An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again"

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An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again" Empty An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again"

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 30.09.18 12:55

Hello. It has been observed. It has been noticed. Vampirismforum is and has been on a heavy decline. This used to be an extremely good place to discuss subjects of vampirism and Asetianism, however more recently, since the years have gone by, the forum has increasingly dissipated, decreased in the serious activity for which it was intended: "We are an open-minded community, formed by honest, serious and mature people that are seeking for a high standard on the research, study, discussion and support of Vampirism as a spiritual tradition, occult culture and metaphysical practice."

Trolls have repeatedly snuck in. Delusional posts have been allowed. Through toleration of said things, I believe the forum has degraded and older, more serious members have left. They have not been willing to participate in a forum with all of that ongoing, is my supposition. I know the admins have been doing a lot to keep trolls out from the forum, and I do not mean to slander them, however, just that other things can be made as well, such as, what if a new sign up system was in place where you have to answer certain questions elaborately? Or have a new introductory guideline to clarify the forum's intentions for newcomers and have a more stricter policy and guideline for the benefit of actual serious and mature discussions upon pertinent subjects? A combination of whatever new edifying factors in a greater new scheme of things so that the forum can once again thrive because there never was another forum of this type, that is public, that can be utilized to discuss vampirism and Asetianism so well.

Could we discuss upon how this could be actualized, one way or another; the goal being to have a better forum again? I know I am not just speaking for myself writing this as there are probably others who feel the same and have also even left the forum due to said reasons.


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An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again" Empty Re: An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again"

Post by Troublemaker 02.10.18 13:28

Is this a play on Donald Trump's slogan? Lol.
Well in all seriousness, this forum is no longer as great as it once was. Some threads are often cited elsewhere and they are indeed quite good, but as a whole, the forum now looks like somewhat of a joke. It looks more like a playground that childish ignorants have singled out as a trolling spot as some kind of a status test, than a mature haven for the honest discussion of vampirism. There are great discussions, gems, mature members who make good contributions but those are buried by the proliferation of complete trash, mentally deficient trolls who are allowed to run free and unchecked through what was once a great place to come for discussions.
The lack of attentiveness to this issue disappoints me. Why would a student go to read in a specific room, for example, if toddlers are allowed to freely defecate on the floor?
This isn't an attack on the mature ones of course. Rather, I am trying to call this what it is - this place looks a lot less inviting and fruitful than it used to, due to stupidity and trolls.

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An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again" Empty Re: An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again"

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 02.10.18 15:49

Indeed, it was - a play on Donald Trump's slogan.

And yes, I tend to agree...

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An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again" Empty Re: An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again"

Post by Lynskha 02.10.18 16:02

Maybe they can benefit from the good things at this forum. What would be the purpose of having am open forum if not to exchange?
I agree there are many things that sound silly or stupid. But they don't last.
Some may be wrong, others disoriented, misguided, but I think everyone has something to learn and everyone has some lesson to teach. Even these reactions The trolls cause in each one of us.
The problem may not be allowing or not allowing. There are some things that are not tolerated, but I see that The forum has been quiet not because of the quality but because many things have been discussed a lot in the past.
Many people just decide to follow a more individual path sharing some things.
In the end there is not right or wrong. Just different oponions, based on personal studies, beliefs and experiences. Even if they are wrong. May this forum be something positive for those who are open to learn. If not, a seed will be planted and they will be affected somehow, as no one goes through Asetianism without being affected.
Just my opinion.

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An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again" Empty Re: An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again"

Post by Troublemaker 02.10.18 19:55

I know where your idea is coming from, to make participation hinge upon preliminary questions answered before having the ability to post. Some Facebook groups do that. And it's a good idea in theory, but I don't think it would really work for this place. Asetianism is the primary topic of discussion here, and that draws a huge diversity of individuals.
I am not knocking the process of exchanging ideas. Not in the slightest. This forum has seen a lot of different people over the years, all with widely varying opinions on different branches of the occult, spirituality, and a variety of other topics. Diversity and free exchange is an asset to learning and growth. I never said that free exchange of ideas should end. What I meant was that unstable people are a constant influx here, it seems, and it grows frustrating. The forum has seen people leaving because of trolls, I have observed that in the past and even heard individuals blatantly stating they left because of that very reason. Others are quiet because they have other things going on, or simply not feeling like participating, maybe they like to lurk more than post, and all those reasons, alongside others I haven't listed, are completely legitimate and valid as well.
I noticed recently that I wasn't the only one thinking this, a former individual's post from some time ago sums up my thoughts quite well.
(I am focusing here only on the first few posts that remain on the topic.)
What sets this place apart from the others is its seriousness. That maturity and awareness I saw from the majority of people at the time, was what planted the seed for me to look into Asetianism. If the bulk of posts are delusional ones or not serious in some other way, that clogs the forum. New people not knowing much or being misguided aren't really the problem either, since every person has the potential to learn, grow, and evolve into heightened versions of themselves. Also, since we all do have more to learn, it's a never-ending process. I would suppose the real problem is lack of respect from some, and deliberate clogging of the forum. So when I state all these things, I hope people don't misread it as a put-down of newcomers or people who "know less" in whatever way. When I open any number of books, such as Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy, Aleister Crowley's material, kabbalistic books or returning to the Violet Throne I am reminded of how much learning and exploration there is to do. I am reminded of how much I don't know. That applies to life in general too since knowledge cannot solely revolve around books. New people breathe life into the place just the same as others who have been around longer. Especially when their enthusiasm is somehow sparked to pursue spirituality after hearing about Asetianism, even if they decide to embrace a path other than that one.
Many times in online vampire community groups, I see people constantly pushing these delusional and wrong ideas about this place, about members and what they said, what they meant, what they are, so on. While it's their own fault if they choose to close their eyes or misinterpret a message from a poster (whoever that may be), it shows in a surprising way that this place is still highly visible around many circles and areas. With such high visibility, it's a shame to see the majority of postings done by people declaring connections with this or that, making up fantasies about Dracula, and so on.
Trolls don't affect my spiritual path and in the end, I do not lose any sleep over them. They aren't a relevant facet of my existence in any deeper way. I speak up mainly because I have a high respect for this forum when it comes to serious members guided by honesty, honor and passion for their path. This forum was what I found when searching for information about vampirism, after sifting through garbage places full of fluff and giving myself a headache in the process. Because of this place, I found Asetianism and picked up the Asetian Bible, with the other works to follow. That is the reason why I feel a need to defend it, not because trolls are bending me out of shape.

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An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again" Empty Re: An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again"

Post by CREdarkness 03.10.18 2:27

Using words such as “trash”, “troll”, “delusional”, “ignorants”, “fool”, “mentally deficient” to describe people is dishonest, abusive, unacceptable... etc. (I think I would need to write a thousand words to truly re-iterate to you how damaging it is on some level). I myself am not capable of being bothered by you.

There are teens that are murdered in the system daily, there are suicide victims and trauma victims and dead bodies everywhere. Your “game” is not of value. Every single one of these lives is of great value. You will pay for your behavior, if you aren’t already paying for it.

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An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again" Empty Re: An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again"

Post by Troublemaker 03.10.18 7:18

Thank you, sincerely, for highlighting the point in such an elegant matter. The entire post clearly shows the meaning behind what I was trying to say, unfortunately in a way you were not intending.
Speaking of "dead bodies everywhere" and suicidal teens is a phenomenally weak argument, and is, itself, dishonest. I am no longer hesitant to call things for exactly what they are. People will attach negative criticisms over that, and they are free to do so even if they miss the real intent and point in the process. However, the world isn't the pretty place full of light, love, holding hands in the church and singing praises of the Christ Who Loves. Usually there is a pretty solid reason why trolls are called out or criticized, and equating that with being a direct cause of someone's suicide or "dead bodies everywhere" is a really poor debate strategy, even laughable. If someone is affected to that point over forum posts here, there was something wrong with their health to begin with, long before they ever came here. Reactions of others should not be a defining factor of how people express themselves if they are doing so from a place of honesty and not ego. If you are going to debate, at the very least you should try to keep your points relevant.
In one line you talk about how damaging my words are. In another post you tell another forum member how angry his post criticizing your religion made you. Then you follow with an assertation that you are not bothered by any of it. Inconsistency is glaringly obvious.
Lastly, your hilarious statements about how I will "pay" for my "behavior" yet again shows delusion. As unfortunate and tragic as it is to burst your bubble, there is not some bearded man in the sky waiting for just the right time to punish me for sins. That is simply not the way divinity operates.

Not sugarcoating things and actually having a backbone is always going to be misinterpreted by some, who would rather label it as a lack of evolution or enlightenment, or immediately distort the intent of the words into a dishonest picture of how it only represents "ego" or wanting to be "better than".

To the ones who actually make an effort to remain mature, pursuing reality and not fantasy, and respectful of truth, embracing honesty in their paths, this is certainly not aimed at you. We all have steps to take, growth to experience. The path is a long one and it is definitely worth it.

Calling out stupidity and falsehood is worth it too.

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An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again" Empty Re: An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again"

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 03.10.18 7:39

Rhea Kaye, that was only one suggestion; another suggestion was to have a more stricter policy or guideline or something of that nature, however, without making it too authoritarian and strictly totalitarian in control as that might itself squeeze the free life out of the forum... but a certain balance... we cannot be too liberal, nor too authoritarian. Just my own point of view, of course, and by no means speaking for everybody but it can always be discussed upon and reached for certain conclusions if possible and if the administrators are willing and watching this but it would have to be some very good, refined and not brutish barbarian system such as I might appear to recommend, like authoritarianism...

Liberalism goes well hand in hand with promoting individual responsibility and self-discipline, but it does not go well when those two factors are lacking. Authoritarianism goes well for upholding rigid structures and imposed discipline but can always escalate far out of hand and proportion by power hungry individuals with too much power and control, but adopting it at a lesser scale, safely ensured, it can in certain cases do miracles for quality, longevity, endurance and cohesion of a particular group together with other variables that might be necessary in order to ensure it is being run without corruption and efficiently... a kind of self-regulating system and mechanism built upon certain rules, but now I am spinning off into something abstract and in my mind not applied to this particular issue but something else in theory which I will not go into detail about. It really depends, however. These are just my own thoughts and using these two poles of political extreme for analogy if that makes sense. One need not pick one or the other but mix their various traits into one whole. Different componets of a more complex machinery, that might balance each other, ensuring the state of equilibrium.

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An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again" Empty Re: An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again"

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 03.10.18 7:51

Lynskha, sorry, forgot to reply to your reply as well. You do have some good points.

Maybe the solution might be more educational. I tend to just think in my own terms, however. Others might have better ideas that I do not see.

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An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again" Empty Re: An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again"

Post by CREdarkness 03.10.18 19:45

Ahead of time, where is the link so I can deactivate my account?

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An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again" Empty Re: An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again"

Post by CREdarkness 03.10.18 19:45

(If neccessary.)

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An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again" Empty Re: An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again"

Post by Maxx 05.10.18 17:17

no. no. you are not allowed to go. I have been laughing at your religious posting nonsense from the shadows ever since you movie mogul, you.

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An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again" Empty Re: An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again"

Post by Lynskha 05.10.18 22:12

Maxx nice to see you! I really thought about you when I read about religion in some posts here.

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An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again" Empty Re: An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again"

Post by Troublemaker 06.10.18 7:31

Indeed...! Nice to see you, after making lots of insults toward people that were not even deserved and making a really huge show claiming you will leave permanently and have no intention of returning (which you have done multiple times over the years).
Guess I'm the only one willing to point out the hilarity of that.

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An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again" Empty Re: An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again"

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 06.10.18 7:50

Oh, hello there, Maxx. I tend to agree with the above said. You could behave a bit more nicely because your insults last time were unjustified, unfounded, without reason. I don't get where you came from in that regard. Never thought I would see the glimmer of you again though...

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An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again" Empty Re: An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again"

Post by Troublemaker 06.10.18 7:55

Maxx wrote:I deleted my icon I use to click into this site as I will not be returning here anymore. I was told 3 weeks ago I would be leaving here as over a 10 year time period I have wasted so much time and energy in back and forth commentary with crude and disruptive people that live in their own world with no hope for advancement. (I do not refer to you Mystic) I speak of the delusional people that think of themselves in term of vampire and they have no connection with the term at all. Not even in a shallow context. These people think of me in the same term so I find it needless to stay here when any interest I found here with those of meaningful posts are long gone. Victor and Maktub were the main people that left their mark with very interesting posts. A couple of others were very interesting as well. But these no longer come here as they lost interest as well. So I will go the same path as they have....just disappear. Note: you might find it interesting to click on all the posts that Maktub made as you may find them of interest.

So, nothing tremendously personal against anyone here other than I have completely lost interest in this site as there is no longer discussions of ancient Egypt and the magic of the Dynasties of old. One can find trails of blood in any direction you go which would mean absolutely nothing at all. LOL. Energy and life force are all over the planet to work with.

The site returning to its old usefulness of involving deep discussions about metaphysics and Ancient Egypt... that also relies on not insisting that you have to gnaw on someone's severed leg in order to feed on vital energy and attacking those who disagree. Kind of hard to have an "open forum for honest exchange" if everyone needs to immediately agree with wild theories of cannibalism otherwise they are disruptive, delusional and crude. Wink Food for thought?

I noticed that other people made huge, overly dramatic shows of leaving the forum "forever" and they were called out and that wasn't exactly applauded as a balanced action.


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An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again" Empty Re: An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again"

Post by Maxx 06.10.18 8:51

not to worry, Rhea Kaye.  For certain I will not interfere with your running the board along with mysticlight.  In the beginning, there was a question whether you would be up to it, but as time progressed, you two showed you could handle the delusional crowd entering.  Over the years I faced this group entering and could not understand why not many others wanted to stop this fake element.  I got tired of meeting this continuously.  But all in all, it helped develop my rudeness and build on it.  It is the same element as you possess and it does take that to handle that stupid group.  I only offer one bit of suggestion.  That is, with all of your lengthy commentary, I might ask you to consider using a period more often.  Running one long sentence over nine lines of wording, tires an old person out from start to finish.  By the time I start in the morning reading it, the sun has set in the west at the conclusion.  Wore me the hell out reading the line and forgot the main topic by the time I got to the end.  Of course, I cannot be so selective with this directed at only one of you, so I politely direct it at both of you. Neither of you know how to use a period. lol.

Again, I salute you both.  No worry. I am not interjecting myself in your new status.  You could not relinquish your new found power feeling now once you have started with it.  lol.  With such a sour personality as one of you has, and the other trying to be nice to everyone you meet is utterly impossible. Unless you learn that everyone does not merit being treated nicely in a blanket policy, you will never become the heralded mystic you desire to be.  Ha.  I love it.   Being the Devil and Angel combo will suit you well.   On second thought, Devil and Angel title does not do justice.  Maybe Mutt and Jeff.  yeah.  That's better.

I considered sending you the info on going through the Mark Allen Smith course when you mentioned it but I did not want to be considered as being Mr Nice Guy.  No need to ruin my legacy now.  ha.  I do not think it would be for you anyway.  

....And keep honing that sour personality.... it will get better.   Good luck. And, I will read all your replies directed to belittle me as you tried above before I leave again...ha. But again, not to worry. I assure you that your sour lemon attitude I will be helping you develop from the spirit world.

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An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again" Empty Re: An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again"

Post by Troublemaker 06.10.18 10:17

Nice Maxx. Once again trying to manipulate with utter bullshit. Participation in a forum means absolutely nothing when it comes to power and status. I participate here for the discussion. If you really want to show your lack of integrity by trying to insult me in such a baseless manner again shows what I was talking about. If by now people still think my participation is about some made up idea of power or status then I would question their reading comprehension. By the way I dont run this place. This is a community. And your toxicity is rather immature.

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An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again" Empty Re: An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again"

Post by Maxx 06.10.18 10:31

come on. you can do better than that. try harder.

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An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again" Empty Re: An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again"

Post by Lynskha 06.10.18 10:35

I believe that since many of us are sensitive to energy, it is possible to feel a lot about a person by simply reading what is written.
Even not being that sensitive, some words, way of expressing can show a lot about an individual. From maturity to arrogance, from selfishness to humbleness.
For those who are able to combine the interpretation of words plus what can be felt through them, there is no mask able to hide what truly lies inside, even if one tries to hide it from himself.

I believe everyone is learning lessons every minute we live. Even if we do not realize.
Our worries should be about becoming better than we are. If you spend a whole day and do not make any progress towards this "mission", then it was a waste of time.
We have to be better, even a bit, but better. Evolution in every aspect of ourselves.
As time passes it is easy to note how childish our behavior has been. We get a bit more mature, but in the end we keep having silly reactions, like some spoiled brat that does not accept an opposite view and always want to be right.
Who is right in anything?
We may have a set of rules in order to keep something organized, but there are things that if put under discussion won't take anywhere because they are interpretations of what we have inside, reflecting our knowledge, wisdom, opinion, ego, and a lot of things.
In the end we are children, playing, trying to pretend we are adults....
Always learning...

There's no need to talk using rude words, arrogance, arguing, fighting... is this the type of evolution that you really seek?
Do you think that a being with a bit of wisdom would have the reactions each one of us have?

Isn't that a reason to feel embarrassed and use this as a lesson as in " why am I reacting like that?" "why do I want to be right?" " Why am I taking this personal and letting it affect me like that?"

I know the world is not colorful, full of peace and love as some would preach, but it does not need to be this war scenario with drama over every little topic that goes against what I think or that I think offended me.

Again just my opinion.

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An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again" Empty Re: An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again"

Post by Troublemaker 06.10.18 10:57

Nice Maxx. Once again trying to manipulate with utter bullshit. Participation in a forum means absolutely nothing when it comes to power and status. I participate here for the discussion. If you really want to show your lack of integrity by trying to insult me in such a baseless manner again shows what I was talking about. If by now people still think my participation is about some made up idea of power or status then I would question their reading comprehension. By the way I dont run this place. This is a community. And your toxicity is rather immature.

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An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again" Empty Re: An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again"

Post by Troublemaker 06.10.18 10:59

Apology for the double post.
Hope those words arent aimed at me, Lyn. You preach all this stuff about tolerance and diversity, unity and then descend into calling people spoiled brats. The espoused ideals dont align with the words so you should really find somewhere else to direct your callow judgments.

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An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again" Empty Re: An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again"

Post by Maxx 06.10.18 11:05

Not bitchy enough. You can still do better than that. Do not try to have everyone agree with you. Be your real self. You can do it.

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An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again" Empty Re: An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again"

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 06.10.18 11:26

Can we cease this now? It is not productive. I do not see any reason for this, and stop insulting and using all of those unnecessary remarks one to the other and back and forth. It does not make the rain fall; it does not make the crops grow... it is unproductive. Nothing good comes out of it and it is said for no gain, neither spiritual nor material or in any other form. The only thing it serves to do is to intensify conflict, stir up hatreds and ill feelings and bad situations like these, just proliferating it in overescalation when it should not happen.

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An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again" Empty Re: An Appeal to the Administrators: "Make Vampirismforum Great Again"

Post by Maxx 06.10.18 11:53

lol.  Rhea.  Remember the movies you have watched and the tv commercials.  Each of those characters played a different part.  The next time you saw a particular actor they played a different part.  Each time many of them made us stop and think about their part.  Do not let the actors get you caught up in too much emotional display when you reply back to them.  It lets them know too much about how to attack you the next time.  Always appear to stay neutral.  Each of us play our part.  Some better than others.  Some even win awards for play acting.  But you have the stuff inside to keep the riff raft out.  Keep up the good work.  
And Mystic,   partner....  you do not have what it takes to be a leading are relegated to the B movies.  But with practice, you may make the big time some day.   Good luck to you, as well, in your career.

And do not forget those periods. Helps keep attention sharp.

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