goal that the overall chances that THIS reality is NOT a simulation are statistically so close to zero as to simply be zero. It is almost perfectly certain that this world is a simulation. Are there clues that this might be the case? There are. The so-called paranormal events that happen to just about everyone - precognition, psychokinesis, telepathy, deja vu, clairvoyance - are all exceptions to the seeming "normal" functioning of this simulation's programming. And then we have the clinical evidence for near death experiences in which people die, and have a flood of paranormal events (such as the out of body experience), and finally leave this world through a tunnel into another timeless "dimension". These events might simply be clues. They might simply be attention-getters to cause those who are mature enough to recognize them AS clues to wonder, "Is this really reality?" In other words, these "exceptions to the norm" might very well be an IQ test. A test to determine if you can wake up to the possibility that this world is not what it seems to be. As long as you assume that this is all there is to reality then you cannot pass the test. You remain a true believer in the "Matrix" as all there really is. But the paranormal events happen all the time. The clues are all around you. This concludes your instructions for this test. Now pick up your pencil. The test begins now. Good luck.
Merovigian- Beginner
- Number of posts : 6
Location : Greece
Registration date : 2011-08-24
One can glean much from the comments as one first enters this forum by the questions they first well as any statements that are put forth in the beginning. It is always interesting to see the thought process form as they walk into a room with others sitting there watching in silence and then see how they will adapt to the surroundings as well as the mood they set in the beginning.
Thank you very much for your time spent typing. Now, if you will, please make an effort to go into the area to introduce yourself and let us all see and learn of your interests and what brings you into this area of the universe. You may care to spotlight a little more of where your main interest might be.......and you are certainly welcome here......
BTW.....Greece is a very beautiful country. Might you tell us something of how the mood today is there with so much of ancient history all around you to inspire you.
Thank you very much for your time spent typing. Now, if you will, please make an effort to go into the area to introduce yourself and let us all see and learn of your interests and what brings you into this area of the universe. You may care to spotlight a little more of where your main interest might be.......and you are certainly welcome here......
BTW.....Greece is a very beautiful country. Might you tell us something of how the mood today is there with so much of ancient history all around you to inspire you.
Maxx- Master
- Number of posts : 4334
Age : 108
Location : USA
Registration date : 2008-06-30
For those of you who did not catch a reply I made to a post shortly after I got here, I am an ex ToV member....I was an adept for many many years and then left several years ago. I took to study on my own and kept what worked for me from the ToV. I grew a great deal during those many years although I remained very quiet in the membership.
I gained ground on what is termed dayside but I excelled nightside. My nightside was not understood even by the ToV. I need to express this for what I am about to say.
When I read this thread.....I saw the name of Nemo. This is his writing. All belongs to him where this poster is concerned.
I now caution ALL here to beware of the poster named Merovigian. I verified this with a member that is current with the ToV. I sent him a copy of this post and simply got a yes back.
I gained ground on what is termed dayside but I excelled nightside. My nightside was not understood even by the ToV. I need to express this for what I am about to say.
When I read this thread.....I saw the name of Nemo. This is his writing. All belongs to him where this poster is concerned.
I now caution ALL here to beware of the poster named Merovigian. I verified this with a member that is current with the ToV. I sent him a copy of this post and simply got a yes back.
witchmark- Insider
- Number of posts : 159
Location : Nebraska
Registration date : 2012-02-20
Really, ....that was a post from Nemo? I was not that impressed with it.
That is why I would not even reply to it.
Actually the TOV came to mind as I read the words of Luis Marques. It states......
"Bask in the light of all abominations for only when going through the gates of the abyss you shall find your answer." from the new book.
People such as the one that posted here under false attempts are all drawn together like a will find that type of backward individual drawn to the stagnant abominations that will keep them from advancement in their life unless they break away.....meaning they cannot grow in a balanced framework. It is a sad example. I do wish them well as they have a very, very uphill climb to break out of it.
Heck, I am only a human and I can see how out of balance they are.
That is why I would not even reply to it.
Actually the TOV came to mind as I read the words of Luis Marques. It states......
"Bask in the light of all abominations for only when going through the gates of the abyss you shall find your answer." from the new book.
People such as the one that posted here under false attempts are all drawn together like a will find that type of backward individual drawn to the stagnant abominations that will keep them from advancement in their life unless they break away.....meaning they cannot grow in a balanced framework. It is a sad example. I do wish them well as they have a very, very uphill climb to break out of it.
Heck, I am only a human and I can see how out of balance they are.
Maxx- Master
- Number of posts : 4334
Age : 108
Location : USA
Registration date : 2008-06-30
That was a nice quote from the Book of Orion. I like the energy we can sense in several of the quotes from the new book available so far, they feel very different from the Asetian Bible but at the same time we can tell they come from the same creator, same spiritual source, Luis Marques and Aset.
I also think we should drop the comments on the TOV for a while and focus on our own development and path. Even though I recognize the importance of exposing some forms of abuse and traps to newcomers, if people are looking for attention lets not give it to them. Same thing happened with Belanger a few years ago when she came around here trying to lure people into her House Kheperu thing. People around here felt insulted, myself included, but meanwhile I grew in my own path and now I know better.
Look at it, her Kheperu group is now a thing of the past, nearly abandoned and we see the Aset Ka flourishing stronger than ever. More will come and try to break it, but it will remain here as others collapse, and so shall we.
I also think we should drop the comments on the TOV for a while and focus on our own development and path. Even though I recognize the importance of exposing some forms of abuse and traps to newcomers, if people are looking for attention lets not give it to them. Same thing happened with Belanger a few years ago when she came around here trying to lure people into her House Kheperu thing. People around here felt insulted, myself included, but meanwhile I grew in my own path and now I know better.
Look at it, her Kheperu group is now a thing of the past, nearly abandoned and we see the Aset Ka flourishing stronger than ever. More will come and try to break it, but it will remain here as others collapse, and so shall we.
Jonathan- Master
- Number of posts : 3051
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05
Yes. Seems everyone is trying to input their lower level of growth, or lack of it, into this site. No one here is trying to beat down any of their doors to enter their domain. This speaks for itself and the status of the Aset Ka.
Maxx- Master
- Number of posts : 4334
Age : 108
Location : USA
Registration date : 2008-06-30
I do understand what you are saying here. Growth happens when one strives to do such regardless of what may or may not attempt to stand in your way.
In regards to honesty....those that come in from different systems with the intent to laugh, harm, or whatever the intention might be needs to at least be told that they have been seen. This in itself is a lesson for that individual.
In my warning to the other members was on the issue of plagerism.
From my experiences in different arenas in which the attitude stood that those that approach will not harm.....each time the undesirable attitude took over kind of like one cockroach enters and soon there are thousands of the little buggers.
I am not saying to exclude anyone....I am in favor of all that is willing to ascend. What I am saying is that perhaps we do them a favor by first to execute honesty with all and in that way it teaches a start of being honest with the self. One of the harder lessons to learn. However, it is truly a first lesson. I am sure you agree with me on that, and if not then I agree to politely accept your disagreement.
I do understand what you are saying here. Growth happens when one strives to do such regardless of what may or may not attempt to stand in your way.
In regards to honesty....those that come in from different systems with the intent to laugh, harm, or whatever the intention might be needs to at least be told that they have been seen. This in itself is a lesson for that individual.
In my warning to the other members was on the issue of plagerism.
From my experiences in different arenas in which the attitude stood that those that approach will not harm.....each time the undesirable attitude took over kind of like one cockroach enters and soon there are thousands of the little buggers.
I am not saying to exclude anyone....I am in favor of all that is willing to ascend. What I am saying is that perhaps we do them a favor by first to execute honesty with all and in that way it teaches a start of being honest with the self. One of the harder lessons to learn. However, it is truly a first lesson. I am sure you agree with me on that, and if not then I agree to politely accept your disagreement.
witchmark- Insider
- Number of posts : 159
Location : Nebraska
Registration date : 2012-02-20
I agree and I'm all about honesty and saying things as they are. Just thought I would leave my opinion in the previous post along with what I have seen from my time in this community. I think you also might agree with the contents of what I have said. It was not my intention at all to criticize your posts as I like them very much, but just to bring another point into discussion that can be useful to all parties.
Jonathan- Master
- Number of posts : 3051
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05
Jonathan, I have always been a huge fan of different perspectives. I believe I have stated that at least once here. I do agree with the point of leaving names of other organizations out when it comes to bashing, that is. I did not feel criticized just simple not understood. That is all. Glad we understand one another. I not only like your posts very much.....I also like you very much.
Have you ever been told there is something familiar that I can not quite put my finger on by another.....I have had that feeling with you from the moment I saw your name. What does that mean? Honestly, I do not know as I am still trying to figure it out.
Have you ever been told there is something familiar that I can not quite put my finger on by another.....I have had that feeling with you from the moment I saw your name. What does that mean? Honestly, I do not know as I am still trying to figure it out.
witchmark- Insider
- Number of posts : 159
Location : Nebraska
Registration date : 2012-02-20
Peace and Love.
I really enjoy your presence here, witchmark. It's notorious your honesty, you are a person of Honor and this is the most important to me in every person. Nice read yours words.
I really enjoy your presence here, witchmark. It's notorious your honesty, you are a person of Honor and this is the most important to me in every person. Nice read yours words.
Thank you for what you said.witchmark wrote:Jonathan, I have always been a huge fan of different perspectives. I believe I have stated that at least once here. I do agree with the point of leaving names of other organizations out when it comes to bashing, that is. I did not feel criticized just simple not understood. That is all. Glad we understand one another. I not only like your posts very much.....I also like you very much.
Have you ever been told there is something familiar that I can not quite put my finger on by another.....I have had that feeling with you from the moment I saw your name. What does that mean? Honestly, I do not know as I am still trying to figure it out.
About your feelings of familiarity I'm not sure what to say or how to explain it. Could be something metaphysical, could be a past connection or could just be some confusion. I don't know.
Jonathan- Master
- Number of posts : 3051
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05
Jonathan wrote:That was a nice quote from the Book of Orion. I like the energy we can sense in several of the quotes from the new book available so far, they feel very different from the Asetian Bible but at the same time we can tell they come from the same creator, same spiritual source, Luis Marques and Aset.
I also think we should drop the comments on the TOV for a while and focus on our own development and path. Even though I recognize the importance of exposing some forms of abuse and traps to newcomers, if people are looking for attention lets not give it to them.
Well said! Couldn't agree with you more.
N.Augusta- Adept
- Number of posts : 439
Location : Lost
Registration date : 2009-12-29
As the Book of Orion is now showing, the Aset Ka is described by the Asetians as an edification of nature. It has the power to resist the test of time. Don't worry, wind cannot break stone.Jonathan wrote:I also think we should drop the comments on the TOV for a while and focus on our own development and path. Even though I recognize the importance of exposing some forms of abuse and traps to newcomers, if people are looking for attention lets not give it to them. Same thing happened with Belanger a few years ago when she came around here trying to lure people into her House Kheperu thing. People around here felt insulted, myself included, but meanwhile I grew in my own path and now I know better.
Look at it, her Kheperu group is now a thing of the past, nearly abandoned and we see the Aset Ka flourishing stronger than ever. More will come and try to break it, but it will remain here as others collapse, and so shall we.
Victor- Adept
- Number of posts : 576
Location : A pool filled with naked horny vampire girls.
Registration date : 2008-06-12
Jonathan, everything is a matter of time, the true student has time as its true and loyal friend. I can say that the introduction of the Book of Orion, was simply brilliant. Mr. Luis Marques razed. He was very clear in his vision about the occultism and explains very well the popular occultism.
People like the quick and easy results and this makes the whole difference, as explained in comparison with the traditional occultism.
The Chinese Bamboo is present in Chinese culture more than 2000 years and probably the most used plant in Feng Shui, the plant is very resistant to be killed. His life knows many long years instead others that killed in a few years. The Bamboo teaches us that, to achieve increasingly high places, we must first make the roots of the house and direct our "roots" for the purpose. We learn that, like the seed of the Chinese bamboo tree takes four years to create its "root" for the fifth year after growing up, things do not happen from one day to another, are precise months, years to see any results and understand that the chances of success increase when you take good care of the root of your knowledge and culture.
The groups out there who claim to be serious and reliable can never be a bamboo, because they are like roses, very beautiful, smell good and die fast.
People like the quick and easy results and this makes the whole difference, as explained in comparison with the traditional occultism.
The Chinese Bamboo is present in Chinese culture more than 2000 years and probably the most used plant in Feng Shui, the plant is very resistant to be killed. His life knows many long years instead others that killed in a few years. The Bamboo teaches us that, to achieve increasingly high places, we must first make the roots of the house and direct our "roots" for the purpose. We learn that, like the seed of the Chinese bamboo tree takes four years to create its "root" for the fifth year after growing up, things do not happen from one day to another, are precise months, years to see any results and understand that the chances of success increase when you take good care of the root of your knowledge and culture.
The groups out there who claim to be serious and reliable can never be a bamboo, because they are like roses, very beautiful, smell good and die fast.
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