Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible?

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Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible? Empty Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible?

Post by Syrianeh 24.04.09 5:56

I have a question to throw out there. I know it's been asked before how has Asetianism and the Asetian Bible changed your life or attitude, if at all. But I would like to be more specific.

For those of you who practise some form of Dark Art, has the AB changed or influenced at all your deepest layers (vampirism, magic, dark paths, evolution, etc...) regardless of what your nature is?

Personally, I have found that I have been developing new sensibilities I didn't know I had. Now, I am not saying this is necessarily related to having read the AB, but it has happened afterwards. Perhaps there is a subtle influence, on a less than conscious level, or perhaps for some people the AB has provided a good wakeup call to their inner nature.

Just wondering.

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Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible? Empty Re: Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible?

Post by Jonathan 24.04.09 13:09

Always nice to discuss these things. Personally I have noticed more awareness of the subtle reality and more understanding of the underlaying mechanisms behind it.
Another important thing is that the AB gave me some confort, to see that some of the feelings and situations I have been experiencing for so long are also experienced by others, properly identified and that can be explained by someone as knowledgeable of the occult and metaphysics as Luis Marques. It showed me that I was not alone or insane. That alone was worthy the read of the book, since it was a big step in my life's pursuit for answers that took me so many years through the pagan paths and into the occult, to finally find something that I can identify with, even if not an Asetian. It is clearly something that I can comune and identify with, by its surprisingly deep spiritual path, the metaphysical techniques, the energy foundation, the whole feel and with all the beauty related with it.

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Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible? Empty Re: Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible?

Post by Victor 24.04.09 18:41

The Asetian Bible affects everyone that reads it, even if they cannot tell how and when. It affected everyone who read it and will continue to affect... I am no exception. On this particular subject, however, and at least for now, I would rather keep the why's in privacy. But I can add I am no Asetian, so the strength of their magick does not apply only to Asetians and Keepers as some may wrongly assume.

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Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible? Empty Re: Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible?

Post by Gilded 25.04.09 0:24

The most obvious change I noticed in myself and in my life, after reading the Asetian Bible, was the fact that I now am much more aware of Life... much more aware of Truth, and feel perfectly on track as I have never felt before. I look at life through another lens, and every day seems to teach me lessons that I could have never known in the past. On a more subtle level, or perhaps only emotional and not energetic, is the fact that when I come across anything related with Ancient Egypt, such as paintings, or simply the cover of the AB, I can sometimes feel a “pull”, or a “heaviness” within myself. A feeling that, to my understanding, was felt by a few of you here as well. I really look forward to reading other's thoughts on this topic, it is always interesting to read how individuals changed after reading the AB.

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Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible? Empty Re: Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible?

Post by Syrianeh 25.04.09 5:37

Gilded wrote:when I come across anything related with Ancient Egypt, such as paintings, or simply the cover of the AB, I can sometimes feel a “pull”, or a “heaviness” within myself.

I have felt this too, combined with a mix of fascination and nostalgia. But I am overly self-critical these days and I know how easy it is to become enamoured of the whole period and stories told in the AB and thus feed your imagination all sorts of things.

Still, ancient Egypt has always held a special interest for me, more than any other period History. The change has gone from a fascination/pull to a clearer understanding, like breaking a code.

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Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible? Empty Re: Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible?

Post by Phoenix 25.04.09 20:55

I am not practicing any dark arts (and still challenge why they are called dark when my viewpoint is they are alternative), so cannot comment from that viewpoint, but I feel the draw and allure of the AB. Its mere reading seems to affect us all. I mentioned in an earlier post that the AB appears to be a talisman, charged with subtle energy that changes the reader. Does anyone here truly not feel its pull, the desire for more knowledge and compulsion to follow the path it beckons us on?

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Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible? Empty Re: Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible?

Post by Malek 26.04.09 10:21

I have studied the Asetian bible quite a few times since receiving it and it has led me on quite the path of discovery. I have come to many new realizations about life, my perception of reality, the "larger" picture and I now have an immense sense of peace and understanding. This all had not come merely as the result of the AB alone... but it started the adventure!

(Just a bit of a fun side note... the AB also resulted in me finding out about the concept of English-Prime and the benefits of it in communication as well as the massive effect "E-Prime" could potentially have on the English speaking world if adopted. I have typed this entire post using that method of speech. Look it up sometime. It can certainly have a liberating effect on someone once they are used to it. Smile )

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Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible? Empty Re: Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible?

Post by Syrianeh 26.04.09 10:36

Malek: I have looked up E-Prime at and it is indeed very interesting as a concept, it gives much more force to language and makes the speaker in a way take responsibility for what is said. I had not noticed that the AB is in this format (as I had not heard of this before).

Thanks for pointing it out.

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Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible? Empty Re: Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible?

Post by Syrianeh 26.04.09 10:37

... for what is said = for what he/she says! Surprised

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Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible? Empty Re: Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible?

Post by Saylamine 27.04.09 18:56

I believe that reading the Asetian Bible has helped me integrate my spirituality with my "mundane" life. Before I read the Asetian Bible, I tended to compartmentalize my spiritual practices. I feel a greater sense of awareness, peace, and acceptance overall. Every time I pick up the Asetian Bible it doesn't seem to read the same way twice. It is always amazing to me. It has given me an even greater appreciation for Egyptian history and knowledge too.

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Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible? Empty Re: Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible?

Post by Kotaro 29.04.09 11:02

Saylamine wrote:I believe that reading the Asetian Bible has helped me integrate my spirituality with my "mundane" life. Before I read the Asetian Bible, I tended to compartmentalize my spiritual practices. I feel a greater sense of awareness, peace, and acceptance overall. Every time I pick up the Asetian Bible it doesn't seem to read the same way twice. It is always amazing to me. It has given me an even greater appreciation for Egyptian history and knowledge too.

Well put, Saylamine.

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Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible? Empty Re: Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible?

Post by Azrael 20.08.09 22:24

The book has changed the way I think, as It opens up more questions each time I pick it up...This book is powerful...Questions I've had before have been answered but new ones spawn, this book began my quest for knowledge, and has made me more aware and drawn into the Egyptian Culture...I have become more enlightened...There are many secrets, I just get drawn deeper...

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Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible? Empty Re: Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible?

Post by Ankhhape 21.08.09 5:54

Malek wrote:(Just a bit of a fun side note... the AB also resulted in me finding out about the concept of English-Prime and the benefits of it in communication as well as the massive effect "E-Prime" could potentially have on the English speaking world if adopted. I have typed this entire post using that method of speech. Look it up sometime. It can certainly have a liberating effect on someone once they are used to it. Smile )
Very interesting, I was not aware of this movement.
Speaking of speech and language, the Egyptian priests were always very aware of how a sentence was constructed. There were never any 'doubts' withing the statement, they did not 'ask' you to have a good day for instance, they told you to have a good day.

The effect of proper speech and intent was part of the Power of Words (Heka) and taken very seriously order to impart positive vibrations and squelch any negative vibrations.

Just throwing it out there . . scratch

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Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible? Empty Re: Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible?

Post by Jonathan 21.08.09 8:14

Azrael wrote:The book has changed the way I think, as It opens up more questions each time I pick it up...This book is powerful...Questions I've had before have been answered but new ones spawn, this book began my quest for knowledge, and has made me more aware and drawn into the Egyptian Culture...I have become more enlightened...There are many secrets, I just get drawn deeper...
Very well said, I can highly identify with your words and thoughts in this post.

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Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible? Empty Re: Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible?

Post by Daniel09 21.08.09 21:28

I've finally had some time since I first read this book, and I must say, there have definitely been changes. I would say the most profound is in my acceptance of strange powers I don't understand. It seems whenever I have a query, if I open the AB, it will bring me exactly to the page that discusses what I'm pondering, and helps immensely with my problem. Most often I've found myself open to different shen center pages when I ask what needs worked on. Other times I just hit the Asetian Manifesto.

I've found it easier to meditate using this book, and in general it just sparks numerous ideas and thoughts that otherwise would have been left unlit.

With this book, I've achieved a much improved Ma'at with my mind, body, and soul. It really was worth the money I worked to earn. Before I read it, I was uncertain about many things, and that's about how my life turned out, swirling in a plateau of stagnant energy. Now I'm moving forward, advancing my understanding of myself, and developing everything I know about myself. One example of something I otherwise never would have figured out, is that I have a feminine energy, and that in turn makes me attracted to men more often than women.

Pretty much the only thing I haven't been able to improve with this book is the outbreak of acne that comes with teenage years. ^.^

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Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible? Empty Re: Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible?

Post by Jonathan 22.08.09 5:44

Daniel09 wrote:Pretty much the only thing I haven't been able to improve with this book is the outbreak of acne that comes with teenage years. ^.^


But nice post, thanks for sharing your experience with us.

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Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible? Empty Re: Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible?

Post by Dreamer 28.09.09 6:40

I may be wrong, but I sense that after reading the Asetian Bible, I understood what energy is and how it works, better than ever... allowing myself to develop a slight bit, when I am doing energy work and meditation.

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Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible? Empty Re: Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible?

Post by Azrael 17.10.09 21:26

Dreamer wrote:I may be wrong, but I sense that after reading the Asetian Bible, I understood what energy is and how it works, better than ever... allowing myself to develop a slight bit, when I am doing energy work and meditation.

I know what you mean... The Asetian Bible has opened me up, to become more aware of energy and subtle matter... The AB inspired me to learn even more, every time I pick the book up I find something new or I look at something in a different way...

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Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible? Empty Re: Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible?

Post by Aghrab 18.10.09 1:58

Azrael wrote:every time I pick the book up I find something new or I look at something in a different way...
It is interesting and curious, how many people have said that they have had the exact same experience... opening the Asetian Bible to find something new within it that they never realized before.


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Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible? Empty Re: Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible?

Post by Daniel09 18.10.09 11:55

That is certainly something the AB excels at. I have found myself discovering many things I would otherwise never consider, just by flipping to a random page with the book. The ideas which have aroused from this reading are unfathomable.

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Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible? Empty Re: Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible?

Post by Kotaro 19.10.09 21:23

I agree with you both, Aghrab and Daniel09. As you said Daniel09, "the AB excels at" my thoughts exactly.

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Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible? Empty Re: Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible?

Post by mellusine13 21.10.09 15:35

I just started reading AB & I've had many dreams (Mr.Luis Marques)Some people they have ask me about it But i havent got any feed back from it,..


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Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible? Empty some changes

Post by mellusine13 25.10.09 15:27

Incredible amount of dreams,... Some been in Egypt with the biggest full moon doing some type of rituals, other secret meeting with a group a people, etc,,...


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Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible? Empty Re: Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible?

Post by Jonathan 25.10.09 16:05

That is all very interesting, mellusine.

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Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible? Empty Re: Any subtle changes after reading the Asetian Bible?

Post by Kahina 25.10.09 16:41

mellusine13 wrote:Incredible amount of dreams,... Some been in Egypt with the biggest full moon doing some type of rituals, other secret meeting with a group a people, etc,,...
With those dreams would be good you write them, with every detail. It may be useful for you. Smile

About the Asetian Bible, The Sacred Book, caused some changes in me. Like mellusine13, I began to have many dreams related with energies manipulation, spirits...
I began to have daily practices that I never had before.
I began to feel more strongly everything that is more subtle.

I doubt that Asetian Bible doesn't cause any change in his readers. Each word hides a great power.

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